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SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend:

Public Member Functions

float GetDefendTime ()
void SetDefendTime (float time)
SCR_CharacterTriggerEntity GetCharacterTriggerEntity ()
void FindCharacterTriggerEntity ()
 Finds character trigger entity by name.
override bool SetSupportEntity ()
 Sets support entity for this layer task.
void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent)
void EvaluateStatus ()
 Evaluates task status.
void SetupAttackerLayer ()
 Sets up attacker layers from given names in the world.
void SetupEvaluation ()
 Sets up evaluation time, triggers attacker layer, and checks for character trigger entities in scenario layers.
override void RestoreToDefault (bool includeChildren=false, bool reinitAfterRestoration=false, bool affectRandomization=true)
 Restores default settings, clears attacker layer, nullifies entities, and calls superclass method.
override void DynamicDespawn (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer)
 Dynamic Despawn is disabled for Task Defend.
override void AfterAllChildrenSpawned (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer)
 Initializes scenario, finds trigger entity, initializes HUD, sets up evaluation, and initializes post-init for owner.
override void OnPostInit (IEntity owner)
void InitHUD ()
 Initializes HUD layout, sets visibility of widgets, sets countdown time, and sets flavor text.
void UpdateHUD ()
 Updates HUD based on task state, displays countdown or delayed evaluation text, hides HUD if task is cancelled.
void RpcDo_UpdateHUD (float countdown, int taskID)
 Updates HUD with countdown or delayed evaluation text based on task state, displays countdown or title, hides or.
void CheckAttackerLayers ()
 Checks if attacker layers have repeated spawns, then iterates through spawned entities, checking if any character or group is alive or not.
void RemovePeriodicUpdates ()
 Removes periodic updates and clears debug shapes during runtime if not shown.
override void EOnFrame (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
 Updates HUD, checks attacker layers based on time slice, evaluates status if not delayed evaluation.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask
SCR_TaskState GetLayerTaskState ()
bool GetLayerTaskResolvedBeforeLoad ()
void SetLayerTaskState (SCR_TaskState state)
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkTask GetTask ()
ResourceName GetTaskPrefab ()
string GetOverridenObjectDisplayName ()
void SetOverridenObjectDisplayName (string name)
string GetTaskTitle ()
string GetOriginalTaskDescription ()
string GetTaskDescription ()
SCR_ESFTaskType GetTaskType ()
override void RestoreToDefault (bool includeChildren=false, bool reinitAfterRestoration=false, bool affectRandomization=true)
 Restores default settings, clears children, removes spawned entities, optionally reinitializes after restoration.
override void DynamicReinit ()
 Initializes layer with same activation type as parent.
override void DynamicDespawn (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer)
 Dynamically despawns this layer.
override void FinishInit ()
 Initializes tasks after all children spawned, logs error if task manager not found.
void OnTaskStateChanged (SCR_TaskState previousState, SCR_TaskState newState)
 Triggers actions on task finish if not resolved before load.
void SetSlotTask (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask slotTask)
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask GetSlotTask ()
void InitTask (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer)
 Initializes task, sets up support entity, and handles task state changes based on scenario framework layer.
override void _WB_AfterWorldUpdate (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
 Draws debug shape based on m_bShowDebugShapesInWorkbench setting in Workbench after world update.
override bool _WB_OnKeyChanged (IEntity owner, BaseContainer src, string key, BaseContainerList ownerContainers, IEntity parent)
 Controls debug shape visibility in Workbench based on user input.
void ~SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask ()
 Removes task from support entity and despawns if in edit mode or task is cancelled.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase
string GetName ()
void SetEntity (IEntity entity)
bool GetIsTerminated ()
void SetIsTerminated (bool state)
void SetRandomlySpawnedChildren (array< string > randomlySpawnedChildren)
void AddRandomlySpawnedChild (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase child)
 Adds child to list if not already present, ensuring uniqueness.
array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBaseGetRandomlySpawnedChildren ()
int GetPlayersCount (FactionKey factionName="")
 Counts players in specified faction.
int GetMaxPlayersForGameMode (FactionKey factionName="")
 Determines maximum players for a mission based on its mode, returns 4 if mission header is invalid.
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea GetParentArea ()
void GetAllLayers (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > layers)
 Gathers all layers from child entities and their siblings, adding them to the provided array.
void GetAllLayers (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > layers, SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activationType)
 Gathers all layers from child entities and their siblings, adding them to the provided array, filtered by activation type.
void GetAllLayerTasks (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask > layerTasks)
 Gathers all layer tasks from child entities and their siblings, adding them to the provided array.
void GetAllSlotTasks (out notnull array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask > slotTasks)
 Gets all slot tasks from all layers in the hierarchy of the owner entity, including sibling layers' tasks.
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask GetLayerTask ()
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask GetSlotTask (array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > aLayers)
 Retrieves slot task from layer child entities.
void SetParentLayer (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase parentLayer)
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase GetParentLayer ()
SCR_EScenarioFrameworkSpawnChildrenType GetSpawnChildrenType ()
bool GetEnableRepeatedSpawn ()
void SetEnableRepeatedSpawn (bool value)
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType GetActivationType ()
void SetActivationType (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activationType)
bool GetIsInitiated ()
bool GetDynamicDespawnExcluded ()
void SetDynamicDespawnExcluded (bool excluded)
array< IEntity > GetSpawnedEntities ()
array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBaseGetChildrenEntities ()
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase GetRandomChildren ()
void GetChildren (out array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > children)
 Reverses and inserts children layers into an array.
void GetChildren (out array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase > children, SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activationType)
 Reverses and inserts children layers into an array, filtered by activation type.
void GetLogics (out array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLogic > logics)
 Retrieves all child scenario framework logic entities from owner entity and adds them to logics array if not already present.
array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLogicGetSpawnedLogics ()
array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkPluginGetSpawnedPlugins ()
int GetRepeatedSpawnNumber ()
void SetRepeatedSpawnNumber (int number)
ScriptInvokerScenarioFrameworkLayer GetOnAllChildrenSpawned ()
void InvokeAllChildrenSpawned ()
 Spawns all children and triggers invoker on completion.
void CalculateSupposedSpawnedChildren (bool previouslyRandomized=false)
 Calculates supposed spawned children based on activation type, termination, initiation, and conditions.
void CheckAllChildrenSpawned (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer=null)
 Checks if all children layers have spawned or spawns one randomly if specified.
void SpawnChildren (bool previouslyRandomized=false)
 Spawns children based on scenario settings, either all at once or randomly.
void SpawnPreviouslyRandomizedChildren ()
 Spawns children with delay based on their index.
void SpawnRandomOneChild (bool previouslyRandomized=false)
 Spawns random child object if not previously randomized, else spawns previously randomized children.
void SpawnRandomMultipleChildren (bool previouslyRandomized=false)
 Spawns random children based on player count, if previously randomized, uses previous children, otherwise selects from available children.
void InitChild (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase child)
 Initializes child layer, sets parent layer, and initializes child with parent area and action type.
IEntity GetSpawnedEntity ()
void RestoreToDefault (bool includeChildren=false, bool reinitAfterRestoration=false, bool affectRandomization=true)
 Restores default settings, clears children, removes spawned entities, optionally reinitializes after restoration.
void DynamicDespawn (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer)
 Dynamically despawns this layer.
void DynamicReinit ()
 Reinitializes this layer.
bool InitAlreadyHappened ()
 Initialization check if already happened.
bool InitParentLayer ()
 Initializes parent layer.
bool InitNotTerminated ()
 Checks if layer is not terminated, spawns children if parent exists, returns false if terminated or children not spawnned.
bool InitDynDespawnAndActivation (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activation)
 Checks if object is not dynamically despawned, then verifies if activation type matches, spawns all children if.
bool InitActivationConditions (bool calledFromInit=false)
 Checks activation conditions for scenario layer, sets condition status based on logic operator, checks parent layer if needed.
bool InitArea (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea area)
 Initializes area for scenario framework layer.
bool InitFactionSettings ()
 Handles inheritance of faction settings from parents.
bool InitOtherThings ()
 For situations where some other logic is to be appended in these checks and is to be performed before FinishInit.
void FinishInitChildrenInsert ()
 For situations where some other logic is needed to be performed before or after this Insert.
void FinishInit ()
 Initializes children, retrieves them, and spawns them.
void Init (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea area=null, SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType activation=SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType.SAME_AS_PARENT)
 Initializes scenario framework layer.
void AfterAllChildrenSpawned (SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase layer)
 Initializes logic, plugins and actions.
override void EOnFrame (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
 Draws debug shapes during runtime if enabled.
override void OnPostInit (IEntity owner)
void SetDebugShapeSize (float fSize)
override void _WB_OnCreate (IEntity owner, IEntitySource src)
 Renames all entities in the owner's children hierarchy.
void RenameOwnerEntity (IEntity owner)
 Rename entity owner with default name if not restoring undo/redo.
void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent)
void ~SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase ()
 Removes object in edit mode or despawns it if not in edit mode.

Protected Member Functions

void CountAttackerDefenderNumbers (out int defenderCount, out int attackerCount)
 Counts defenders and attackers inside trigger entity.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask
bool SetTaskPrefab ()
 Sets task prefab for support entity.
bool SetSupportEntity ()
 Sets support entity for layer task.
bool CreateTask ()
 Creates a task for the support entity, sets its target faction, and moves it to the specified location.
void SetupTask ()
 Sets up a task with optional title, description, and spawned entity name from a slot task, or prints an error message.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase
void SetFactionKey (FactionKey factionKey)
FactionKey GetFactionKey ()
FactionKey GetParentFactionKeyRecursive ()
 Climbs the hierarchy tree to find a defined FactionKey.
void RepeatedSpawn ()
 Repetitive spawning with timer.
void RepeatedSpawnCalled ()
 Repetitive spawning logic with countdown and condition checks.
void ActivateLogic ()
 Initializes all logic components.
void DrawDebugShape (bool draw)
 Draws debug shape if draw flag is true, creates sphere shape with specified color, flags, position, and radius.

Protected Attributes

string m_sTriggerName
LocalizedString m_sCountdownTitleText
float m_fDefendTime
bool m_bDisplayCountdownHUD
ResourceName m_sCountdownHUD
ref array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkTaskDefendFactionSettingsm_aFactionSettings
float m_fMinDefenderPercentageRatio
ref array< string > m_aAttackerLayerNames
bool m_bEarlierEvaluation
bool m_bDelayedEvaluation
bool m_bDisplayDelayedEvaluationText
LocalizedString m_sDelayedEvaluationText
SCR_CharacterTriggerEntity m_CharacterTriggerEntity
float m_fTempCountdown = m_fDefendTime
string m_sFormattedCountdownTitle = string.Format(WidgetManager.Translate("<color rgba=\"226, 168, 80, 255\">%1</color>", m_sCountdownTitleText))
string m_sFormattedDelayedEvaluationText = string.Format(WidgetManager.Translate("<color rgba=\"226, 168, 80, 255\">%1</color>", m_sDelayedEvaluationText))
ref array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBasem_aAttackerLayer = {}
float m_fTempTimeSlice
bool m_bTaskEvaluated
bool m_bEvaluationSet
WorldTimestamp m_fEvaluateTimeStart
WorldTimestamp m_fEvaluateTimeEnd
Widget m_wRoot
Widget m_wInfoOverlay
Widget m_wCountdownOverlay
RichTextWidget m_wCountdown
RichTextWidget m_wFlavour
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask
bool m_bShowDebugShapesInWorkbench

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask
string m_sTaskTitle
string m_sTaskDescription
SCR_ESFTaskType m_eTypeOfTask = SCR_ESFTaskType.DEFAULT
ResourceName m_sTaskPrefab
bool m_bPlaceMarkerOnSubjectSlot
string m_sOverrideObjectDisplayName
ref array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionBasem_aTriggerActionsOnFinish
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotTask m_SlotTask
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkTask m_Task
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkTaskSupportEntity m_SupportEntity
SCR_TaskState m_eLayerTaskState
bool m_bTaskResolvedBeforeLoad
- Public Attributes inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase
SCR_EScenarioFrameworkSpawnChildrenType m_SpawnChildren
FactionKey m_sFactionKey
int m_iRandomPercent
bool m_bEnableRepeatedSpawn
int m_iRepeatedSpawnNumber
float m_fRepeatedSpawnTimer
bool m_bShowDebugShapesDuringRuntime
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType m_eActivationType
ref array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActivationConditionBasem_aActivationConditions
SCR_EScenarioFrameworkLogicOperators m_eActivationConditionLogic
ref array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionBasem_aActivationActions
bool m_bExcludeFromDynamicDespawn
ref array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkPluginm_aPlugins
ref array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBasem_aChildren = {}
ref array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBasem_aRandomlySpawnedChildren = {}
ref array< SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLogicm_aLogic = {}
ref ScriptInvokerBase< ScriptInvokerScenarioFrameworkLayerMethod > m_OnAllChildrenSpawned
ref array< IEntity > m_aSpawnedEntities = {}
IEntity m_Entity
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea m_Area
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase m_ParentLayer
float m_fDebugShapeRadius = 0.25
WorldTimestamp m_fRepeatSpawnTimeStart
WorldTimestamp m_fRepeatSpawnTimeEnd
int m_iDebugShapeColor = ARGB(32, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x12)
int m_iCurrentlySpawnedChildren
int m_iSupposedSpawnedChildren
bool m_bInitiated
bool m_bDynamicallyDespawned
bool m_bIsTerminated
int m_iRepeatedSpawnNumberDefault = m_iRepeatedSpawnNumber
SCR_ScenarioFrameworkEActivationType m_eActivationTypeDefault = m_eActivationType
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask
static const ref ScriptInvoker s_OnTaskSetup = new ScriptInvoker()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase
static const int SPAWN_DELAY = 200

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend()

void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend ( IEntityComponentSource  src,
IEntity  ent,
IEntity  parent 

Member Function Documentation

◆ AfterAllChildrenSpawned()

override void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.AfterAllChildrenSpawned ( SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase  layer)

Initializes scenario, finds trigger entity, initializes HUD, sets up evaluation, and initializes post-init for owner.

[in]layerthat is to be used for this method

Implements SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase.

◆ CheckAttackerLayers()

void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.CheckAttackerLayers ( )

Checks if attacker layers have repeated spawns, then iterates through spawned entities, checking if any character or group is alive or not.

◆ CountAttackerDefenderNumbers()

void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.CountAttackerDefenderNumbers ( out int  defenderCount,
out int  attackerCount 

Counts defenders and attackers inside trigger entity.

[out]defenderCountDefenderCount represents the total number of defenders inside the trigger area.
[out]attackerCountRepresents the total number of attackers inside the trigger entity's area.

◆ DynamicDespawn()

override void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.DynamicDespawn ( SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase  layer)

Dynamic Despawn is disabled for Task Defend.

[in]layerLayer represents the scenario framework layer being dynamically despawned in the method.

Implements SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask.

◆ EOnFrame()

override void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.EOnFrame ( IEntity  owner,
float  timeSlice 

Updates HUD, checks attacker layers based on time slice, evaluates status if not delayed evaluation.

[in]ownerThe owner represents the entity (object) in the game world that this script is attached to, controlling its behavior.
[in]timeSlicerepresents the time interval for each frame update in the method.

Implements SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase.

◆ EvaluateStatus()

void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.EvaluateStatus ( )

Evaluates task status.

◆ FindCharacterTriggerEntity()

void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.FindCharacterTriggerEntity ( )

Finds character trigger entity by name.

◆ GetCharacterTriggerEntity()

SCR_CharacterTriggerEntity SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.GetCharacterTriggerEntity ( )
Character trigger entity reference for character interaction.

◆ GetDefendTime()

float SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.GetDefendTime ( )
Represents time in seconds for defending an object or position.

◆ InitHUD()

void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.InitHUD ( )

Initializes HUD layout, sets visibility of widgets, sets countdown time, and sets flavor text.

◆ OnPostInit()

override void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.OnPostInit ( IEntity  owner)
[in]ownerThe owner represents the entity being initialized in the method.

Implements SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase.

◆ RemovePeriodicUpdates()

void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.RemovePeriodicUpdates ( )

Removes periodic updates and clears debug shapes during runtime if not shown.

◆ RestoreToDefault()

override void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.RestoreToDefault ( bool  includeChildren = false,
bool  reinitAfterRestoration = false,
bool  affectRandomization = true 

Restores default settings, clears attacker layer, nullifies entities, and calls superclass method.

[in]includeChildrenRestores default settings, optionally including children entities.
[in]reinitAfterRestorationResets object state after restoration, optionally reinitializing it afterwards.
[in]affectRandomizationAffects randomization parameters during restoration process.

Implements SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask.

◆ RpcDo_UpdateHUD()

void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.RpcDo_UpdateHUD ( float  countdown,
int  taskID 

Updates HUD with countdown or delayed evaluation text based on task state, displays countdown or title, hides or.

[in]countdownCountdown displays remaining time for active task in HUD.
[in]taskIDrepresents the identifier for the current task in the scenario, used for updating HUD based on its state.

◆ SetDefendTime()

void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.SetDefendTime ( float  time)
[in]timeDefend time sets duration for defending.

◆ SetSupportEntity()

override bool SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.SetSupportEntity ( )

Sets support entity for this layer task.

true if support entity is set, false otherwise.

Implements SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask.

◆ SetupAttackerLayer()

void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.SetupAttackerLayer ( )

Sets up attacker layers from given names in the world.

◆ SetupEvaluation()

void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.SetupEvaluation ( )

Sets up evaluation time, triggers attacker layer, and checks for character trigger entities in scenario layers.

◆ UpdateHUD()

void SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.UpdateHUD ( )

Updates HUD based on task state, displays countdown or delayed evaluation text, hides HUD if task is cancelled.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_aAttackerLayer

ref array<SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerBase> SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_aAttackerLayer = {}

◆ m_aAttackerLayerNames

ref array<string> SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_aAttackerLayerNames

◆ m_aFactionSettings

ref array<ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkTaskDefendFactionSettings> SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_aFactionSettings

◆ m_bDelayedEvaluation

bool SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_bDelayedEvaluation

◆ m_bDisplayCountdownHUD

bool SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_bDisplayCountdownHUD

◆ m_bDisplayDelayedEvaluationText

bool SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_bDisplayDelayedEvaluationText

◆ m_bEarlierEvaluation

bool SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_bEarlierEvaluation

◆ m_bEvaluationSet

bool SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_bEvaluationSet

◆ m_bTaskEvaluated

bool SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_bTaskEvaluated

◆ m_CharacterTriggerEntity

SCR_CharacterTriggerEntity SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_CharacterTriggerEntity

◆ m_fDefendTime

float SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_fDefendTime

◆ m_fEvaluateTimeEnd

WorldTimestamp SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_fEvaluateTimeEnd

◆ m_fEvaluateTimeStart

WorldTimestamp SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_fEvaluateTimeStart

◆ m_fMinDefenderPercentageRatio

float SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_fMinDefenderPercentageRatio

◆ m_fTempCountdown

float SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_fTempCountdown = m_fDefendTime

◆ m_fTempTimeSlice

float SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_fTempTimeSlice

◆ m_sCountdownHUD

ResourceName SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_sCountdownHUD

◆ m_sCountdownTitleText

LocalizedString SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_sCountdownTitleText

◆ m_sDelayedEvaluationText

LocalizedString SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_sDelayedEvaluationText

◆ m_sFormattedCountdownTitle

string SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_sFormattedCountdownTitle = string.Format(WidgetManager.Translate("<color rgba=\"226, 168, 80, 255\">%1</color>", m_sCountdownTitleText))

◆ m_sFormattedDelayedEvaluationText

string SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_sFormattedDelayedEvaluationText = string.Format(WidgetManager.Translate("<color rgba=\"226, 168, 80, 255\">%1</color>", m_sDelayedEvaluationText))

◆ m_sTriggerName

string SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_sTriggerName

◆ m_wCountdown

RichTextWidget SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_wCountdown

◆ m_wCountdownOverlay

Widget SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_wCountdownOverlay

◆ m_wFlavour

RichTextWidget SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_wFlavour

◆ m_wInfoOverlay

Widget SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_wInfoOverlay

◆ m_wRoot

Widget SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTaskDefend.m_wRoot

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: