override float | GetReticleBrightnessDay () |
| Get the Brightness of the reticle glow.
override float | GetReticleBrightnessNight () |
override void | OnPostInit (IEntity owner) |
| Called on PostInit when all components are added.
override void | OnSightADSActivate () |
override void | OnSightADSDeactivated () |
void | ReticleToggleIllumination () |
override void | UpdateReticlePosition (float u, float v, float uScale, float vScale) |
| Called to update the sight position U/V.
override void | UpdateReticleShapeIndex (int index) |
| Called to update the Reticle shape.
override void | UpdateReticleColor (vector inner, vector glow) |
| Called to update reticle color.
override void | UpdateReticleBrightnessScale (float scale) |
| Called to set auto brightness factor.
override void | UpdateReticleBrightness (float lvFactor, bool useOwn) |
| Called to set glow brightness.
proto external void | SetReticleSize (float angularSize, float reticlePortion) |
| Set virtual reticle size.
proto external float | GetReticleAngularSize () |
| Get the default angular size of the reticle, in degrees.
proto external float | GetReticlePortion () |
| Get the default portion of the reticle that covers the given angular size.
proto external int | GetNumReticles () |
| Get the number of reticle infos.
proto external bool | IsReticleValid (int index) |
| Is reticle index valud.
proto external BaseCollimatorReticleInfo | GetReticleByIndex (int index) |
| Get a reticle by index.
proto external int | GetCurrentReticleShape () |
| Get current reticle shape.
proto external void | ReticleNextShape () |
| Set the next reticle shape. This always works, but might not do anything if only one reticle is defined.
proto external void | ReticlePreviousShape () |
| Set the previous reticle shape. This always works, but might not do anything if only one reticle is defined.
proto external bool | SetReticleShapeByIndex (int iIndex) |
| Set reticle shape by index. Returns true if successful.
proto external int | GetNumColors () |
| Get the number of reticle colors.
proto external int | IsColorValid (int index) |
| Is color index valid.
proto external BaseCollimatorReticleColor | GetColorByIndex (int index) |
| Get a color record by index.
proto external int | GetCurrentColor () |
| Get current reticle color index.
proto external void | ReticleNextColor () |
| Set the next reticle color. This always works, but might not do anything if only one or no color is defined.
proto external void | ReticlePreviousColor () |
| Set the previous reticle color. This always works, but might not do anything if only one or no color is defined.
proto external float | GetNormalizedLightIntensity () |
| Get the normalized light intensity at the sight.
proto external bool | SetReticleColorByIndex (int iIndex) |
| Set reticle color by index. Return true if successful.
proto external void | SetVerticalAngularCorrection (float fAngle) |
| Set the angular correction (vertical) (in mils)
proto external float | GetVerticalAngularCorrection () |
| Get the angular correction (vertical) in mils.
proto external void | SetHorizontalAngularCorrection (float fAngle) |
| Set the angular correction (widage) (in mils)
proto external float | GetHorizontalAngularCorrection () |
| Get the angular correction (windage) in mils.
void | UpdateReticlePosition (float u, float v, float uScale, float vScale) |
| Called to update the sight position U/V.
void | OnPostInit (IEntity owner) |
| Called on PostInit when all components are added.
void | UpdateReticleShapeIndex (int index) |
| Called to update the Reticle shape.
void | UpdateReticleColor (vector inner, vector glow) |
| Called to update reticle color.
void | UpdateReticleBrightnessScale (float scale) |
| Called to set auto brightness factor.
void | UpdateReticleBrightness (float lvFactor, bool useOwn) |
| Called to set glow brightness.
float | GetReticleBrightnessDay () |
| Get the Brightness of the reticle glow.
float | GetReticleBrightnessNight () |
void | OnSightADSActivate () |
void | OnSightADSDeactivated () |
void | ApplyRecoilToCamera (inout vector pOutCameraTransform[4], vector aimModAngles) |
| Applies the given recoil angles to the camera transform according to the type of sight By default this method is empty.
bool | CanFreelook () |
bool | GetDOFRelatedPrefabData (out int opticDOFDistanceScale=-1, out bool forceSimpleDOF=false) |
| Used by SCR_DepthOfFieldEffect to scale the DOF based on each particular ironsight-distance.
proto external IEntity | GetOwner () |
proto external void | ForceSightsZeroValue (vector offset, vector angles, vector turnOffset) |
| Allow to override Zeroing via aim modifier (only works in Workbench)
proto external void | ForceSightsZeroValueEnablel (bool bOnOff) |
| Disable forced zeroing data.
proto external bool | IsSightADSActive () |
proto external float | GetADSActivationPercentage () |
proto external float | GetADSDeactivationPercentage () |
proto external bool | AreSightsValid (bool front=true, bool rear=true) |
proto external vector | GetSightsRearPosition (bool localSpace=false) |
| Returns additional sights position used for calculating zeroing A vector is calculated from start position to end position and used as direction for calculating zeroing offsets Start position should be the one closer to eye position than end position.
proto external vector | GetSightsFrontPosition (bool localSpace=false) |
| Returns additional sights position used for calculating zeroing A vector is calculated from start position to end position and used as direction for calculating zeroing offsets End position should be the one further from eye position than start position.
proto external vector | GetSightsDirection (bool localSpace=false, bool normalize=true) |
| Returns a direction vector from the rear sight position to the front sight position A vector is calculated from the rear sight to the front sight in such a way that GetSightsRearPosition() + GetSightsDirection() == GetSightsFrontPosition()
proto external vector | GetSightsDirectionUntransformed (bool localSpace=false, bool normalize=true) |
| Like GetSightsDirection, but ignores and bones associated with the sight points.
proto external vector | GetSightsOffset () |
| Returns the local sights reference point offset.
proto external bool | GetSightsTransform (out vector transform[4], bool localSpace=false) |
| Returns the transform matrix of the local sights.
proto external float | GetFOV () |
| Returns current value of field of view.
proto external vector | GetCurrentSightsRange () |
| Returns current range info value where x: animation value y: distance z: unused.
proto external SightsFOVInfo | GetFOVInfo () |
| Returns currently selected sights FOV info or null if none.
proto external float | GetCameraRecoilAmount () |
| Percentage 0...1 of recoil that should be applied to camera when using this sights component.
proto external bool | GetSightsPriority () |
| Boolean indicating whether this sight component is prioritized.
proto external bool | GetSightsSkipSwitch () |
| Return true if the sights can be switched to.
proto external void | SetSightsVisibility (float visFactor) |
| Hide parts of the sight on ADS. 0 means completely visible, 1 means completely hidden.
proto external PointInfo | GetPositionPointInfo () |
proto external PointInfo | GetRearPositionPointInfo () |
proto external PointInfo | GetFrontPositionPointInfo () |
bool | OnTicksOnRemoteProxy () |