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Creates a strategic map.
A3 strategicMap.jpg


[display, pos, missions, ORBATs, markers, images, weather, night, scale, simulation, label, missionName, missionIcon] call BIS_fnc_strategicMapOpen
display: Display - parent display. When empty, mission display is used.
pos: Array format Position - default view position in format [x,y,y] or [x,y]
missions: Array - list of missions, each Array in format:
  • 0: Position - 2D or 3D position of mission
  • 1: Code - Expression executed when user clicks on mission icon
  • 2: String - Mission name
  • 3: String - Short description
  • 4: String - Name of mission's player
  • 5: String - Path to overview image
  • 6: Number - size multiplier for overview image
  • 7: Array - parameters for on-click action. Can be accessed in code with _this # 9
ORBATs: Array - list of ORBAT, each Array in format:
  • 0: Array format Position - 2D or 3D position
  • 1: Config - preview CfgORBAT group
  • 2: Config - topmost displayed CfgORBAT group
  • 3: Array of Strings - list of allowed tags
  • 4: String - name of mission's player
  • 5: Number - maximum number of displayed tiers
markers: Array of Strings - list of markers revealed in strategic map (will be hidden when map is closed)
images: Array - list of custom images, each Array in format:
weather: Number - overcast, from 0 - 1, where 1 means cloudy weather
night: Boolean - true for night version of strategic map (darker with blue tone)
scale: Number - default map scale coeficient (1 is automatic scale)
simulation: Boolean] - (Optional, default false true to enable simulation while the map is opened
label: String - (Optional, default "Select a mission") bottom bar action label text
missionName: Boolean - (Optional, default true) true to show icon label as a mission name
missionIcon: String - (Optional, default "\A3\Ui_f\data\Map\GroupIcons\badge_rotate_%1_gs.paa") path to mission icon texture
  • %1 - Animation frame from 0-6 (optional)
  • %2 - Index from 1-9 (optional)
Return Value:
Display - rscDisplayStrategicMap


Example 1:
[ findDisplay 46, [2000,2000,0], [ [ [2000,2000,0], {systemChat format ["%1",name ((_this # 9) # 0)]}, "1st Mission", "This is mission one", "Name of mission's player", "\A3\Data_F_Exp\Logos\arma3_exp_icon_ca.paa", 1.5, [player] ], [ [1000,1000,0], {systemChat format ["%1",name ((_this # 9) # 0)]}, "2nd Mission", "This is mission two", "Name of mission's player", "\A3\Data_F_Argo\Logos\arma3_argo_logoTitle_ca.paa", 1.5, [player] ] ], [ [ [3000,3000,0], configFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "BIS" >> "B_1_A_1_2", configFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "BIS" >> "B_1", [], 10 ] ], [ "marker_1", "marker_2" ], [ [ "\A3\Ui_f\data\Logos\arma3_white_ca.paa", [0,0,0,1], [4000,4000,0], 8, 8, 0, "Arma 3 Logo", true ] ], 0, false, 1, true, "Strategic Map Example", false, "\A3\Ui_f\data\Logos\arma3_white_ca.paa" ] call BIS_fnc_strategicMapOpen;

Additional Information

See also:
ORBAT Viewer BIS_fnc_ORBATAddGroupOverlay BIS_fnc_ORBATAnimate BIS_fnc_ORBATConfigPreview BIS_fnc_ORBATGetGroupParams BIS_fnc_ORBATOpen BIS_fnc_ORBATRemoveGroupOverlay BIS_fnc_ORBATSetGroupFade BIS_fnc_ORBATSetGroupParams BIS_fnc_ORBATTooltip BIS_fnc_strategicMapMouseButtonClick BIS_fnc_strategicMapAnimate


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ansin11 - c
Posted on Mar 31, 2021 - 15:29 (UTC)
In order to use an image from the mission folder, the full path to the image has to be provided:
"images\MyImage.jpg" // Does not work ([str missionConfigFile, 0, -15] call BIS_fnc_trimString) + "images\MyImage.jpg" // works // edit: since Arma 3 v1.96 getMissionPath is available getMissionPath "images\MyImage.jpg" // works