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CharacterCamera3rdPersonErc Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for CharacterCamera3rdPersonErc:

Public Member Functions

void CharacterCamera3rdPersonErc (CameraHandlerComponent pCameraHandler)
override void OnUpdate (float pDt, out ScriptedCameraItemResult pOutResult)
 virtual callback - called each frame
- Public Member Functions inherited from CharacterCamera3rdPersonBase
void CharacterCamera3rdPersonBase (CameraHandlerComponent pCameraHandler)
override void OnActivate (ScriptedCameraItem pPrevCamera, ScriptedCameraItemResult pPrevCameraResult)
 this overrides freelook for cameras
override void OnUpdate (float pDt, out ScriptedCameraItemResult pOutResult)
 virtual callback - called each frame
override float GetBaseFOV ()
int GetActiveShoulder ()
 Get active shoulder state used to remember the state when switched back from another camera.
override float GetShoulderDistance ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CharacterCameraBase
void CharacterCameraBase (CameraHandlerComponent pCameraHandler)
float UpdateUDAngle (out float pAngle, float pMin, float pMax, float pDt)
float UpdateLRAngle (float pAngle, float pMin, float pMax, float pDt)
override void OnUpdate (float pDt, out ScriptedCameraItemResult pOutResult)
 virtual callback - called each frame
override void OnActivate (ScriptedCameraItem pPrevCamera, ScriptedCameraItemResult pPrevCameraResult)
 this overrides freelook for cameras
void ForceFreelook (bool state)
int GetShoulderLastActive ()
 Get last 3rd person shoulder state.
float GetShoulderDistance ()
float GetInterpolatedUDTransformAngle (float pDt)
void AddPitchRoll (vector yawPitchRoll, float pitchFactor, float rollFactor, inout vector transformMS[4])
override void SetBaseAngles (out vector angles)
 Sets the camera angles in DEG, useful when switching between cameras and changing orientation of the character.
override vector GetBaseAngles ()
 helper to blend between cameras ret[0] - up down angle ret[1] - left right angle ret[2] - roll
- Public Member Functions inherited from ScriptedCameraItem
void ScriptedCameraItem (CameraHandlerComponent pCameraHandler)
override void OnActivate (ScriptedCameraItem pPrevCamera, ScriptedCameraItemResult pPrevCameraResult)
 this overrides freelook for cameras
override void OnBlendIn ()
override void OnBlendOut ()
override void OnUpdate (float pDt, out ScriptedCameraItemResult pOutResult)
 virtual callback - called each frame
void OnAfterCameraUpdate (float pDt, bool pIsKeyframe, inout vector transformMS[4])
vector GetBaseAngles ()
 helper to blend between cameras ret[0] - up down angle ret[1] - left right angle ret[2] - roll
override void SetBaseAngles (out vector angles)
 Sets the camera angles in DEG, useful when switching between cameras and changing orientation of the character.
float GetBaseFOV ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseScriptedCameraItem
void OnActivate (ScriptedCameraItem pPrevCamera, ScriptedCameraItemResult pPrevCameraResult)
 virtual callback - called when camera is created
void OnDeactivate (ScriptedCameraItem pNextCamera)
void OnBlendIn ()
void OnBlendOut ()
void OnUpdate (float pDt, out ScriptedCameraItemResult pOutResult)
 virtual callback - called each frame
void SetBaseAngles (out vector angles)
 Sets the camera angles in DEG, useful when switching between cameras and changing orientation of the character.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from CharacterCamera3rdPersonBase
static const float CONST_UD_MIN = -89.0
 down limit
static const float CONST_UD_MAX = 89.0
 up limit
static const float CONST_LR_MIN = -160.0
 left limit
static const float CONST_LR_MAX = 160.0
 right limit
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CharacterCameraBase
void AddVehiclePitchRoll (IEntity vehicle, float pDt, inout vector transformMS[4])
TNodeId GetCameraBoneIndex ()
 Since camera bone is animated only in certain situations we want to provide camera bone whenever it is requested by animation otherwise we provide head bone to reduce amount of work animators need to do in order to make camera bone following head bone.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CharacterCamera3rdPersonBase
int m_iBoneIndex = -1
 runtime config
vector m_CameraOffsetMS
 model space offset
vector m_CameraOffsetLS
 local space offset
float m_fDistance
 distance from start
float m_fShoulderWidth
 shoulder camera widths
bool m_bShoulderInLS
 true - shoulder is in local space
float m_fLeanDistance
vector m_vMaxVelocity = "2 2 2"
float m_fBobScale
int m_fShoulderLRPrefered = 1
float m_fShoulderLROffset

‍which shoulder is active? (1 - right, -1 left)

float m_fLeaningOffset
float m_fCameraLRShoulderVel
float m_fLeaningOffsetVel

‍velocity for CD filter

vector m_v3rd_VelocityAdd = vector.Zero
float m_fYoffsetPrevFrame = 0.0
 LS Y offset of the camera in the past.
- Protected Attributes inherited from CharacterCameraBase
float m_fUpDownAngle
 runtime values
float m_fUpDownAngleAdd
 up down angle in rad
float m_fLeftRightAngle = 0.0
 left right angle in rad
float m_fFOV
float m_fLRAngleVel
float m_fUDAngleVel
float m_fTransformUDAngleVel
float m_fTransformUDAngle
bool m_bForceFreeLook
bool m_bLRAngleNoLimit
bool m_bIgnoreCharacterPitch
float m_fFOVFilter
float m_fFOVFilterVel
int m_fShoulderLastActive = 1
 saved active shoulder for 3rd person cam (1 - right, -1 left)
float m_fRollFactor
float m_fRollSmooth
float m_fRollSmoothVel
float m_fPitchFactor
float m_fPitchSmooth
float m_fPitchSmoothVel
ChimeraCharacter m_OwnerCharacter
SCR_CharacterControllerComponent m_ControllerComponent
CharacterInputContext m_Input
SCR_CharacterCameraHandlerComponent m_CharacterCameraHandler
CharacterAnimationComponent m_CharacterAnimationComponent
CharacterHeadAimingComponent m_CharacterHeadAimingComponent
CharacterCommandWeapon m_CommandWeapons
CompartmentAccessComponent m_CompartmentAccessComponent
CharacterCommandHandlerComponent m_CmdHandler
float m_fShakeProgress
float m_fShakeVelocity
- Protected Attributes inherited from ScriptedCameraItem
CameraHandlerComponent m_CameraHandler
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from CharacterCameraBase
static TNodeId sm_iCameraBoneIndex = -1
static TNodeId sm_iHeadBoneIndex = -1
static TNodeId s_iNeckBoneIndex = -1
static AnimationTagID sm_TagFPCamera = -1
static AnimationTagID sm_TagLyingCamera = -1
static AnimationTagID sm_TagItemUpdateCols = -1
static AnimationTagID sm_TagADSTransitionOut = -1
static AnimationTagID sm_TagADSTransitionIn = -1

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CharacterCamera3rdPersonErc()

void CharacterCamera3rdPersonErc.CharacterCamera3rdPersonErc ( CameraHandlerComponent  pCameraHandler)

Member Function Documentation

◆ OnUpdate()

override void CharacterCamera3rdPersonErc.OnUpdate ( float  pDt,
out ScriptedCameraItemResult  pOutResult 

virtual callback - called each frame

update fov

yaw pitch roll vector

apply to rotation matrix

base bone pos

shoulder pos

apply shoulder dist

apply velocity

store distance

Implements CharacterCamera3rdPersonBase.

Implemented in CharacterCamera3rdPersonClimb.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: