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Removes the specified waypoint.

When a waypoint is deleted, all other group waypoints are immediately re-indexed. So in order to delete all waypoints for a group, delete them from back to front:
group _unit call 
	for "_i" from count waypoints _this - 1 to 0 step -1 do 
		deleteWaypoint [_this, _i];


deleteWaypoint [group, index]
[group, index]: Array
group: Group
index: Number
Return Value:


Example 1:
deleteWaypoint [_grp, 2]

Additional Information

See also:


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Posted on 1 Feb, 2008 - 07:48
In order to change the behavior of a unit currently following a string of waypoints, it is not enough to use deleteWaypoint. The path of the unit is calculated by the waypoints present at start, and the unit will continue according to the original waypoints even if you delete them by using this command. To achieve the wanted effect, you should rather use setWPPos to the units current position (thereby stopping the unit), and (after a small delay) use deleteWaypoint to remove the waypoints.
Posted on 15 Nov, 2008 - 13:37
Another (more foolproof) method to avoid the problem of non-deleteable waypoints is to introduce another group (createGroup) and join all units of the present group. A new group will start without any preset waypoints so you can start setting new WPs all over again. Old group is "_combatGroup", new group is "_combatGroup2" _combatGroup2 = createGroup EAST; {[_x] joinSilent _combatGroup2} forEach (units _combatGroup); _combatGroup2 addWaypoint [ getPos player, 25];
Posted on January 04, 2011
When you want to remove all waypoints, do NOT iterate over waypoints _group while trying to delete them (an array is by reference!). Instead use an approach like this: while {(count (waypoints _group)) > 0} do { deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _group) select 0); };

Bottom Section

Posted on November 17, 2019 - 16:52 (UTC)
Mr H.
To have the unit stop on the spot you need to set its current waypoint where it is and add a little delay, as stated above by Saintolaf so: group _unit spawn { [_this,(currentWaypoint _this)] setWaypointPosition [getPosASL ((units _this) select 0), -1]; sleep 0.1; for "_i" from count waypoints _this - 1 to 0 step -1 do { deleteWaypoint [_this, _i]; }; }; Will stop the group where it is and delete its waypoints. 0.1 seems to be the correct sleep value in this case