|game1= arma1
|version1= 1.07
|game2= arma2
|version2= 1.00
|game3= arma2oa
|version3= 1.51
|game4= tkoh
|version4= 1.00
|game5= arma3
|version5= 0.50
|gr1= Object Detection
|descr= Returns a list of targets within the defined range. "Targets" are not restricted to enemy units.
|s1= unit nearTargets range
|p1= unit: Object
|p2= range: Number
|r1= Array - Array of arrays in format:
- 0: _position (perceived, includes judgment and memory errors)
- 1: _type (perceived, gives only what was recognized)
- 2: _side (perceived side)
- 3: _subjectiveCost (positive for enemies, more positive for more important or more dangerous
- 4: _object (object type, can be used to get more information if needed)
- 5: _positionAccuracy (assumed accuracy of the perceived position)
|x1= player nearTargets 100;{{cc|Could return something like this: [[[2555.33,2535.33,1.32708],"SoldierEB",EAST,214222,EAST 1-1-A:1],[[2550.39,2482.5,1.32696],"SoldierWB",WEST,0,WEST 1-1-A:2]]}}
|seealso= reveal, knowsAbout, findNearestEnemy, nearestBuilding, nearestObject, nearestObjects, nearObjects, nearestLocation, nearEntities, nearSupplies, nearestLocationWithDubbing, nearObjectsReady, nearRoads, forgetTarget }}