Mission Editor – ArmA: Armed Assault

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This article will take you on a brief tour of the standard Armed Assault mission editor interface, explaining the menus and how to use them.

The Armed Assault Mission Editor

Control Menus and Options

The control pane on the right of screen controls the many settings and editing modes of the mission editor. They are, from top to bottom:

Currently edited mission component

This drop down list allows you to choose which component of a mission you are currently editing. A single mission stores all objects and mission parameters for the intro and outro cutscenes completely separately from the gameplay component of a mission. It is not essential to use any of these other than the mission component. While each component requires a player unit if it is to be used, the player can only control the unit in the mission component. In the intro and outros, AI will control the players unit. The Intro and Outros are ended in the same way as the normal misson component.

  • Mission is the default. This defines the interactive component of a mission. It is the only essential part of a mission.
  • Intro plays before the briefing screen.
  • Outro - Win will play after the debriefing screen in the case of a Win 1-6 trigger being activated.
  • Outro - Loose will play after the debriefing screen in the case of a Lose trigger being activated.

Intel Dialogue

The Intel box is the dark grey box with the weather icon, time and date. It allows you to name your mission, give it a brief description, set the date and time, the current and forecast weather and which sides RACs forces are friendly to. Clicking on the Intel box will bring up the Intel dialog.

The Intel Dialogue


The mission name appears when browsing missions in the single mission list, on multiplayer mission lists, in the campaign mission list, and on the map notepad. If you do not name your mission, the missions folder/file name will be used.


This description is only ever displayed in multiplayer mode, but it would be best practice to give your mission a description to explain what the mission is about when you return to it in the future.

Date and Time

These options should be self explanatory. Remember that Armed Assault is highly accurate in its rendering of seasonal patterns. Thus daylight hours, the suns path across the sky, star constellations and moon phases are all seasonally correct for the current terrain's location. Tides are also accurately simulated. These can be somewhat hard to predict as different seasons and moon phases create vastly differing high/low water marks.

Weather/Fog Sliders

In this section, the first slider controls the initial weather conditions. Setting the weather slider all the way to the right creates clear skies, all the way to the left is a heavy thunderstorm. The slider underneath controls the current fog levels. Fully left is no fog, fully right is maximum fog. The two forecasted weather sliders work in exactly the same way, with a linear transition from the initial conditions to the forecast conditions occurring over the first 30 minutes of a mission. Note that Armed Assault does carry out some long term weather simulation of its own.

RACS Is Friendly to:

Choose which sides the RACS will be friendly to at the start of the mission. Note that the civilian side will inherit the same allies and enemies of the RACS side.

Current Map Editing Mode

The mission editor is always in one of these six modes. Each different mode allows the creation and manipulation of different types of map entities. The required mode can be set by either clicking on the modes name, or pressing the associated function key. The modes are set out in the basic order they would be used in while creating a mission. For more information on using each mode, see the map editing section below.

  • Units Mode (F1) allows the creation of individual objects, units or vehicles.
  • Groups Mode (F2) allows the creation of predefined groups of units or vehicles, and the manipulation of group links between entities.
  • Triggers Mode (F3) allows new triggers to be created.
  • Waypoints Mode (F4) lets the user create new waypoints for the currently selected group.
  • Synchronize Mode (F5) allows the user to synchronize different waypoints and triggers.
  • Markers Mode (F6) allows for map markers to be placed on the map. In the editor, markers are only visible while in marker mode.


Allows you to load a previously created mission. Only uncompressed missions in your current profiles missions folder can be loaded.


Merge will import all map data (units, groups, waypoints, triggers, etc) from one mission into the currently loaded mission. Other settings such as weather and mission name etc are not imported.


You can save your current mission with this dialogue. Note that you save a mission under a new name, only the Mission.sqm file is written in the new folder. Saving a mission also reloads any mission support files that are in the chosen mission folder, such as Description.ext and Init.sqs. You can also choose to export your mission to either the single mission or multiplayer mission folders. This process creates a new pbo file of the current mission folder including all files. The send via email option will load your default email program with the mission pbo.


Clicking this will remove all map entities such as units, waypoints, markers and triggers. Information such as that defined in the intel dialogue are retained.

Show IDs

Every object built into the terrain you are using has an assigned ID number that can be used to refer to the object in script code. These IDs are normally hidden for clarity, and this button toggles them on or off. They are only visible at high zoom levels.

Show Textures

Clicking on this will draw the satellite map over the terrain rather than the default white. Note that the satellite map does not always correspond with the ground detail textures as seen at close range.


Preview will start the mission from within the editor so that you can test the results of your labour. A player unit must be on the map for the preview button to be visible. Note that in preview mode, some aspects of a mission do not always behave in the same way as the would if the mission played as a single mission. It is wise to check your mission in single mission mode before release.


After you have exited from the preview mode, clicking 'Continue' will allow you resume the mission. Note that any changes made since you exited the last preview will not be shown. You must click 'Preview' again to restart the updated version of your mission.


Will exit the mission editor and return to the main menu. Any unsaved work will be lost.

Map Editing

The mission map takes up the main portion of the mission editor.

Basic Controls

  • Clicking and holding the right mouse button anywhere on the map allows the user to scroll around the map.
  • The mouse wheel controls the map zoom level.
  • Left Clicking on an entity selects it.
  • Double left clicking on an entity opens the appropriate editing dialogue.
  • Double left clicking in an empty space will create a new entity if available in the current editing mode.
  • Clicking and holding the left mouse button on an entity allows it to be moved around the map. Note it is not possible to move units in group mode or move waypoints in synchronize mode.
  • Clicking and holding the left mouse button on empty space allows a drag box to be created for selecting multiple entities.
  • Holding Control allows the user to select more than one entity using the drag box or individually clicking.
  • Holding Shift and clicking the left mouse button on an unit or waypoint will select all entities associated with that group.
  • Holding Shift and clicking on and holding the left mouse button on a selected entity rotates the selected entities.
  • Holding Shift and left clicking on an object with a waypoint attached to it selects the underlaying object.
  • Holding Shift and double left clicking on an entity with a waypoint on it opens the appropriate entities dialogue (rather than the waypoints).
  • Delete will remove the entity the mouse cursor is currently over.
  • Holding Control and pushing X will cut the selected entities to the clipboard.
  • Holding Control and pushing C will copy the selected entities to the clipboard.
  • Holding Control and pushing V will paste a copy of entities from the clipboard. Copy and pasted named entities automatically have a number appended to their names to avoid conflicts.

Units Mode (F1)

Unit mode is used to add individual units, vehicles and objects on the map. To do so, double click on the empty space where you would like to add a unit. This will open the unit dialogue. You can generally open the unit dialogue of an existing unit while in any editing mode by double clicking on that unit. Note that if there is no player unit on the map, the unit dialogue will only allow valid player units may be placed.

The Unit Dialogue


There are four sides in Armed Assault to which units can be assigned to: BLUFOR, OPFOR, Independent (RACS) and Civilian. BLUFOR and OPFOR will always start the mission as enemies. The Independent side's relations with the first two sides can be set on a mission by mission basis using the Intel Dialogue. The Civilian side will also inherit the friends and enemies of the Independant side. The difference is that the Civilian side are considered to be friends by all sides (killing civilians is bad!).

Once a player unit is on the map, Game Logic and Empty sides become available. The Game Logic side is used for abstract game logic objects, which among other uses can be used to create script like effects from within the mission editor. The Empty side includes empty versions of all side's vehicles, ammo crates, sound sources and objects such as tents, flagpoles and fences. The side of an entity changes the available options is many other dialogues. It is not possible to change the side of an object once it has been placed. Friendly units are represented by green icons, enemy units by red, Civilian and Game Logic units by blue, and Empty side objects by dark yellow.


This is the general type of entity you wish to place. The purpose of this class is to reduce the many hundreds of available entities into more easily searched groups. It is not related to any game config classes.


Defines who controls the entity. Player is the unit used in single player mode (there may only be a single player controlled unit on the map), and Playable units may be used in multiplayer mode. This option may not be available depending on the entity being edited. The player's unit is marked by a red circular icon, while playable units are marked by a magenta circular icon.

Info Age

When an enemy unit is reported to a commander an icon appears on the map. The accuracy of this position depends on the Info Age. (NEEDS CONFIRMATION)

Vehicle Lock

If the unit is a vehicle, this defines whether the player can use it or not. (NEEDS CONFIRMATION)


This defines the rank of the unit. The highest ranked unit in a group will be its leader. Rank also has some affect on gameplay, such as highly ranked units being less likely to flee and more intimidating to enemy forces.


This is the specific type of entity you want to place or edit. The options available in this list box depend on the class chosen.


Defines special placement options for the unit at the start of the mission. Units will be placed 'In Formation' by default. If you wish to place them out of formation, choose 'None' from this list. Be aware that if a unit is part of a group, default behaviour is that it will try to return to formation when the mission begins. If the unit is an aircraft, selecting "Flying" will start the unit in the air. If the group of the unit includes a vehicle with cargo spaces, choosing "In Cargo" will place the unit in one of those cargo spaces. Remember that the special control options only define the starting position for the units at the very beginning of a mission. They can be manipulated during the mission.


The name of a unit can be used to refer to the object in script code. Like all variable names, you should try to make it something meaningful and avoid conflicts. Note that if a variable exists with an identical name, no warning will be given and the variable will be used. If you copy and paste a named entity, the duplicate will be automatically have an underscore and number appended to it's name.


Highly skilled units can see farther, shoot more accurately and be generally more devious. At lowest skill units will be less observant, poor marksmen and generally stupid. Moving the slider to the right gives the unit a higher skill. Skill values set by the slider range between 0.2 and 1.


Any script code placed in this box will be executed as the mission begins. Script code is extremely powerful and useful - they allow you to create many effects and change aspects of the mission that would not be possible using the basic mission editor. For example, to make a soldier begin the mission unarmed, add "removeAllWeapons this" (without the quotation marks) to its initialization string.


This text will appear next to the unit in the multiplayer unit selection screen.


Defines how damaged the object is at the beginning of the mission. Moving the slider to the left makes it more damaged, up to a maximum of 0.97. Note that fully damaged units will begin the mission alive, then die or explode.


Defines how much fuel the object has. This only has an effect on vehicles. This does not change the amount of fuel cargo a refueling truck or petrol station holds. Use setFuelCargo for that purpose.


Defines how much ammunition the unit has at the start of the mission. Lowering it removes whole magazines for most units and individual rounds for single magazine weapons (such as the main tank cannon and aircraft missiles).


Defines which direction the unit will be facing. You can drag the pointer around the circle, or enter the bearing into the text box.

Probability of Presence

Defines how likely it is that the entity will be present. This can be used to add a bit of randomness to missions. Moving the slider all the way to the right means the object will always be there, all the way to the left means the unit will never appear.

Condition of Presence

This is a script code condition which must return true in order for the entity to appear in the mission. By default this reads "true" which means it will always appear. For an example, if you wanted a unit to appear only if the mission is being played in Veteran mode, place "!cadetMode" (without quotation marks) in it's Condition of Presence box.

Placement Radius

Changes the units starting position to a random point within this radius, in metres. This can be used to add some randomness to your mission.

Groups Mode (F2)

Group editing mode can be used in two ways. It's primarily used to join previously placed individual units together into groups. Joining individual units together into groups will greatly improve their combat abilities. Groups will move together, share information about enemy units and can bring greater firepower to bare on a target. Each individual unit placed on the map starts as group of its own, or automatically placed in a nearby group. To join units into groups, simply left click and hold on a unit, then drag a line to any unit of the group you wish to add him to. Release the button to join the unit into that group. Groups are displayed by light blue line drawn from the leader to each other unit in the group. The highest ranking unit will be the group leader. While it is possible to create extremely large groups in ArmA, huge formations create path finding issues and be hard to manage for a human leader. Triggers can also be linked with a single group in this manner.

The second function of Group Mode is to place an entire group in one step. These groups have been pre-defined within the main config. Any units placed in this manner may be individually manipulated as normal. To place a group, simply double click on an empty map location. The Group Dialogue will open.

The Group Dialogue


Choose the side of the group you wish to place.


Choose the type of group to be placed. Mechanized infantry are listed under Infantry, not Armor.

===Name===Defines the specific group to be placed. Armor platoons and Air Squadrons consist of 4 vehicles, infantry squads consist of up to 9 men. Motorized squads and mechanized squads will begin with only the crew in their vehicle.


Defines which direction the group will be facing. You can drag the pointer around the circle, or type in the number of degrees. Note that the group formation will be built around the leader, using his location and facing.

Triggers Mode (F3)

A trigger is an abstract game entity that will wait until it's conditions are satisfied, then carry out a defined action. They are an essential part of mission making, as they are used to check if objectives have been completed and end the mission. When used effectively, they will make your mission seem much for more dynamic and realistic. For example, you can use a trigger to set off a siren when the enemy spot the player near their base, or to start a convoy moving when the player gives a radio command. Triggers are represented in the mission editor by a dark blue ellipse or rectangle with a small blue flag in the centre. The location and dimensions of some types of trigger are not always used as part of it's conditions. To add a new trigger to your mission, double left click in some empty map space. The Trigger Dialogue will open.

The Trigger Dialogue

Axis a/Axis b

These two controls define the dimensions of the trigger, in metres. If a trigger has not been rotated (angle = 0), then Axis a is aligned East-West, Axis b is North to South.


Defines the angle of the trigger. 0 faces north, 90 faces east. Triggers can also be rotated on the map by holding down shift, the left clicking on the trigger and dragging.


Choose the shape of the trigger.


Choose who or what will activate the trigger from this drop down menu. If the trigger is linked to a unit or group, only the relevant options will be available. You may choose :

  • Which of the sides will activate the trigger when any unit of that side satisfies the currently chosen one of the six conditions below.
  • A radio command, which will be available to all players who are leader of a group.
  • Seized by <side>, which will activate when the seizing size is deemed to be in control of the area. This trigger type works with the timeout values - a low level of presence will activate the trigger after a period of time close to the max timeout, and visa versa. Depending on unit types, the seizing side can be completely outnumbered (4:1) and still satisfy the minimum required level of presence for the Maximum timeout counter.
  • Vehicle, only available if the trigger is linked to an unit or object. Only that unit or object can activate the trigger. This uses one of the six conditions below.
  • Whole Group, only available if the trigger is linked to an unit. The trigger will activate only when the linked unit's entire group satisfy whichever of the six conditions below is being used.
  • Group Leader, only available if the trigger is linked to an unit. The trigger will activate when the linked unit's group leader satisfies whichever of the six conditions below is being used.
  • Any Group Member, only available if the trigger is linked to an unit. The trigger will activate when any single unit in the unit's group satisfies whichever of the six conditions below is being used.


Defines how many times the trigger can be activated. Note that only repeatable triggers will deactivate, and can only active once at any given time. (NEEDS CONFIRMATION)

Present/Not Present

If the activator is a side or unit, the trigger will be activated if that side/unit is or is not present within the triggers boundaries. For example, if you want the trigger to activate when any West unit enters it, select 'West' from the Activation list, and 'Present'.

Detected By West/East/Resistance/Civilians

These side names have been left in from Operation Flashpoint. They correspond with Blufor, Opfor, and Independant (RACS). A unit is considered detected when the leader of any group on the detecting side can correctly identify the detected units side. Depending on the type of unit being detected, this may occur at various knowsAbout levels.


These counters can add a degree of randomness to triggers, and can make the triggers activation less obvious to the player.

Next to the Countdown and Timeout buttons you will see three boxes; Min, Max and Mid. These define the period of trigger activity in seconds between the Min and Max values, gravitating towards the Mid value. If all three were 10, then the period would be 10 seconds, with no randomness. If Min was 5, Max was 15 and Mid 10, the period would be somewhere between 5 and 15 seconds, close to 10.

Choosing Countdown means that once the trigger's conditions are met (the soldier walks into the trigger area) the trigger will wait the specified amount of time before activating the consequences (the alarm is raised).

Choosing Timeout means that the trigger's conditions must be met for the duration of the specified amount of time before the trigger fires. So for example, if the soldier walks into the trigger area, and then leaves the area before the timeout is complete, the trigger will not activate.


These are several types of trigger activation effects and abstract types that are generally unavailable through script code. These events will take place immediately after the On Activation code block.

  • None - The trigger will have no other effects other than those listed in the On Activation block.
  • Guarded by (side) - This defines the area of the trigger as an area to which the guarding side will go to when an enemy is detected within. Units or groups given a Guard waypoint will automatically support these areas. (NEEDS CONFIRMATION)
  • Switch - this is useful for breaking units or groups out of looping waypoints. (NEEDS CONFIRMATION)
  • End # - this type of trigger will end the mission once the conditions are met. There are 6 different winning endings, although which of these is used is only of consequence if the mission is part of a campaign.
  • Lose - Activating a trigger of this type will end the mission in failure. Note this is not the same as the death of the player. If the mission is part of a campaign, the campaign will continue along the defined losing mission branch.

===Name===Defines the name of the trigger, allowing it to be manipulated by script code.


This text will be displayed within the editor when the mouse hovers over the trigger, allowing the user to quickly identify what the trigger is and does.


The trigger will activate when the script code block returns true. Within this block this refers to any conditions created within the Trigger Dialog above. Using script code based condition allows the creation of more complex activation requirements, including multiple and/or conditions. Each triggers condition block will be checked approximately twice every second for the duration of the mission.

On Act(ivation)

This script code block will be executed when the trigger is activated, irrespective of the trigger type. Any actions defined by the type of trigger will take place immediately after this activation block.

On Dea(ctivation)

A script code block that will be executed the first time the trigger conditions check fails after having been previously met. Note some trigger types do not deactivate, such as the radio types.


Click on this button to open the Trigger Effects Dialogue. It allows for the easy creation of some audio and visual effects that will be carried out immediately after the trigger's On Activation code block. More than one effect may be used at once. Note that all of the effects in this dialogue could be created using script code in the On Activation block.

The Trigger Effects Dialogue

Condition Block (untitled)

The script code block at the top of the Effects Dialogue can be used to require a condition that must be satisfied in order to execute the chosen effects. The block must return true in order for the chosen effects to take place. In the case of triggers, it is generally not recommended to use this block, as a trigger can become hard to keep track if it uses nested conditions and effects. This block is checked after the triggers On Activation code is executed.


This drop down list allows you to play an anonymous vocal sample. The audio will seem to be coming from a nearby source to all players in the mission, irrespective of their position. As of ArmA version 1.05, many of these sounds do not have a text description in the list box.


This drop down list allows you to play an anonymous vocal sample. The audio will seem to be coming from close to the entity that activated the trigger. As of ArmA version 1.05, many of these sounds do not have a text description.


This list allows you to play the chosen environmental soundscape sounds for the duration of a mission. Since the normal environmental sounds are chosen dynamic based upon the listeners position etc, this is unlikely to be of any use other than testing.


The chosen sound effect will play. The sound source is at the centre of the trigger.


The chosen music track will play once when the trigger activates. Note that this will immediately halt any currently playing music.


Defines the creation of one of the following types of visual effects:

  • Object - This is apparently used to create a pre-defined 3d object in front of the player's field of vision. This effect was used to create the splash screens in Operation Flashpoint, and is not likely to be of any use in a mission.
  • Resource - This can be used to display pre-defined graphical resources over the player's field of vision. This resource can be chosen from the Text drop down menu below. This effect is used to display splash screens and the like in Armed Assault, and is not likely to be of any use in a mission.
  • Text - will display the text entered in the Text box below, in the style chosen in the Effect menu. This effect is identical to the cutText script code command.
  • Effect - Will only have an effect if Type is not "NONE", and the Text box is not empty. It creates the same effect as the cutText command would given the same type.


This option will available if Type is not "None". It will either behave as a drop-down list of available effect types, or a box in which to enter text.

Waypoints Mode (F4)

Waypoints are used to define the route and behaviour of a group during the mission. The group will carry out the actions define by the active waypoint, then move on the next. Waypoints are a property of their group - if the group is deleted, all of it's waypoints are deleted (both in the mission editor and in the mission). Waypoints can be placed either spatially (created in empty space), or object linked (directly placed on an object). Several waypoint types only function correctly if the waypoint is spatial, others only work if it is linked with an object to work, and others behave differently depending on the placement. To create a waypoint, first select any unit of the group you wish to create waypoints for. Then double left click in either empty space, or on the desired object. Once a waypoint has been created, it can not be switched from a spatial waypoint to an object linked waypoint. Spatial waypoints can be moved as desired in the same manner as moving units, while object linked waypoints remain attached to the object, even if the object moves while the mission is running. The waypoint dialogue is shown below.

The Waypoint Dialogue

Select Type

A waypoint's type will define what the group is to do when that waypoint becomes active. Note that if the on the selected group is on side Logic, only waypoint types AND and OR are available.

  • Move - The group will move to this point or object. The move waypoint is considered finished when the leader gets close to the waypoint, actual distance depending on his vehicle type. The movement mode and method depend on the groups behaviour settings, with movement rarely being made in a straight between waypoints. AI leaders will generally pause to choose a path before they start moving. If the waypoint is too far off or a valid path cannot be found, the group may never reach the waypoint.
  • Destroy - The group will attempt to destroy whatever object the waypoint is placed upon, irrespective of the targets side. If the waypoint is not placed on an object, the waypoint will generally be considered complete irrespective of the placement location. If the group is unable to destroy the linked object but consider it capable of being destroyed, they will move within range of being able to identify the object, then wait until it is destroyed. If thew are incapable of destroying the object and consider it not possible of being destroyed, or of no interest (eg, a tree, fence), they will generally move within range of identifying the object then move on the next waypoint. Care should be taken when placing this type of waypoint in empty space or on a unlikely target object, since the group will occasionally attack, but not necessarily destroy, any one (and only one) unit that happens to near the destroy waypoint, irrespective of that units side, including itself.
  • Get In - This exact effect this waypoint type has depends on whether it is placed on a vehicle, empty space or a non-vehicle object. If the waypoint is spatial, any walking units in the group will board any vehicles with free space that the group possesses. Note this happens as the waypoint becomes active, rather than when it is reached. The group will not travel to the actual Get In waypoint, but skip it and continue to the next. If the spatial Get In waypoint is synchronized with a waypoint of another friendly group with unused vehicle spaces, but the original group has adequate transport, it will mount its vehicles. If the spatial Get In waypoint is synchronized with a waypoint of another friendly group with unused vehicle spaces, the group will mount any available vehicle spaces of its own before boarding the other groups transport. If the spatial Get In waypoint is synchronized with a waypoint of another friendly group with some unused vehicle spaces but not enough to allow the entire group to board, the leader will order as many units as possible to board the other groups vehicles. If the spatial Get In waypoint is synchronized with a waypoint of another friendly group with no free vehicle spaces, the group will move to the Get In waypoint, then move on to the next waypoint. If the waypoint is placed on an empty vehicle, as many of the group as possible will board it. If the waypoint is place upon an empty vehicle and the group already has enough vehicle spaces to fit the entire group, the group leader only will board and drive the new vehicle, while any foot units will board the original vehicle(s). If the waypoint is placed upon a vehicle driven by a friendly unit that has room enough to hold the entire group, the group will abandon any vehicles it has and board the new vehicle. If the waypoint is placed upon a vehicle driven by a friendly unit that is not capable of carrying the entire group and the group has no vehicles of its own, the leader will order as many of his troops as possible to board the vehicle. If the waypoint is placed upon a vehicle driven by a friendly unit that is not capable of carrying the entire group, and the group already has vehicles capable of carrying the entire group, as many units as possible will board the waypoint vehicle and the remainder board the original transport. If the waypoint is placed upon a vehicle driven by a friendly unit that is not capable of carrying the entire group and the group has some vehicles but all vehicles will still not enough to fit the entire group, the leader will order as many troops as possible into both the groups vehicles and the waypoint vehicle. Finally if the waypoint is placed upon a non-vehicle class of object, the group will move to that object before boarding any available vehicle space it already has.
