Hitpoints – Arma 3

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Revision as of 11:19, 23 February 2021 by R3vo (talk | contribs)
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This article is a work in progress!
No. Hit Point Name
1 #cam_gunner Camera Gunner
2 #gear_1_light_1_hit
3 #gear_1_light_2_hit
4 #gear_2_light_1_hit
5 #gear_2_light_2_hit
6 #gear_3_light_1_hit
7 #gear_3_light_2_hit
8 #gear_f_lights
9 #glass11 Window #11
10 #hitlight1 Light #01
11 #hitlight2 Light #02
12 #hitlight3 Light #03
13 #l svetlo
14 #light_1
15 #light_1_hit
16 #light_1_hitpoint
17 #light_2
18 #light_2_hit
19 #light_2_hitpoint
20 #light_3_hit
21 #light_3_hitpoint
22 #light_4_hit
23 #light_4_hitpoint
24 #light_hitpoint
25 #light_l
26 #light_l2
27 #light_l2_flare
28 #light_l_flare
29 #light_l_hitpoint
30 #light_r
31 #light_r2
32 #light_r2_flare
33 #light_r_flare
34 #light_r_hitpoint
35 #light_spotlight_hit Spotlight
36 #p svetlo
37 #pos_gear_front_light Gear Light (Front)
38 #wing_left_light Wing Light (Left)
39 #wing_right_light Wing Light (Right)
40 glass_10_hitpoint Window #10
41 glass_11_hitpoint Window #11
42 glass_12_hitpoint Window #12
43 glass_13_hitpoint Window #13
44 glass_14_hitpoint Window #14
45 glass_15_hitpoint Window #15
46 glass_16_hitpoint Window #16
47 glass_17_hitpoint Window #17
48 glass_18_hitpoint Window #18
49 glass_19_hitpoint Window #19
50 glass_1_hitpoint Window #01
51 glass_20_hitpoint Window #20
52 glass_21_hitpoint Window #21
53 glass_22_hitpoint Window #22
54 glass_23_hitpoint Window #23
55 glass_24_hitpoint Window #24
56 glass_25_hitpoint Window #25
57 glass_26_hitpoint Window #26
58 glass_27_hitpoint Window #27
59 glass_28_hitpoint Window #28
60 glass_29_hitpoint Window #29
61 glass_2_hitpoint Window #02
62 glass_30_hitpoint Window #30
63 glass_31_hitpoint Window #31
64 glass_32_hitpoint Window #32
65 glass_33_hitpoint Window #33
66 glass_34_hitpoint Window #34
67 glass_35_hitpoint Window #35
68 glass_36_hitpoint Window #36
69 glass_37_hitpoint Window #37
70 glass_38_hitpoint Window #38
71 glass_39_hitpoint Window #39
72 glass_3_hitpoint Window #03
73 glass_40_hitpoint Window #40
74 glass_41_hitpoint Window #41
75 glass_42_hitpoint Window #42
76 glass_43_hitpoint Window #43
77 glass_44_hitpoint Window #44
78 glass_45_hitpoint Window #45
79 glass_46_hitpoint Window #46
80 glass_47_hitpoint Window #47
81 glass_48_hitpoint Window #48
82 glass_49_hitpoint Window #49
83 glass_4_hitpoint Window #04
84 glass_50_hitpoint Window #50
85 glass_51_hitpoint Windoe #51
86 glass_52_hitpoint Window #52
87 glass_53_hitpoint Window #53
88 glass_54_hitpoint Window #54
89 glass_55_hitpoint Window #55
90 glass_56_hitpoint Windoe #56
91 glass_57_hitpoint Window #57
92 glass_58_hitpoint Window #58
93 glass_59_hitpoint Window #59
94 glass_5_hitpoint Window #05
95 glass_60_hitpoint Window #60
96 glass_61_hitpoint Window #61
97 glass_62_hitpoint Window #62
98 glass_6_hitpoint Window #06
99 glass_7_hitpoint Window #07
100 glass_8_hitpoint Window #08
101 glass_9_hitpoint Window #09
102 glass_pod_01_hitpoint
103 glass_pod_02_hitpoint
104 glass_pod_03_hitpoint
105 glass_pod_04_hitpoint
106 glass_pod_05_hitpoint
107 glass_pod_06_hitpoint
108 glass_pod_07_hitpoint
109 glass_pod_08_hitpoint
110 glass_pod_09_hitpoint
111 hand_l Hand (Left)
112 hand_r Hand Right)
113 hit_light_1 Light #01
114 hit_light_1_flare Light Flare #01
115 hit_light_2 Light #02
116 hit_light_3 Light #03
117 hit_light_4 Light #04
118 hitabdomen Abdomen
119 hitammo Ammunition
120 hitarms Arms
121 hitavionics Avionics
122 hitbattery_l Battery (Left)
123 hitbattery_r Battery (Right)
124 hitbody Body
125 hitchest Chest
126 hitcomgun Commander Gun
127 hitcomturret Commander Turret
128 hitdiaphragm Diaphragm
129 hitengine Engine
130 hitengine1 Engine #01
131 hitengine2 Engine #02
132 hitengine3 Engine #03
133 hitengine4 Engine #04
134 hitera_back Era (Back)
135 hitera_front Era (Front)
136 hitera_left Era (left)
137 hitera_left_1 Era (Left, #01)
138 hitera_left_2 Era (Left, #02)
139 hitera_left_3 Era (Left, #03)
140 hitera_left_4 Era (Left, #04)
141 hitera_right Era (Right)
142 hitera_right_1 Era (Right, #01)
143 hitera_right_2 Era (Right, #02)
144 hitera_right_3 Era (Right, #03)
145 hitera_right_4 Era (Right, #04)
146 hitera_top Era (Top)
147 hitera_top_front Era (Top, Front)
148 hitera_top_left Era (Top, Left)
149 hitera_top_left_1 Era (Top, Left, #01)
150 hitera_top_left_2 Era (Top, Left, #02)
151 hitera_top_right Era (Top, Right)
152 hitera_top_right_1 Era (Top, Right, #01)
153 hitera_top_right_2 Era (Top, Right, #02)
154 hitface Face
155 hitfuel Fuel Tank
156 hitfuel2 Fuel Tank #02
157 hitfuel_lead_left
158 hitfuel_lead_right
159 hitfuel_left FuelTank (Left)
160 hitfuel_right Fuel Tank (Right)
161 hitfuell Fuel Tank (Left)
162 hitfuelr Fuel Tank (Right)
163 hitfueltank Fuel Tank
164 hitgear Gear
165 hitglass1 Window #01
166 hitglass10 Window #10
167 hitglass11 Window #11
168 hitglass12 Window #12
169 hitglass13 Window #13
170 hitglass14 Window #14
171 hitglass15 Window #15
172 hitglass16 Window #16
173 hitglass17 Window #17
174 hitglass18 Window #18
175 hitglass19 Window #19
176 hitglass1a Window 1A
177 hitglass1b Window 1B
178 hitglass2 Window #02
179 hitglass20 Window #20
180 hitglass3 Window #03
181 hitglass4 Window #04
182 hitglass5 Window #05
183 hitglass6 Window #06
184 hitglass7 Window #07
185 hitglass8 Window #08
186 hitglass9 Window #09
187 hitgun Gun
188 hithands Hands
189 hithead Head
190 hithrotor Main rotor
191 hithstabilizerl1 Horizontal Stabilizer (Left)
192 hithstabilizerr1 Horizontal Stabilizer (Right)
193 hithull Hull
194 hithydraulics Hydraulics
195 hitlaileron Left Aileron
196 hitlaileron_link Aileron Link (Left)
197 hitlbwheel 4th axle left wheel
198 hitlcelevator Left Elevator
199 hitlcrudder Left Rudder
200 hitlegs Legs
201 hitlf2wheel 2nd axle left wheel
202 hitlfwheel 1st axle left wheel
203 hitlglass Window (Left)
204 hitlight Light
205 hitlightback Light (Back)
206 hitlightfront Light (Front)
207 hitlightl Light (Left)
208 hitlightr Light (Right)
209 hitlmwheel 3rd axle left wheel
210 hitltrack Left track
211 hitmissiles Missiles
212 hitneck Neck
213 hitoptic Optic
214 hitoptics Optics
215 hitpelvis Pelvis
216 hitpitottube
217 hitraileron Right Aileron
218 hitraileron_link Aileron Link (Right)
219 hitrbwheel 4th axle right wheel
220 hitrelevator Right Elevator
221 hitreservewheel Reserve Wheel
222 hitrf2wheel 2nd axle right wheel
223 hitrfwheel 1st axle right wheel
224 hitrglass Window (Right)
225 hitrmwheel 3rd axle right wheel
226 hitrotor Rotor
227 hitrotorvirtual Rotor (Virtual)
228 hitrrudder Right Rudder
229 hitrtrack Right track
230 hitslat_back Slat Armour (Front)
231 hitslat_front Slat Armour (Front)
232 hitslat_left Slat (Left)
233 hitslat_left_1 Slat Armour (Left, #01)
234 hitslat_left_2 Slat Armour (Left, #02)
235 hitslat_left_3 Slat Armour (Left, #03)
236 hitslat_right Slat (Right)
237 hitslat_right_1 Slat Armour (Right, #01)
238 hitslat_right_2 Slat Armour (Right, #02)
239 hitslat_right_3 Slat Armour (Right, #03)
240 hitslat_top_back Slat Armour (Top back)
241 hitslat_top_left Slat Armour (Top left)
242 hitslat_top_right Slat Armour (Top right)
243 hitstarter1 Starter #01
244 hitstarter2 Starter #02
245 hitstarter3 Starter #03
246 hitstaticport Static Port
247 hittail Tail
248 hittransmission Transmission
249 hitturret Turret
250 hitvrotor Tail Rotor
251 hitvstabilizer1 Vertical Stabilizer #01
252 hitwinch Winch
253 hitzone_1_hitpoint Hitzone #01
254 hitzone_2_hitpoint Hitzone #02
255 hitzone_3_hitpoint Hitzone #03
256 hitzone_4_hitpoint Hitzone #04
257 incapacitated Incapacitated
258 leg_l Leg (Left)
259 leg_r Leg (Right)
260 light_1_hitpoint Light #01
261 light_2_hitpoint Light #02
262 light_3_hitpoint Light #03
263 light_4_hitpoint Light #04

Export Script

// Execute in Eden Editor [] spawn { _startPos = position player; collect3DENHistory { { _startPos = _startPos vectorAdd [0, 0, 10]; //_veh = createVehicle [[[configName]] _x, _startPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; //_veh enableSimulation false; create3DENEntity ["Object", configName _x, _startPos, true]; } forEach ("getNumber (_x >> 'scope') > 0 && getText (_x >> 'vehicleClass') in ['Armored', 'Car', 'Air', 'Ship', 'Men', 'Autonomous']" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")); }; private _hitPoints = []; private _text = "{| class=""wikitable sortable""" + endl +"|-" + endl + "! Hit Point !! Name"; { { _hitpoints pushBackUnique _x; } forEach (getAllHitPointsDamage _x # 0); } forEach vehicles; _hitpoints sort true; { _text = _text + endl + "|-" + endl + "| " + _x + " || " + localize ("STR_ENH_DAMAGE_" + _x); } forEach _hitpoints; copyToClipboard (_text + endl + "|}"); systemChat "Data copied!"; };