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Returns an array of all vehicles available to current client. This command returns both empty and crewed vehicles but not soldiers. It will also return "WeaponHolderSimulated" of dead bodies (weapon on the ground). Vehicles created with createVehicleLocal will only be returned on the client that created them.
Object Detection


Return Value:


Example 1:
_vehicles = vehicles;

Additional Information

See also:
allGroups allUnits units entities agents playableUnits switchableUnits allPlayers allDead allDeadMen allUnitsUAV allCurators allObjects allMissionObjects allSimpleObjects allMines


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
Sa-Matra - c
Posted on Jun 18, 2024 - 06:18 (UTC)
This command returns a lot of crap that is not really a vehicle in a common sense - simulated weapon holders, clutter cutters, etc. It also skips "out" vehicles (disassembled drones and statics). Be careful iterating through it as it may be expensive. Here is a list of most vehicle simulations that are returned by this command:
airplanex artillerymarker car carx fire helicopterrtd lasertarget motorcycle nvmarker parachute paraglide rope shipx submarinex suppresstarget tankx thing thingx
Generated using this code bit:
private _sims = createHashMap; { private _sim = toLowerANSI getText(_x >> "simulation"); if!(_sim in _sims) then { _sims set [_sim, configName _x]; }; } forEachReversed ("getNumber(_x >> 'scope') > 0" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles")); private _used_sims = []; { if(createVehicle [_y, [random 1e5,random 1e5,random 1e5], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"] in vehicles) then { _used_sims pushBack _x; }; } forEach _sims; _used_sims sort true; copyToClipboard (_used_sims joinString toString [10]);
There is probably more simulations not listed like non-x versions of vehicle simulations but these are ones actually used in A3.