Arma Reforger Script API
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WeaponSlotComponent Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for WeaponSlotComponent:

Public Member Functions

proto external InventoryStorageSlot GetSlotInfo ()
proto external void SetWeapon (IEntity weaponEntity)
proto external IEntity GetWeaponEntity ()
proto external int GetWeaponSlotIndex ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseWeaponComponent
proto external UIInfo GetUIInfo ()
proto external string GetWeaponSlotType ()
proto external EWeaponType GetWeaponType ()
proto external int GetMuzzlesList (out notnull array< BaseMuzzleComponent > outMuzzles)
proto external ECanBeEquippedResult CanBeEquipped (CharacterControllerComponent charController)
proto external BaseMuzzleComponent GetCurrentMuzzle ()
proto external bool IsReloadPossible ()
 Returns whether current weapon is able to be reloaded or not.
proto external bool IsChamberingNecessary ()
proto external bool IsChamberingPossible ()
proto external BaseMagazineComponent GetCurrentMagazine ()
proto external string GetCurrentFireModeName ()
proto external EWeaponFiremodeType GetCurrentFireModeType ()
proto external float GetCurrentSightsZeroing ()
proto external bool GetCurrentSightsZeroingTransform (out vector outMat[4])
proto external void SightADSActivated ()
proto external void SightADSDeactivated ()
proto external bool IsSightADSActive ()
proto external BaseSightsComponent GetSights ()
proto external BaseSightsComponent GetAttachedSights ()
proto external int GetAttachments (out notnull array< AttachmentSlotComponent > outArray)
proto external BaseSightsComponent GetSightsAt (int sightsIndex)
proto external bool HasSightsAt (int sightsIndex)
proto external bool CanSetSights (int sightsIndex)
proto external bool CanSwitchToSights (int sightsIndex)
proto external int FindAvailableSights ()
proto external bool SetSights (int sightsIndex)
proto external bool SwitchNextSights ()
proto external bool SwitchPrevSights ()
proto external bool CanSwitchSights ()
proto external IEntity GetOwner ()
proto external float GetInitialProjectileSpeed ()
proto external bool HasBipod ()
 Returns true if weapon has a bipod available.
proto external bool GetBipod ()
 Returns true if weapon has bipod deployed.
proto external void SetBipod (bool deploy)
 Changes state of bipod to deployed/undeployed depending on parameter.
- Public Member Functions inherited from GameComponent
bool OnTicksOnRemoteProxy ()

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetSlotInfo()

proto external InventoryStorageSlot WeaponSlotComponent.GetSlotInfo ( )

◆ GetWeaponEntity()

proto external IEntity WeaponSlotComponent.GetWeaponEntity ( )

◆ GetWeaponSlotIndex()

proto external int WeaponSlotComponent.GetWeaponSlotIndex ( )

◆ SetWeapon()

proto external void WeaponSlotComponent.SetWeapon ( IEntity  weaponEntity)

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: