int | GetAllRootItems (out notnull array< IEntity > rootItems) |
| Get an array of all root items in the inventory storage.
void | PlayItemSound (IEntity entity, string soundEvent) |
void | RpcAsk_PlaySound (RplId targetRplId, string soundAction) |
void | RpcDo_PlaySound (RplId targetRplId, string soundAction) |
SCR_CharacterInventoryStorageComponent | GetCharacterStorage () |
bool | CanInsertItemInActualStorage (IEntity item, BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage, int slotID=-1) |
BaseInventoryStorageComponent | FindActualStorageForItemResource (ResourceName itemResource, BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage, int slotID=-1, int count=1) |
void | SetReturnCode (EInventoryRetCode ERetCode) |
void | SetReturnCodeDefault () |
EInventoryRetCode | GetReturnCode () |
float | GetTotalWeightOfAllStorages () |
void | SetLootStorage (IEntity pOwner) |
void | InsertItem (IEntity pItem, BaseInventoryStorageComponent pStorageTo=null, BaseInventoryStorageComponent pStorageFrom=null, SCR_InvCallBack cb=null) |
| Try to insert the item into the storage (not slot)
bool | TryRemoveItemFromInventory (IEntity pItem, BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage=null, InventoryOperationCallback cb=null) |
| Locks the inventory for the duration of the item removal process.
bool | CanMoveItem (IEntity item) |
| Checks whether it is possible to move the item.
bool | TrySwapItems (IEntity pOwnerEntity, BaseInventoryStorageComponent pStorageTo, SCR_InvCallBack cb=null) |
void | EquipWeapon (IEntity pOwnerEntity, SCR_InvCallBack cb=null, bool bFromVicinity=true) |
| Try to equip the item into the slot (weapon)
void | EquipWeaponAttachment (IEntity pOwnerEntity, IEntity pUserEntity, SCR_InvCallBack cb=null) |
| Try to equip the item into the slot (weapon)
void | EquipGadget (IEntity pOwnerEntity, SCR_InvCallBack cb=null) |
| Try to equip the item into the slot (gadget)
void | EquipCloth (IEntity pOwnerEntity) |
| Try to equip the item into the slot (cloth)
bool | EquipAny (BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage, IEntity item, int preferred=-1, SCR_InvCallBack cb=null) |
| Try to equip the item into the storage at provided slot.
bool | TryReplaceAndDropItemAtSlot (BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage, IEntity item, int slotID, SCR_InvCallBack cb=null, bool isTakenFromArsenal=false, bool deleteOriginalItemIfEmpty=false) |
| Try to drop the original item and replace it by itemToReplace at the slot specified by slotID.
bool | TryReplaceItem (BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage, IEntity item, int preferred, SCR_InvCallBack cb) |
| Try to replace at preferred slot.
void | EquipItem (EquipedWeaponStorageComponent weaponStorage, IEntity weapon) |
| Try to equip the item into the slot (weapon)
bool | IsResupplyMagazinesAvailable (int resupplyMagazineCount=4, out EResupplyUnavailableReason resupplyUnavailableReason=EResupplyUnavailableReason.NONE, EMuzzleType muzzleType=-1, InventoryStorageManagerComponent mustBeInStorage=null) |
| Get if resupply magazines action is available with the given magazine count.
void | GetValidResupplyItemsAndCount (out notnull map< ResourceName, int > validResupplyItems, int maxMagazineCount=4, EMuzzleType muzzleType=-1, InventoryStorageManagerComponent mustBeInStorage=null) |
| Get map of all items (ResourceName) and count to add to inventory on resupply.
void | ResupplyMagazines (notnull map< ResourceName, int > validResupplyItems) |
| Resupply all weapons in map with the given number of magazines.
void | ResupplyMagazines (int maxMagazineCount=4, EMuzzleType muzzleType=-1, InventoryStorageManagerComponent mustBeInStorage=null) |
| Resupply all weapons so they have given number of magazines.
void | EndResupplyMagazines () |
EResupplyUnavailableReason | CanResupplyMuzzle (IEntity user, notnull BaseMuzzleComponent muzzle, int maxMagazineCount=-1, InventoryStorageManagerComponent mustBeInStorage=null, out int currentMagazineAmount=-1) |
EResupplyUnavailableReason | CanResupplyItem (IEntity user, ResourceName itemToResupply, int maxItemCount=-1, InventoryStorageManagerComponent mustBeInStorage=null, out int currentItemAmount=-1) |
void | MoveItemToVicinity (IEntity pItem, BaseInventoryStorageComponent pStorageTo=null) |
| try to move item from owner's storage to vicinity.
void | OpenInventory () |
void | CloseInventory () |
IEntity | GetStorageToOpen () |
void | SetStorageToOpen (IEntity storage) |
void | Action_OpenInventory () |
void | OnInventoryMenuClosed () |
override void | OnStorageAdded (BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage) |
| Will be called when new storage is registered at manager.
void | DebugListAllItemsInInventory () |
void | AskServerToDeleteEntity (IEntity ent) |
void | EnablePostFrame (bool enable) |
| Enable/disable post frame event.
int | GetHealthComponentCount () |
IEntity | GetBandageItem () |
void | ~SCR_InventoryStorageManagerComponent () |
bool | IsAnimationReady () |
bool | IsInventoryLocked () |
void | SetInventoryLocked (bool isLocked) |
int | GetAllItems (inout array< IEntity > items, BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage) |
void | GetWeaponPrefabsOfType (notnull array< IEntity > weapons, EWeaponType weaponType, notnull out array< EntityPrefabData > prefabs) |
| Get available prefabs of weapons of specified types.
IEntity | FindNextWeaponOfType (EWeaponType weaponType, IEntity currentItem=null, bool allowCurrentPrefab=false) |
| Find next weapon of specified types, excluding currentItem, but including it in sorting.
void | SCR_InventoryStorageManagerComponent (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent) |
proto external IEntity | GetOwner () |
proto external void | AddStorage (BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage) |
proto external bool | CanInsertItem (IEntity item, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_ANY) |
| Will iterate over storages and find if item can be inserted in first best match.
proto external bool | CanInsertItemInStorage (IEntity item, BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage, int slotID=-1) |
proto external bool | CanInsertResource (ResourceName resourceName, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_ANY, int count=1) |
| Will iterate over storages and find if item can be inserted in first best match.
proto external bool | CanInsertResourceInStorage (ResourceName resourceName, BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage, int slotID=-1, int count=1) |
proto external bool | TryInsertItem (IEntity item, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_ANY, InventoryOperationCallback cb=null) |
| Will iterate over storages and try insert the item at first best match.
proto external bool | TryInsertItemInStorage (IEntity item, BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage, int slotID=-1, InventoryOperationCallback cb=null) |
| Will try to insert item at storage. If slotID -1 will try to insert in any free storage.
proto external bool | CanReplaceItem (IEntity item, BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage, int slotID) |
| Same as insert, only should allow replacing item at storage slot, slotID is required.
proto external bool | TryReplaceItem (IEntity item, BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage, int slotID, InventoryOperationCallback cb=null) |
proto external bool | CanRemoveItemFromStorage (IEntity item, BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage) |
proto external bool | TryRemoveItemFromStorage (IEntity item, BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage, InventoryOperationCallback cb=null) |
| Will try to remove item from storage.
proto external bool | CanMoveItemToStorage (IEntity item, BaseInventoryStorageComponent to, int slotID=-1) |
proto external bool | TryMoveItemToStorage (IEntity item, BaseInventoryStorageComponent to, int slotID=-1, InventoryOperationCallback cb=null) |
| Will try to move item from source storage to target storage.
proto external bool | CanSwapItemStorages (IEntity itemA, IEntity itemB) |
proto external bool | TrySwapItemStorages (IEntity itemA, IEntity itemB, InventoryOperationCallback cb=null) |
| Will try to place itemA to itemB storage slot and itemB to itemA storage slot.
proto external bool | TryDeleteItem (IEntity item, InventoryOperationCallback cb=null) |
proto external bool | TrySpawnPrefabToStorage (ResourceName prefab, BaseInventoryStorageComponent storage=null, int slotID=-1, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_ANY, InventoryOperationCallback cb=null, int count=1) |
| Spawn and insert into inventory if provided storage is null then most suitable storage would be chosen from owned storages.
proto external bool | ValidateStorageRequest (IEntity storageOwner) |
| Validate that the storage is near the player to eliminate potentual message tampering.
proto external int | GetStorages (out notnull array< BaseInventoryStorageComponent > outStorages, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_ANY) |
| Get all managed storages.
proto external int | GetItems (out notnull array< IEntity > outItems) |
| Get all items from all managed storages.
proto external bool | Contains (IEntity item) |
| Returns true if item is in the storage, false otherwise.
proto external BaseInventoryStorageComponent | FindStorageForItem (IEntity item, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_ANY) |
| Will try to find suitable storage for item.
proto external BaseInventoryStorageComponent | FindStorageForResource (ResourceName resourceName, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_ANY) |
| Will try to find suitable storage for resource.
proto external BaseInventoryStorageComponent | FindStorageForInsert (IEntity item, BaseInventoryStorageComponent fromStorage, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_ANY) |
| returns first storage with empty space from provided storage hierarchy for provided item and provided storage purpose
proto external BaseInventoryStorageComponent | FindStorageForResourceInsert (ResourceName resourceName, BaseInventoryStorageComponent fromStorage, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_ANY) |
| returns first storage with empty space from provided storage hierarchy for provided resource and provided storage purpose
proto external int | GetDepositItemCountByEntity (IEntity verifier, IEntity entity) |
| Fast access to item count in inventory (returns only items that are stored in DEPOSIT storages)
proto external int | GetDepositItemCountByResource (IEntity verifier, ResourceName resourceName) |
| Fast access to item count in inventory (returns only items that are stored in DEPOSIT storages)
proto external IEntity | FindItem (InventorySearchPredicate predicate, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_DEPOSIT) |
| Find Item by providing InventorySearchPredicate object.
proto external int | FindItems (out notnull array< IEntity > foundItems, InventorySearchPredicate predicate, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_DEPOSIT) |
proto external IEntity | FindItemWithComponents (array< TypeName > componentsQuery, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_DEPOSIT) |
| Find Item by specifying necessary component types (eg returns first Entity that contains all of the provided components) IEntity FindGrenadeInDeposit() { array<typename> components = {}; components.Insert(WeaponComponent); components.Insert(GrenadeMoveComponent); IEntity grenade = inventoryStorageManagerComponent.FindItemWithComponents(components, EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_DEPOSIT); Print(grenade); return grenade; }.
proto external int | FindItemsWithComponents (out notnull array< IEntity > foundItems, array< TypeName > componentsQuery, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_DEPOSIT) |
| Find Items by specifying necessary component types (eg all Entities that contain all of the provided components), returns count of found items.
proto external int | CountItem (InventorySearchPredicate predicate, EStoragePurpose purpose=EStoragePurpose.PURPOSE_DEPOSIT) |
proto external int | GetMagazineCountByWeapon (BaseWeaponComponent weapon) |
| Find Items by specifying necessary component types (eg all Entities that contain all of the provided components), returns count of found items.
proto external int | GetMagazineCountByMuzzle (IEntity verifier, BaseMuzzleComponent pMuzzle) |
| Find Items by specifying necessary component types (eg all Entities that contain all of the provided components), returns count of found items.
proto external int | GetGrenadesCount () |
void | OnDelete (IEntity owner) |
bool | OnTicksOnRemoteProxy () |
ref ScriptInvokerBool | m_OnInventoryOpenInvoker = new ScriptInvokerBool() |
ref ScriptInvokerBool | m_OnQuickBarOpenInvoker = new ScriptInvokerBool() |
ref ScriptInvokerBase< ScriptInvokerEntityAndStorageMethod > | m_OnItemAddedInvoker = new ScriptInvokerBase<ScriptInvokerEntityAndStorageMethod>() |
ref ScriptInvokerBase< ScriptInvokerEntityAndStorageMethod > | m_OnItemRemovedInvoker = new ScriptInvokerBase<ScriptInvokerEntityAndStorageMethod>() |
EInventoryRetCode | m_ERetCode |
int | m_iHealthEquipment = 0 |
bool | m_bIsInventoryLocked = false |
ref SCR_WeaponSwitchingBaseUI | m_pWeaponSwitchingUI |
ref SCR_ResupplyMagazinesCallback | m_ResupplyMagazineCallback |