Arma Reforger Script API
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SCR_BaseGameMode Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_BaseGameMode:

Public Member Functions

bool IsResourceTypeEnabled (EResourceType resourceType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES)
int GetDisabledResourceTypes (inout notnull array< EResourceType > disabledResourceTypes)
void SetResourceTypeEnabled (bool enable, EResourceType resourceType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES, int playerID=-1)
 Change if supplies are enabled or not.
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnResourceEnabledChanged > GetOnResourceTypeEnabledChanged ()
bool CanStartSpawnPreload ()
bool IsRunning ()
 Returns whether current game mode is running its game loop.
SCR_EGameModeState GetState ()
 Returns current game state.
sealed bool IsMaster ()
 Returns whether the owner of this instance is authority or not.
float GetElapsedTime ()
 Returns elapsed time from the start of this game in seconds.
float GetTimeLimit ()
 Returns the game duration from the start of game in seconds or 0 if none.
float GetRemainingTime ()
 Returns the remaining time of this game in seconds or -1 if none or undefined.
bool IsHosted ()
void CachePlayerSpawnPosition (int playerID, vector position)
SCR_RespawnSystemComponent GetRespawnSystemComponent ()
 Returns respawn system component attached to this gamemode.
SCR_GameModeHealthSettings GetGameModeHealthSettings ()
SCR_BaseScoringSystemComponent GetScoringSystemComponent ()
 Returns scoring system component attached to this game mode or null if none.
void StartGameMode ()
 Server-only call that starts current session.
void EndGameMode (SCR_GameModeEndData endData)
 Server-only call that marks current session as complete.
SCR_GameModeEndData GetEndGameData ()
 Get end game data will return null if game has not ended.
ScriptInvoker GetOnGameStart ()
ScriptInvoker GetOnGameEnd ()
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > GetOnPlayerAuditSuccess ()
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > GetOnPlayerAuditFail ()
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > GetOnPlayerAuditTimeouted ()
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > GetOnPlayerAuditRevived ()
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > GetOnPlayerConnected ()
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > GetOnPlayerRegistered ()
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerDisconnected > GetOnPlayerDisconnected ()
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerDisconnected > GetOnPostCompPlayerDisconnected ()
 Called on player disconnect and after Gamemode components are notified.
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerIdAndEntity > GetOnPlayerSpawned ()
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnControllableDestroyed > GetOnPlayerKilled ()
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerIdAndEntity > GetOnPlayerDeleted ()
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerRoleChanged > GetOnPlayerRoleChange ()
ScriptInvoker GetOnWorldPostProcess ()
ScriptInvoker GetOnControllableSpawned ()
ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnControllableDestroyed > GetOnControllableDestroyed ()
ScriptInvoker GetOnControllableDeleted ()
ScriptInvoker GetOnGameModeEnd ()
 Get on game end script invoker called on every machine.
WorldTimestamp GetGameEndTimeStamp ()
 Returns local timestamp when endgame was called.
float GetAutoReloadDelay ()
 Returns delay of mission reload (if enabled) in seconds or else 0 if disabled.
void OnGameEnd ()
bool IsFactionChangeAllowed ()
override void OnPlayerAuditSuccess (int iPlayerID)
override void OnPlayerAuditFail (int iPlayerID)
override void OnPlayerAuditTimeouted (int iPlayerID)
override void OnPlayerAuditRevived (int iPlayerID)
override void OnPlayerConnected (int playerId)
 Called after a player is connected.
override void OnWorldPostProcess (World world)
 Called once loading of all entities of the world have been finished (still within the loading)
void OnSpawnPlayerEntityFailure_S (SCR_SpawnRequestComponent requestComponent, SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent handlerComponent, IEntity entity, SCR_SpawnData data, SCR_ESpawnResult reason)
 Authority: Callback raised when the spawn process failed.
void OnPlayerEntityChanged_S (int playerId, IEntity previousEntity, IEntity newEntity)
 Authority: Callback raised when the spawn system causes provided player's controlled entity to change.
bool PreparePlayerEntity_S (SCR_SpawnRequestComponent requestComponent, SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent handlerComponent, SCR_SpawnData data, IEntity entity)
 Authority only: During the spawn process (after validation pass), the SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent can opt to prepare spawned entity.
void OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S (SCR_SpawnRequestComponent requestComponent, SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent handlerComponent, SCR_SpawnData data, IEntity entity)
 Authority only: Whenever a SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent processes a spawn request and finished the finalization stage (awaits finalization, passes control to client) this method is called.
void OnPlayerSpawnOnPoint_S (SCR_SpawnRequestComponent requestComponent, SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent handlerComponent, IEntity entity, SCR_SpawnPointSpawnData spawnPointData)
 Authority: Callback raised when the spawn system causes provided player to spawn with an entity at given spawn point.
void OnPlayerLoadoutSet_S (SCR_PlayerLoadoutComponent loadoutComponent, SCR_BasePlayerLoadout loadout)
 Authority: Callback raised when provided player (SCR_PlayerLoadoutComponent.GetPlayerController()) has their loadout set.
void OnPlayerFactionSet_S (SCR_PlayerFactionAffiliationComponent factionComponent, Faction faction)
 Authority: Callback raised when provided player (SCR_PlayerFactionAffiliationComponent.GetPlayerController()) has their faction set.
bool CanPlayerSpawn_S (SCR_SpawnRequestComponent requestComponent, SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent handlerComponent, SCR_SpawnData data, out SCR_ESpawnResult result=SCR_ESpawnResult.SPAWN_NOT_ALLOWED)
 Authority: Override and implement logic for whether provided player can spawn.
int GetPlayerRemainingRespawnTime (int playerID)
 Returns remaining respawn time in seconds for given player.
override bool RplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer)
override bool RplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader)
void HandleOnTasksInitialized ()
 Called once tasks are initialized.
bool GetAllowControls ()
SCR_BaseGameModeStateComponent GetStateComponent (SCR_EGameModeState state)
bool PauseGame (bool pause, SCR_EPauseReason reason=SCR_EPauseReason.SYSTEM)
 Pause or unpause game.
bool CanBePaused ()
 Return true if client is offline.
override void EOnFrame (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
override void EOnInit (IEntity owner)
OnPreloadFinishedInvoker GetOnPreloadFinished ()
void StartSpawnPreload (vector position)
void SCR_BaseGameMode (IEntitySource src, IEntity parent)
void ~SCR_BaseGameMode ()
void OnWorldPostProcess (World world)
 Event called once loading of all entities of the world have been finished. (still within the loading)

Static Public Attributes

const static string WB_GAME_MODE_CATEGORY = "Game Mode"

Protected Member Functions

void OnResourceTypeEnabledChanged ()
 \Called when Global Supplies is set to enabled or disabled (Server and client)
void OnGameStateChanged ()
 Called when game state changed, i.e.
bool CanStartGameMode ()
 Server-only logic that implements whether we can transition from pre-game (if enabled) to game loop.
void OnGameModeStart ()
 Called on every machine when game mode starts by OnGameStateChanged.
void OnGameModeEnd (SCR_GameModeEndData endData)
 Called on every machine when game mode ends by OnGameStateChanged.
void RestartSession ()
 Reloads current session (authority only).
override void OnGameStart ()
 Gets called after world is initialized but before first ticks.
override void OnPlayerDisconnected (int playerId, KickCauseCode cause, int timeout)
 Called after a player is disconnected.
override void OnPlayerRegistered (int playerId)
 Called on every machine after a player is registered (identity, name etc.).
override void OnPlayerSpawned (int playerId, IEntity controlledEntity)
 Called after a player is spawned.
override bool HandlePlayerKilled (int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)
 Called after a player is killed, but before 'OnPlayerKilled'.
override void OnPlayerKilled (int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)
 Default player kill behaviour. Called when a player is killed (and HandlePlayerKilled returns true).
void OnPlayerKilledEx (notnull SCR_InstigatorContextData instigatorContextData)
 Extended OnPlayer Kill, called after BaseGamemode has executed the OnPlayerKilled Param[in] instigatorContextData Instigator context data of the killer and victim.
void OnPlayerKilledHandled (int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)
 Called after player kill behaviour is handled by a component overriding the generic logic.
void OnPlayerDeleted (int playerId, IEntity player)
override void OnPlayerRoleChange (int playerId, EPlayerRole roleFlags)
 Called when player role changes.
override void OnControllableSpawned (IEntity entity)
 When a controllable entity is spawned, this event is raised.
override void OnControllableDestroyed (IEntity entity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator instigator)
void OnControllableDestroyedEx (notnull SCR_InstigatorContextData instigatorContextData)
 Extended controlled character Kill or destroyed, called after BaseGamemode has executed the OnControllableDestroyed Param[in] instigatorContextData Instigator context data of the killer and victim.
override void OnControllableDeleted (IEntity entity)
void ConsumeSuppliesOnPlayerSpawn_S (int playerID, IEntity spawnPoint, SCR_PlayerLoadoutComponent loadoutComp)
void SetLocalControls (bool enabled)
 Enable or disable controls for the local client.
bool GetAllowControlsTarget ()
void HandleSpawnPreload (float timeSlice)
void OnGameStart ()
 Gets called after world is initialized but before first ticks.
void OnPlayerAuditSuccess (int iPlayerID)
void OnPlayerAuditFail (int iPlayerID)
void OnPlayerAuditTimeouted (int iPlayerID)
void OnPlayerAuditRevived (int iPlayerID)
void OnPlayerConnected (int playerId)
 Called after a player is connected.
void OnPlayerRegistered (int playerId)
 Called on every machine after a player is registered (identity, name etc.).
void OnPlayerDisconnected (int playerId, KickCauseCode cause, int timeout)
 Called after a player is disconnected.
void OnPlayerSpawned (int playerId, IEntity controlledEntity)
 Called after a player is spawned.
bool HandlePlayerKilled (int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)
 Called after a player is killed, but before 'OnPlayerKilled'.
void OnPlayerKilled (int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)
 Called after a player gets killed (but only after 'SCR_HandlePlayerKilled' returns true).
void OnControllableSpawned (IEntity entity)
 When a controllable entity is spawned, this event is raised.
void OnControllableDestroyed (IEntity entity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator instigator)
void OnControllableDeleted (IEntity entity)
void OnPlayerRoleChange (int playerId, EPlayerRole roleFlags)
 Called when player role changes.

Protected Attributes

ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnGameStart = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnGameEnd = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > m_OnPlayerAuditSuccess = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId>()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > m_OnPlayerAuditFail = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId>()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > m_OnPlayerAuditTimeouted = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId>()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > m_OnPlayerAuditRevived = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId>()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > m_OnPlayerConnected = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId>()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > m_OnPlayerRegistered = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId>()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerDisconnected > m_OnPlayerDisconnected = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerDisconnected>()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerDisconnected > m_OnPostCompPlayerDisconnected = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerDisconnected>()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerIdAndEntity > m_OnPlayerSpawned = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerIdAndEntity>()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnControllableDestroyed > m_OnPlayerKilled = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnControllableDestroyed>()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnControllableDestroyed > m_OnControllableDestroyed = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnControllableDestroyed>()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerIdAndEntity > m_OnPlayerDeleted = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerIdAndEntity>()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerRoleChanged > m_OnPlayerRoleChange = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerRoleChanged>()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnWorldPostProcess = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnControllableSpawned = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnControllableDeleted = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnGameModeEnd = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnResourceEnabledChanged > m_OnResourceTypeEnabledChanged
SCR_EPauseReason m_ePauseReasons
EGameFlags m_eTestGameFlags
bool m_bAutoPlayerRespawn
bool m_bAllowFactionChange
bool m_bAdvanceTimeRequiresPlayers
float m_fTimeElapsed
 Elapsed time from the beginning of the game mode in seconds.
bool m_bAllowControls = true
 If false, controls are disable for the time being.
float m_fTimeCorrectionInterval = 10.0
 Interval of time synchronization in seconds.
float m_fLastTimeCorrection
 Last timestamp of sent time correction for the server.
bool m_bIsHosted
 Is the session hosted by a player?
RplComponent m_RplComponent
SCR_GameModeHealthSettings m_pGameModeHealthSettings
SCR_RespawnSystemComponent m_pRespawnSystemComponent
SCR_BaseScoringSystemComponent m_ScoringSystemComponent
SCR_RespawnTimerComponent m_RespawnTimerComponent
ref array< SCR_BaseGameModeComponentm_aAdditionalGamemodeComponents = new array<SCR_BaseGameModeComponent>()
 Additional game mode components attached to this gamemode where we dispatch all our game mode related events to.
ref map< int, vector > m_mPlayerSpawnPosition = new map<int, vector>()
 Used on server to respawn player on their original position after reconnecting.
ref map< SCR_EGameModeState, SCR_BaseGameModeStateComponentm_mStateComponents = new map<SCR_EGameModeState, SCR_BaseGameModeStateComponent>()
 Map of components per state.
bool m_bUseSpawnPreload
 Spawn location preload.
ref SCR_SpawnPreload m_SpawnPreload
ref OnPreloadFinishedInvoker m_OnPreloadFinished
ref array< EResourceType > m_aDisabledResourceTypes
WorldTimestamp m_GameEndTimeStamp = null

Detailed Description


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SCR_BaseGameMode()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.SCR_BaseGameMode ( IEntitySource  src,
IEntity  parent 

◆ ~SCR_BaseGameMode()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.~SCR_BaseGameMode ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ CachePlayerSpawnPosition()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.CachePlayerSpawnPosition ( int  playerID,
vector  position 

◆ CanBePaused()

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.CanBePaused ( )

Return true if client is offline.

◆ CanPlayerSpawn_S()

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.CanPlayerSpawn_S ( SCR_SpawnRequestComponent  requestComponent,
SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent  handlerComponent,
SCR_SpawnData  data,
out SCR_ESpawnResult  result = SCR_ESpawnResult::SPAWN_NOT_ALLOWED 

Authority: Override and implement logic for whether provided player can spawn.

requestComponentThe player request component instigating this spawn.
handlerComponentThe spawn handler component handling this spawn.
dataThe request payload.
[out]resultReason why respawn is disabled. Note that if returns true the reason will always be OK
True when spawn is allowed, false otherwise.

Implemented in SCR_GameModeCampaign.

◆ CanStartGameMode()

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.CanStartGameMode ( )

Server-only logic that implements whether we can transition from pre-game (if enabled) to game loop.

Requires an attached SCR_BaseGameModeStateComponent affiliated to the SCR_EGameModeState.PREGAME state.

Does not apply to manual StartGameMode() call from the authority!

Returns true in case pre-game can end and game can start or false otherwise.

◆ CanStartSpawnPreload()

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.CanStartSpawnPreload ( )

◆ ConsumeSuppliesOnPlayerSpawn_S()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.ConsumeSuppliesOnPlayerSpawn_S ( int  playerID,
IEntity  spawnPoint,
SCR_PlayerLoadoutComponent  loadoutComp 

◆ EndGameMode()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.EndGameMode ( SCR_GameModeEndData  endData)

Server-only call that marks current session as complete.

Replicates state to all clients, see GetState() and IsRunning().

SCR_GameModeEndDatathe data this game mode ends with. When null, fallback to default is used. All machines can reach this data in the OnGameModeEnd(SCR_GameModeEndData) method.

◆ EOnFrame()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.EOnFrame ( IEntity  owner,
float  timeSlice 

◆ EOnInit()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.EOnInit ( IEntity  owner)

◆ GetAllowControls()

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.GetAllowControls ( )
true if controls for local player should be disabled.

◆ GetAllowControlsTarget()

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.GetAllowControlsTarget ( )
the desired target for the authority of whether controls should be disabled or not, based on the current state, if any.

◆ GetAutoReloadDelay()

float SCR_BaseGameMode.GetAutoReloadDelay ( )

Returns delay of mission reload (if enabled) in seconds or else 0 if disabled.

◆ GetDisabledResourceTypes()

int SCR_BaseGameMode.GetDisabledResourceTypes ( inout notnull array< EResourceType >  disabledResourceTypes)
[out]disabledResourceTypesDisabled resource types
the count of all disabled resource types

◆ GetElapsedTime()

float SCR_BaseGameMode.GetElapsedTime ( )

Returns elapsed time from the start of this game in seconds.

Elapsed time in seconds.

◆ GetEndGameData()

SCR_GameModeEndData SCR_BaseGameMode.GetEndGameData ( )

Get end game data will return null if game has not ended.

SCR_GameModeEndData m_pGameEndData the data this game mode ends with

◆ GetGameEndTimeStamp()

WorldTimestamp SCR_BaseGameMode.GetGameEndTimeStamp ( )

Returns local timestamp when endgame was called.

◆ GetGameModeHealthSettings()

SCR_GameModeHealthSettings SCR_BaseGameMode.GetGameModeHealthSettings ( )

◆ GetOnControllableDeleted()

ScriptInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnControllableDeleted ( )

◆ GetOnControllableDestroyed()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnControllableDestroyed > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnControllableDestroyed ( )

◆ GetOnControllableSpawned()

ScriptInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnControllableSpawned ( )

◆ GetOnGameEnd()

ScriptInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnGameEnd ( )

◆ GetOnGameModeEnd()

ScriptInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnGameModeEnd ( )

Get on game end script invoker called on every machine.

ScriptInvoker Event_OnGameModeEnd

◆ GetOnGameStart()

ScriptInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnGameStart ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerAuditFail()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPlayerAuditFail ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerAuditRevived()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPlayerAuditRevived ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerAuditSuccess()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPlayerAuditSuccess ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerAuditTimeouted()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPlayerAuditTimeouted ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerConnected()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPlayerConnected ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerDeleted()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerIdAndEntity > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPlayerDeleted ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerDisconnected()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerDisconnected > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPlayerDisconnected ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerKilled()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnControllableDestroyed > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPlayerKilled ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerRegistered()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPlayerRegistered ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerRoleChange()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerRoleChanged > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPlayerRoleChange ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerSpawned()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerIdAndEntity > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPlayerSpawned ( )

◆ GetOnPostCompPlayerDisconnected()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerDisconnected > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPostCompPlayerDisconnected ( )

Called on player disconnect and after Gamemode components are notified.

Script invoker

◆ GetOnPreloadFinished()

OnPreloadFinishedInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnPreloadFinished ( )

◆ GetOnResourceTypeEnabledChanged()

ScriptInvokerBase< SCR_BaseGameMode_OnResourceEnabledChanged > SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnResourceTypeEnabledChanged ( )
ScriptInvoker OnSupplies Enabled

◆ GetOnWorldPostProcess()

ScriptInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.GetOnWorldPostProcess ( )

◆ GetPlayerRemainingRespawnTime()

int SCR_BaseGameMode.GetPlayerRemainingRespawnTime ( int  playerID)

Returns remaining respawn time in seconds for given player.

◆ GetRemainingTime()

float SCR_BaseGameMode.GetRemainingTime ( )

Returns the remaining time of this game in seconds or -1 if none or undefined.

Remaining time of this game.

◆ GetRespawnSystemComponent()

SCR_RespawnSystemComponent SCR_BaseGameMode.GetRespawnSystemComponent ( )

Returns respawn system component attached to this gamemode.

Returns attached respawn system instance or null if none.

◆ GetScoringSystemComponent()

SCR_BaseScoringSystemComponent SCR_BaseGameMode.GetScoringSystemComponent ( )

Returns scoring system component attached to this game mode or null if none.

Returns attached scoring system instance or null if none.

◆ GetState()

SCR_EGameModeState SCR_BaseGameMode.GetState ( )

Returns current game state.

See SCR_GameModeState for more details.

Current game state.

◆ GetStateComponent()

SCR_BaseGameModeStateComponent SCR_BaseGameMode.GetStateComponent ( SCR_EGameModeState  state)
state component for provided state or null if none.

◆ GetTimeLimit()

float SCR_BaseGameMode.GetTimeLimit ( )

Returns the game duration from the start of game in seconds or 0 if none.

Maximum time in seconds or 0 if infinite.

◆ HandleOnTasksInitialized()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.HandleOnTasksInitialized ( )

Called once tasks are initialized.

◆ HandlePlayerKilled()

override bool SCR_BaseGameMode.HandlePlayerKilled ( int  playerId,
IEntity  playerEntity,
IEntity  killerEntity,
notnull Instigator  killer 

Called after a player is killed, but before 'OnPlayerKilled'.

The default behavior is such that this method returns true, therefore each kill is handled automatically, resulting in a 'OnPlayerKilled' callback. When this method is overridden to return false, the callback is not called automatically.

This custom behavior can be used to suppress 'OnPlayerKilled' callbacks in specific scenarios, e.g. when a player is possessing an AI, in which case it might not be desirable to raise this callback, but rather handle the kill manually, by the user: e.g. by returning the player's control of their previous entity.

Return true to handle kill automatically, resulting in an immediate 'OnPlayerKilled' callback, otherwise the kill callback is suppressed, allowing custom user handling.

playerIdPlayerId of victim player.
playerEntity of victim player (if any).
killerEntityentity of the instigator. If killerEntity is null, you can use instigator.GetInstigatorEntity() if appropiate.
killerEntity of killer instigator (if any).
True to handle kill automatically (raise 'OnPlayerKilled'), false to not handle automatically (don't raise).

Implements BaseGameMode.

◆ HandleSpawnPreload()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.HandleSpawnPreload ( float  timeSlice)

◆ IsFactionChangeAllowed()

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.IsFactionChangeAllowed ( )

◆ IsHosted()

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.IsHosted ( )
True if the game is hosted by a player (i.e., not dedicated server)

◆ IsMaster()

sealed bool SCR_BaseGameMode.IsMaster ( )

Returns whether the owner of this instance is authority or not.

◆ IsResourceTypeEnabled()

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.IsResourceTypeEnabled ( EResourceType  resourceType = EResourceType::SUPPLIES)
If resource are enabled or not

◆ IsRunning()

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.IsRunning ( )

Returns whether current game mode is running its game loop.

True in case gamemode is running, false if it is over.

◆ OnControllableDeleted()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnControllableDeleted ( IEntity  entity)

Implements BaseGameMode.

◆ OnControllableDestroyed()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnControllableDestroyed ( IEntity  entity,
IEntity  killerEntity,
notnull Instigator  instigator 

Implements BaseGameMode.

Implemented in SCR_GameModeLastStand.

◆ OnControllableDestroyedEx()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnControllableDestroyedEx ( notnull SCR_InstigatorContextData  instigatorContextData)

Extended controlled character Kill or destroyed, called after BaseGamemode has executed the OnControllableDestroyed Param[in] instigatorContextData Instigator context data of the killer and victim.

Implemented in SCR_GameModeCampaign.

◆ OnControllableSpawned()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnControllableSpawned ( IEntity  entity)

When a controllable entity is spawned, this event is raised.

Controllable entity is such that has BaseControllerComponent and can be possessed either by a player, an AI or stay unpossessed.

entitySpawned entity that raised this event

Implements BaseGameMode.

◆ OnGameEnd()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnGameEnd ( )

Implemented in SCR_GameModeEditor.

◆ OnGameModeEnd()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnGameModeEnd ( SCR_GameModeEndData  endData)

Called on every machine when game mode ends by OnGameStateChanged.

This can be based on time limit or as deemed appropriate by the authority, e.g. after reaching certain score threshold and similar.

SCR_GameModeEndDataoptional game mode end data received from the server.

◆ OnGameModeStart()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnGameModeStart ( )

Called on every machine when game mode starts by OnGameStateChanged.

This can be immediate (if no pre-game period is set) or can happen after a certain delay, as deemed appropriate by the authority.

◆ OnGameStart()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnGameStart ( )

Gets called after world is initialized but before first ticks.

Implements BaseGameMode.

Implemented in SCR_GameModeEditor.

◆ OnGameStateChanged()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnGameStateChanged ( )

Called when game state changed, i.e.

when game ends. Can be used to display post-scenario scoreboard and prepare for next match if any. See IsRunning() for new state.

◆ OnPlayerAuditFail()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerAuditFail ( int  iPlayerID)

Implements BaseGameMode.

◆ OnPlayerAuditRevived()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerAuditRevived ( int  iPlayerID)

Implements BaseGameMode.

◆ OnPlayerAuditSuccess()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerAuditSuccess ( int  iPlayerID)

Implements BaseGameMode.

Implemented in SCR_GameModeCampaign.

◆ OnPlayerAuditTimeouted()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerAuditTimeouted ( int  iPlayerID)

Implements BaseGameMode.

◆ OnPlayerConnected()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerConnected ( int  playerId)

Called after a player is connected.


playerIdPlayerId of connected player.

Implements BaseGameMode.

◆ OnPlayerDeleted()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerDeleted ( int  playerId,
IEntity  player 

Implemented in SCR_GameModeEditor.

◆ OnPlayerDisconnected()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerDisconnected ( int  playerId,
KickCauseCode  cause,
int  timeout 

Called after a player is disconnected.

playerIdPlayerId of disconnected player.

Implements BaseGameMode.

Implemented in SCR_GameModeCampaign, and SCR_GameModeCleanSweep.

◆ OnPlayerEntityChanged_S()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerEntityChanged_S ( int  playerId,
IEntity  previousEntity,
IEntity  newEntity 

Authority: Callback raised when the spawn system causes provided player's controlled entity to change.

◆ OnPlayerFactionSet_S()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerFactionSet_S ( SCR_PlayerFactionAffiliationComponent  factionComponent,
Faction  faction 

Authority: Callback raised when provided player (SCR_PlayerFactionAffiliationComponent.GetPlayerController()) has their faction set.

◆ OnPlayerKilled()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerKilled ( int  playerId,
IEntity  playerEntity,
IEntity  killerEntity,
notnull Instigator  killer 

Default player kill behaviour. Called when a player is killed (and HandlePlayerKilled returns true).

Implements BaseGameMode.

Implemented in SCR_GameModeCleanSweep, and SCR_GameModeEditor.

◆ OnPlayerKilledEx()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerKilledEx ( notnull SCR_InstigatorContextData  instigatorContextData)

Extended OnPlayer Kill, called after BaseGamemode has executed the OnPlayerKilled Param[in] instigatorContextData Instigator context data of the killer and victim.

Implemented in SCR_GameModeCampaign.

◆ OnPlayerKilledHandled()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerKilledHandled ( int  playerId,
IEntity  playerEntity,
IEntity  killerEntity,
notnull Instigator  killer 

Called after player kill behaviour is handled by a component overriding the generic logic.

◆ OnPlayerLoadoutSet_S()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerLoadoutSet_S ( SCR_PlayerLoadoutComponent  loadoutComponent,
SCR_BasePlayerLoadout  loadout 

Authority: Callback raised when provided player (SCR_PlayerLoadoutComponent.GetPlayerController()) has their loadout set.

◆ OnPlayerRegistered()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerRegistered ( int  playerId)

Called on every machine after a player is registered (identity, name etc.).

Always called after OnPlayerConnected.

playerIdPlayerId of registered player.

Implements BaseGameMode.

Implemented in SCR_GameModeCampaign, and SCR_GameModeCleanSweep.

◆ OnPlayerRoleChange()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerRoleChange ( int  playerId,
EPlayerRole  roleFlags 

Called when player role changes.

playerIdPlayer whose role is being changed.
roleFlagsRoles as a flags

Implements BaseGameMode.

◆ OnPlayerSpawned()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerSpawned ( int  playerId,
IEntity  controlledEntity 

Called after a player is spawned.

playerIdPlayerId of spawned player.
controlledEntitySpawned entity for this player.

Implements BaseGameMode.

◆ OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S ( SCR_SpawnRequestComponent  requestComponent,
SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent  handlerComponent,
SCR_SpawnData  data,
IEntity  entity 

Authority only: Whenever a SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent processes a spawn request and finished the finalization stage (awaits finalization, passes control to client) this method is called.

This is the final step in the respawn process and after this point the owner of SCR_SpawnRequestComponent is spawned.

requestComponentInstigator of the request.
handlerComponentHandler that processed the request.
dataThe payload of the request.
entitySpawned (or generally assigned) entity.

Implemented in SCR_GameModeCampaign.

◆ OnPlayerSpawnOnPoint_S()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerSpawnOnPoint_S ( SCR_SpawnRequestComponent  requestComponent,
SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent  handlerComponent,
IEntity  entity,
SCR_SpawnPointSpawnData  spawnPointData 

Authority: Callback raised when the spawn system causes provided player to spawn with an entity at given spawn point.

See: SCR_BaseGameMode.OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S

Implemented in SCR_GameModeCampaign.

◆ OnResourceTypeEnabledChanged()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnResourceTypeEnabledChanged ( )

\Called when Global Supplies is set to enabled or disabled (Server and client)

◆ OnSpawnPlayerEntityFailure_S()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnSpawnPlayerEntityFailure_S ( SCR_SpawnRequestComponent  requestComponent,
SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent  handlerComponent,
IEntity  entity,
SCR_SpawnData  data,
SCR_ESpawnResult  reason 

Authority: Callback raised when the spawn process failed.

In cases where an entity is spawned, it might be desirable to dispose of it or handle specific related game logic if it e.g. cannot be prepared, or assigned to the target player.

entityThe entity that should be spawned, but could not be given over (prepared, assigned, ..)

◆ OnWorldPostProcess()

override void SCR_BaseGameMode.OnWorldPostProcess ( World  world)

Called once loading of all entities of the world have been finished (still within the loading)

worldLoaded world

Implements BaseGameMode.

Implemented in SCR_GameModeCampaign.

◆ PauseGame()

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.PauseGame ( bool  pause,
SCR_EPauseReason  reason = SCR_EPauseReason::SYSTEM 

Pause or unpause game.

Prevent unpause if it's paused by GM.

[in]pauseTrue - will pause game, False - will continue game
[in]reasonFrom which system is pause called.
True if pause/unpause was done. False if changing pause state is blocked by pause reason or game can't be saved.

◆ PreparePlayerEntity_S()

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.PreparePlayerEntity_S ( SCR_SpawnRequestComponent  requestComponent,
SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent  handlerComponent,
SCR_SpawnData  data,
IEntity  entity 

Authority only: During the spawn process (after validation pass), the SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent can opt to prepare spawned entity.

This process first happens on affiliated SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent and if it succeeds, it additionally raises this method, which can prepare entity on a global scale. (E.g. game mode logic) Preparation can still fail (e.g. desire to seat a character, but an error occurs) and by returning false the sender is informed of such failure and can respond accordingly.

requestComponentInstigator of the request.
handlerComponentHandler that processed the request.
dataThe payload of the request.
entitySpawned (or generally assigned) entity to be prepared.
True on success (continue to next step), fail on failure (terminate spawn process).

◆ RestartSession()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.RestartSession ( )

Reloads current session (authority only).

◆ RplLoad()

override bool SCR_BaseGameMode.RplLoad ( ScriptBitReader  reader)

Implemented in SCR_GameModeCampaign.

◆ RplSave()

override bool SCR_BaseGameMode.RplSave ( ScriptBitWriter  writer)

Implemented in SCR_GameModeCampaign.

◆ SetLocalControls()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.SetLocalControls ( bool  enabled)

Enable or disable controls for the local client.

enabledTrue to enable controls, false to disable controls over controlled entity.

◆ SetResourceTypeEnabled()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.SetResourceTypeEnabled ( bool  enable,
EResourceType  resourceType = EResourceType::SUPPLIES,
int  playerID = -1 

Change if supplies are enabled or not.

[in]enableSet true to enable supplies, set false to disable
[in]resourceTypeType of resource to enable
[in]PlayerID of player that enabled supplies for the game mode (For notifications)

◆ StartGameMode()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.StartGameMode ( )

Server-only call that starts current session.

Replicates state to all clients, see GetState() and IsRunning().

◆ StartSpawnPreload()

void SCR_BaseGameMode.StartSpawnPreload ( vector  position)

Member Data Documentation

◆ Event_OnGameStart

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.Event_OnGameStart = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_aAdditionalGamemodeComponents

ref array<SCR_BaseGameModeComponent> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_aAdditionalGamemodeComponents = new array<SCR_BaseGameModeComponent>()

Additional game mode components attached to this gamemode where we dispatch all our game mode related events to.

◆ m_aDisabledResourceTypes

ref array<EResourceType> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_aDisabledResourceTypes

◆ m_bAdvanceTimeRequiresPlayers

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.m_bAdvanceTimeRequiresPlayers

◆ m_bAllowControls

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.m_bAllowControls = true

If false, controls are disable for the time being.

◆ m_bAllowFactionChange

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.m_bAllowFactionChange

◆ m_bAutoPlayerRespawn

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.m_bAutoPlayerRespawn

◆ m_bIsHosted

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.m_bIsHosted

Is the session hosted by a player?

◆ m_bUseSpawnPreload

bool SCR_BaseGameMode.m_bUseSpawnPreload

Spawn location preload.

◆ m_ePauseReasons

SCR_EPauseReason SCR_BaseGameMode.m_ePauseReasons

◆ m_eTestGameFlags

EGameFlags SCR_BaseGameMode.m_eTestGameFlags

◆ m_fLastTimeCorrection

float SCR_BaseGameMode.m_fLastTimeCorrection

Last timestamp of sent time correction for the server.

◆ m_fTimeCorrectionInterval

float SCR_BaseGameMode.m_fTimeCorrectionInterval = 10.0

Interval of time synchronization in seconds.

◆ m_fTimeElapsed

float SCR_BaseGameMode.m_fTimeElapsed

Elapsed time from the beginning of the game mode in seconds.

NOTE: This does not correspond to the length of session but rather to the length of current game mode loop.

◆ m_GameEndTimeStamp

WorldTimestamp SCR_BaseGameMode.m_GameEndTimeStamp = null

◆ m_mPlayerSpawnPosition

ref map<int, vector> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_mPlayerSpawnPosition = new map<int, vector>()

Used on server to respawn player on their original position after reconnecting.

◆ m_mStateComponents

ref map<SCR_EGameModeState, SCR_BaseGameModeStateComponent> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_mStateComponents = new map<SCR_EGameModeState, SCR_BaseGameModeStateComponent>()

Map of components per state.

◆ m_OnControllableDeleted

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnControllableDeleted = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnControllableDestroyed

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnControllableDestroyed> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnControllableDestroyed = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnControllableDestroyed>()

◆ m_OnControllableSpawned

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnControllableSpawned = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnGameEnd

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnGameEnd = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnGameModeEnd

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnGameModeEnd = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_OnPlayerAuditFail

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPlayerAuditFail = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId>()

◆ m_OnPlayerAuditRevived

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPlayerAuditRevived = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId>()

◆ m_OnPlayerAuditSuccess

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPlayerAuditSuccess = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId>()

◆ m_OnPlayerAuditTimeouted

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPlayerAuditTimeouted = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId>()

◆ m_OnPlayerConnected

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPlayerConnected = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId>()

◆ m_OnPlayerDeleted

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerIdAndEntity> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPlayerDeleted = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerIdAndEntity>()

◆ m_OnPlayerDisconnected

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerDisconnected> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPlayerDisconnected = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerDisconnected>()

◆ m_OnPlayerKilled

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnControllableDestroyed> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPlayerKilled = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnControllableDestroyed>()

◆ m_OnPlayerRegistered

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPlayerRegistered = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerId>()

◆ m_OnPlayerRoleChange

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerRoleChanged> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPlayerRoleChange = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerRoleChanged>()

◆ m_OnPlayerSpawned

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerIdAndEntity> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPlayerSpawned = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_PlayerIdAndEntity>()

◆ m_OnPostCompPlayerDisconnected

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerDisconnected> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPostCompPlayerDisconnected = new ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnPlayerDisconnected>()

◆ m_OnPreloadFinished

ref OnPreloadFinishedInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnPreloadFinished

◆ m_OnResourceTypeEnabledChanged

ref ScriptInvokerBase<SCR_BaseGameMode_OnResourceEnabledChanged> SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnResourceTypeEnabledChanged

◆ m_OnWorldPostProcess

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_BaseGameMode.m_OnWorldPostProcess = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_pGameModeHealthSettings

SCR_GameModeHealthSettings SCR_BaseGameMode.m_pGameModeHealthSettings

◆ m_pRespawnSystemComponent

SCR_RespawnSystemComponent SCR_BaseGameMode.m_pRespawnSystemComponent

◆ m_RespawnTimerComponent

SCR_RespawnTimerComponent SCR_BaseGameMode.m_RespawnTimerComponent

◆ m_RplComponent

RplComponent SCR_BaseGameMode.m_RplComponent

◆ m_ScoringSystemComponent

SCR_BaseScoringSystemComponent SCR_BaseGameMode.m_ScoringSystemComponent

◆ m_SpawnPreload

ref SCR_SpawnPreload SCR_BaseGameMode.m_SpawnPreload


const static string SCR_BaseGameMode.WB_GAME_MODE_CATEGORY = "Game Mode"

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: