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- Description:
- Lets an object say given sound in 3D space. This allows broadcasting of positional music or sound from a source, without having to script a fade sound or music command. Compare this with say2D which will always play a sound at the location of the player after he has been in the vicinity of a broadcasting sound. Sound is defined in "CfgSounds" of the Description.ext or main config.
- Problems:
- For some unknown reason if at the moment of command execution the player is in first person view and is inside a vehicle, the sound created is greatly attenuated.
- Groups:
- Broken CommandsSounds
Syntax 1
- Syntax:
- from say3D sound
- Parameters:
- from: Object - Origin of the sound
- sound: String - Classname of the sound to be played. Defined in CfgSounds including Description.ext
- Return Value:
- Object - The sound source (was Nothing before Arma 3 v2.00)
Syntax 2
- Syntax:
- from say3D [sound, maxDistance, pitch, isSpeech, offset]
- Parameters:
- from: Object - Origin of the sound
- sound: String - Classname of the sound to be played. Defined in CfgSounds including Description.ext
- maxDistance: Number - (Optional, default 100) Maximum distance in meters at which the sound can be heard
- pitch: Number - (Optional, default 1) Pitch of the sound
- since
- isSpeech: Boolean - (Optional, default false)
- true = play as speech (fadeSpeech applies), filters are not applied to it (i.e. house or vehicle interior one)
- false = play as sound, fadeSound applies
- since
- offset: Number - (Optional, default 0) Offset in seconds. Same as playMusic.
- Return Value:
- Object - The sound source (was Nothing before Arma 3 v2.00)
Syntax 3
- Syntax:
- [from, to] say3D sound
- Parameters:
- from: Object - Origin of the sound
- to: Object - Target
- sound: String - Classname of the sound to be played. Defined in CfgSounds including Description.ext
- Return Value:
- Object - The sound source (was Nothing before Arma 3 v2.00)
Syntax 4
- Syntax:
- [from, to] say3D [sound, maxDistance, pitch, isSpeech, offset]
- Parameters:
- from: Object - Origin of the sound
- to: Object - Target
- sound: String - Classname of the sound to be played. Defined in CfgSounds including Description.ext
- maxDistance: Number - (Optional, default 100) Maximum distance in meters at which the sound can be heard
- pitch: Number - (Optional, default 1) Pitch of the sound
- since
- isSpeech: Boolean - (Optional, default false)
- true = play as speech (fadeSpeech applies), filters are not applied to it (i.e. house or vehicle interior one)
- false = play as sound, fadeSound applies
- since
- offset: Number - (Optional, default 0) Offset in seconds. Same as playMusic.
- Return Value:
- Object - The sound source (was Nothing before Arma 3 v2.00)
- Example 1:
helicopter1 say3D "Fortunateson";
- Example 2:
- Workaround for dead bodies:
private _dummy = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal ASLToAGL getPosWorld _corpse; _dummy say3D "whatever"; _dummy spawn { sleep 5; // at least the length of your sound deleteVehicle _this; };
Additional Information
- See also:
- say say2D playSoundcreateSoundSource
Report bugs on the Feedback Tracker and/or discuss them on the Arma Discord or on the Forums.
Only post proven facts here! Add Note
- Posted on 7 March 2013
- Rocket
- The only difference with this command and say is during cutscenes (when some camera effect is active). In cutscenes, say3D is 3D, say is not.
- Posted on July 19, 2015 - 21:26 (UTC)
- Benargee
- In Arma 2 1.63, the object this command is assigned to must be alive for the sound to broadcast. If the object is killed while the sound is still playing, the sound will stop immediately.
Here is a link to the forum to get around this issue.
I have not tested this in Arma 3 yet. - Posted on March 11, 2017 - 14:43 (UTC)
- Killzone Kid
This command creates sound object "#soundonvehicle" which can be detected with allMissionObjects:
onEachFrame {hintSilent str allMissionObjects "#soundonvehicle"}; [] spawn {sleep 1; player say3D "Alarm"};
- Scripting Commands
- Introduced with Arma 2 version 1.00
- Arma 2: New Scripting Commands
- Arma 2: Scripting Commands
- Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead: Scripting Commands
- Take On Helicopters: Scripting Commands
- Arma 3: Scripting Commands
- Command Group: Broken Commands
- Command Group: Sounds
- Scripting Commands: Local Effect