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SCR_MapRadialDisplay Interface Reference

Info display within hud manager of player controller. More...

Inheritance diagram for SCR_MapRadialDisplay:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_RadialMenuDisplay
override void DisplayStartDraw (IEntity owner)
 Setup menu.
override void DisplayStopDraw (IEntity owner)
override void DisplayUpdate (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
override void SetupMenu (SCR_SelectionMenu menu)
 Set menu and register callback reactions for menu Clear callbacks if there was any other menu used.
void VisualizeEnableEntry (notnull SCR_SelectionMenuEntryComponent entry, int id, bool enable)
void ShowInnerBackground (bool show)
void ShowCrosshair (bool show)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_SelectionMenuDisplay
void SetupMenu (SCR_SelectionMenu menu)
 Set menu and register callback reactions for menu Clear callbacks if there was any other menu used.
override void DisplayStartDraw (IEntity owner)
 Setup menu

override void DisplayOnSuspended ()
 Called when GUI is temporarily suspended due to visibility flags; e.g. GM entered and GUI marked as not to show in GM.
SCR_SelectionMenu GetMenu ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_InfoDisplayExtended
void SetEnabled (bool isEnabled)
override void Show (bool show, float speed=UIConstants.FADE_RATE_INSTANT, EAnimationCurve curve=EAnimationCurve.LINEAR)
 Show/hide InfoDisplay properly, not breaking other systems like AdaptiveOpacity or ConditionalVisibility.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_InfoDisplay
SCR_InfoDisplayHandler GetHandler (TypeName handlerType)
SCR_InfoDisplayInvoker GetOnStart ()
SCR_InfoDisplayInvoker GetOnStop ()
IEntity GetOwnerEntity ()
Widget GetContentWidget ()
string GetContentWidgetName ()
void SetRootWidget (notnull Widget root)
void SetContentWidget (notnull Widget content)
void Show (bool show, float speed=UIConstants.FADE_RATE_INSTANT, EAnimationCurve curve=EAnimationCurve.LINEAR)
 Show/hide InfoDisplay properly, not breaking other systems like AdaptiveOpacity or ConditionalVisibility.
bool IsShown ()
Widget GetRootWidget ()
bool GetDimensions (out float width, out float height, bool addSafezones=true)
 Get width and height of the InfoDisplay element, optionally with safezones adjustments.
bool GetAnchorPosition (out float x, out float y, EWidgetAnchor anchor=EWidgetAnchor.TOPLEFT, bool addSafezones=true)
 Get width and height of the InfoDisplay element, optionally with safezones adjustments.
void RegisterToHudManager ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from GroupInfoDisplay
proto external int GetInfoDisplays (out notnull array< BaseInfoDisplay > outInfoDisplays)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseInfoDisplay
proto external GenericComponent FindComponentInParentContainer (TypeName typeName)
- Public Attributes inherited from SCR_InfoDisplay
ResourceName m_LayoutPath
EHudLayers m_eLayer
int m_iOverrideZOrder
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_RadialMenuDisplay
override void OnMenuOpen ()
override void OnShownFinished (Widget w, float targetOpacity, WidgetAnimationOpacity anim=null)
void SetupMenuCenter ()
override void OnMenuClose ()
override void OnMenuEntriesUpdate (SCR_SelectionMenu menu, array< ref SCR_SelectionMenuEntry > entries)
override void SetupEntryWidget (notnull SCR_SelectionMenuEntry entry, notnull Widget widget, int id)
 Setup entry widget properties specific for each menu Method can e.g.
void CreateNumberHint (int id)
 Create number hint to the enter to state quick number action to use.
override void OnMenuEntrySelected (SCR_SelectionMenu menu, SCR_SelectionMenuEntry entry, int id)
 React on selected entry change.
override void OnMenuEntryPerform (SCR_SelectionMenu menu, SCR_SelectionMenuEntry entry)
 React on selected entry change.
void OnEntrySizeAnimCycleCompleted (WidgetAnimationBase anim)
override void ClearEntryWidgets ()
 Clear segments and lines.
vector GetPointOnCircle (float radius, float degrees)
 Vector X Y positions from radisu (distance) and degrees (angle)
void VisualizeSelection (float selectionAngle)
float SetupFrameSlotPosition (out notnull Widget widget, int id, float distance, float angle, float angleOffset=0)
 Setup widget position and angle in frame slot.
void CreateEntrySegment (notnull SCR_SelectionMenuEntry entry, notnull Widget widget, int id)
 Add to circle segments filling entry area.
void CreateDivider (int id)
 Add divider after entry segments.
void SetupEntryHint (string text, int id)
void DisplayEntryHint ()
void OnDisplaySizeChange (SCR_RadialMenu menu, float size)
 Callback reacting to changing size from SCR_RadialMenu.
void OnSetActionHint (SCR_RadialMenu menu, string action)
 Callback to display action hint icon.
void OnMenuOpenCategory (SCR_SelectionMenu menu, SCR_SelectionMenuCategoryEntry category, int level)
void LateMenuEntriesUpdate ()
void ChangeCategoryOpen (SCR_SelectionMenu menu, SCR_SelectionMenuCategoryEntry category, int level)
void SetupSelectionVisuals ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_SelectionMenuDisplay
void FindMenu ()
 Method ready for override to find menu at custom place.
void CreateEntryWidgets ()
 Will create entries in HUD layout.
void CreateNewEntry (int i)
void RemoveEntry (Widget entry, int id)
void SetupEntryWidget (notnull SCR_SelectionMenuEntry entry, notnull Widget widget, int id)
 Setup entry widget properties specific for each menu Method can e.g.
void ClearEntryWidgets ()
 Remove all entries from HUD layout.
bool EntriesChanged (array< ref SCR_SelectionMenuEntry > entries)
 Check if used data are still same.
void OnMenuOpen ()
void OnMenuClose ()
void OnMenuEntriesUpdate (SCR_SelectionMenu menu, array< ref SCR_SelectionMenuEntry > entries)
void OnMenuEntrySelected (SCR_SelectionMenu menu, SCR_SelectionMenuEntry entry, int id)
 React on selected entry change.
void OnMenuEntryPerform (SCR_SelectionMenu menu, SCR_SelectionMenuEntry entry)
 React on selected entry change.
void DebugPrint (string method, string msg)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_InfoDisplayExtended
bool DisplayStartDrawInit (IEntity owner)
void DisplayStartDraw (IEntity owner)
void DisplayStopDraw (IEntity owner)
void DisplayInit (IEntity owner)
void DisplayUpdate (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
void DisplayControlledEntityChanged (IEntity from, IEntity to)
void DisplayConsciousnessChanged (bool conscious, bool init=false)
void DisplayOnSuspended ()
 Called when GUI is temporarily suspended due to visibility flags; e.g. GM entered and GUI marked as not to show in GM.
void DisplayOnResumed ()
void InitializeInterfaceSettings ()
void OnSettingsChanged ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_InfoDisplay
void OnShownFinished (Widget w, float targetOpacity, WidgetAnimationOpacity anim=null)
override void OnStartDraw (IEntity owner)
void AdaptiveOpacity_Update (float opacity, float sceneBrightness, bool init=false)
override void OnStopDraw (IEntity owner)
override void UpdateValues (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
override void OnInit (IEntity owner)
void OnInit (IEntity owner)
void UpdateValues (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
void OnStartDraw (IEntity owner)
void OnStopDraw (IEntity owner)
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_RadialMenuDisplay
int m_iEntriesRadius
float m_fSelectedIndicatorOffset
string m_sBaseWidget
bool m_bForceSize
bool m_bFastFadeOnPerform
string m_sDividersParent
ResourceName m_sDividerTexture
int m_iDividersRadius
int m_iDividerSize
float m_fDividersOpacity
string m_sSegmentsParent
ResourceName m_sSegmentLayout
string m_sSelectorLine
string m_sSelectorArrow
string m_sInnerSelector
string m_sSelectedIndicator
string m_sSelectedIndicatorFeedback
string m_sSelectedName
string m_sActionHint
string m_sDescription
string m_sBreadCrumbs
string m_sInnerBackround
string m_sCrosshairWrap
string m_sBlur
string m_sHintWrapper
float m_fHintRadius
int m_iHintDisplayDelay
int m_iCategoryIconRadius
ResourceName m_sNumberHintLayout
string m_sNumberHintParent
float m_fNumberHintRadius
Widget m_wBase
Widget m_wDividersParent
ref array< Widget > m_aDividers = {}
Widget m_wSegmentsParent
ref array< SCR_RadialMenuSegmentComponentm_aSegments = {}
Widget m_wNumberHints
ref array< SCR_RadialMenuNumberHintComponentm_aNumberHints = {}
ImageWidget m_wSelectorArrow
ImageWidget m_wInnerSelector
ImageWidget m_wSelectorLine
ImageWidget m_wSelectedIndicator
ImageWidget m_wSelectedIndicatorFeedback
TextWidget m_wSelectedName
TextWidget m_wActionHint
TextWidget m_wDescription
ImageWidget m_wInnerBackround
Widget m_wCrosshairWrap
BlurWidget m_wBlur
Widget m_wHintWrapper
SCR_RadialMenu m_RadialMenu
SCR_BreadCrumbsComponent m_BreadCrumbs
float m_fSelectorArrowRadius
float m_fDynamicEntriesRadius
float m_fDynamicDividerSize
float m_fDynamicDividersRadius
float m_SizeRatio
int m_iPrevCategoryLevel = 0
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_SelectionMenuDisplay
ResourceName m_sEntryLayout
string m_sEntriesParent
ref SCR_SelectionMenu m_Menu
ref array< SCR_SelectionMenuEntrym_aEntries = {}
ref array< ref Widget > m_aEntryWidgets = {}
SCR_SelectionMenuEntry m_LastSelectedEntry
int m_iLastSelectedId = -1
Widget m_wEntriesParent
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_InfoDisplayExtended
bool m_bIsEnabled
string m_sInterfaceSettingName
SCR_PlayerController m_PlayerController
SCR_CharacterControllerComponent m_CharacterController
SCR_CharacterCameraHandlerComponent m_CameraHandler
MenuManager m_MenuManager
EventHandlerManagerComponent m_EventHandlerManager
SCR_EditorManagerEntity m_EditorManager
bool m_bAttachedToPlayerController
bool m_bInThirdPerson
bool m_bInADS
bool m_bIsUnconscious
bool m_bInPauseMenu
bool m_bInEditor
bool m_bCanShow
bool m_bIsEnabledInSettings = true
bool m_bShowInAllCameras = true
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_InfoDisplay
string m_sParentSlot
string m_sContentWidget
int m_iContentWidthAdjustment
int m_iContentHeightAdjustment
string m_sAdaptiveOpacityWidgetName
ref array< ref SCR_InfoDisplayHandlerm_aHandlers
bool m_bShown
Widget m_wRoot
Widget m_wContent
Widget m_wSlot
SCR_HUDManagerComponent m_HUDManager
int m_iChildDisplays = 0
ref array< BaseInfoDisplaym_aChildDisplays = new array<BaseInfoDisplay>
SCR_InfoDisplay m_pParentDisplay
bool m_bRegistered = false
IEntity m_OwnerEntity
ref array< ref SCR_InfoDisplayHandlerm_aUpdatableHandlers = {}
ref SCR_InfoDisplayInvoker m_OnStart = new SCR_InfoDisplayInvoker()
ref SCR_InfoDisplayInvoker m_OnStop = new SCR_InfoDisplayInvoker()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_RadialMenuDisplay
const string HINT_BASE = "<action name='%1' hideEmpty='1'/>"
const float CHANGE_CONTENT_OPACITY = 0.4
const float ENTRY_ANIMATION_SCALE = 1.25
const float ENTRY_ANIMATION_SPEED = 7.5
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_SelectionMenuDisplay

Detailed Description

Info display within hud manager of player controller.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: