Arma Reforger Script API
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CarControllerComponent Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for CarControllerComponent:

Public Member Functions

proto external VehicleWheeledSimulation GetWheeledSimulation ()
 Returns the simulation component associated with this controller.
proto external bool IsThrottleTurbo ()
 returns true if throttle "turbo" modifier is active
proto external bool GetHandBrake ()
 returns true if handbrake is active
proto external bool GetPersistentHandBrake ()
 returns true if persistent handbrake is active
proto external void SetPersistentHandBrake (bool newValue)
 sets persistent handbrake state
proto external bool HasAutomaticGearbox ()
proto external int GetFutureGear ()
proto external int GetCurrentGear ()
proto external VehicleWheeledSimulation GetSimulation ()
 returns simulation component of this controllers
- Public Member Functions inherited from VehicleControllerComponent
ScriptInvokerVoid GetOnEngineStart ()
 Invoker for the Engine Started event.
ScriptInvokerVoid GetOnEngineStop ()
 Invoker for the Engine Stopped event.
SCR_VehicleDamageManagerComponent GetDamageManager ()
bool IsStarterFunctional ()
 Return if engine starter is functional.
override void OnEngineStartBegin ()
 Gets called when the engine start routine begins (animation event).
override void OnEngineStartProgress ()
 Get called while engine starter is active.
override void OnEngineStartInterrupt ()
 Gets called when the engine start routine was interrupted.
override void OnEngineStartSuccess ()
 Gets called when the engine start routine has successfully completed.
override void OnEngineStartFail (EVehicleEngineStartFailedReason reason)
 Gets called when the engine start routine has failed.
override bool OnBeforeEngineStart ()
 Is called every time the controller wants to start the engine.
override void OnEngineStart ()
 Is called every time the engine starts.
override void OnEngineStop ()
 Is called every time the engine stops.
override bool ValidateCanMove ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseVehicleControllerComponent
proto external void Shutdown ()
proto external bool CanSwitchSeat ()
proto external VehicleBaseSimulation GetBaseSimulation ()
 Returns the base of simulation component associated with this controller.
proto external FuelManagerComponent GetFuelManager ()
 Returns the fuel manager associated with this controller.
proto external BaseLightManagerComponent GetLightManager ()
 Returns the light manager associated with this controller.
proto external PilotCompartmentSlot GetPilotCompartmentSlot ()
 Returns the pilot compartment slot associated with this controller.
proto external void SetPilotCompartmentSlot (PilotCompartmentSlot pilot)
 Set the given compartment as the current pilot.
proto external SignalsManagerComponent GetSignalsManager ()
 Returns the signals manager associated with this controller.
proto external BaseWeaponManagerComponent GetWeaponManager ()
 Returns the weapon manager associated with this controller.
proto external void CancelStart ()
proto external void TryStartEngine ()
 Try to start the engine with the chance of getting the engine not started based on engine startup chance.
proto external bool StartEngine ()
 Issue a start engine input request.
proto external void ForceStartEngine ()
 Forcibly starts the engine without any delay, only meant for cinematics, not to be used in any game logic!
proto external void ForceStopEngine ()
 Forcibly stops the engine without any delay, only meant for cinematics, not to be used in any game logic!
proto external void StopEngine (bool playDriverAnimation=true)
 Stop the engine.
proto external bool IsEngineOn ()
proto external float GetEngineStartupChance ()
 Returns the engine startup chance in <0, 100>.
proto external void SetEngineStartupChance (float chance)
 Set the engine startup chance.
proto external bool GetEngineDrowned ()
 Returns true if the engine is drowned.
proto external void SetEngineDrowned (bool drowned)
 Set the engine drowned.
proto external bool ArePilotControlsLocked ()
proto external void LockPilotControls (bool bIsLocked)
void OnEngineStartBegin ()
 Gets called when the engine start routine begins (animation event - NOT IMPLEMENTED IN BASE VEHICLE).
void OnEngineStartProgress ()
 Get called while engine starter is active (animation event - NOT IMPLEMENTED IN BASE VEHICLE).
void OnEngineStartInterrupt ()
 Gets called when the engine start routine was interrupted.
void OnEngineStartSuccess ()
 Gets called when the engine start routine has successfully completed.
void OnEngineStartFail (EVehicleEngineStartFailedReason reason)
 Gets called when the engine start routine has failed.
bool OnBeforeEngineStart ()
 Is called every time the controller wants to start the engine.
void OnEngineStart ()
 Is called every time the engine starts.
void OnEngineStop ()
 Is called every time the engine stops.
void OnPostInit (IEntity owner)
void OnDelete (IEntity owner)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseControllerComponent
proto external IEntity GetOwner ()
 Returns the entity owner of the component.
proto external bool CanMove ()
 Returns state of movement capacity.
proto external void SetCanMove (bool canMove)
 Changes state of movement capacity. Internally verifies if all necessary conditions are met.
bool ValidateCanMove ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from GameComponent
bool OnTicksOnRemoteProxy ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BaseVehicleControllerComponent
static proto EVehicleDrivingAssistanceMode GetDrivingAssistanceMode ()
 Returns the global driving assistance mode.
static proto void SetDrivingAssistanceMode (EVehicleDrivingAssistanceMode mode)
 Sets the global driving assistance mode.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from VehicleControllerComponent
void OnDestroyed (IEntity ent)
void OnCompartmentEntered (IEntity vehicle, BaseCompartmentManagerComponent mgr, IEntity occupant, int managerId, int slotID)
void OnCompartmentLeft (IEntity vehicle, BaseCompartmentManagerComponent mgr, IEntity occupant, int managerId, int slotID)
override void OnPostInit (IEntity owner)
override void OnDelete (IEntity owner)
- Protected Attributes inherited from VehicleControllerComponent
ref ScriptInvokerVoid m_OnEngineStart
ref ScriptInvokerVoid m_OnEngineStop
int m_iOccupants
SCR_VehicleDamageManagerComponent m_DamageManager
 needed to check if engine start is even possible
SCR_PowerComponent m_PowerComponent
bool m_bIsStarting
AudioHandle m_iEngineStarterHandle = AudioHandle.Invalid
AudioHandle m_iEngineStartHandle = AudioHandle.Invalid
AudioHandle m_iEngineStopHandle = AudioHandle.Invalid

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetCurrentGear()

proto external int CarControllerComponent.GetCurrentGear ( )

◆ GetFutureGear()

proto external int CarControllerComponent.GetFutureGear ( )

◆ GetHandBrake()

proto external bool CarControllerComponent.GetHandBrake ( )

returns true if handbrake is active

◆ GetPersistentHandBrake()

proto external bool CarControllerComponent.GetPersistentHandBrake ( )

returns true if persistent handbrake is active

◆ GetSimulation()

proto external VehicleWheeledSimulation CarControllerComponent.GetSimulation ( )

returns simulation component of this controllers

◆ GetWheeledSimulation()

proto external VehicleWheeledSimulation CarControllerComponent.GetWheeledSimulation ( )

Returns the simulation component associated with this controller.

◆ HasAutomaticGearbox()

proto external bool CarControllerComponent.HasAutomaticGearbox ( )

◆ IsThrottleTurbo()

proto external bool CarControllerComponent.IsThrottleTurbo ( )

returns true if throttle "turbo" modifier is active

◆ SetPersistentHandBrake()

proto external void CarControllerComponent.SetPersistentHandBrake ( bool  newValue)

sets persistent handbrake state

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: