override EVehicleInfoState | GetState () |
| Can be overridden to get state of actual system or linked to an event.
override EVehicleInfoState | GetState () |
| Can be overridden to get state of actual system or linked to an event.
override void | DisplayInit (IEntity owner) |
| Init the UI, runs 1x at the start of the game.
override EVehicleInfoState | GetState () |
| Can be overridden to get state of actual system or linked to an event.
override bool | DisplayStartDrawInit (IEntity owner) |
override void | DisplayStopDraw (IEntity owner) |
| Destroy the UI.
override void | DisplayUpdate (IEntity owner, float timeSlice) |
override bool | DisplayStartDrawInit (IEntity owner) |
override void | DisplayStartDraw (IEntity owner) |
| Create the UI.
override void | DisplayStopDraw (IEntity owner) |
| Destroy the UI.
override void | DisplayInit (IEntity owner) |
| Init the UI, runs 1x at the start of the game.
void | SetEnabled (bool isEnabled) |
override void | Show (bool show, float speed=UIConstants.FADE_RATE_INSTANT, EAnimationCurve curve=EAnimationCurve.LINEAR) |
| Show/hide InfoDisplay properly, not breaking other systems like AdaptiveOpacity or ConditionalVisibility.
SCR_InfoDisplayHandler | GetHandler (TypeName handlerType) |
SCR_InfoDisplayInvoker | GetOnStart () |
SCR_InfoDisplayInvoker | GetOnStop () |
IEntity | GetOwnerEntity () |
Widget | GetContentWidget () |
string | GetContentWidgetName () |
void | SetRootWidget (notnull Widget root) |
void | SetContentWidget (notnull Widget content) |
void | Show (bool show, float speed=UIConstants.FADE_RATE_INSTANT, EAnimationCurve curve=EAnimationCurve.LINEAR) |
| Show/hide InfoDisplay properly, not breaking other systems like AdaptiveOpacity or ConditionalVisibility.
bool | IsShown () |
Widget | GetRootWidget () |
bool | GetDimensions (out float width, out float height, bool addSafezones=true) |
| Get width and height of the InfoDisplay element, optionally with safezones adjustments.
bool | GetAnchorPosition (out float x, out float y, EWidgetAnchor anchor=EWidgetAnchor.TOPLEFT, bool addSafezones=true) |
| Get width and height of the InfoDisplay element, optionally with safezones adjustments.
void | RegisterToHudManager () |
proto external int | GetInfoDisplays (out notnull array< BaseInfoDisplay > outInfoDisplays) |
proto external GenericComponent | FindComponentInParentContainer (TypeName typeName) |
EVehicleInfoColor | m_eColor |
ResourceName | m_LayoutPath |
EHudLayers | m_eLayer |
int | m_iOverrideZOrder |
EVehicleInfoState | GetState () |
| Can be overridden to get state of actual system or linked to an event.
bool | IsBlinking () |
| Can be overridden to get state of actual system or linked to an event.
void | Scale (ImageWidget widget, float scale) |
void | Scale (TextWidget widget, float scale) |
void | Scale (OverlayWidget widget, float scale) |
void | SetIcon (string icon) |
void | SetColor (EVehicleInfoState state, EVehicleInfoColor color) |
bool | UpdateRequired (EVehicleInfoState state) |
bool | DisplayStartDrawInit (IEntity owner) |
void | DisplayStartDraw (IEntity owner) |
void | DisplayStopDraw (IEntity owner) |
void | DisplayInit (IEntity owner) |
void | DisplayUpdate (IEntity owner, float timeSlice) |
void | DisplayControlledEntityChanged (IEntity from, IEntity to) |
void | DisplayConsciousnessChanged (bool conscious, bool init=false) |
void | DisplayOnSuspended () |
| Called when GUI is temporarily suspended due to visibility flags; e.g. GM entered and GUI marked as not to show in GM.
void | DisplayOnResumed () |
void | InitializeInterfaceSettings () |
void | OnSettingsChanged () |
void | OnShownFinished (Widget w, float targetOpacity, WidgetAnimationOpacity anim=null) |
override void | OnStartDraw (IEntity owner) |
void | AdaptiveOpacity_Update (float opacity, float sceneBrightness, bool init=false) |
override void | OnStopDraw (IEntity owner) |
override void | UpdateValues (IEntity owner, float timeSlice) |
override void | OnInit (IEntity owner) |
void | OnInit (IEntity owner) |
void | UpdateValues (IEntity owner, float timeSlice) |
void | OnStartDraw (IEntity owner) |
void | OnStopDraw (IEntity owner) |
SCR_HelicopterControllerComponent | m_HelicoperController |
SignalsManagerComponent | m_SignalsManager |
int | m_iSignalIndexSpeed |
int | m_iSignalIndexAlt |
ref array< string > | m_aHitZoneNames |
ref array< HitZone > | m_aHitZones |
ResourceName | m_Imageset = "{3262679C50EF4F01}UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI.imageset" |
ResourceName | m_ImagesetGlow = "{00FE3DBDFD15227B}UI/Textures/Icons/icons_wrapperUI-glow.imageset" |
ImageWidget | m_wIcon |
ImageWidget | m_wGlow |
OverlayWidget | m_wSizeOverlay |
string | m_sIcon |
float | m_fWidgetScale |
bool | m_bShowGhost |
EVehicleInfoState | m_eState = EVehicleInfoState.ERROR |
bool | m_bIsBlinking |
int | m_iBlinkingOffset |
Color | m_aColors [5] |
Color | m_aColorsGlow [5] |
bool | m_bIsEnabled |
string | m_sInterfaceSettingName |
SCR_PlayerController | m_PlayerController |
SCR_CharacterControllerComponent | m_CharacterController |
SCR_CharacterCameraHandlerComponent | m_CameraHandler |
MenuManager | m_MenuManager |
EventHandlerManagerComponent | m_EventHandlerManager |
SCR_EditorManagerEntity | m_EditorManager |
bool | m_bAttachedToPlayerController |
bool | m_bInThirdPerson |
bool | m_bInADS |
bool | m_bIsUnconscious |
bool | m_bInPauseMenu |
bool | m_bInEditor |
bool | m_bCanShow |
bool | m_bIsEnabledInSettings = true |
bool | m_bShowInAllCameras = true |
string | m_sParentSlot |
string | m_sContentWidget |
int | m_iContentWidthAdjustment |
int | m_iContentHeightAdjustment |
string | m_sAdaptiveOpacityWidgetName |
ref array< ref SCR_InfoDisplayHandler > | m_aHandlers |
bool | m_bShown |
Widget | m_wRoot |
Widget | m_wContent |
Widget | m_wSlot |
SCR_HUDManagerComponent | m_HUDManager |
int | m_iChildDisplays = 0 |
ref array< BaseInfoDisplay > | m_aChildDisplays = new array<BaseInfoDisplay> |
SCR_InfoDisplay | m_pParentDisplay |
bool | m_bRegistered = false |
IEntity | m_OwnerEntity |
ref array< ref SCR_InfoDisplayHandler > | m_aUpdatableHandlers = {} |
ref SCR_InfoDisplayInvoker | m_OnStart = new SCR_InfoDisplayInvoker() |
ref SCR_InfoDisplayInvoker | m_OnStop = new SCR_InfoDisplayInvoker() |
const string | SIGNAL_SPEED = "airspeed" |
const string | SIGNAL_ALTITUDE = "altitudeAGL" |
const int | ICON_SIZE = 64 |