ScriptInvoker | GetOnDamageEffectAdded () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnDamageEffectRemoved () |
override void | OnDamageEffectAdded (notnull SCR_DamageEffect dmgEffect) |
| Called when a damage effect has been added.
override void | OnDamageEffectRemoved (notnull SCR_DamageEffect dmgEffect) |
| Called when a damage effect has been removed.
array< ref PersistentDamageEffect > | GetAllPersistentEffectsOnHitZone (HitZone hitzone) |
array< ref PersistentDamageEffect > | FilterEffectsByHitZone (array< ref PersistentDamageEffect > damageEffects, HitZone hitzone) |
array< ref PersistentDamageEffect > | GetAllPersistentEffectsOfType (TypeName effectTypename) |
array< ref PersistentDamageEffect > | FilterEffectsByType (array< ref PersistentDamageEffect > damageEffects, TypeName effectTypename) |
proto external void | AddDamageEffect (notnull BaseDamageEffect damageEffect) |
| Adds A CLONE of a DamageEffect to this DamageManager.
proto external bool | TerminateDamageEffect (notnull PersistentDamageEffect dmgEffect) |
| If this persistent effect is contained on the damage manger, it will be removed.
proto external void | TerminateDamageEffectsOfType (TypeName typeName) |
| Terminates all damage effects of the given type.
proto external DamageEffectEvaluator | GetEvaluator () |
| Returns the DamageEffectEvaluator this ExtendedDamageManager is using.
proto external void | SetEvaluator (notnull DamageEffectEvaluator evaluator) |
| Switches the DamageEffectEvaluator this ExtendedDamageManager is using.
proto external void | GetPersistentEffects (out notnull array< ref PersistentDamageEffect > persistentEffects) |
| Clears passed array (persistentEffects) and fills it with all current PersistentEffects contained in the damage manager.
proto external bool | IsDamageEffectPresent (TypeName typeName) |
| Returns true if a persistent effect of the type is currently present.
proto external SCR_PersistentDamageEffect | FindDamageEffectOfType (TypeName typeName) |
| Finds a DamageEffect of the requested type contained on this ExtendedDamageManager.
proto external int | FindAllDamageEffectsOfType (TypeName typeName, out notnull array< ref SCR_PersistentDamageEffect > damageEffects) |
| Fills damageEffects array with all the DamageEffects of the given type present on this manager.
proto external void | FindDamageEffectsOnHitZone (HitZone hitzone, out notnull array< ref BaseDamageEffect > damageEffects) |
| Fills passed array with all current persistent DamageEffects affecting the chosen hitzone.
proto external SCR_PersistentDamageEffect | FindDamageEffectOnHitZone (TypeName typeName, HitZone hitzone) |
| Finds a DamageEffect of the requested type contained on this ExtendedDamageManager, that is being applied to the HitZone.
proto external int | FindAllDamageEffectsOfTypeOnHitZone (TypeName typeName, HitZone hitzone, out notnull array< ref SCR_PersistentDamageEffect > damageEffects) |
| Finds all the DamageEffects of the requested type contained on this ExtendedDamageManager, that is being applied to the requested HitZone.
proto external bool | IsDamageEffectPresentOnHitZones (TypeName typeName, notnull array< HitZone > hitZones) |
| Returns true if a persistent effect of the type is currently present in any of the hitzones passed.
proto external void | GetDamageHistory (out notnull array< ref BaseDamageEffect > damageHistory) |
| Clears passed array (damageHistory) and fills it with all DamageEffects stored in this damage managers damage history.
proto external void | ClearDamageHistory () |
| Clears the DamageHistory, containing all the DamageEffects applied to this DamageManager.
void | OnDamageEffectAdded (notnull SCR_DamageEffect dmgEffect) |
| Called when a damage effect has been added.
void | OnDamageEffectRemoved (notnull SCR_DamageEffect dmgEffect) |
| Called when a damage effect has been removed.
bool | IsRplReady () |
| Check if replication loading is completed. Important for join in progress and when streaming entities in.
HitZone | GetHitZoneByName (string hitZoneName, bool caseSensitive=false) |
| Get the HitZone that matches the provided name.
void | GetPhysicalHitZones (out notnull array< HitZone > physicalHitZones) |
| Return hit zones with colliders assigned.
void | GetRegeneratingHitZones (out notnull array< SCR_RegeneratingHitZone > regeneratingHitZones) |
| Return hit zones with passive regeneration enabled.
void | RpcDo_SetFireState (int hitZoneIndex, SCR_EBurningState fireState) |
| Set fire rate of a flammable hitzone.
override bool | FilterContact (IEntity owner, IEntity other, Contact contact) |
| No contacts for destroyed entities.
float | CalculateMomentum (Contact contact, float ownerMass, float otherMass) |
int | GetSurroundingHitzones (vector origin, Physics physics, float maxDistance, out array< HitZone > outHitzones) |
float | GetMinDestroyDamage (EDamageType damageType, array< HitZone > hitzones, int count) |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnDamage () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnDamageOverTimeAdded () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnDamageOverTimeRemoved () |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnDamageStateChanged () |
void | ~SCR_DamageManagerComponent () |
int | GetHitZonesOfGroup (EHitZoneGroup hitZoneGroup, out notnull array< HitZone > groupHitZones, bool clearArray=true) |
| Get a list of all hitzones of specific hitzone group.
int | GetHitZonesOfGroups (notnull array< EHitZoneGroup > hitZoneGroups, out notnull array< HitZone > groupHitZones) |
| Get a list of all hitzones of specific hitzone group.
float | GetGroupDamageOverTime (ECharacterHitZoneGroup hitZoneGroup, EDamageType damageType) |
| Get total damage over time of given hitzone group.
void | Kill (notnull Instigator instigator) |
| Neutralize the entity with a specific damage type, registering the killer entity.
void | DamageRandomHitZones (float damage, EDamageType type, notnull Instigator instigator, bool onlyPhysical=true, vector outMat[3]={}, bool damageDefault=false) |
| Damage random physical hit zones up to damage amount.
bool | CanBeHealed (bool ignoreHealingDOT=true) |
| Return true if there is damage that can be repaired.
void | FullHeal (bool ignoreHealingDOT=true) |
| Fix all the damage.
float | HealHitZones (float healthToDistribute, bool sequential=false, float maxHealThresholdScaled=1, array< HitZone > alternativeHitZones=null) |
| Partially heal the hitZones of an entity.
void | ReduceSmoke () |
| Reduce smoke output based on the total health of hit zones.
float | GetHitZonesDamage (float untilThresholdScaled=1, array< HitZone > alternativeHitZones=null) |
| Get all damage dealt to hitzones.
float | GetHitZonesHealthScaled (array< HitZone > alternativeHitZones=null) |
| Get Health scaled of all hitzones.
float | GetSingleHitZonesHealthScaled (array< HitZone > alternativeHitZones=null, bool getLowestHealth=true) |
| Get single Health scaled from hitzones.
ResourceName | GetSecondaryExplosion (float value, SCR_ESecondaryExplosionType explosionType, EResourceType resourceType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES, bool fire=false) |
| Determine secondary explosion prefab based on explosion value, type and resource type if defined.
SCR_SecondaryExplosion | GetSecondaryExplosionForScale (SCR_ESecondaryExplosionScale scale, SCR_ESecondaryExplosionType explosionType, EResourceType resourceType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES) |
| Determine secondary explosion prefab based on explosion scale, type and resource type if defined.
SCR_ESecondaryExplosionScale | GetSecondaryExplosionScale (float value, SCR_ESecondaryExplosionType explosionType, EResourceType resourceType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES) |
| Determine secondary explosion prefab based on explosion value, type and resource type if defined.
ResourceName | GetSecondaryFireParticle (float value, SCR_ESecondaryExplosionType explosionType, EResourceType resourceType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES) |
| Determine secondary explosion prefab based on explosion value, type and resource type if defined.
bool | IsOnFire (HitZone hitZone=null) |
| Determine if provided or any hit zone from this damage manager is on fire.
bool | IsOnFire (notnull array< HitZone > hitZones) |
| Determine if any hit zone from this damage manager is on fire.
void | SecondaryExplosion (ResourceName prefabName, notnull Instigator instigator, notnull EntitySpawnParams spawnParams) |
| Spawn secondary explosion.
SCR_ResourceEncapsulator | GetResourceEncapsulator (EResourceType suppliesType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES) |
void | SupplySecondaryExplosion (notnull Instigator instigator) |
| Spawn supply secondary explosion when vehicle becomes destroyed.
vector | GetSecondaryExplosionPosition (TypeName hitZoneType, out float totalWeight=0) |
| Get weighed average position of explosion for hitzones of specified type.
void | FuelSecondaryExplosion (notnull Instigator instigator) |
| Spawn fuel secondary explosion when vehicle becomes destroyed.
void | UpdateFireDamage (float timeSlice) |
void | UpdateFireParticles (vector position, out ParticleEffectEntity particles, SCR_ESecondaryExplosionScale state, SCR_ESecondaryExplosionType fireType, EResourceType resourceType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES) |
| Update visual effects and store result in particles variable.
override void | OnDamageOverTimeAdded (EDamageType dType, float dps, HitZone hz) |
| Invoked every time the DoT is added to certain hitzone.
override void | OnDamageOverTimeRemoved (EDamageType dType, HitZone hz) |
| Invoked when provided damage type is removed from certain hitzone.
override bool | HijackDamageHandling (notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext) |
proto external int | ComputeStruckHitZones (out notnull array< HitZone > struckHitZones, notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext) |
| Clears and fills struckHitZones array with all HZs that should get damaged by this BaseDamageContext.
proto external void | EnableDamageHandling (bool enable) |
proto external bool | IsDamageHandlingEnabled () |
proto external float | GetMovementDamage () |
proto external float | GetAimingDamage () |
proto external void | SetMovementDamage (float damage) |
proto external void | SetAimingDamage (float damage) |
proto external float | GetHealthScaled () |
proto external bool | SetHealthScaled (float health) |
proto external float | GetHealth () |
proto external float | GetMaxHealth () |
proto external EDamageState | GetState () |
proto external bool | IsDestroyed () |
proto external void | SetInstigatorEntity (IEntity instigator) |
proto external void | SetInstigator (notnull Instigator instigator) |
proto external notnull Instigator | GetInstigator () |
proto external int | GetAttachedColliderIDs (out notnull array< int > outAttachedColliderIDs) |
| Fills colliderIDs with all the colliders attached to hitzones this dmg manager owns.
proto external void | HandleDamage (notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext) |
proto external bool | IsDamagedOverTime (EDamageType dType) |
proto external float | GetDamageOverTime (EDamageType dType) |
proto external void | RemoveDamageOverTime (EDamageType dType) |
| Removes DOT of provided damageType from all currently affected HitZones.
bool | ShouldOverrideInstigator (notnull Instigator currentInstigator, notnull Instigator newInstigator) |
| Called whenever an instigator is going to be set.
GameMaterial | OverrideHitMaterial (HitZone struckHitzone) |
| Not all armors are physical so the surface that gets struck by projectiles will not be the one the armor, but the hitzone.
bool | FilterContact (IEntity owner, IEntity other, Contact contact) |
| Event when physics engine registered contact with other RigidBody.
bool | HijackDamageHandling (notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext) |
| Called when this DamageManager is about to handle damage.
bool | ShouldCountAsHit (notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext) |
| Called after HijackDamageHandling.
proto external IEntity | GetOwner () |
proto external HitZone | GetDefaultHitZone () |
proto external HitZone | GetHitZoneByColliderID (int colliderID) |
proto external int | GetHitZonesByColliderIDs (out notnull array< HitZone > outHitZones, notnull array< int > colliderIDs) |
| Clears and fills the specified outHitZones array with all HZs that are attached to colliderIDs.
proto external HitZone | GetHitZone (string colliderName) |
proto external int | GetAllHitZones (out notnull array< HitZone > outHitZones) |
| Clears and fills the specified outHitZones array with all HZs in this entity Returns the count of elements that were filled into the array.
proto external int | GetAllHitZonesInHierarchy (out notnull array< HitZone > outHitZones) |
| Clears and fills the specified outHitZones array with all HZs in this entity and its children.
proto external HitZoneContainerComponent | GetParentHitZoneContainer () |
bool | OnTicksOnRemoteProxy () |
static SCR_DamageManagerComponent | GetDamageManager (notnull IEntity owner) |
| Get damage manager from given owner.
static const int | MAX_DESTRUCTION_RESPONSE_INDEX = 10 |
static const string | MAX_DESTRUCTION_RESPONSE_INDEX_NAME = "HugeDestructible" |
static const ref array< EDamageType > | HEALING_DAMAGE_TYPES = {EDamageType.HEALING, EDamageType.REGENERATION} |
override bool | OnRplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer) |
override bool | OnRplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader) |
notnull SCR_DamageManagerData | GetScriptedDamageManagerData () |
override void | OnDamage (notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext) |
override bool | ShouldOverrideInstigator (notnull Instigator currentInstigator, notnull Instigator newInstigator) |
| Called whenever an instigator is going to be set.
float | HealHitZonesInSequence (float healthToDistribute, float maxHealThresholdScaled, array< HitZone > targetHitZones) |
float | HealHitZonesInParallel (float healthToDistribute, float maxHealThresholdScaled, array< HitZone > targetHitZones) |
void | ConnectToFireDamageSystem () |
void | DisconnectFromFireDamageSystem () |
override void | OnDamageStateChanged (EDamageState state) |
| Invoked when damage state changes.
override void | _WB_AfterWorldUpdate (IEntity owner, float timeSlice) |
void | OnDamageOverTimeAdded (EDamageType dType, float dps, HitZone hz) |
| Invoked every time the DoT is added to certain hitzone.
void | OnDamageOverTimeRemoved (EDamageType dType, HitZone hz) |
| Invoked when provided damage type is removed from certain hitzone.
void | OnDamageStateChanged (EDamageState state) |
| Called when the damagestate changes.
void | OnPostInit (IEntity owner) |
| Called after all components are initialized.
void | OnInit (IEntity owner) |
| Called during EOnInit.
void | OnDelete (IEntity owner) |
void | OnFrame (IEntity owner, float timeSlice) |
| Called during EOnFrame.
void | OnFilteredContact (IEntity owner, IEntity other, Contact contact) |
| Only called if FilterContact returned true.
void | OnDiag (IEntity owner, float timeSlice) |
| Called during EOnDiag.
void | OnDamage (notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext) |
bool | OnRplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer) |
bool | OnRplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader) |
int | m_iTimetickInstigator = System.GetTickCount() |
int | m_iTimeThresholdInstigatorReplacement = 180000 |
int | m_iPlayerId = 0 |
int | m_iDamageManagerDataIndex = -1 |
bool | m_bRplReady |
static const int | MIN_MOMENTUM_RESPONSE_INDEX = 1 |
static const int | MAX_MOMENTUM_RESPONSE_INDEX = 5 |
static const int | MIN_DESTRUCTION_RESPONSE_INDEX = 6 |
static ref array< ref SCR_DamageManagerData > | s_aDamageManagerData = {} |