void | OnDisconnected (int playerID) |
void | OnKill (notnull SCR_InstigatorContextData instigatorContextData) |
| What happens when a player is killed.
SCR_PlayerScoreInfoFiringRange | AddPlayer (int playerID) |
| Add a player to the player array m_aAllPlayersInfo.
void | RemovePlayer (int playerID) |
| Remove a player from the player array m_aAllPlayersInfo.
void | ClearScore (int playerID) |
void | AddScore (int playerID, int scorePoints) |
void | SetScoreMax (int playerID, int scorePointsMax) |
| Set the maximal score of given firing line.
int | GetScore (int playerID) |
| Get the integer equal to the player's kill count.
int | GetPlayersCount () |
int | GetAllPlayersScoreInfo (notnull out array< SCR_PlayerScoreInfoFiringRange > output) |
override void | OnPostInit (IEntity owner) |
override void | EOnInit (IEntity owner) |
void | SCR_FiringRangeScoringComponent (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent) |
SCR_BaseGameMode | GetGameMode () |
void | OnGameEnd () |
| Called on all machines when the world ends.
void | OnGameStateChanged (SCR_EGameModeState state) |
| Called when game mode state changes called on all machines.
void | OnGameModeStart () |
| Called on every machine when game mode starts.
void | OnGameModeEnd (SCR_GameModeEndData data) |
| Called when game mode ends.
void | OnPlayerConnected (int playerId) |
| Called after a player is connected.
void | OnPlayerAuditSuccess (int playerId) |
| Event is called when player connecting Session hosting current Game Mode where is required authentication verification via.
void | OnPlayerAuditFail (int playerId) |
| Event is called when player connecting Session hosting current Game Mode AuditFail() call may be called under two occasions: 1) verification is required but failed (account is not valid, player is banned, internet issues) 2) player cannot be verified as authentication is not required or possible - where it may be valid behavior (server online connectivity turned off for example) Basically non-audited player cannot access persistency/ etc.
void | OnPlayerAuditTimeouted (int playerId) |
| Event is called when player connected to Session was kicked and did not reconnected in time This mean that slot reservation can be canceled.
void | OnPlayerAuditRevived (int playerId) |
| Event is called when player reconnected successfully back to Session after kick This mean that slot reservation need to be finished (closed).
void | OnPlayerRegistered (int playerId) |
| Called on every machine after a player is registered (identity, name etc.).
void | OnPlayerDisconnected (int playerId, KickCauseCode cause, int timeout) |
| Called after a player is disconnected.
void | OnPlayerSpawned (int playerId, IEntity controlledEntity) |
| Called after a player is spawned.
bool | PreparePlayerEntity_S (SCR_SpawnRequestComponent requestComponent, SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent handlerComponent, SCR_SpawnData data, IEntity entity) |
void | OnSpawnPlayerEntityFailure_S (SCR_SpawnRequestComponent requestComponent, SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent handlerComponent, IEntity entity, SCR_SpawnData data, SCR_ESpawnResult reason) |
void | OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S (SCR_SpawnRequestComponent requestComponent, SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent handlerComponent, SCR_SpawnData data, IEntity entity) |
bool | HandlePlayerKilled (int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator instigator) |
| See SCR_BaseGameMode.HandlePlayerKilled.
void | OnPlayerKilled (notnull SCR_InstigatorContextData instigatorContextData) |
| Called after a player gets killed.
void | OnPlayerKilledHandled (int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator instigator) |
| Called after player gets killed in cases where the kill was handled by the game mode, supressing the default OnPlayerKilled behaviour.
void | OnPlayerDeleted (int playerId, IEntity player) |
| Called after a player gets deleted.
void | OnPlayerRoleChange (int playerId, EPlayerRole roleFlags) |
| Called when player role changes.
void | OnWorldPostProcess (World world) |
| Called once loading of all entities of the world have been finished (still within the loading)
void | HandleOnLoadoutAssigned (int playerID, SCR_BasePlayerLoadout assignedLoadout) |
| What happens when a player is assigned a loadout.
void | HandleOnFactionAssigned (int playerID, Faction assignedFaction) |
| What happens when a player is assigned a faction.
void | HandleOnSpawnPointAssigned (int playerID, SCR_SpawnPoint spawnPoint) |
| What happens when a player is assigned a spawn point.
void | OnControllableSpawned (IEntity entity) |
| When a controllable entity is spawned, this event is raised.
void | OnControllableDestroyed (notnull SCR_InstigatorContextData instigatorContextData) |
| When a controllable entity is destroyed, this event is raised.
void | OnControllableDeleted (IEntity entity) |
| Prior to a controllable entity being DELETED, this event is raised.
void | SCR_BaseGameModeComponent (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent) |