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SCR_2DSightsComponent Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_2DSightsComponent:

Public Member Functions

override void OnSightADSActivated ()
 Called every time the sight is activated.
override void OnSightADSDeactivated ()
 Called every time the sight is deactivated.
override bool CanFreelook ()
SCR_SightsZoomFOVInfo GetSightsFovInfo ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_2DOpticsComponent
override float GetADSActivationPercentageScript ()
 Called to get the ADS percentage when the sights go active.
override float GetADSDeactivationPercentageScript ()
 Called to get the ADS percentage when the sights go inactive.
float GetReticleOffsetX ()
void GetReticleTextures (out ResourceName reticleTexture, out ResourceName reticleTextureGlow, out ResourceName filterTexture)
void GetReticleData (out float reticleAngularSize, out float reticlePortion, out float reticleBaseZoom)
float GetObjectiveFov ()
float GetObjectiveScale ()
float GetVignetteScale ()
float GetMisalignmentDampingSpeed ()
float GetRotationScale ()
float GetRotationDampingSpeed ()
float GetMovementScale ()
float GetMovementDampingSpeed ()
float GetRollScale ()
float GetRollDampingSpeed ()
float GetMisalignmentScale ()
float GetVignetteMoveSpeed ()
float GetMotionBlurScale ()
float GetMotionBlurMax ()
SCR_EPIPZeroingType GetZeroType ()
float GetMagnification ()
bool GetIsOpticsHidden ()
ScriptInvokerVoid OnSetupOpticImage ()
ScriptInvokerBase< On2DOpticsIlluminationChange > OnIlluminationChange ()
float GetFovZoomed ()
 Get base FOV of the optic, used to determine maximum FOV.
void SetFovZoomed (float value)
 Set base FOV of the optic. Negative value means magnification to compute new m_fFovZoomed with.
float GetNearPlane ()
int GetAnimationActivationDelay ()
int GetAnimationDeactivationDelay ()
float GetAnimationEnterTime ()
float GetAnimationSpeedBlur ()
bool GetIsMoving ()
bool GetIsRotating ()
float GetScratchesRoll ()
override void OnInit (IEntity owner)
 Called during EOnInit.
override void OnSightADSActivated ()
 Called every time the sight is activated.
override void OnSightADSDeactivated ()
 Called every time the sight is deactivated.
bool IsMoveCloseToLimit (vector move, float limitMin)
 Return true if move X a Y is below limit.
vector GetMisalignmentAngles (notnull CameraBase camera)
 Get sight angles in camera space !
vector GetRotation (out vector previousDir, float timeSlice)
vector GetMovement (out vector previousPos, float timeSlice)
bool HasIllumination ()
Color GetReticleColor ()
Color GetReticleOutlineColor ()
Color GetReticleIlluminationColor ()
float GetCurrentReticleOffsetY ()
float GetCurrentCameraPitchOffset ()
vector GetCameraOffset ()
vector GetCameraAngles ()
IEntity GetCameraLocalTransform (out vector matrix[4])
 Return actual parent (weapon) with calculated transformation in relation to it.
void SetObjectiveFov (float objectiveFov)
void SetObjectiveScale (float objectiveScale)
void SetReticleBaseZoom (float reticleBaseZoom)
void SetReticleAngularSize (float reticleAngularSize)
void SetReticlePortion (float reticlePortion)
void SetReticleOffsetX (float reticleOffsetX)
void SetReticleOffsetY (float reticleOffsetY)
void OnInit (IEntity owner)
 Called during EOnInit.
void OnSightADSActivated ()
 Called every time the sight is activated.
void OnSightADSPostFrame (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
 Called on post-frame as long as sights ADS is active.
void OnSightADSDeactivated ()
 Called every time the sight is deactivated.
float GetADSActivationPercentageScript ()
 Called to get the ADS percentage when the sights go active.
float GetADSDeactivationPercentageScript ()
 Called to get the ADS percentage when the sights go inactive.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SightsComponent
void ApplyRecoilToCamera (inout vector pOutCameraTransform[4], vector aimModAngles)
 Applies the given recoil angles to the camera transform according to the type of sight By default this method is empty.
bool CanFreelook ()
bool GetDOFRelatedPrefabData (out int opticDOFDistanceScale=-1, out bool forceSimpleDOF=false)
 Used by SCR_DepthOfFieldEffect to scale the DOF based on each particular ironsight-distance.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseSightsComponent
proto external IEntity GetOwner ()
proto external void ForceSightsZeroValue (vector offset, vector angles, vector turnOffset)
 Allow to override Zeroing via aim modifier (only works in Workbench)
proto external void ForceSightsZeroValueEnablel (bool bOnOff)
 Disable forced zeroing data.
proto external bool IsSightADSActive ()
proto external float GetADSActivationPercentage ()
proto external float GetADSDeactivationPercentage ()
proto external bool AreSightsValid (bool front=true, bool rear=true)
proto external vector GetSightsRearPosition (bool localSpace=false)
 Returns additional sights position used for calculating zeroing A vector is calculated from start position to end position and used as direction for calculating zeroing offsets Start position should be the one closer to eye position than end position.
proto external vector GetSightsFrontPosition (bool localSpace=false)
 Returns additional sights position used for calculating zeroing A vector is calculated from start position to end position and used as direction for calculating zeroing offsets End position should be the one further from eye position than start position.
proto external vector GetSightsDirection (bool localSpace=false, bool normalize=true)
 Returns a direction vector from the rear sight position to the front sight position A vector is calculated from the rear sight to the front sight in such a way that GetSightsRearPosition() + GetSightsDirection() == GetSightsFrontPosition()
proto external vector GetSightsDirectionUntransformed (bool localSpace=false, bool normalize=true)
 Like GetSightsDirection, but ignores and bones associated with the sight points.
proto external vector GetSightsOffset ()
 Returns the local sights reference point offset.
proto external bool GetSightsTransform (out vector transform[4], bool localSpace=false)
 Returns the transform matrix of the local sights.
proto external float GetFOV ()
 Returns current value of field of view.
proto external vector GetCurrentSightsRange ()
 Returns current range info value where x: animation value y: distance z: unused.
proto external SightsFOVInfo GetFOVInfo ()
 Returns currently selected sights FOV info or null if none.
proto external float GetCameraRecoilAmount ()
 Percentage 0...1 of recoil that should be applied to camera when using this sights component.
proto external bool GetSightsPriority ()
 Boolean indicating whether this sight component is prioritized.
proto external bool GetSightsSkipSwitch ()
 Return true if the sights can be switched to.
proto external void SetSightsVisibility (float visFactor)
 Hide parts of the sight on ADS. 0 means completely visible, 1 means completely hidden.
proto external PointInfo GetPositionPointInfo ()
proto external PointInfo GetRearPositionPointInfo ()
proto external PointInfo GetFrontPositionPointInfo ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from GameComponent
bool OnTicksOnRemoteProxy ()

Protected Member Functions

void RegisterInputs ()
void UnregisterInputs ()
override void HandleSightActivation ()
override void HandleSightDeactivation ()
override void ApplyRecoilToCamera (inout vector pOutCameraTransform[4], vector aimModAngles)
 Applies the given recoil angles to the camera transform according to the type of sight By default this method is empty.
void SetupFovInfo ()
void SelectZoomLevel (int id)
 Switch betweem zoom levels from sights.
void ActionZoomIn (float value=0.0, EActionTrigger reason=0)
 Move zoom level up and down based on mouse wheel value.
void ActionZoomOut (float value=0.0, EActionTrigger reason=0)
 Move zoom level up and down based on mouse wheel value.
void AdjustZoom (float value)
 Move zoom level up and down based on mouse wheel value.
void ToggleIllumination (float value, EActionTrigger trigger)
 Action for toggling illumination.
override float GetReticleOffsetYTarget ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_2DOpticsComponent
void HandleSightActivation ()
void HandleSightDeactivation ()
override void OnSightADSPostFrame (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
 Called on post-frame as long as sights ADS is active.
void HideObjects ()
 Hides objects to prevent clipping when entering ADS.
vector GetSightsRelPosition ()
void EnableReticleIllumination (bool enable)
 Toggle between illumination modes.
float GetReticleOffsetYTarget ()
float GetCameraPitchTarget ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SightsComponent
override bool WB_GetZeroingData (IEntity owner, BaseSightsComponent sights, float weaponAngle, out vector offset, out vector angles)
 Positive weapon angle tilts weapon upwards (muzzle goes up, stock goes down) Negative weapon angle tilts weapon downwards (muzzle goes down, stock goes up) Called from GameCode, do not remove!
bool FindParent (IEntity owner, string eyeBoneName, out IEntity parentWeapon, out int boneIndex)
bool WB_GetZeroingData (IEntity owner, BaseSightsComponent sights, float weaponAngle, out vector offset, out vector angles)
 Positive weapon angle tilts weapon upwards (muzzle goes up, stock goes down) Negative weapon angle tilts weapon downwards (muzzle goes down, stock goes up) Called from GameCode, do not remove!

Protected Attributes

bool m_bShouldHideParentParentObject
SCR_SightsZoomFOVInfo m_SightsFovInfo
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_2DOpticsComponent
ResourceName m_sReticleTexture
ResourceName m_sReticleGlowTexture
bool m_bHasIllumination
ref Color m_ReticleColor
ref Color m_ReticleOutlineColor
ref Color m_cReticleTextureIllumination
float m_fReticleTextureGlowAlpha
ResourceName m_sFilterTexture
float m_fMagnification
float m_fReticleAngularSize
float m_fReticlePortion
float m_fReticleBaseZoom
float m_fObjectiveFov
float m_fObjectiveScale
float m_fVignetteScale
bool m_bShouldHideParentObject
bool m_bShouldHideParentCharacter
int m_iAnimationActivationDelay
int m_iAnimationDeactivationDelay
float m_fAnimationEnterTime
float m_fAnimationSpeedBlur
float m_fMisalignmentDampingSpeed
float m_fRotationScale
float m_fRotationDampingSpeed
float m_fMovementScale
float m_fMovementDampingSpeed
float m_fRollScale
float m_fRollDampingSpeed
float m_fMisalignmentScale
float m_fVignetteMoveSpeed
float m_fMotionBlurScale
float m_fMotionBlurMax
float m_fADSActivationPercentage
float m_fADSDeactivationPercentage
SCR_EPIPZeroingType m_eZeroingType
float m_fReticleOffsetX
float m_fReticleOffsetY
float m_fReticleOffsetInterpSpeed
vector m_vCameraOffset
vector m_vCameraAngles
vector m_vCameraMisalignmentScale
float m_fCurrentReticleOffsetY
float m_fCurrentCameraPitch
int m_iSelectedZoomLevel
float m_fScratchesRoll
float m_fFovZoomed
float m_fDefaultSize
float m_fNearPlaneCurrent
bool m_bIsMoving
bool m_bIsRotating
bool m_bWasEntityHidden
int m_iHeadBoneId = -1
bool m_bIsOpticsHidden
bool m_bIsIlluminationOn
ChimeraCharacter m_ParentCharacter
ref ScriptInvokerVoid s_OnSetupOpticImage = new ScriptInvokerVoid()
ref ScriptInvokerBase< On2DOpticsIlluminationChange > s_OnIlluminationChange = new ScriptInvokerBase<On2DOpticsIlluminationChange>()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_2DOpticsComponent
static float CalculateZoomFOV (float magnification)
 Return camera FOV for given magnification. Focus FOV is used as reference 1x magnification.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SightsComponent
static ZeroingGeneratedData CalculateDataWithParent (BaseSightsComponent sights, IEntity owner, IEntity parent, float desiredAngle)
 Takes front sights position as the anchor around which it rotates both the owner and the parent under desiredAngle (or rather negative desired angle, as we are pivoting around our target) and calculates new transformation that needs to be applied to reach desired angle.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SCR_2DOpticsComponent
const string ACTION_ZOOM_IN = "WeaponOpticsZoomIn"
const string ACTION_ZOOM_OUT = "WeaponOpticsZoomOut"
const string ACTION_ILLUMINATION = "WeaponToggleSightsIllumination"
const float REFERENCE_FOV = 28
const float OPACITY_INITIAL = 0.75
const float NEAR_PLANE_DEFAULT = 0.05
const float NEAR_PLANE_ZOOMED = 0.05
static ref ScriptInvokerBase< OnSightsADSChanged > s_OnSightsADSChanged = new ScriptInvokerBase<OnSightsADSChanged>()
static ref ScriptInvokerBase< On2DOpticsADSChange > s_On2DOpticADSChanged = new ScriptInvokerBase<On2DOpticsADSChange>()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SightsComponent
const string EYE_BONE = "eye"

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActionZoomIn()

void SCR_2DSightsComponent.ActionZoomIn ( float  value = 0::0,
EActionTrigger  reason = 0 

Move zoom level up and down based on mouse wheel value.

◆ ActionZoomOut()

void SCR_2DSightsComponent.ActionZoomOut ( float  value = 0::0,
EActionTrigger  reason = 0 

Move zoom level up and down based on mouse wheel value.

◆ AdjustZoom()

void SCR_2DSightsComponent.AdjustZoom ( float  value)

Move zoom level up and down based on mouse wheel value.

◆ ApplyRecoilToCamera()

override void SCR_2DSightsComponent.ApplyRecoilToCamera ( inout vector  pOutCameraTransform[4],
vector  aimModAngles 

Applies the given recoil angles to the camera transform according to the type of sight By default this method is empty.

It should be overridden by each sight to make the appropriate adjustments

Implements SightsComponent.

Implemented in SCR_2DPIPSightsComponent.

◆ CanFreelook()

override bool SCR_2DSightsComponent.CanFreelook ( )

Implements SightsComponent.

Implemented in SCR_2DPIPSightsComponent.

◆ GetReticleOffsetYTarget()

override float SCR_2DSightsComponent.GetReticleOffsetYTarget ( )

Implements SCR_2DOpticsComponent.

◆ GetSightsFovInfo()

SCR_SightsZoomFOVInfo SCR_2DSightsComponent.GetSightsFovInfo ( )

◆ HandleSightActivation()

override void SCR_2DSightsComponent.HandleSightActivation ( )

Implements SCR_2DOpticsComponent.

Implemented in SCR_2DPIPSightsComponent.

◆ HandleSightDeactivation()

override void SCR_2DSightsComponent.HandleSightDeactivation ( )

Implements SCR_2DOpticsComponent.

Implemented in SCR_2DPIPSightsComponent.

◆ OnSightADSActivated()

override void SCR_2DSightsComponent.OnSightADSActivated ( )

Called every time the sight is activated.

Implements SCR_2DOpticsComponent.

◆ OnSightADSDeactivated()

override void SCR_2DSightsComponent.OnSightADSDeactivated ( )

Called every time the sight is deactivated.

Implements SCR_2DOpticsComponent.

◆ RegisterInputs()

void SCR_2DSightsComponent.RegisterInputs ( )

◆ SelectZoomLevel()

void SCR_2DSightsComponent.SelectZoomLevel ( int  id)

Switch betweem zoom levels from sights.

◆ SetupFovInfo()

void SCR_2DSightsComponent.SetupFovInfo ( )

◆ ToggleIllumination()

void SCR_2DSightsComponent.ToggleIllumination ( float  value,
EActionTrigger  trigger 

Action for toggling illumination.

◆ UnregisterInputs()

void SCR_2DSightsComponent.UnregisterInputs ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_bShouldHideParentParentObject

bool SCR_2DSightsComponent.m_bShouldHideParentParentObject

◆ m_SightsFovInfo

SCR_SightsZoomFOVInfo SCR_2DSightsComponent.m_SightsFovInfo

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: