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- Description:
- Moves the soldier into the vehicle's turret. (Immediately, without animation).
- Groups:
- Turrets
- Syntax:
- unitName moveInTurret [vehicle, turretPath]
- Parameters:
- unitName: Object
- vehicle: Object
- turretPath: Array format Turret Path
- Return Value:
- Nothing
- Example 1:
- Copy_soldierOne moveInTurret [_tank, [0, 0]];
Additional Information
- See also:
- allTurrets fullCrew assignAsTurret moveInAny moveInCargo moveInCommander moveInDriver moveInGunner assignAsCargo assignAsCommander assignAsDriver assignAsGunner GetInTurret
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- Posted on Mar 06, 2008 - 20:31 (UTC)
- To find out which turrets are available on a vehicle (edit: before allTurrets), and what the syntax is, you can use this little script.
- Posted on Feb 13, 2014 - 01:56 (UTC)
Examples for nested turrets:
MainTurret = CopyCommanderTurret =_soldierOne moveInTurret [_tank, [0]];Copy... where: MainTurret is the standard BIS MainTurret... e.g:_soldierOne moveInTurret [_tank, [0, 0]];
class Turrets { class MainTurret {}; };
CommanderTurret is the standard BIS CommanderTurret located on the MainTurret... e.g:
class Turrets { class MainTurret { class Turrets { class CommanderTurret {}; }; }; };
- Posted on Mar 19, 2014 - 00:07 (UTC)
Here is a small function to find available turret paths for a given vehicle. It will only search 2 levels deep, hence called commonTurrets:
CopyExample call: See also allTurretsKK_fnc_commonTurrets = { private ["_arr","_trts"]; _arr = []; _trts = configFile / "CfgVehicles" / typeOf _this / "Turrets"; for "_i" from 0 to count _trts - 1 do { _arr set [count _arr, [_i]]; for "_j" from 0 to count ( _trts / configName (_trts select _i) / "Turrets" ) - 1 do { _arr set [count _arr, [_i, _j]]; }; }; _arr };
- Scripting Commands
- Introduced with Armed Assault version 1.00
- ArmA: Armed Assault: New Scripting Commands
- ArmA: Armed Assault: Scripting Commands
- Arma 2: Scripting Commands
- Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead: Scripting Commands
- Take On Helicopters: Scripting Commands
- Arma 3: Scripting Commands
- Command Group: Turrets
- Scripting Commands: Global Effect