callExtension: Difference between revisions

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m (Text replacement - "\| *arma2oa * +\| *1.([0-9]{2}) * *\|([^g]|g[^a])" to "| arma2oa |1.$1 |game2= tkoh |version2= 1.00 |game3= arma3 |version3= 0.50 |$2")
m (Text replacement - " \| *(([^=\| ]+)('''|\[\[)([^=\| ]+)) * \|p1=" to " |s1= $1 |p1=")
Line 56: Line 56:
Calling function pointer returns an <tt>int</tt>. This is the number of available slots in the input buffer left for this frame after your call and can range from 99 to -1. The buffer is processed and cleared every frame and the maximum number of slots that can be filled per frame is 100. If you are planning to call back with more than 100 results per frame, make sure your extension retries if it receives negative <tt>int</tt>, which means the buffer was full and your call did not succeed. Ideally suited for callbacks from different threads, but if callback is initiated from the calling thread, the EH will fire on the next frame of game simulation. Needless to say, the "ExtensionCallback" event handler needs to exist before any callbacks, otherwise the data will just stay in the buffer. Removing all "ExtensionCallback" EHs clears the buffer as well as mission restart.
Calling function pointer returns an <tt>int</tt>. This is the number of available slots in the input buffer left for this frame after your call and can range from 99 to -1. The buffer is processed and cleared every frame and the maximum number of slots that can be filled per frame is 100. If you are planning to call back with more than 100 results per frame, make sure your extension retries if it receives negative <tt>int</tt>, which means the buffer was full and your call did not succeed. Ideally suited for callbacks from different threads, but if callback is initiated from the calling thread, the EH will fire on the next frame of game simulation. Needless to say, the "ExtensionCallback" event handler needs to exist before any callbacks, otherwise the data will just stay in the buffer. Removing all "ExtensionCallback" EHs clears the buffer as well as mission restart.

| extension '''callExtension''' function
|s1=  extension '''callExtension''' function

|p1= extension: [[String]] - extension name
|p1= extension: [[String]] - extension name

Revision as of 23:56, 12 June 2021

Hover & click on the images for description


Description needed


extension callExtension function
extension: String - extension name
function: String - data sent to the extension
Return Value:
Return value needed

Alternative Syntax

extension callExtension [function, arguments] Template:Since
extension: String - extension name
function: String - extension function identifier
arguments: Array - function arguments. Could be array of Anything, each element will be converted to String automatically. Current allowed max length of this array is 2048 (since Arma 3 v1.92; previous limit: 1024)
Return Value:
Array - in format [result, returnCode, errorCode], where:
  • result: String - data sent back from extension. It is up to extension maker what it is.
  • returnCode: Number - integer return from extension method. It is up to extension maker to define it.
  • errorCode: Number - error code in case of command error (see description). 0 means no errors.


Example 1:
_return = "myExtension" callExtension "stringToBeParsed";
Example 2:
_result = "test_extension" callExtension str weapons player; _result = "test_extension" callExtension ["fnc1", getUnitLoadout player]; _result = "test_extension" callExtension ["fnc2", magazinesAmmoFull player]; _result = "test_extension" callExtension ["fnc1", [weapons player, magazines player]];
Example 3:
_result = "test_extension" callExtension ["fnc1", [1,"two",true,[4,"five",false]]]; parseSimpleArray (_result select 0) params ["_number","_string","_boolean","_array"]; systemChat str [_number,_string,_boolean,_array];
Source Code (Download .dll)

This is an example of an extension compatible with both syntaxes. When using 1st syntax, the data is just copied from input to output. When using alt syntax, the arguments are parsed and then assembled back into string array in 2 ways: fnc1 and fnc2. fnc1 is a fraction faster.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>


extern "C"
	//--- Engine called on extension load 
	__declspec (dllexport) void __stdcall RVExtensionVersion(char *output, int outputSize);
	//--- STRING callExtension STRING
	__declspec (dllexport) void __stdcall RVExtension(char *output, int outputSize, const char *function);
	//--- STRING callExtension ARRAY
	__declspec (dllexport) int __stdcall RVExtensionArgs(char *output, int outputSize, const char *function, const char **args, int argsCnt);

//--- Extension version information shown in .rpt file
void __stdcall RVExtensionVersion(char *output, int outputSize)
	//--- max outputSize is 32 bytes
	strncpy_s(output, outputSize, CURRENT_VERSION, _TRUNCATE);

//--- name callExtension function
void __stdcall RVExtension(char *output, int outputSize, const char *function)
	std::string str = function;
	strncpy_s(output, outputSize, ("Input Was: " + str).c_str(), _TRUNCATE);

//--- name callExtension [function, args]
int __stdcall RVExtensionArgs(char *output, int outputSize, const char *function, const char **args, int argsCnt)
	if (strcmp(function, "fnc1") == 0)
		//--- Manually assemble output array
		int i = 0;
		std::string str = "[";

		//--- Each argument can be accessed via args[n]
		if (argsCnt > 0)
			str += args[i++];

		while (i < argsCnt)
			str += ",";
			str += args[i++];

		str += "]";

		//--- Extension result
		strncpy_s(output, outputSize, str.c_str(), _TRUNCATE);

		//--- Extension return code
		return 100;

	else if (strcmp(function, "fnc2") == 0)
		//--- Parse args into vector
		std::vector<std::string> vec(args, std::next(args, argsCnt));

		std::ostringstream oss;
		if (!vec.empty())
			//--- Assemble output array
			std::copy(vec.begin(), vec.end() - 1, std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(oss, ","));
			oss << vec.back();

		//--- Extension result
		strncpy_s(output, outputSize, ("[" + oss.str() + "]").c_str(), _TRUNCATE);

		//--- Extension return code
		return 200;

		strncpy_s(output, outputSize, "Avaliable Functions: fnc1, fnc2", outputSize - 1);
		return -1;
Example 4:
fncToExecute_1 = { hint format ["Extension Result 1: %1", _this] };

fncToExecute_2 = { hint format ["Extension Result 2: %1", _this] }; fncToExecute_3 = { hint format ["Extension Result 3: %1", _this] };

addMissionEventHandler ["ExtensionCallback", { params ["_name", "_function", "_data"]; if (_name isEqualTo "test_callback") then { parseSimpleArray _data call (missionNamespace getVariable [_function, { hint "Function does not exist!" }]); }; }];

"test_callback" callExtension str "test data";
Here is a minimal example of an extension utilising extension callback (don't actually do it like this). fncToExecute_X function is called from "ExtensionCallback" event handler when it is triggered after 2 seconds of the extension call.

#include <thread>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>

extern "C"
	__declspec (dllexport) void __stdcall RVExtensionRegisterCallback(int(*callbackProc)(char const *name, char const *function, char const *data));
	__declspec (dllexport) void __stdcall RVExtension(char *output, int outputSize, const char *function);

int(*callbackPtr)(char const *name, char const *function, char const *data) = nullptr;

void __stdcall RVExtensionRegisterCallback(int(*callbackProc)(char const *name, char const *function, char const *data))
	callbackPtr = callbackProc;

void __stdcall RVExtension(char *output, int outputSize, const char *function)
	if (!callbackPtr)

	std::thread ([](std::string fnc)
		using namespace std::chrono_literals;
		fnc = "[1,2,3," + fnc + "]";

		for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i) // run 3 times
			std::this_thread::sleep_for(2s); // sleep for 2 seconds
			callbackPtr("test_callback", ("fncToExecute_" + std::to_string(i)).c_str(), fnc.c_str());

	}, function).detach();

Additional Information

See also:


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