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User Interface Event handlers allow you to automatically monitor and then execute custom code upon particular UI events being triggered.
User Interface Event Handlers are used to execute code when events related to GUI components (i.e. [[Display]]s and [[Control]]s) occur.
{{Feature|warning| About [[ctrlDelete]] in an Event Handler's script: [[ctrlDelete]] needs to be the last executed statement or Arma will crash.<br>
Alternatively, the code can also be [[Scheduler|spawned]] to circumvent this issue.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
onButtonClick = "ctrlDelete (_this select 0); systemChat 'You will never see this';"; // Crashes the game
onButtonClick = "systemChat 'Bye bye button!'; ctrlDelete (_this select 0);"; // Works fine
onButtonClick = "_this spawn { ctrlDelete (_this select 0); systemChat 'Bye bye button!'; };"; // Works fine
== Reference List ==
=== Generic Events ===
<div><!-- Used to limit Sticky range -->
==== onLoad ====
* '''Use on:''' Display, Control
* '''Fired on:''' Fires when UI container is created, but no action is taken. The {{hl|onLoad}} event for display fires '''after''' the {{hl|onLoad}} events for all controls it contains are fired.
* '''Returns:''' Display or control, for controls it also returns the control's config (since {{GVI|arma3|1.56}}).
<sqf>params ["_displayOrControl", ["_config", configNull]];</sqf>
{{Feature|informative|The order of initialisation is as follows:
# all controls, top to bottom.
# Display
This means that during the {{hl|onLoad}} event of the upper controls the lower controls have yet to be created.}}
==== onUnload ====
* '''Use on:''' Display
* '''Fired on:''' Display is closed, but no controls are destroyed yet.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the display and exit code.
<sqf>params ["_display", "_exitCode"];</sqf>
{{Feature|informative|The {{hl|onUnload}} event never fires for RscTitles displays created with [[cutRsc]].}}
{{Feature|warning|Code or function should be [[call]]ed, otherwise controls might be destroyed before [[spawn]]ed code is executed!}}
==== onChildDestroyed ====
* '''Use on:''' Display
* '''Fired on:''' Child display is closed.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the display, which child display was closed and exit code.
<sqf>params ["_display", "_closedChildDisplay", "_exitCode"];</sqf>
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' [[ctrlSetFade]], [[ctrlSetScale]], [[ctrlSetAngle]] and [[ctrlSetPosition]] in combination with [[ctrlCommit]].
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control, type of animation ({{hl|"alpha"}}, {{hl|"scale"}}, {{hl|"rotation"}} or {{hl|"position"}}) and the committed time.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_animType", "_animTime"];</sqf>
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' Any changes to the [[CT_EDIT]] text field content.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and the changed text.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_newText"];</sqf>
==== onMouseEnter ====
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' The mouse pointer enters the control area.
* '''Returns:''' Returns control.
<sqf>params ["_control"];</sqf>
The {{hl|onMouseEnter}} event only fires on enabled buttons (see [[ctrlEnable]]).<br>
{{GVI|arma3|2.18|size= 0.75}} This event handler type seems to only work on controls that can be interacted with. For example buttons, listboxes and so on.
==== onMouseExit ====
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' The mouse pointer exits the control area.
* '''Returns:''' Returns control.
<sqf>params ["_control"];</sqf>
{{Feature|informative|{{GVI|arma3|2.18|size= 0.75}} This event handler type seems to only work on controls that can be interacted with. For example buttons, listboxes and so on.}}
==== onSetFocus ====
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' Input focus is on control. It now begins to accept keyboard input.
* '''Returns:''' Returns control.
<sqf>params ["_control"];</sqf>
==== onKillFocus ====
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' Input focus is no longer on control. It no longer accepts keyboard input.
* '''Returns:''' Returns control.
<sqf>params ["_control"];</sqf>
==== onTimer ====
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' N/A.
* '''Returns:''' N/A.
{{Feature|informative|This feature has yet to be implemented.}}
==== onKeyDown ====
* '''Use on:''' Display, Control
* '''Fired on:''' Pressing any keyboard key. Fired before the [[#onKeyUp|{{hl|onKeyUp}}]] event.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the display or control, the [[DIK_KeyCodes|keyboard code]] and the state of {{Controls|Shift}}, {{Controls|Ctrl}} and {{Controls|Alt}}.
params ["_displayOrControl", "_key", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];
true // Intercepts the default action, e.g. pressing Escape won't close the dialog.
In {{arma3}}, in order to be able to intercept key events during gameplay, the Event Handler should be added to [[Arma_3:_IDD_List|Display 46]]:
findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {}];
In general, one should never return [[true]] in the {{hl|onKeyDown}} EH, especially if it's added to [[Arma_3:_IDD_List|Display 46]] - otherwise all input is overridden and there is no way to do anything in the game anymore.
{{Feature|warning|Pressing and holding key triggers 'autorepeat' action on Windows, which in turn will make this EH fire repeatedly as well.}}
==== onKeyUp ====
* '''Use on:''' Display, Control
* '''Fired on:''' Releasing any keyboard key. Fired after the [[#onKeyDown|onKeyDown]] event.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the display or control, the [[DIK_KeyCodes|keyboard code]] and the state of {{Controls|Shift}}, {{Controls|Ctrl}} and {{Controls|Alt}}.
<sqf>params ["_displayOrControl", "_key", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];</sqf>
==== onChar ====
* '''Use on:''' Display, Control
* '''Fired on:''' When some readable characters is recognised.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the display or control and the {{Link||char code}}.
<sqf>params ["_displayOrControl", "_charCode"];</sqf>
==== onIMEChar ====
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' When IME character is recognized (used in Korean and other eastern languages).
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and the char code.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_charCode"];</sqf>
==== onIMEComposition ====
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' When partial IME character is recognized (used in Korean and other eastern languages).
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and the char code.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_charCode"];</sqf>
==== onMouseButtonDown ====
* '''Use on:''' Display, Control
* '''Fired on:''' Pressing a mouse button. Followed by the [[#onMouseButtonUp|{{hl|onMouseButtonUp}}]] event.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the display or control, the pressed button, the x and y coordinates and the state of {{Controls|Shift}}, {{Controls|Ctrl}} and {{Controls|Alt}}.
<sqf>params ["_displayOrControl", "_button", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];</sqf>
==== onMouseButtonUp ====
* '''Use on:''' Display, Control
* '''Fired on:''' Releasing a mouse button. Follows the [[#onMouseButtonDown|{{hl|onMouseButtonDown}}]] event.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the display or control, the pressed button, the x and y coordinates and the state of {{Controls|Shift}}, {{Controls|Ctrl}} and {{Controls|Alt}}.
<sqf>params ["_displayOrControl", "_button", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];</sqf>
==== onMouseButtonClick ====
* '''Use on:''' ListBox, ComboBox, TextBox, Button, ActiveText
* '''Fired on:''' Pressing and releasing a mouse button.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control, the pressed button, the x and y coordinates and the state of {{Controls|Shift}}, {{Controls|Ctrl}} and {{Controls|Alt}}.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_button", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];</sqf>
==== onMouseButtonDblClick ====
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' Pressing and releasing a mouse button twice within very short time.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control, the pressed button, the x and y coordinates and the state of {{Controls|Shift}}, {{Controls|Ctrl}} and {{Controls|Alt}}.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_button", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];</sqf>
==== onMouseMoving ====
* '''Fired on:''' Fires continuously while moving the mouse with a certain interval.
<hr />
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control, the x and y coordinates relative to the controls parent and mouseOver.<br>If the controls parent is its display then x and y will be the same as [[getMousePosition]] else it will be relative to its parent control (for instance if inside a [[CT_CONTROLS_GROUP]]).
<sqf>params ["_control", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_mouseOver"];</sqf>
<hr />
* '''Use on:''' Display
* '''Returns:''' Returns the display, and ''some kind of'' x and y delta position.
<sqf>params ["_display", "_xPos", "_yPos"];</sqf>
==== onMouseHolding ====
* '''Fired on:''' Fires continuously with a specific interval while mouse is stationary.
<hr />
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control, the x and y coordinates relative to the controls parent and mouseOver.<br>If the controls parent is its display then x and y will be the same as [[getMousePosition]] else it will be relative to its parent control (for instance if inside a [[CT_CONTROLS_GROUP]]).
<sqf>params ["_control", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_mouseOver"];</sqf>
<hr />
* '''Use on:''' Display
* '''Returns:''' Returns the display, and ''some kind of'' x and y delta position.
<sqf>params ["_display", "_xPos", "_yPos"];</sqf>
==== onMouseZChanged ====
* '''Use on:''' Display, Control
* '''Fired on:''' Fires when mouse wheel position is changed. Only fires on enabled controls.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the display or control and the change of the scrollwheel.
<sqf>params ["_displayOrControl", "_scroll"];</sqf>
==== onCanDestroy ====
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' Ask this control if dialog can be closed (used for validation of contained data).
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and exit code.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_exitCode"];</sqf>
==== onDestroy ====
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' Destroying control
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and exit code.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_exitCode"];</sqf>
=== Button Events ===
==== onButtonClick ====
* '''Use on:''' Button
* '''Fired on:''' The attached button action is performed. When returned value is [[true]], the engine behaviour is overridden.
* '''Returns:''' Returns control.
<sqf>params ["_control"];</sqf>
* '''Use on:''' Button
* '''Fired on:''' Button double clicked.
* '''Returns:''' Returns control.
<sqf>params ["_control"];</sqf>
==== onButtonDown ====
* '''Use on:''' Button
* '''Fired on:''' The left mouse button is pressed over the button area or a key on the keyboard is pressed.
* '''Returns:''' Returns control.
<sqf>params ["_control"];</sqf>
==== onButtonUp ====
* '''Use on:''' Button
* '''Fired on:''' When left mouse button is released outside the button area and the attached button action '''went unexecuted'''.
* '''Returns:''' Returns control.
<sqf>params ["_control"];</sqf>
=== Listbox Events ===
==== onLBSelChanged ====
* '''Use on:''' Listbox, Combobox, Table
* '''Fired on:''' The selection in a listbox is changed. The left mouse button has been released and the new selection is fully made.
{{Feature|warning|This EH will fire even if no new selection was made and the user clicked on existing selection}}
{{Feature|informative|Since {{GVI|arma3|2.11}} controls with the LB_MULTI style pass an additional <var>_lbSelection</var> parameter to the EH script (see [[lbCurSel]], [[lbSelection]]).}}
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and the selected element index.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_lbCurSel", "_lbSelection"];</sqf>
==== onLBListSelChanged ====
* '''Use on:''' Combobox
* '''Fired on:''' When selection in XCombo box changed (but value has yet to be stored).
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and the selected element index.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_selectedIndex"];</sqf>
==== onLBDblClick ====
* '''Use on:''' Listbox
* '''Fired on:''' Double click on some row in listbox.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and the selected element index.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_selectedIndex"];</sqf>
==== onLBDrag ====
* '''Use on:''' Listbox
* '''Fired on:''' Drag & drop operation started.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and an array of arrays of information on the dragged item(s) (if listbox is of style LB_MULTI then multiple items can be dragged and dropped at the same time).<br>Control must have unique IDC and {{hl|canDrag}} parameter enabled in its class in order to work.
params ["_control", "_listboxInfo"];
// Get info of first item being dragged:
(_listboxInfo select 0) params ["_lbText", "_lbValue", "_lbData"];
==== onLBDragging ====
* '''Use on:''' Listbox
* '''Fired on:''' Drag & drop operation is in progress.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control, the x and y coordinates in screen space, listbox IDC where item(s) were dragged from and an array of arrays of information on the dragged item(s) (if listbox is of style LB_MULTI then multiple items can be dragged and dropped at the same time).
params ["_control", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_listboxIDC", "_listboxInfo"];
// Get info of first item being dragged:
(_listboxInfo select 0) params ["_lbText", "_lbValue", "_lbData"];
==== onLBDrop ====
* '''Use on:''' Listbox, Combobox, Textbox, ActiveText, Button, ControlsGroup
* '''Fired on:''' When a Drag & drop operation is finished.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control, the x and y coordinates in screen space, listbox IDC where item(s) were dragged from and an array of arrays of information on the dropped item(s) (if listbox is of style LB_MULTI then multiple items can be dragged and dropped at the same time).<br>When the Listbox is inside a [[CT_CONTROLS_GROUP]] the Event Handler needs to be added to the [[CT_CONTROLS_GROUP]].<br>Will only work for a [[CT_CONTROLS_GROUP]] that is outside of any other group.
params ["_control", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_listboxIDC", "_listboxInfo"];
//Get info of first item being dropped:
(_listboxInfo select 0) params ["_lbText", "_lbValue", "_lbData"];

==Reference List==
{{Important|When using the event names listed below with the [[ctrlAddEventHandler]], [[ctrlSetEventHandler]], [[displayAddEventHandler]] or [[displaySetEventHandler]] commands, the prefix "on" in the name must be removed. (e.g. ''''ButtonDown'''' instead of ''''onButtonDown'''')}}

{| class="sortable bikitable"
=== Tree Events ===
! Priority
! Event
! Fired
! Notes and Parameters
! Scope
|  class="priority" | 1
|  class="event" | onLoad
|  class="fired" | Fires when UI container is created, but no action is taken. onLoad event for display fires '''after''' onLoad events for all controls it contains are fired.
|  class="notes" | Returns the display or control.
|  class="scope" | Display, Control
|  class="priority" | 1
|  class="event" | onUnload
|  class="fired" | Display is closed, but no controls are destroyed yet. '''NOTE:''' onUnload event doesn't fire for RscTitles displays started with [[cutRsc]]
|  class="notes" | Returns the display and exit code.
|  class="scope" | Display
|  class="priority" | 1
|  class="event" | onChildDestroyed
|  class="fired" | Child display is closed.
|  class="notes" | Returns the display, which child display was closed and exit code.
|  class="scope" | Display
|  class="priority" | 1
|  class="event" | onMouseEnter
|  class="fired" | The mouse pointer enters the control area.
|  class="notes" | Returns control.
|  class="scope" | Control
|  class="priority" | 1
|  class="event" | onMouseExit
|  class="fired" | The mouse pointer exits the control area.
|  class="notes" | Returns control.
|  class="scope" | Control
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onSetFocus
|  class="fired" | Input focus is on control. It now begins to accept keyboard input.
|  class="notes" | Returns control.
|  class="scope" | Control
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onKillFocus
|  class="fired" | Input focus is no longer on control. It no longer accepts keyboard input.
|  class="notes" | Returns control.
|  class="scope" | Control
|  class="priority" | 3
|  class="event" | onTimer
|  class="fired" | After amount of time given by setTimer function.
|  class="notes" | Returns control.
|  class="scope" | Control
|- <span idonKeyDown"/>
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onKeyDown
|  class="fired" | Pressing any keyboard key. Fired before the [[#onKeyUp|onKeyUp]] event.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control, the [[DIK_KeyCodes|keyboard code]] and the state of Shift, Ctrl and Alt.
|  class="scope" | Display, Control
|- <span idonKeyUp"/>
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onKeyUp
|  class="fired" | Releasing any keyboard key. Fired after the [[#onKeyDown|onKeyDown]] event.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control, the [[DIK_KeyCodes|keyboard code]] and the state of Shift, Ctrl and Alt.
|  class="scope" | Display, Control
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onChar
|  class="fired" | When some readable characters is recognised.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the char code.
|  class="scope" | Control
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onIMEChar
|  class="fired" | When IME character is recognized (used in Korean and other eastern languages).
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the char code.
|  class="scope" | Control
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onIMEComposition
|  class="fired" | When partial IME character is recognized (used in Korean and other eastern languages).
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the char code.
|  class="scope" | Control
|  class="priority" | 3
|  class="event" | onJoystickButton
|  class="fired" | Pressing and releasing any joystick button.
|  class="notes" | '''Not in Arma 2 or Arma 3''' Returns the control and the the pressed button.
|  class="scope" | Control
|- <span idonMouseButtonDown"/>
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onMouseButtonDown
|  class="fired" | Pressing a mouse button. Followed by the [[#onMouseButtonUp|onMouseButtonUp]] event.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control, the pressed button, the x and y coordinates and the state of Shift, Ctrl and Alt.
|  class="scope" | Control
|- <span idonMouseButtonUp"/>
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onMouseButtonUp
|  class="fired" | Releasing a mouse button. Follows the [[#onMouseButtonDown|onMouseButtonDown]] event.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control, the pressed button, the x and y coordinates and the state of Shift, Ctrl and Alt.
|  class="scope" | Control
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onMouseButtonClick
|  class="fired" | Pressing and releasing a mouse button.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control, the pressed button, the x and y coordinates and the state of Shift, Ctrl and Alt.
|  class="scope" | ListBox, ComboBox, TextBox, Button, ActiveText
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onMouseButtonDblClick
|  class="fired" | Pressing and releasing a mouse button twice within very short time.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control, the pressed button, the x and y coordinates and the state of Shift, Ctrl and Alt.
|  class="scope" | Control
|  class="priority" rowspan=2| 2
|  class="event" rowspan=2 | onMouseMoving
|  class="fired" rowspan=2 | Fires continuously while moving the mouse with a certain interval.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control, the <u> x and y coordinates relative to control</u> and mouseOver.
|  class="scope" | Control
| class="notes" | Returns the display, the <u>some kind of x and y delta position</u>.
| class="scope" | Display
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onMouseHolding
|  class="fired" | Fires continuously while mouse is not moving with a certain interval.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control, the x and y coordinates and mouseOver. If used with a display, the mouseOver parameter is excluded.
|  class="scope" | Control
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onMouseZChanged
|  class="fired" | Fires when mouse wheel position is changed. Does not fire on disabled control. Checked with CT_EDIT type in v1.50.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the change of the scrollbar.
|  class="scope" | Control only
|  class="priority" | 3
|  class="event" | onCanDestroy
|  class="fired" | Ask this control if dialog can be closed (used for validation of contained data).
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and exit code.
|  class="scope" | Control
|  class="priority" | 3
|  class="event" | onDestroy
|  class="fired" | Destroying control
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and exit code.
|  class="scope" | Control
|  class="priority" | 1
|  class="event" | onButtonClick
|  class="fired" | The attached button action is performed. When returned value is [[true]], button's display remains opened.
|  class="notes" | Returns control.
|  class="scope" | Button
|  class="priority" | ?
|  class="event" | onButtonDblClick
|  class="fired" | ?
|  class="notes" | Arma 3
|  class="scope" | Button
|- <span idonButtonDown"/>
|  class="priority" | 1
|  class="event" | onButtonDown
|  class="fired" | The left mouse button is pressed over the button area or a key on the keyboard is pressed.
|  class="notes" | Returns control.
|  class="scope" | Button
|- <span idonButtonUp"/>
|  class="priority" | 1
|  class="event" | onButtonUp
|  class="fired" | The left mouse buttons is released outside the button area and the attached button action is not performed.
|  class="notes" | Returns control.
|  class="scope" | Button
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onLBSelChanged
|  class="fired" | The selection in a listbox is changed. The left mouse button has been released and the new selection is fully made.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the selected element index.
|  class="scope" | Listbox,Combobox
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onLBListSelChanged
|  class="fired" | Selection in XCombo box changed (but value is not stored yet).
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the selected element index.
|  class="scope" | Listbox
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onLBDblClick
|  class="fired" | Double click on some row in listbox.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the selected element index.
|  class="scope" | Listbox
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onLBDrag
|  class="fired" | Drag & drop operation started.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the selected element index.
|  class="scope" | Listbox
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onLBDragging
|  class="fired" | Drag & drop operation is in progress.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the x and y coordinates.
|  class="scope" | Listbox
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onLBDrop
|  class="fired" | Drag & drop operation finished.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the x and y coordinates.When the Listbox is inside a ctrlGroup the eventhandler need to be added to the ctrlGroup
|  class="scope" | Listbox, Combobox, Textbox, ActiveText, Button, CtrlGroups
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onTreeSelChanged
|  class="fired" | Changing the selection in a tree.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the new selection path.
|  class="scope" | Tree
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onTreeLButtonDown
|  class="fired" | Pressing and releasing left mouse button on a tree.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control.
|  class="scope" | Tree
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onTreeDblClick
|  class="fired" | Pressing and releasing twice on a tree entry.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the current selection path.
|  class="scope" | Tree
|  class="priority" | 3
|  class="event" | onTreeExpanded
|  class="fired" | The tree folder structure has been expanded.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control.
|  class="scope" | Tree
|  class="priority" | 3
|  class="event" | onTreeCollapsed
|  class="fired" | The tree folder structure has been collapsed.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control.
|  class="scope" | Tree
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onTreeMouseMove
|  class="fired" | Fires continuously while moving the mouse with a certain interval.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control.
|  class="scope" | Tree
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onTreeMouseHold
|  class="fired" | Fires continuously while mouse is not moving with a certain interval.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control.
|  class="scope" | Tree
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onTreeMouseExit
|  class="fired" | The mouse pointer exits the tree control area
|  class="notes" | Returns the control.
|  class="scope" | Tree
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onToolBoxSelChanged
|  class="fired" | Changed the selection in a toolbox.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the selected element index.
|  class="scope" | Toolbox
|  class="priority" | ?
|  class="event" | onChecked
|  class="fired" | CheckBox checked
|  class="notes" | Arma 3
|  class="scope" | Checkbox
|  class="priority" | ?
|  class="event" | onCheckedChanged
|  class="fired" | Checked state of CheckBox changed.
|  class="notes" | Arma 3. Returns control and the checked state.
|  class="scope" | Checkbox
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onCheckBoxesSelChanged
|  class="fired" | Changed the selection in a checkbox.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control, the selected element index and the current state.
|  class="scope" | Checkbox
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onHTMLLink
|  class="fired" | Pressing and releasing a HTML link.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and href.
|  class="scope" | HTML
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onSliderPosChanged
|  class="fired" | Changing the position of a slider.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the change.
|  class="scope" | Slider
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onObjectMoved
|  class="fired" | Moving an object.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the offset on the x, y and z axes.
|  class="scope" | Object
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onMenuSelected
|  class="fired" | Some item in context menu (used now only in new mission editor) was selected.
|  class="notes" | Returns the control and the command id.
|  class="scope" | Context menu
|  class="priority" | ?
|  class="event" | onDraw
|  class="fired" | Fires when the map is drawn (can occur more than once per second).
|  class="notes" | Returns the map control.
|  class="scope" | Map
|  class="priority" | 2
|  class="event" | onVideoStopped
|  class="fired" | {{GVI|arma2oa|1.56}}<br />Activated every time video ends (when looped, handler is executed after every finished loop).
|  class="notes" | Returns the control
|  class="scope" | Control

==Event parameters==
The events handlers receive parameters in the ''[[_this]]'' variable. Each event passes a different set of parameters (listed in the table above) in an array. The control or display that the event was assigned to is always found in {{Inline code|[[_this]] [[select]] 0}}.
==== onTreeSelChanged ====
* '''Use on:''' Tree
* '''Fired on:''' Changing the selection in a tree.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and the new selection path.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_selectionPath"];</sqf>

==== onTreeLButtonDown ====
In ArmA, most control-specific events work for controls and do not work for displays. The 2 exceptions being: '''''onKeyDown''''' and '''''onKeyUp'''''.
* '''Use on:''' Tree
* '''Fired on:''' Pressing and releasing left mouse button on a tree.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control.
<sqf>params ["_control"];</sqf>

Since Arma 2, most control-specific events now work for both displays and controls.
==== onTreeDblClick ====
* '''Use on:''' Tree
* '''Fired on:''' Pressing and releasing twice on a tree entry.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and the current selection path.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_selectionPath"];</sqf>

==Defining events==
==== onTreeExpanded ====
User Interface Event Handlers can be assigned in two ways: via class property definitions or via [[:Category:Scripting Commands|scripting commands]].
* '''Use on:''' Tree
* '''Fired on:''' The tree folder structure has been expanded.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and path.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_selectionPath"];</sqf>

===Class defined events===
==== onTreeCollapsed ====
Events can be defined in the Dialog (display) or Control classes (in [[Config.cpp|config.cpp]] or [[description.ext]]). The event property value (string) is executed as a line of code. An example line (this would be put within a control or dialog class):
* '''Use on:''' Tree
* '''Fired on:''' The tree folder structure has been collapsed.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and path.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_selectionPath"];</sqf>

<syntaxhighlight lang="c">onMouseDown = "hint str _this";</syntaxhighlight>
==== onTreeMouseMove ====
* '''Use on:''' Tree
* '''Fired on:''' Fires continuously while moving the mouse with a certain interval.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control. Also returns the path, probably since [[:Category:Eden Editor|Eden Editor]] update.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_path"];</sqf>

==== onTreeMouseHold ====
<syntaxhighlight lang="c">class RscControlsGroup {
* '''Use on:''' Tree
    type = 15;
* '''Fired on:''' Fires continuously at a specific interval while mouse is still.
    idc = -1;
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control. Also returns the path, probably since [[:Category:Eden Editor|Eden Editor]] update.
    style = 0;
<sqf>params ["_control", "_path"];</sqf>
    x = 0;
    y = 0;
    w = 1;
    h = 1;
    class VScrollbar {
        color[] = {1,1,1,1};
        width = 0.021000;
        autoScrollSpeed = -1;
        autoScrollDelay = 5;
        autoScrollRewind = 0;
    class HScrollbar {
        color[] = {1, 1, 1, 1};
        height = 0.028;

    class ScrollBar { //for ARMA 2
==== onTreeMouseExit ====
        color[] = {1,1,1,0.600000};
* '''Use on:''' Tree
        colorActive[] = {1,1,1,1};
* '''Fired on:''' The mouse pointer exits the tree control area
        colorDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0.300000};
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control.
        thumb = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
<sqf>params ["_control"];</sqf>
        arrowEmpty = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
        arrowFull = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
        border = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
* '''Use on:''' Tree
* '''Fired on:''' A search/filter done on the tree
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control.
    class Controls {};
<sqf>params ["_treeControl", "_searchControl", "_searchString"];</sqf>
=== Checkbox Events ===
* '''Use on:''' Checkbox ([[CT_CHECKBOX]]).
* '''Fired on:''' N/A
* '''Returns:''' N/A
{{Feature|informative|This feature has yet to be implemented.}}
* '''Use on:''' Checkbox ([[CT_CHECKBOX]]).
* '''Fired on:''' Checked state of ctrlCheckBox / RscCheckBox changed.
* '''Returns:''' Returns control and the checked state ( 0 for unchecked, 1 for checked ).
<sqf>params ["_control", "_checked"];</sqf>
==== onCheckBoxesSelChanged ====
* '''Use on:''' Checkboxes ([[CT_CHECKBOXES]]).
* '''Fired on:''' Changed the selection of checkboxes.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control, the selected element index and the current state.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_selectedIndex", "_currentState"];</sqf>
=== Misc. Events ===
==== onToolBoxSelChanged ====
* '''Use on:''' Toolbox
* '''Fired on:''' Changed the selection in a toolbox.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and the selected element index.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_selectedIndex"];</sqf>
==== onHTMLLink ====
* '''Use on:''' HTML
* '''Fired on:''' Pressing and releasing a HTML link.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and href.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_url"];</sqf>
==== onSliderPosChanged ====
* '''Use on:''' Slider
* '''Fired on:''' Changing the position of a slider.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and the change.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_newValue"];</sqf>
==== onObjectMoved ====
* '''Use on:''' Object
* '''Fired on:''' Moving an object.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and the offset on the x, y and z axes.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_offset"];</sqf>
==== onMenuSelected ====
* '''Use on:''' Context menu
* '''Fired on:''' Some item in context menu (used now only in new mission editor) was selected.
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control and the command id.
<sqf>params ["_control", "_commandId"];</sqf>
==== onDraw ====
* '''Use on:''' Map, Display (only on [[Procedural_Textures#UI_On_Texture|UIOnTexture]] Display {{GVI|arma3|2.12}})
* '''Fired on:''' Fires when the map is drawn or the UI On Texture Display received a [[displayUpdate|draw request]] (can occur more than once per second).
* '''Returns:''' Returns the map control.
{{Feature|important|This event handler gets destroyed when the mission it was executed in ends.}}
<sqf>params ["_controlOrDisplay"];</sqf>
* '''Use on:''' Control
* '''Fired on:''' Activated every time the video ends (when looped, handler is executed after every finished loop).
* '''Returns:''' Returns the control.
<sqf>params ["_control"];</sqf>
When using the event names via [[:Category:Command Group: GUI Control - Event_Handlers|GUI scripting commands]] (e.g [[ctrlAddEventHandler]], [[displayAddEventHandler]]), the prefix "on" in the name '''must be removed''' (e.g. {{hl|ButtonDown}} instead of {{hl|onButtonDown}})!
</div><!-- Used to limit Sticky range -->
== Event Parameters ==
The Event Handlers receive parameters through the [[Magic Variables|magic variable]] <var>_this</var>. Each event passes a different set of parameters (listed above) in an array. The control or display that the event was assigned to is always found in <sqf inline>_this select 0</sqf>.
== Scope ==
{{GVI|arma1|1.00}} In {{arma1}}, most control-specific events ONLY work for controls and never for displays. The two exceptions being: {{hl|onKeyDown}} and {{hl|onKeyUp}}.<br>
{{GVI|arma2|1.00}} Since {{arma2}}, most control-specific events work for both displays and controls.
== Defining Events ==
User Interface Event Handlers can be assigned in two ways: Via class property definitions or via [[:Category:Scripting Commands|scripting commands]].
=== Class-Defined Events ===
Events can be defined in the Dialog (display) or Control classes (in [[Config.cpp]] or [[Description.ext]]). The event property value (string) is executed as a line of code.

class mouseHandler: RscControlsGroup {         
An example line (this would be found within a control or dialog class):
    onMouseHolding = "[0,_this] call Axx";
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
    onMouseButtonDown = "[1,_this] call Axx";
onMouseButtonDown = "hint str _this";
    onMouseButtonUp = "[2,_this] call Axx";
    onMouseZChanged = "[3,_this] call Axx";   
    onMouseEnter = "[4,_this] call Axx";   
    idc = 123;
    x = 0.0;
    y = 0.0;
    w = 1.0;
    h = 1.0;           
    colorBackground[] = {0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0};

===Script defined events===
Full Example:
These events can also be given to dialogs/controls using the [[ctrlSetEventHandler]] scripting command. For the event handler to be called enable the control using the [[ctrlEnable]] scripting command.
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp">
class RscControlsGroup
type = 15;
idc = -1;
style =  0;
x = 0;
y = 0;
w = 1;
h = 1;
class VScrollbar
color[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
width = 0.021;
autoScrollSpeed = -1;
autoScrollDelay = 5;
autoScrollRewind = 0;
class HScrollbar
color[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
height = 0.028;

<code>([[findDisplay]] 46) [[displayAddEventHandler]] ["keyDown", "[[_this]] [[call]] functionName_keyDown"];</code>
class ScrollBar // >= Arma 2
color[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.6 };
colorActive[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
colorDisabled[] = { 1, 1, 1, 0.3 };
thumb = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
arrowEmpty = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
arrowFull = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
border = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";

<code>functionName_keyDown = {
class Controls {};
&nbsp;  [[params]] ["_ctrl", "_dikCode", "_shift", "_ctrlKey", "_alt"];
&nbsp;  [[private]] _handled = [[false]];
&nbsp;  [[if]] (!_shift && !_ctrlKey && !_alt) [[then]] {
&nbsp;      [[if]] (_dikCode [[in]] ([[actionKeys]] "NetworkStats")) [[then]] {
&nbsp;          [] [[execVM]] "path\script.sqf";
&nbsp;          _handled = [[true]];
&nbsp;      };
&nbsp;  };
&nbsp;  _handled; 

class MouseHandler : RscControlsGroup
onMouseHolding = "[0, _this] call myEventFunction";
onMouseButtonDown = "[1, _this] call myEventFunction";
onMouseButtonUp = "[2, _this] call myEventFunction";
onMouseZChanged = "[3, _this] call myEventFunction";
onMouseEnter = "[4, _this] call myEventFunction";
idc = 123;
x = 0.0;
y = 0.0;
w = 1.0;
h = 1.0;
colorBackground[] = { 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

<code>functionName_keyDown = {<nowiki>
=== Script-Defined Events ===
    </nowiki>[[params]] ["_ctrl", "_dikCode", "_shift", "_ctrlKey", "_alt"];<nowiki>

    </nowiki>private _handled = [[false]];<nowiki>
These events can also be given to dialogs and controls using the [[displayAddEventHandler]] and [[ctrlAddEventHandler]] commands. The control has to be enabled for the Event Handler in order for Event Handlers to fire (see [[ctrlEnable]]).

    </nowiki>[[if]] (!_shift && !_ctrlKey && !_alt) [[then]] {<nowiki>
        </nowiki>[[if]] (_dikCode [[in]] ([[actionKeys]] "NetworkStats")) [[then]] {<nowiki>
// Add Event Handler:
            </nowiki>[] [[execVM]] "path\script.sqf";<nowiki>
(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", {
            </nowiki>_handled = [[true]];<nowiki>
_this call functionName_keyDown;

// Function definition:
functionName_keyDown = {
params ["_ctrl", "_dikCode", "_shift", "_ctrlKey", "_alt"];
private _handled = false;

Take your pick :-/ -->
if (!_shift && !_ctrlKey && !_alt) then {
if (_dikCode in (actionKeys "NetworkStats")) then {
systemChat format ["EH fired for %1", _ctrl];
_handled = true;

==Demo mission==
For VBS2 users, [ a demo mission is available here].

[[Category:ArmA: Mission Editing]]
[[Category:Event Handlers]]
[[Category:Event Handlers]]
[[Category: Dialogs]]
[[Category:GUI Topics|GUI Topics]]

Latest revision as of 02:13, 8 June 2024

User Interface Event Handlers are used to execute code when events related to GUI components (i.e. Displays and Controls) occur.

About ctrlDelete in an Event Handler's script: ctrlDelete needs to be the last executed statement or Arma will crash.

Alternatively, the code can also be spawned to circumvent this issue.

onButtonClick = "ctrlDelete (_this select 0); systemChat 'You will never see this';";			// Crashes the game
onButtonClick = "systemChat 'Bye bye button!'; ctrlDelete (_this select 0);";					// Works fine
onButtonClick = "_this spawn { ctrlDelete (_this select 0); systemChat 'Bye bye button!'; };";	// Works fine

Reference List

Generic Events


  • Use on: Display, Control
  • Fired on: Fires when UI container is created, but no action is taken. The onLoad event for display fires after the onLoad events for all controls it contains are fired.
  • Returns: Display or control, for controls it also returns the control's config (since Arma 3 logo black.png1.56).

params ["_displayOrControl", ["_config", configNull]];

The order of initialisation is as follows:
  1. all controls, top to bottom.
  2. Display
This means that during the onLoad event of the upper controls the lower controls have yet to be created.


  • Use on: Display
  • Fired on: Display is closed, but no controls are destroyed yet.
  • Returns: Returns the display and exit code.

params ["_display", "_exitCode"];

The onUnload event never fires for RscTitles displays created with cutRsc.
Code or function should be called, otherwise controls might be destroyed before spawned code is executed!


  • Use on: Display
  • Fired on: Child display is closed.
  • Returns: Returns the display, which child display was closed and exit code.

params ["_display", "_closedChildDisplay", "_exitCode"];


params ["_control", "_animType", "_animTime"];


  • Use on: Control
  • Fired on: Any changes to the CT_EDIT text field content.
  • Returns: Returns the control and the changed text.

params ["_control", "_newText"];


  • Use on: Control
  • Fired on: The mouse pointer enters the control area.
  • Returns: Returns control.

params ["_control"];

The onMouseEnter event only fires on enabled buttons (see ctrlEnable).
Arma 3 logo black.png2.18 This event handler type seems to only work on controls that can be interacted with. For example buttons, listboxes and so on.


  • Use on: Control
  • Fired on: The mouse pointer exits the control area.
  • Returns: Returns control.

params ["_control"];

Arma 3 logo black.png2.18 This event handler type seems to only work on controls that can be interacted with. For example buttons, listboxes and so on.


  • Use on: Control
  • Fired on: Input focus is on control. It now begins to accept keyboard input.
  • Returns: Returns control.

params ["_control"];


  • Use on: Control
  • Fired on: Input focus is no longer on control. It no longer accepts keyboard input.
  • Returns: Returns control.

params ["_control"];


  • Use on: Control
  • Fired on: N/A.
  • Returns: N/A.
This feature has yet to be implemented.


  • Use on: Display, Control
  • Fired on: Pressing any keyboard key. Fired before the onKeyUp event.
  • Returns: Returns the display or control, the keyboard code and the state of ⇧ Shift, Ctrl and Alt.

params ["_displayOrControl", "_key", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"]; true // Intercepts the default action, e.g. pressing Escape won't close the dialog.

In Arma 3, in order to be able to intercept key events during gameplay, the Event Handler should be added to Display 46:

In general, one should never return true in the onKeyDown EH, especially if it's added to Display 46 - otherwise all input is overridden and there is no way to do anything in the game anymore.

Pressing and holding key triggers 'autorepeat' action on Windows, which in turn will make this EH fire repeatedly as well.


  • Use on: Display, Control
  • Fired on: Releasing any keyboard key. Fired after the onKeyDown event.
  • Returns: Returns the display or control, the keyboard code and the state of ⇧ Shift, Ctrl and Alt.

params ["_displayOrControl", "_key", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];


  • Use on: Display, Control
  • Fired on: When some readable characters is recognised.
  • Returns: Returns the display or control and the char code.

params ["_displayOrControl", "_charCode"];


  • Use on: Control
  • Fired on: When IME character is recognized (used in Korean and other eastern languages).
  • Returns: Returns the control and the char code.

params ["_control", "_charCode"];


  • Use on: Control
  • Fired on: When partial IME character is recognized (used in Korean and other eastern languages).
  • Returns: Returns the control and the char code.

params ["_control", "_charCode"];


  • Use on: Display, Control
  • Fired on: Pressing a mouse button. Followed by the onMouseButtonUp event.
  • Returns: Returns the display or control, the pressed button, the x and y coordinates and the state of ⇧ Shift, Ctrl and Alt.

params ["_displayOrControl", "_button", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];


  • Use on: Display, Control
  • Fired on: Releasing a mouse button. Follows the onMouseButtonDown event.
  • Returns: Returns the display or control, the pressed button, the x and y coordinates and the state of ⇧ Shift, Ctrl and Alt.

params ["_displayOrControl", "_button", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];


  • Use on: ListBox, ComboBox, TextBox, Button, ActiveText
  • Fired on: Pressing and releasing a mouse button.
  • Returns: Returns the control, the pressed button, the x and y coordinates and the state of ⇧ Shift, Ctrl and Alt.

params ["_control", "_button", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];


  • Use on: Control
  • Fired on: Pressing and releasing a mouse button twice within very short time.
  • Returns: Returns the control, the pressed button, the x and y coordinates and the state of ⇧ Shift, Ctrl and Alt.

params ["_control", "_button", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"];


  • Fired on: Fires continuously while moving the mouse with a certain interval.

  • Use on: Control
  • Returns: Returns the control, the x and y coordinates relative to the controls parent and mouseOver.
    If the controls parent is its display then x and y will be the same as getMousePosition else it will be relative to its parent control (for instance if inside a CT_CONTROLS_GROUP).

params ["_control", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_mouseOver"];

  • Use on: Display
  • Returns: Returns the display, and some kind of x and y delta position.

params ["_display", "_xPos", "_yPos"];


  • Fired on: Fires continuously with a specific interval while mouse is stationary.

  • Use on: Control
  • Returns: Returns the control, the x and y coordinates relative to the controls parent and mouseOver.
    If the controls parent is its display then x and y will be the same as getMousePosition else it will be relative to its parent control (for instance if inside a CT_CONTROLS_GROUP).

params ["_control", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_mouseOver"];

  • Use on: Display
  • Returns: Returns the display, and some kind of x and y delta position.

params ["_display", "_xPos", "_yPos"];


  • Use on: Display, Control
  • Fired on: Fires when mouse wheel position is changed. Only fires on enabled controls.
  • Returns: Returns the display or control and the change of the scrollwheel.

params ["_displayOrControl", "_scroll"];


  • Use on: Control
  • Fired on: Ask this control if dialog can be closed (used for validation of contained data).
  • Returns: Returns the control and exit code.

params ["_control", "_exitCode"];


  • Use on: Control
  • Fired on: Destroying control
  • Returns: Returns the control and exit code.

params ["_control", "_exitCode"];

Button Events


  • Use on: Button
  • Fired on: The attached button action is performed. When returned value is true, the engine behaviour is overridden.
  • Returns: Returns control.

params ["_control"];


  • Use on: Button
  • Fired on: Button double clicked.
  • Returns: Returns control.

params ["_control"];


  • Use on: Button
  • Fired on: The left mouse button is pressed over the button area or a key on the keyboard is pressed.
  • Returns: Returns control.

params ["_control"];


  • Use on: Button
  • Fired on: When left mouse button is released outside the button area and the attached button action went unexecuted.
  • Returns: Returns control.

params ["_control"];

Listbox Events


  • Use on: Listbox, Combobox, Table
  • Fired on: The selection in a listbox is changed. The left mouse button has been released and the new selection is fully made.
This EH will fire even if no new selection was made and the user clicked on existing selection
Since Arma 3 logo black.png2.11 controls with the LB_MULTI style pass an additional _lbSelection parameter to the EH script (see lbCurSel, lbSelection).
  • Returns: Returns the control and the selected element index.

params ["_control", "_lbCurSel", "_lbSelection"];


  • Use on: Combobox
  • Fired on: When selection in XCombo box changed (but value has yet to be stored).
  • Returns: Returns the control and the selected element index.

params ["_control", "_selectedIndex"];


  • Use on: Listbox
  • Fired on: Double click on some row in listbox.
  • Returns: Returns the control and the selected element index.

params ["_control", "_selectedIndex"];


  • Use on: Listbox
  • Fired on: Drag & drop operation started.
  • Returns: Returns the control and an array of arrays of information on the dragged item(s) (if listbox is of style LB_MULTI then multiple items can be dragged and dropped at the same time).
    Control must have unique IDC and canDrag parameter enabled in its class in order to work.

params ["_control", "_listboxInfo"]; // Get info of first item being dragged: (_listboxInfo select 0) params ["_lbText", "_lbValue", "_lbData"];


  • Use on: Listbox
  • Fired on: Drag & drop operation is in progress.
  • Returns: Returns the control, the x and y coordinates in screen space, listbox IDC where item(s) were dragged from and an array of arrays of information on the dragged item(s) (if listbox is of style LB_MULTI then multiple items can be dragged and dropped at the same time).

params ["_control", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_listboxIDC", "_listboxInfo"]; // Get info of first item being dragged: (_listboxInfo select 0) params ["_lbText", "_lbValue", "_lbData"];


  • Use on: Listbox, Combobox, Textbox, ActiveText, Button, ControlsGroup
  • Fired on: When a Drag & drop operation is finished.
  • Returns: Returns the control, the x and y coordinates in screen space, listbox IDC where item(s) were dragged from and an array of arrays of information on the dropped item(s) (if listbox is of style LB_MULTI then multiple items can be dragged and dropped at the same time).
    When the Listbox is inside a CT_CONTROLS_GROUP the Event Handler needs to be added to the CT_CONTROLS_GROUP.
    Will only work for a CT_CONTROLS_GROUP that is outside of any other group.

params ["_control", "_xPos", "_yPos", "_listboxIDC", "_listboxInfo"]; //Get info of first item being dropped: (_listboxInfo select 0) params ["_lbText", "_lbValue", "_lbData"];

Tree Events


  • Use on: Tree
  • Fired on: Changing the selection in a tree.
  • Returns: Returns the control and the new selection path.

params ["_control", "_selectionPath"];


  • Use on: Tree
  • Fired on: Pressing and releasing left mouse button on a tree.
  • Returns: Returns the control.

params ["_control"];


  • Use on: Tree
  • Fired on: Pressing and releasing twice on a tree entry.
  • Returns: Returns the control and the current selection path.

params ["_control", "_selectionPath"];


  • Use on: Tree
  • Fired on: The tree folder structure has been expanded.
  • Returns: Returns the control and path.

params ["_control", "_selectionPath"];


  • Use on: Tree
  • Fired on: The tree folder structure has been collapsed.
  • Returns: Returns the control and path.

params ["_control", "_selectionPath"];


  • Use on: Tree
  • Fired on: Fires continuously while moving the mouse with a certain interval.
  • Returns: Returns the control. Also returns the path, probably since Eden Editor update.

params ["_control", "_path"];


  • Use on: Tree
  • Fired on: Fires continuously at a specific interval while mouse is still.
  • Returns: Returns the control. Also returns the path, probably since Eden Editor update.

params ["_control", "_path"];


  • Use on: Tree
  • Fired on: The mouse pointer exits the tree control area
  • Returns: Returns the control.

params ["_control"];


  • Use on: Tree
  • Fired on: A search/filter done on the tree
  • Returns: Returns the control.

params ["_treeControl", "_searchControl", "_searchString"];

Checkbox Events


  • Use on: Checkbox (CT_CHECKBOX).
  • Fired on: N/A
  • Returns: N/A
This feature has yet to be implemented.


  • Use on: Checkbox (CT_CHECKBOX).
  • Fired on: Checked state of ctrlCheckBox / RscCheckBox changed.
  • Returns: Returns control and the checked state ( 0 for unchecked, 1 for checked ).

params ["_control", "_checked"];


  • Use on: Checkboxes (CT_CHECKBOXES).
  • Fired on: Changed the selection of checkboxes.
  • Returns: Returns the control, the selected element index and the current state.

params ["_control", "_selectedIndex", "_currentState"];

Misc. Events


  • Use on: Toolbox
  • Fired on: Changed the selection in a toolbox.
  • Returns: Returns the control and the selected element index.

params ["_control", "_selectedIndex"];


  • Use on: HTML
  • Fired on: Pressing and releasing a HTML link.
  • Returns: Returns the control and href.

params ["_control", "_url"];


  • Use on: Slider
  • Fired on: Changing the position of a slider.
  • Returns: Returns the control and the change.

params ["_control", "_newValue"];


  • Use on: Object
  • Fired on: Moving an object.
  • Returns: Returns the control and the offset on the x, y and z axes.

params ["_control", "_offset"];


  • Use on: Context menu
  • Fired on: Some item in context menu (used now only in new mission editor) was selected.
  • Returns: Returns the control and the command id.

params ["_control", "_commandId"];


  • Use on: Map, Display (only on UIOnTexture Display Arma 3 logo black.png2.12)
  • Fired on: Fires when the map is drawn or the UI On Texture Display received a draw request (can occur more than once per second).
  • Returns: Returns the map control.
This event handler gets destroyed when the mission it was executed in ends.

params ["_controlOrDisplay"];


  • Use on: Control
  • Fired on: Activated every time the video ends (when looped, handler is executed after every finished loop).
  • Returns: Returns the control.

params ["_control"];

When using the event names via GUI scripting commands (e.g ctrlAddEventHandler, displayAddEventHandler), the prefix "on" in the name must be removed (e.g. ButtonDown instead of onButtonDown)!

Event Parameters

The Event Handlers receive parameters through the magic variable _this. Each event passes a different set of parameters (listed above) in an array. The control or display that the event was assigned to is always found in _this select 0.


Logo A1 black.png1.00 In Armed Assault, most control-specific events ONLY work for controls and never for displays. The two exceptions being: onKeyDown and onKeyUp.
Logo A2.png1.00 Since Arma 2, most control-specific events work for both displays and controls.

Defining Events

User Interface Event Handlers can be assigned in two ways: Via class property definitions or via scripting commands.

Class-Defined Events

Events can be defined in the Dialog (display) or Control classes (in Config.cpp or Description.ext). The event property value (string) is executed as a line of code.

An example line (this would be found within a control or dialog class):

onMouseButtonDown = "hint str _this";

Full Example:

class RscControlsGroup
	type	= 15;
	idc		= -1;
	style	=  0;
	x = 0;
	y = 0;
	w = 1;
	h = 1;

	class VScrollbar
		color[]				= { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
		width				= 0.021;
		autoScrollSpeed		= -1;
		autoScrollDelay		= 5;
		autoScrollRewind	= 0;

	class HScrollbar
		color[]	= { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
		height	= 0.028;

	class ScrollBar		// >= Arma 2
		color[]			= { 1, 1, 1, 0.6 };
		colorActive[]	= { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
		colorDisabled[]	= { 1, 1, 1, 0.3 };
		thumb			= "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
		arrowEmpty		= "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
		arrowFull		= "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";
		border			= "#(argb,8,8,3)color(1,1,1,1)";

	class Controls {};

class MouseHandler : RscControlsGroup
	onMouseHolding		= "[0, _this] call myEventFunction";
	onMouseButtonDown	= "[1, _this] call myEventFunction";
	onMouseButtonUp		= "[2, _this] call myEventFunction";
	onMouseZChanged		= "[3, _this] call myEventFunction";
	onMouseEnter		= "[4, _this] call myEventFunction";
	idc = 123;
	x = 0.0;
	y = 0.0;
	w = 1.0;
	h = 1.0;
	colorBackground[] = { 0.2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

Script-Defined Events

These events can also be given to dialogs and controls using the displayAddEventHandler and ctrlAddEventHandler commands. The control has to be enabled for the Event Handler in order for Event Handlers to fire (see ctrlEnable).

// Add Event Handler: (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", { _this call functionName_keyDown; }]; // Function definition: functionName_keyDown = { params ["_ctrl", "_dikCode", "_shift", "_ctrlKey", "_alt"]; private _handled = false; if (!_shift && !_ctrlKey && !_alt) then { if (_dikCode in (actionKeys "NetworkStats")) then { systemChat format ["EH fired for %1", _ctrl]; _handled = true; }; }; _handled; };