  • Seek & Destroy - Placing this waypoint type on an object has no effect. The waypoint will remain fixed at the displayed position of the object in the mission editor (even if the object begins the mission in the cargo of another vehicle or has it's position changed by its init string). Behaviour is the same for both situations - the group will move to the waypoint, then the leader will move about to search the immediate area, with his group trying to keep up. The exact size of the area searched is limited to the leaders expected travel time. A leader on foot will rarely search more than 50m from the waypoint, while a leader in a helicopter will search up to 300m from the waypoint. The search will attempt to visually check all locations within the search range, so a search inside a city will take far longer than a search in an empty field. Unfortunately the Seek & Destroy waypoint does not make the group deliberately search inside buildings although their path may lead them to enter some. Whether or not the group finds any enemy units appears to have no impact on the search time or range.
  • Join - When a Join waypoint is placed on a unit, the group will move to the position of that unit at the time the waypoint becomes the current, and then join and follow that unit's group, irrespective of side or ranks. Note if the other unit may have moved, but the Join waypoint remains at the initial location. When the Join waypoint is spatial, the group will move to the Join waypoint, then move on. If the Join waypoint is synchronized with another group's waypoint, when both groups are at their waypoints the group that is "synchronized from" will Join the group that is "synchronized to", irrespective of which group has the join waypoint itself. When synchronizing, click and hold on the waypoint of the group that is to Join the other, then drag to the other groups waypoint. Note only two groups can join at single Join waypoint.
  • Join & Lead - This type is exactly the same as the Join waypoint, except the group that leads the merged group will be opposite in each situation.
  • Get Out - The group will move to the waypoint, then disembark from any vehicles it's members are in. If any group members other than the leader are in a vehicle of another group, that vehicle will stop to let them out. An exception is if the leader is in another groups vehicle, the Get Out waypoint will not be considered reached until the leader arrives at it under his own control. If the Get Out waypoint is placed on an object, the group will move to the location of that object at the instant the Get Out waypoint becomes it's current waypoint, then disembark as normal.
  • Cycle - This waypoint type that will change the group's waypoint to the nearest waypoint that is not the groups previous waypoint. Note that the leader's initial location (the units position in the map editor) is considered a Move type waypoint for the purposes of the Cycle waypoint. A Cycle type waypoint can be used to make the group move in an infinite loop, great for making patrols.
  • Load - vehicle will wait for units to board in cargo.
  • Unload - vehicle will wait for units in cargo to leave vehicle.
  • Transport Unload - vehicle will wait for units which began in vehicle to leave cargo.
  • Hold - unit or group will stay at this position. Only a 'switch' trigger or scripting can move the group from this point.
  • Sentry - The unit will hold position until any member spots an enemy. At that point, the unit will proceed to their next waypoint. If the unit is not set to hold fire, they may engage the enemy on the way.
  • Guard - if a 'Guarded By' trigger is located nearby the group will move to and protect it. Additional information on the use of this waypoint can be found here.
  • Talk - Used in combination with the “effects” button on the bottom of the waypoints screen. If you set the sounds:voice section to a voice, the unit leader will say the given phrase. This waypoint is not a destination, and goes to the next waypoint when the phrase is completely spoken.
  • Scripted - executes the script that is in the “script” box on the bottom of the waypoints screen. You can not use individual script commands, you must refer to an external script file. This waypoint is not a destination, and it is considered complete when the external script reaches its EXIT command.
  • Support - A very useful waypoint; any unit given this waypoint will remain here until another unit calls for support. At this time, the waiting unit will proceed to the location where support was called for. Only medics, ambulances, fuel and ammo supply vehicles can use this waypoint. You can tell medics to board vehicles prior to this WP, and they will drive to the support call.

The Waypoint Effects Dialogue

Synchronize Mode (F5)

Markers Mode (F6)

The Marker Dialogue