bool | GetDynamicDespawnEnabled () |
void | SetDynamicDespawnEnabled (bool enabled) |
int | GetDynamicDespawnRange () |
void | SetDynamicDespawnRange (int range) |
SCR_BaseTask | GetTask () |
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask | GetSlotTask () |
void | SetSlotTask (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask slotTask) |
override SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask | GetLayerTask () |
void | SetLayerTask (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask layerTask) |
string | GetLayerTaskName () |
SCR_ESFTaskType | GetLayerTaskType () |
string | GetDeliveryPointName () |
void | StoreDeliveryPoint (string sDeliveryPointName) |
| Sets delivery point name for task delivery and triggers it with given name.
void | StoreTaskToArea (SCR_BaseTask task) |
| Store Task in area.
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask | Create () |
| Randomly selects an available scenario layer from all available slots and initializes it.
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask | Create (SCR_ESFTaskType eTaskType) |
| Creates a suitable layer for a given task type, initializes it, and returns it.
void | Create (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask layerTask, SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask slotTask=null) |
| Initializes layer task with random spawned child slot task on tasks init.
SCR_BaseTriggerEntity | GetTrigger () |
void | SpawnTrigger () |
| Spawns a trigger entity with specified resource, sets its radius, and attaches an activation event.
void | MoveTaskIconToArea (notnull SCR_BaseTask task) |
| Moves task icon to area position.
bool | GetIsTaskSuitableForArea (SCR_ESFTaskType eTaskType) |
| Checks if given task type is suitable for current area by checking if it's in available task types list.
void | GetAvailableTaskTypes (out array< SCR_ESFTaskType > aTaskTypes) |
| Gets available task types from scenario layers and adds them to an array.
void | GetSuitableLayersForTaskType (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > aSlotsOut, SCR_ESFTaskType eTaskType) |
| Filters suitable layers for given task type, populates output array with matching layers.
void | SetAreaSelected (bool bSet) |
bool | GetIsAreaSelected () |
void | OnAreaTriggerActivated (IEntity entity) |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnAreaTriggerActivated () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnAreaInit () |
override void | RestoreToDefault (bool includeChildren=false, bool reinitAfterRestoration=false, bool affectRandomization=true) |
| Restores default settings, deselects area, nullifies triggers, resets item delivery point, and calls base class.
override void | DynamicReinit () |
| Initializes dynamic reinitialization by calling Init() method.
override void | DynamicDespawn (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer) |
| Removes all children layers from the scenario framework layer and despawns itself if not excluded from dynamic despawning.
override bool | InitParentLayer () |
| Initializes parent layer with true value.
override void | Init (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea area=null, SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activation=SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType.SAME_AS_PARENT) |
| Initializes area, spawns trigger if not already spawned, initializes trigger actions if trigger is present, and sets activation type.
override void | AfterAllChildrenSpawned (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer) |
| Initializes Trigger.
override void | EOnInit (IEntity owner) |
| Initializes area registration with ScenarioFrameworkSystem when game mode is valid.
override void | OnPostInit (IEntity owner) |
override void | _WB_AfterWorldUpdate (IEntity owner, float timeSlice) |
| Draws debug shape based on m_bShowDebugShapeInWorkbench setting in Workbench after world update.
override bool | _WB_OnKeyChanged (IEntity owner, BaseContainer src, string key, BaseContainerList ownerContainers, IEntity parent) |
| Controls debug shape visibility in Workbench based on user input.
void | SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent) |
string | GetName () |
void | SetEntity (IEntity entity) |
bool | GetIsTerminated () |
void | SetIsTerminated (bool state) |
void | SetRandomlySpawnedChildren (array< string > randomlySpawnedChildren) |
void | AddRandomlySpawnedChild (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase child) |
| Adds child to list if not already present, ensuring uniqueness.
array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > | GetRandomlySpawnedChildren () |
int | GetPlayersCount (FactionKey factionName="") |
| Counts players in specified faction.
int | GetMaxPlayersForGameMode (FactionKey factionName="") |
| Determines maximum players for a mission based on its mode, returns 4 if mission header is invalid.
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea | GetParentArea () |
void | GetAllLayers (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > layers) |
| Gathers all layers from child entities and their siblings, adding them to the provided array.
void | GetAllLayers (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > layers, SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activationType) |
| Gathers all layers from child entities and their siblings, adding them to the provided array, filtered by activation type.
void | GetAllLayerTasks (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask > layerTasks) |
| Gathers all layer tasks from child entities and their siblings, adding them to the provided array.
void | GetAllSlotTasks (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask > slotTasks) |
| Gets all slot tasks from all layers in the hierarchy of the owner entity, including sibling layers' tasks.
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask | GetLayerTask () |
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask | GetSlotTask (array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > aLayers) |
| Retrieves slot task from layer child entities.
void | SetParentLayer (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase parentLayer) |
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase | GetParentLayer () |
SCR_EScenarioFrameworkSpawnChildrenType | GetSpawnChildrenType () |
bool | GetEnableRepeatedSpawn () |
void | SetEnableRepeatedSpawn (bool value) |
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType | GetActivationType () |
void | SetActivationType (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activationType) |
bool | GetIsInitiated () |
bool | GetDynamicDespawnExcluded () |
void | SetDynamicDespawnExcluded (bool excluded) |
array< IEntity > | GetSpawnedEntities () |
array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > | GetChildrenEntities () |
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase | GetRandomChildren () |
void | GetChildren (out array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > children) |
| Reverses and inserts children layers into an array.
void | GetChildren (out array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > children, SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activationType) |
| Reverses and inserts children layers into an array, filtered by activation type.
void | GetLogics (out array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLogic > logics) |
| Retrieves all child scenario framework logic entities from owner entity and adds them to logics array if not already present.
array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLogic > | GetSpawnedLogics () |
array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkPlugin > | GetSpawnedPlugins () |
int | GetRepeatedSpawnNumber () |
void | SetRepeatedSpawnNumber (int number) |
ScriptInvokerScenarioFrameworkLayer | GetOnAllChildrenSpawned () |
void | InvokeAllChildrenSpawned () |
| Spawns all children and triggers invoker on completion.
void | CalculateSupposedSpawnedChildren (bool previouslyRandomized=false) |
| Calculates supposed spawned children based on activation type, termination, initiation, and conditions.
void | CheckAllChildrenSpawned (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer=null) |
| Checks if all children layers have spawned or spawns one randomly if specified.
void | SpawnChildren (bool previouslyRandomized=false) |
| Spawns children based on scenario settings, either all at once or randomly.
void | SpawnPreviouslyRandomizedChildren () |
| Spawns children with delay based on their index.
void | SpawnRandomOneChild (bool previouslyRandomized=false) |
| Spawns random child object if not previously randomized, else spawns previously randomized children.
void | SpawnRandomMultipleChildren (bool previouslyRandomized=false) |
| Spawns random children based on player count, if previously randomized, uses previous children, otherwise selects from available children.
void | InitChild (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase child) |
| Initializes child layer, sets parent layer, and initializes child with parent area and action type.
IEntity | GetSpawnedEntity () |
void | RestoreToDefault (bool includeChildren=false, bool reinitAfterRestoration=false, bool affectRandomization=true) |
| Restores default settings, clears children, removes spawned entities, optionally reinitializes after restoration.
void | DynamicDespawn (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer) |
| Dynamically despawns this layer.
void | DynamicReinit () |
| Reinitializes this layer.
bool | InitAlreadyHappened () |
| Initialization check if already happened.
bool | InitParentLayer () |
| Initializes parent layer.
bool | InitNotTerminated () |
| Checks if layer is not terminated, spawns children if parent exists, returns false if terminated or children not spawnned.
bool | InitDynDespawnAndActivation (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activation) |
| Checks if object is not dynamically despawned, then verifies if activation type matches, spawns all children if.
bool | InitActivationConditions (bool calledFromInit=false) |
| Checks activation conditions for scenario layer, sets condition status based on logic operator, checks parent layer if needed.
bool | InitArea (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea area) |
| Initializes area for scenario framework layer.
bool | InitFactionSettings () |
| Handles inheritance of faction settings from parents.
bool | InitOtherThings () |
| For situations where some other logic is to be appended in these checks and is to be performed before FinishInit.
void | FinishInitChildrenInsert () |
| For situations where some other logic is needed to be performed before or after this Insert.
void | FinishInit () |
| Initializes children, retrieves them, and spawns them.
void | Init (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea area=null, SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activation=SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType.SAME_AS_PARENT) |
| Initializes scenario framework layer.
void | AfterAllChildrenSpawned (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer) |
| Initializes logic, plugins and actions.
override void | EOnFrame (IEntity owner, float timeSlice) |
| Draws debug shapes during runtime if enabled.
override void | OnPostInit (IEntity owner) |
void | SetDebugShapeSize (float fSize) |
override void | _WB_OnCreate (IEntity owner, IEntitySource src) |
| Renames all entities in the owner's children hierarchy.
void | RenameOwnerEntity (IEntity owner) |
| Rename entity owner with default name if not restoring undo/redo.
void | SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent) |
void | ~SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase () |
| Removes object in edit mode or despawns it if not in edit mode.
Class is managing the area including the Slots (prefab Slot.et).
The Slots should be placed in its hierarchy. GameModePatrolManager will select one instance of this type and will start to populate it based on the selected task