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SCR_TaskToolbarEditorUIComponent Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_TaskToolbarEditorUIComponent:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_EntitiesToolbarEditorUIComponent
override void OnRepeat ()
override void OnMenuUpdate (float timeSlice)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
override void HandlerAttachedScripted (Widget w)
 Event called when subcomponent is initialized.
override void HandlerDeattached (Widget w)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_BaseToolbarEditorUIComponent
bool IsUnderCursor ()
void MarkForRefresh ()
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
override void HandlerAttachedScripted (Widget w)
 Event called when subcomponent is initialized.
override void HandlerAttached (Widget w)
override void HandlerAttachedScripted (Widget w)
 Event called when subcomponent is initialized.
override void HandlerDeattached (Widget w)
- Public Member Functions inherited from MenuRootSubComponent
Widget GetWidget ()
 Get widget to which the component belongs to.
MenuRootBase GetMenu ()
 Get menu of which the widget is part of.
MenuRootComponent GetRootComponent ()
 Get root component of this subcomponent,.
void HandlerAttachedScripted (Widget w)
 Event called when subcomponent is initialized.
override void HandlerAttached (Widget w)
override void HandlerDeattached (Widget w)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SCR_BaseEditorUIComponent
const int CANCEL_CLICK_MAX_DIS = 5
const int CANCEL_CLICK_MAX_TIME = 500
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_EntitiesToolbarEditorUIComponent
Widget CreateItem (SCR_EditableEntityComponent entity)
void Clear ()
void OnChanged (EEditableEntityState state, set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > entitiesInsert, set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > entitiesRemove)
void OnEditorSetSelection ()
void OnTypeTab (SCR_TabViewComponent tabView, SCR_TabViewContent tabContent, int index)
override void ShowEntries (Widget contentWidget, int indexStart, int indexEnd)
override bool IsUnique ()
 Is the component to exist only in one instance? If so, it will be registered in the list of components and can be searched for.
override void SetToolbarVisible (bool show)
override void Refresh ()
override void CopyPage (SCR_DialogEditorUIComponent linkedComponent)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_BaseToolbarEditorUIComponent
bool CreateItem (out Widget itemWidget, out SCR_BaseToolbarItemEditorUIComponent toolbarItem)
void DeleteAllItems ()
void SetToolbarVisible (bool show)
void ShowEntries (Widget contentWidget, int indexStart, int indexEnd)
void Refresh ()
void OnPageChanged (int page)
void CopyPage (SCR_DialogEditorUIComponent linkedComponent)
override bool CanOpenDialog ()
override void OnDialogOpened (SCR_DialogEditorUIComponent linkedComponent)
override void OnDialogClosed (SCR_DialogEditorUIComponent linkedComponent)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_DialogEditorUIComponent
void AllowFocus (Widget w)
void FocusWidget (Widget w)
void SetLinkedWidgetVisibility (bool show)
void OnInput (float value, EActionTrigger reason)
void OnRepeat ()
bool CanOpenDialog ()
void CloseDialog ()
void OnInputDeviceIsGamepad (bool isGamepad)
void OnMenuUpdate (float timeSlice)
void OnDialogOpened (SCR_DialogEditorUIComponent linkedComponent)
void OnDialogClosed (SCR_DialogEditorUIComponent linkedComponent)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_BaseEditorUIComponent
vector OnCancelDown ()
bool OnCancelUp ()
void OnCancelExpired ()
bool IsUnique ()
 Is the component to exist only in one instance? If so, it will be registered in the list of components and can be searched for.
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_EntitiesToolbarEditorUIComponent
EEditableEntityType m_Type
ref array< EEditableEntityTypem_aTypeBlackList
EEditableEntityState m_State
ref array< ref SCR_EntityToolbarStateOffsetm_aStateOffsets
EEditableEntityFlag m_FlagsBlacklist
bool m_bOnlyDirectChildren
ref array< EEditableEntityTypem_aTypeOrder
string m_sTypeTabsWidgetName
ref array< ref SCR_EntityToolbarTypeListm_aEntityTypeTabs
bool m_bHasTabs
bool m_bHasEntities
ref SCR_SortedArray< SCR_EditableEntityComponentm_Entities = new SCR_SortedArray<SCR_EditableEntityComponent>()
ref map< SCR_EditableEntityComponent, Widget > m_ItemsMap = new map<SCR_EditableEntityComponent, Widget>()
SCR_HoverEditableEntityFilter m_HoverFilter
SCR_EditableEntityComponent m_HoverEntity
SCR_EditableEntityComponent m_RepeatEntity
SCR_EditableEntitySlotManagerUIComponent m_SlotManager
SCR_LayersEditorComponent m_LayersManager
SCR_TabViewComponent m_TabView
int m_iTab
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_BaseToolbarEditorUIComponent
ResourceName m_ItemLayout
int m_iHideParentIndexWhenEmpty
string m_sEmptyWidgetName
string m_sItemsWidgetName
SCR_ExternalPaginationUIComponent m_Pagination
Widget m_ItemsWidget
Widget m_HideWidget
int m_iFirstShownIndex
int m_iFocusedIndex
int m_iItemsCount
int m_iPage
bool m_bIsUnderCursor
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_DialogEditorUIComponent
string m_sToggleActionName
string m_sRepeatActionName
ChimeraMenuPreset m_DialogPreset
int m_iHideLinkedIndex
bool m_bIsInDialog
bool m_CanCloseWithToggleAction = true
EditorMenuBase m_EditorMenu
SCR_DialogEditorUIComponent m_LinkedComponent
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_BaseEditorUIComponent
vector m_vClickPosCancel
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_BaseToolbarEditorUIComponent
static const int EMPTY_Z_ORDER = int.MAX

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