From SQF to Enforce Script – Arma Reforger
Welcome to Enfusion!
While Arma 3 is powered by SQF, Arma Reforger uses Enforce Script as language, which is syntactically close to C#.
SQF is a succession of Scripting Commands processed in a certain order to give you a certain access or reference to the engine objects themselves (e.g player).
It is easy to access, read and process at the cost of performance.
Enforce Script is an Object-Oriented Programming language (OOP language) which as this designation suggests is based on objects.
The language is way closer to the engine and is inspired by C++, which allows scripters more possibilities, but also more responsibilities - a script can make or break one's game experience.
It is a stricter language that allows for a wider, stronger interaction with the engine.
Let's start with the similarities between the languages… because they are very different, the list will actually be a short one.
SQF | Enforce Script |
And that's it! As this example already shows, even the variable declaration syntax has changed. Now, let's see the main differences on first sight!
Main Differences
Definitely the most important point of this document. SQF being keyword-based, it needs to "bridge" the "if" condition to the "then" value, using the then keyword. Enforce Script uses if-else structure like any recent language.
SQF | Enforce Script |
if (myPlayer.GetHealth() > 0) // no more 'then'!
Print("I am alive!");
if (myPlayer.GetHealth() > 0)
Print("I am alive!"); // a short version is possible |
The same applies for other code structures (while-do, switch-do, for-do, etc), see Code Flow below.
The else part supports else if (note: not elseif) statements:
SQF | Enforce Script |
if (myPlayer.GetHealth() > 0)
Print("I am alive!");
else if (myPlayer.GetHealth() < 10) // no more "else { if }" structure
Print("That's a lot of damage");
} |
Code Flow
SQF | Enforce Script |
// Enforce Script has only one type of for loop
// statement, condition and step are separated by semicolons
for (int i; i < 5; i++) // i is automatically initialised to 0, but "int i = 0" could also be used
} |
SQF | Enforce Script |
// foreach's syntax is changed and follows today's standards
// the code to be run is placed after the keyword
// beware of the syntax: currentIndex and currentElement are separated with ","
// whereas currentElement and the array being iterated over are separated with ":"
foreach (int currentIndex, string currentElement : items)
// or, if the index is not required
foreach (string currentElement : items)
} |
SQF | Enforce Script |
// Condition check in while loop is done in regular () brackets
while (i < 10)
i++; // this will increment i by 1
} |
SQF | Enforce Script |
switch (i) do
case 0: { systemChat "case 0" }; // if i is 0, code in brackets is executed and switch is exited automatically
case 1: { systemChat "case 1" };
default { systemChat "default" }; // default does -not- use ":" like case does
}; |
switch (i)
case 0:
Print("case 0");
case 1:
Print("case 1");
default: // default -does- use ":" just like case does
} |
SQF | Enforce Script |
i = if (isScript) then { 1 } else { 0 }; // if-then-else returning value, not possible in Enforce Script
if (isScript) exitWith {}; // exitWith breaks from the current -scope-
// it will exit the script only if at its root
// lazy evaluation: by default, all statements in condition field are evaluated
// to prevent this behaviour the second statement should be wrapped in code brackets {}
// if (!isNil "_value" && _value > 10) then // wrong as "_value > 10" will be evaluated
if (!isNil "_value" && { _value > 10 }) then
hint "_value exists and is greater than 10";
}; |
// an if statement can avoid brackets for only one line of code
if (isScript)
break; // this will exit a while loop
if (isScript)
return 0; // this will exit the current method and return 0
// "value.GetValue() > 10" will not be evaluated if "value != null" returns false
if (value != null && value.GetValue() > 10)
Print("value exists and is greater than 10");
} |
Case Sensitivity
Everything is case-sensitive in Enforce Script, unlike SQF:
SQF | Enforce Script |
string myValue = "Hello there";
Print(MYVALUE); // error: MYVALUE is undefined
IF (true) // error: "IF" is an unknown operator. "if" is the proper casing
Print("it's true!");
if (myValue == "HELLO THERE")
// will NOT work - "Hello there" is different from "HELLO THERE"
} |
Typed Variables
In SQF, a variable can change its type on the go according to value assignation. In Enforce Script, a variable has one type and this type cannot be changed during the variable's lifetime.
SQF | Enforce Script |
string myValue = "Hello there"; // myValue is a string
myValue = 5; // error: cannot convert an int to string
myValue = true; // error: cannot convert a bool to string |
A position is the location of an object. A position is composed of X, Y and Z values, X being the West → East axis, Y being the Floor → Sky axis, and Z being the South → North axis. A position is called origin in Enfusion.
Real Virtuality uses the [X, Z, Y] format (a vector pointing up being [0, 0, 1]) whereas Enfusion uses { X, Y, Z } (a vector pointing up being { 0, 1, 0 }).
SQF | Enforce Script |
In SQF, an array is a list that can contain any type of data including sub-arrays, and can be expanded at will. In Enforce Script, there are two types of array: static (extremely fast but of static size) and dynamic (size can change); also, an array can only contain one type of data.
SQF | Enforce Script |
array<int> myArray = {}; // dynamic array
myArray.Insert(0); // array is { 0 }
myArray.Insert(true); // array is { 0, 1 } - true is 1
myArray.Insert("2"); // error: an array cannot contain a different type
myArray[0] = 1; // sets the first element to 1
// array duplication
array<int> duplicate = {};
duplicate.Copy(myArray); // does not work for ref items
// ref array duplication
array<ref SCR_Class> refDuplicate = {};
foreach (SCR_Class item : myArray)
// a helper is provided
array<ref SCR_Class> refDuplicate = SCR_ArrayHelper<SCR_Class>.GetCopy(myArray);
// new array type: static (size) array
int myArray[3]; // automatically initialised to the type's default value (here { 0, 0, 0 })
myArray[0] = 1; // { 1, 0, 0 }
myArray[1] = 2; // { 1, 2, 0 }
myArray[2] = 3; // { 1, 2, 3 } |
Data Types
Including vectors, enums, sets, classes of course and others! Find all the new data types on their dedicated page.
SQF | Enforce Script |
private _position = [50, 50, 0]; // an array
private _number1 = 42; // a Number, a.k.a float
private _number2 = 5.5; // a Number, a.k.a float
_number1 = _number1 + 1;
_number2 = _number2 - 1;
private _hashmap = createHashMap;
_hashmap set [1, "oops"];
_hashmap set [2, "two"];
_hashmap set ["two", true];
_hashmap set [1, "one"];
private _value = nil;
if (isNil "_value") then { hint "_value is not defined" };
private _value = objectParent player;
if (isNull _value) then { hint "player has vehicle" }; |
vector position = { 50, 0, 50 };
int number1 = 42;
float number2 = 5.5;
map<int, string> hashmap = new map<int, string>(); // types are set in stone
hashmap.Insert(1, "oops");
hashmap.Insert(2, "two");
// no Enforce Script equivalent
hashmap.Set(1, "one"); // Set() is to update a value - it can create it too, but Insert() is faster
set<string> stringSet = new set<string>();
stringSet.Insert("value1"); // returns false as value1 already exists
// there is no isNil equivalent in Enforce Script as a variable is either defined or not
// its content can still be null as seen below
MyClass myInstance;
if (myInstance == null)
Print("myInstance is null");
// alternatively
if (!myInstance)
Print("myInstance is null"); |
Object-Oriented Programming
SQF is a scripting language based on sequences of expressions set in scripts. Enforce Script is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) meaning that the code is placed inside declared objects.
SQF | Enforce Script |
// a method is a class' function
class MyClass
int Sum(int value1, int value2)
return value1 + value2;
// a different method signature, yet named the same
string Sum(string value1, string value2)
return value1 + value2;
// further in code
MyClass myInstance = new MyClass();
int result = myInstance.Sum(5, 3);
string result = myInstance.Sum("Hello ", "there");
string result = myInstance.Sum("Hello ", 3); // does not work - no such string/int signature, only string/string |
SQF | Enforce Script |
class MyClass
void PrintMessage()
Print("Thread A 1/2");
GetGame().GetCallqueue().CallLater(PrintOtherMessage, 1000); // in milliseconds
// thread Thread_PrintOtherMessage(); // thread usage is not recommended
Print("Thread A 2/2");
void PrintOtherMessage()
Print("CallQueue later");
void Thread_PrintOtherMessage()
Print("Thread B 1/2");
Print("Thread B 2/2");
// further in code
MyClass myInstance = new MyClass();
myInstance.PrintMessage(); |