SCR_TaskState | GetLayerTaskState () |
bool | GetLayerTaskResolvedBeforeLoad () |
void | SetLayerTaskState (SCR_TaskState state) |
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkTask | GetTask () |
ResourceName | GetTaskPrefab () |
string | GetOverridenObjectDisplayName () |
void | SetOverridenObjectDisplayName (string name) |
string | GetTaskTitle () |
string | GetOriginalTaskDescription () |
string | GetTaskDescription () |
SCR_ESFTaskType | GetTaskType () |
override void | RestoreToDefault (bool includeChildren=false, bool reinitAfterRestoration=false, bool affectRandomization=true) |
| Restores default settings, clears children, removes spawned entities, optionally reinitializes after restoration.
override void | DynamicReinit () |
| Initializes layer with same activation type as parent.
override void | DynamicDespawn (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer) |
| Dynamically despawns this layer.
override void | FinishInit () |
| Initializes tasks after all children spawned, logs error if task manager not found.
void | OnTaskStateChanged (SCR_TaskState previousState, SCR_TaskState newState) |
| Triggers actions on task finish if not resolved before load.
void | SetSlotTask (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask slotTask) |
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask | GetSlotTask () |
void | InitTask (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer) |
| Initializes task, sets up support entity, and handles task state changes based on scenario framework layer.
override void | _WB_AfterWorldUpdate (IEntity owner, float timeSlice) |
| Draws debug shape based on m_bShowDebugShapesInWorkbench setting in Workbench after world update.
override bool | _WB_OnKeyChanged (IEntity owner, BaseContainer src, string key, BaseContainerList ownerContainers, IEntity parent) |
| Controls debug shape visibility in Workbench based on user input.
void | ~SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask () |
| Removes task from support entity and despawns if in edit mode or task is cancelled.
string | GetName () |
void | SetEntity (IEntity entity) |
bool | GetIsTerminated () |
void | SetIsTerminated (bool state) |
void | SetRandomlySpawnedChildren (array< string > randomlySpawnedChildren) |
void | AddRandomlySpawnedChild (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase child) |
| Adds child to list if not already present, ensuring uniqueness.
array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > | GetRandomlySpawnedChildren () |
int | GetPlayersCount (FactionKey factionName="") |
| Counts players in specified faction.
int | GetMaxPlayersForGameMode (FactionKey factionName="") |
| Determines maximum players for a mission based on its mode, returns 4 if mission header is invalid.
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea | GetParentArea () |
void | GetAllLayers (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > layers) |
| Gathers all layers from child entities and their siblings, adding them to the provided array.
void | GetAllLayers (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > layers, SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activationType) |
| Gathers all layers from child entities and their siblings, adding them to the provided array, filtered by activation type.
void | GetAllLayerTasks (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask > layerTasks) |
| Gathers all layer tasks from child entities and their siblings, adding them to the provided array.
void | GetAllSlotTasks (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask > slotTasks) |
| Gets all slot tasks from all layers in the hierarchy of the owner entity, including sibling layers' tasks.
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask | GetLayerTask () |
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask | GetSlotTask (array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > aLayers) |
| Retrieves slot task from layer child entities.
void | SetParentLayer (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase parentLayer) |
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase | GetParentLayer () |
SCR_EScenarioFrameworkSpawnChildrenType | GetSpawnChildrenType () |
bool | GetEnableRepeatedSpawn () |
void | SetEnableRepeatedSpawn (bool value) |
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType | GetActivationType () |
void | SetActivationType (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activationType) |
bool | GetIsInitiated () |
bool | GetDynamicDespawnExcluded () |
void | SetDynamicDespawnExcluded (bool excluded) |
array< IEntity > | GetSpawnedEntities () |
array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > | GetChildrenEntities () |
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase | GetRandomChildren () |
void | GetChildren (out array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > children) |
| Reverses and inserts children layers into an array.
void | GetChildren (out array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > children, SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activationType) |
| Reverses and inserts children layers into an array, filtered by activation type.
void | GetLogics (out array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLogic > logics) |
| Retrieves all child scenario framework logic entities from owner entity and adds them to logics array if not already present.
array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLogic > | GetSpawnedLogics () |
array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkPlugin > | GetSpawnedPlugins () |
int | GetRepeatedSpawnNumber () |
void | SetRepeatedSpawnNumber (int number) |
ScriptInvokerScenarioFrameworkLayer | GetOnAllChildrenSpawned () |
void | InvokeAllChildrenSpawned () |
| Spawns all children and triggers invoker on completion.
void | CalculateSupposedSpawnedChildren (bool previouslyRandomized=false) |
| Calculates supposed spawned children based on activation type, termination, initiation, and conditions.
void | CheckAllChildrenSpawned (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer=null) |
| Checks if all children layers have spawned or spawns one randomly if specified.
void | SpawnChildren (bool previouslyRandomized=false) |
| Spawns children based on scenario settings, either all at once or randomly.
void | SpawnPreviouslyRandomizedChildren () |
| Spawns children with delay based on their index.
void | SpawnRandomOneChild (bool previouslyRandomized=false) |
| Spawns random child object if not previously randomized, else spawns previously randomized children.
void | SpawnRandomMultipleChildren (bool previouslyRandomized=false) |
| Spawns random children based on player count, if previously randomized, uses previous children, otherwise selects from available children.
void | InitChild (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase child) |
| Initializes child layer, sets parent layer, and initializes child with parent area and action type.
IEntity | GetSpawnedEntity () |
void | RestoreToDefault (bool includeChildren=false, bool reinitAfterRestoration=false, bool affectRandomization=true) |
| Restores default settings, clears children, removes spawned entities, optionally reinitializes after restoration.
void | DynamicDespawn (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer) |
| Dynamically despawns this layer.
void | DynamicReinit () |
| Reinitializes this layer.
bool | InitAlreadyHappened () |
| Initialization check if already happened.
bool | InitParentLayer () |
| Initializes parent layer.
bool | InitNotTerminated () |
| Checks if layer is not terminated, spawns children if parent exists, returns false if terminated or children not spawnned.
bool | InitDynDespawnAndActivation (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activation) |
| Checks if object is not dynamically despawned, then verifies if activation type matches, spawns all children if.
bool | InitActivationConditions (bool calledFromInit=false) |
| Checks activation conditions for scenario layer, sets condition status based on logic operator, checks parent layer if needed.
bool | InitArea (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea area) |
| Initializes area for scenario framework layer.
bool | InitFactionSettings () |
| Handles inheritance of faction settings from parents.
bool | InitOtherThings () |
| For situations where some other logic is to be appended in these checks and is to be performed before FinishInit.
void | FinishInitChildrenInsert () |
| For situations where some other logic is needed to be performed before or after this Insert.
void | FinishInit () |
| Initializes children, retrieves them, and spawns them.
void | Init (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea area=null, SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activation=SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType.SAME_AS_PARENT) |
| Initializes scenario framework layer.
void | AfterAllChildrenSpawned (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer) |
| Initializes logic, plugins and actions.
override void | EOnFrame (IEntity owner, float timeSlice) |
| Draws debug shapes during runtime if enabled.
override void | OnPostInit (IEntity owner) |
void | SetDebugShapeSize (float fSize) |
override void | _WB_OnCreate (IEntity owner, IEntitySource src) |
| Renames all entities in the owner's children hierarchy.
void | RenameOwnerEntity (IEntity owner) |
| Rename entity owner with default name if not restoring undo/redo.
void | SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent) |
void | ~SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase () |
| Removes object in edit mode or despawns it if not in edit mode.