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- Description:
- Execute a block of code in which all Eden Editor operations will be recorded as one history step. For example creating an entity, setting its attributes and then connections would normally be recorded as three different steps. Calling them all within single collect3DENHistory block will group them together and the user will need to undo only once to revert the changes. Use ignore3DENHistory to ignore history entry creation.
Some useful icons are:
- Groups:
- Eden Editor
- Syntax:
- collect3DENHistory code
- Parameters:
- code: Code - code that is executed in Unscheduled Environment
- Return Value:
- Nothing
Alternative Syntax
- Syntax:
- [text, tooltip, icon] collect3DENHistory code
- Parameters:
- text: String - text of the entry that is added to the history list
- tooltip: String - (Optional, default "Batch Change" (localized)) - tooltip of the entry
- icon: String - (Optional, default "a3\3den\data\cfg3den\history\multipleoperations_ca.paa") - path to the icon that is displayed left of the text. Must not start with a
\ ! - code: Code - code that is executed in Unscheduled Environment
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
- Copycollect3DENHistory { _logic = create3DENEntity ["Logic", "Logic", position player]; add3DENConnection ["Sync", [_logic], player]; }; // Creates a logic and connects it to player in one history step.
- Example 2:
- Copy["Create Entity", "B_Soldier_F", "a3\3den\data\cfg3den\history\create_ca.paa"] collect3DENHistory { create3DENEntity ["Object","B_Soldier_F", screenToWorld [0.5,0.5]]; };
- Example 3:
- Copy[nil, nil, "a3\3den\data\cfg3den\history\moveitems_ca.paa"] collect3DENHistory { create3DENEntity ["Object","B_Soldier_F", screenToWorld [0.5,0.5]]; }; // Change only the icon
Additional Information
- See also:
- ignore3DENHistory add3DENConnection create3DENComposition create3DENEntity delete3DENEntities do3DENAction remove3DENConnection set3DENAttributes set3DENObjectType
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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
- Posted on Oct 26, 2020 - 01:15 (UTC)
Contrary to other code block structures (call, if/then/exitWith, switch/case/default, etc.) the code block of collect3DENHistory will not return any value:
Copy_unit = collect3DENHistory { create3DENEntity ["Object", "C_Protagonist_VR_F", screenToWorld [0.5, 0.5]]; }; _unit // <null>