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Sets the current level of damage for a specific Hit Point. All hit points can be obtained with getAllHitPointsDamage command.
Object Manipulation


vehicle setHitIndex [hitPartIndex, damage, useEffects, killer, instigator, breakRotor]
vehicle : Object - vehicle to be damaged
hitPartIndex: Number - hit part index of the Hit Point
damage: Number - level of damage
  • 0: no damage
  • 1: full damage
since Arma 3 logo black.png1.68
useEffects: Boolean - (Optional, default true) false to skip destruction effects
since Arma 3 logo black.png2.08
killer: Object - (Optional, default objNull) the entity that caused the damage. If the damage leads to the death of the unit, the killer will be used as the object that caused the kill.
  • It can be used to show "killed by player" in debriefing statistics and kill messages in the chat (if death messages are enabled).
  • It will alter the killer's rating as if the killer directly killed the unit.
  • It will be listed as c_killer parameter in the Killed event handler.
since Arma 3 logo black.png2.12
instigator: Object - (Optional, default objNull) the person that instigated the damage.
  • if a tank is a killer, the tank gunner that pulled the trigger is instigator
  • it will be listed as c_instigator parameter in the Killed event handler.
since Arma 3 logo black.png2.18
breakRotor: Boolean - (Optional, default false) if the hitpoint is rotor on a helicopter, true will break the rotor as well as play corresponding sound if 'useEffects' is also true.
Return Value:


Example 1:
vehicle player setHitIndex [1, 1];
Example 2:
player setHitIndex [7, 0.5];

Additional Information

See also:
getAllHitPointsDamage getHitIndex getHitPointDamage setHitPointDamage setHit getHit setDamage damage forceHitPointsDamageSync


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