Erentar/Sandbox4 – User

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[[BIS fnc 3Dcredits]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENAttributeDoorStates]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENAttributeDoorStates]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENCamera]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENControlsHint]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENDiagCreateList]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENDiagFonts]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENDiagMouseControl]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENDrawLocations]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENEntityMenu]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENExportAttributes]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENExportOldSQM]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENExportTerrainBuilder]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENFlashlight]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENGrid]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENIntel]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENInterface]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENListLocations]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENMissionPreview]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENModuleDescription]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENShowMessage]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENStatusBar]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENToolbar]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENTutorial]]
[[BIS fnc 3DENVisionMode]]
[[BIS fnc 3den init]]
[[BIS fnc 3den init]]
[[BIS fnc 3den onKeyDown]]
[[BIS fnc 3den onKeyDown]]
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[[BIS fnc 3den onMissionPreviewEnd]]
[[BIS fnc 3den onMissionPreviewEnd]]
[[BIS fnc 3den onSelectionChange]]
[[BIS fnc 3den onSelectionChange]]
[[BIS fnc AAN]]
[[BIS fnc absSpeed]]
[[BIS fnc activateAddons]]
[[BIS fnc addClassOO]]
[[BIS fnc addCommMenuItem]]
[[BIS fnc addCuratorAreaFromTrigger]]
[[BIS fnc addCuratorChallenge]]
[[BIS fnc addCuratorChallenge]]
[[BIS fnc addCuratorIcon]]
[[BIS fnc addEvidence]]
[[BIS fnc addEvidence]]
[[BIS fnc addRespawnInventory]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuDisableItem]]
[[BIS fnc addRespawnPosition]]
[[BIS fnc addScore]]
[[BIS fnc addScriptedEventHandler]]
[[BIS fnc addStackedEventHandler]]
[[BIS fnc addSupportLink]]
[[BIS fnc addToPairs]]
[[BIS fnc addToPairs]]
[[BIS fnc addVirtualBackpackCargo]]
[[BIS fnc addVirtualItemCargo]]
[[BIS fnc garage]]
[[BIS fnc addVirtualMagazineCargo]]
[[BIS fnc addVirtualWeaponCargo]]
[[BIS fnc addWeapon]]
[[BIS fnc admin]]
[[BIS fnc advHint]]
[[BIS fnc advHintArg]]
[[BIS fnc advHintCall]]
[[BIS fnc advHintCredits]]
[[BIS fnc advHintFormat]]
[[BIS fnc AircraftCatapultLaunch]]
[[BIS fnc AircraftCatapultLaunch]]
[[BIS fnc AircraftFoldingWings]]
[[BIS fnc AircraftFoldingWings]]
[[BIS fnc AircraftSystemsInit]]
[[BIS fnc AircraftSystemsInit]]
[[BIS fnc AircraftTailhook]]
[[BIS fnc AircraftTailhook]]
[[BIS fnc AircraftTailhookAi]]
[[BIS fnc AircraftWingStateCheck]]
[[BIS fnc AircraftWingStateCheck]]
[[BIS fnc alignTabs]]
[[BIS fnc allSynchronizedObjects]]
[[BIS fnc allTurrets]]
[[BIS fnc ambientAnim]]
[[BIS fnc ambientAnimCombat]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp playSubtitles]]
[[BIS fnc initSliderValue]]
[[BIS fnc showSubtitle]]
[[BIS fnc weaponAddon]]
[[BIS fnc ambientAnimGetParams]]
[[BIS fnc ambientBlacklist]]
[[BIS fnc ambientBlacklist]]
[[BIS fnc ambientBlacklistAdd]]
[[BIS fnc ambientBlacklistAdd]]
[[BIS fnc ambientBoats]]
[[BIS fnc ambientFlyby]]
[[BIS fnc ambientHelicopters]]
[[BIS fnc ambientPlanes]]
[[BIS fnc ambientPostprocess]]
[[BIS fnc animalBehaviour]]
[[BIS fnc animalRandomization]]
[[BIS fnc animalSiteSpawn]]
[[BIS fnc animatedBriefing]]
[[BIS fnc animatedBriefing]]
[[BIS fnc animatedOpening]]
[[BIS fnc animatedOpening]]
[[BIS fnc animatedScreen]]
[[BIS fnc animatedScreen]]
[[BIS fnc animateFlag]]
[[BIS fnc animatePicture]]
[[BIS fnc animatePicture]]
[[BIS fnc animateTaskWaypoint]]
[[BIS fnc animType]]
[[BIS fnc animViewer]]
[[BIS fnc areEqual]]
[[BIS fnc areEqualNotNil]]
[[BIS fnc areFriendly]]
[[BIS fnc arithmeticMean]]
[[Arma 3 Function Viewer]]
[[BIS fnc arrayCompare]]
[[BIS fnc arrayFindDeep]]
[[BIS fnc arrayInsert]]
[[BIS fnc arrayPop]]
[[BIS fnc arrayPush]]
[[BIS fnc arrayPushStack]]
[[BIS fnc arrayShift]]
[[BIS fnc arrayShuffle]]
[[BIS fnc arrayUnShift]]
[[BIS fnc arsenal]]
[[BIS fnc assignPlayerRole]]
[[BIS fnc baseVehicle]]
[[BIS fnc baseWeapon]]
[[BIS fnc basicBackpack]]
[[BIS fnc basicTask]]
[[BIS fnc berp]]
[[BIS fnc berpVector]]
[[BIS fnc bezierInterpolate]]
[[BIS fnc bezierInterpolateVector]]
[[BIS fnc bezierLength]]
[[BIS fnc blackIn]]
[[BIS fnc blackOut]]
[[BIS fnc bleedTickets]]
[[BIS fnc blinkMarker]]
[[BIS fnc blinkMarker]]
[[BIS fnc bloodEffect]]
[[BIS fnc BoatRack01ActionAdd]]
[[BIS fnc BoatRack01ActionAdd]]
[[BIS fnc BoatRack01ActionRemove]]
[[BIS fnc BoatRack01ActionRemove]]
Line 130: Line 29:
[[BIS fnc BoatRack01Init]]
[[BIS fnc BoatRack01Init]]
[[BIS fnc BoatRack01InitAdjustZOffsets]]
[[BIS fnc BoatRack01InitAdjustZOffsets]]
[[BIS fnc bounceIn]]
[[BIS fnc bounceInOut]]
[[BIS fnc bounceInOutVector]]
[[BIS fnc bounceInVector]]
[[BIS fnc bounceOut]]
[[BIS fnc bounceOutVector]]
[[BIS fnc boundingBoxCorner]]
[[BIS fnc boundingBoxCorner]]
[[BIS fnc boundingBoxDimensions]]
[[BIS fnc boundingBoxMarker]]
[[BIS fnc boundingCircle]]
[[BIS fnc briefingAnimate]]
[[BIS fnc briefingInit]]
[[BIS fnc buildingPositions]]
[[BIS fnc CalculateDateTime]]
[[BIS fnc CalculateDateTime]]
[[BIS fnc call]]
[[BIS fnc callScriptedEventHandler]]
[[BIS fnc camera]]
[[BIS fnc cameraOld]]
[[BIS fnc camera deleted]]
[[BIS fnc camera deleted]]
[[BIS fnc camera edenAttributesChanged]]
[[BIS fnc camera edenAttributesChanged]]
Line 154: Line 37:
[[BIS fnc camera edenInit]]
[[BIS fnc camera edenInit]]
[[BIS fnc camera edenIsSelected]]
[[BIS fnc camera edenIsSelected]]
[[BIS fnc camera edenRegisteredToWorld]]
[[BIS fnc camera edenReset]]
[[BIS fnc camera edenReset]]
[[BIS fnc camera edenSelectionChanged]]
[[BIS fnc camera edenSelectionChanged]]
Line 172: Line 54:
[[BIS fnc camera setVisionMode]]
[[BIS fnc camera setVisionMode]]
[[BIS fnc camera tick]]
[[BIS fnc camera tick]]
[[BIS fnc camFollow]]
[[BIS fnc cancelMarker]]
[[BIS fnc cancelMarker]]
[[BIS fnc carAlarm]]
[[BIS fnc cargoTurretIndex]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01AnimateDeflectors]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01AnimateDeflectors]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01CatapultActionAdd]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01CatapultActionRemove]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01CatapultID]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01CatapultLockTo]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01CrewInAnim]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01CrewPlayAnim]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01EdenDelete]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01EdenDelete]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01EdenInit]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01EdenInit]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01Init]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01PosUpdate]]
[[BIS fnc Carrier01PosUpdate]]
[[BIS fnc changeColorMarker]]
[[BIS fnc changeColorMarker]]
[[BIS fnc changeSupportRadioChannel]]
[[BIS fnc changeSupportRadioChannel]]
[[BIS fnc cinemaBorder]]
[[BIS fnc clamp]]
[[BIS fnc clamp]]
[[BIS fnc clampVector]]
[[BIS fnc clampVector]]
[[BIS fnc classMagazine]]
[[BIS fnc classWeapon]]
[[BIS fnc clerp]]
[[BIS fnc clerp]]
[[BIS fnc codePerformance]]
[[BIS fnc colorConfigToRGBA]]
[[BIS fnc colorMarker]]
[[BIS fnc colorMarker]]
[[BIS fnc colorRGBAtoHTML]]
[[BIS fnc colorRGBAtoTexture]]
[[BIS fnc colorRGBtoHTML]]
[[BIS fnc commsMenuCreate]]
[[BIS fnc commsMenuToggleAvailability]]
[[BIS fnc commsMenuToggleAvailability]]
[[BIS fnc commsMenuToggleVisibility]]
[[BIS fnc commsMenuToggleVisibility]]
[[BIS fnc CompareDateTimes]]
[[BIS fnc compatibleItems]]
[[BIS fnc completedCuratorChallengesCount]]
[[BIS fnc conditionalSelect]]
[[BIS fnc configExtremes]]
[[BIS fnc configPath]]
[[BIS fnc configViewer]]
[[BIS fnc consolidateArray]]
[[BIS fnc controlConfigs]]
[[BIS fnc controlPoint compute]]
[[BIS fnc controlPoint compute]]
[[BIS fnc controlPoint computeOwnerKey]]
[[BIS fnc controlPoint computeOwnerKey]]
Line 224: Line 78:
[[BIS fnc controlPoint isArrive]]
[[BIS fnc controlPoint isArrive]]
[[BIS fnc controlPoint setIsArrive]]
[[BIS fnc controlPoint setIsArrive]]
[[BIS fnc convertUnits]]
[[BIS fnc countdown]]
[[BIS fnc counter]]
[[BIS fnc counter]]
[[BIS fnc CPDummy]]
[[BIS fnc CPFindEmptyPosition]]
[[BIS fnc CPFindEmptyPosition]]
[[BIS fnc CPInit]]
[[BIS fnc CPInit]]
Line 236: Line 87:
[[BIS fnc CPSpawnGarrisonGrp]]
[[BIS fnc CPSpawnGarrisonGrp]]
[[BIS fnc CPWaitUntil]]
[[BIS fnc CPWaitUntil]]
[[BIS fnc createLogRecord]]
[[BIS fnc createmenu]]
[[BIS fnc createmenu]]
[[BIS fnc createObjectOO]]
[[BIS fnc createRuin]]
[[BIS fnc createTooltip]]
[[BIS fnc createTooltip]]
[[BIS fnc credits]]
[[BIS fnc credits movie]]
[[BIS fnc credits movie]]
[[BIS fnc credits movieConfig]]
[[BIS fnc credits movieConfig]]
[[BIS fnc credits movieSupport]]
[[BIS fnc credits movieSupport]]
[[BIS fnc crewCount]]
[[BIS fnc crossProduct]]
[[BIS fnc crows]]
[[BIS fnc ctrlFitToTextHeight]]
[[BIS fnc ctrlSetScale]]
[[BIS fnc ctrlTextHeight]]
[[BIS fnc curatorAttachObject]]
[[BIS fnc curatorAttributes]]
[[BIS fnc curatorAttributes]]
[[BIS fnc curatorAutomatic]]
[[BIS fnc curatorAutomaticPositions]]
[[BIS fnc curatorChallengeDestroyVehicle]]
[[BIS fnc curatorChallengeFindIntel]]
[[BIS fnc curatorChallengeFireWeapon]]
[[BIS fnc curatorChallengeGetInVehicle]]
[[BIS fnc curatorChallengeIlluminate]]
[[BIS fnc curatorChallengeSpawnLightning]]
[[BIS fnc curatorHint]]
[[BIS fnc curatorObjectEdited]]
[[BIS fnc curatorObjectPlaced]]
[[BIS fnc curatorObjectRegistered]]
[[BIS fnc curatorObjectRegisteredTable]]
[[BIS fnc curatorPinged]]
[[BIS fnc curatorRespawn]]
[[BIS fnc curatorSayMessage]]
[[BIS fnc curatorVisionModes]]
[[BIS fnc curatorWaypointPlaced]]
[[BIS fnc customGPS]]
[[BIS fnc customGPSvideo]]
[[BIS fnc customGPSVideo]]
[[BIS fnc cutDecimals]]
[[BIS fnc damageChanged]]
[[BIS fnc damagePulsing]]
[[BIS fnc DataTerminalAnimate]]
[[BIS fnc DataTerminalColor]]
[[BIS fnc dbClassCheck]]
[[BIS fnc dbClassCheck]]
[[BIS fnc dbClassId]]
[[BIS fnc dbClassId]]
Line 286: Line 100:
[[BIS fnc dbClassReturn]]
[[BIS fnc dbClassReturn]]
[[BIS fnc dbClassSet]]
[[BIS fnc dbClassSet]]
[[BIS fnc dbConfigPath]]
[[BIS fnc dbImportConfig]]
[[BIS fnc dbImportConfig]]
[[BIS fnc dbImportXML]]
[[BIS fnc dbisClass]]
[[BIS fnc dbisClass]]
[[BIS fnc dbisValue]]
[[BIS fnc dbisValue]]
[[BIS fnc dbPrint]]
[[BIS fnc dbPrint]]
[[BIS fnc dbSymbolClass]]
[[BIS fnc dbSymbolValue]]
[[BIS fnc dbValueCheck]]
[[BIS fnc dbValueCheck]]
[[BIS fnc dbValueId]]
[[BIS fnc dbValueId]]
Line 303: Line 113:
[[BIS fnc debugConsoleExec]]
[[BIS fnc debugConsoleExec]]
[[BIS fnc debugProfile]]
[[BIS fnc debugProfile]]
[[BIS fnc decodeFlags]]
[[BIS fnc decodeFlags2]]
[[BIS fnc decodeFlags2]]
[[BIS fnc decodeFlags4]]
[[BIS fnc decodeFlags4]]
[[BIS fnc decodeFlags8]]
[[BIS fnc decodeFlags8]]
[[BIS fnc deleteCounter]]
[[BIS fnc deleteCounter]]
[[BIS fnc deleteInventory]]
[[BIS fnc deleteTask]]
[[BIS fnc deleteVehicleCrew]]
[[BIS fnc deltaTime]]
[[BIS fnc deltaTime]]
[[BIS fnc destroyCity]]
[[BIS fnc Destroyer01AnimateHangarDoors]]
[[BIS fnc Destroyer01AnimateHangarDoors]]
[[BIS fnc Destroyer01EdenDelete]]
[[BIS fnc Destroyer01EdenDelete]]
Line 323: Line 128:
[[BIS fnc Destroyer01PlayHangarDoorSound]]
[[BIS fnc Destroyer01PlayHangarDoorSound]]
[[BIS fnc Destroyer01PosUpdate]]
[[BIS fnc Destroyer01PosUpdate]]
[[BIS fnc diagAAR]]
[[BIS fnc diagAARrecord]]
[[BIS fnc diagAnim]]
[[BIS fnc diagBulletCam]]
[[BIS fnc diagConfig]]
[[BIS fnc diagConfig]]
[[BIS fnc diagFindMissingAuthors]]
[[BIS fnc diagHit]]
[[BIS fnc diagJIRAlink]]
[[BIS fnc diagKey]]
[[BIS fnc diagKeyLayout]]
[[BIS fnc diagKeyLayout]]
[[BIS fnc diagKeyTest]]
[[BIS fnc diagKnownAsTarget]]
[[BIS fnc diagKnownAsTarget]]
[[BIS fnc diagKnownTargets]]
[[BIS fnc diagLoop]]
[[BIS fnc diagMacros]]
[[BIS fnc diagMacros]]
[[BIS fnc diagMacrosAuthor]]
[[BIS fnc diagMacrosEditorPreview]]
[[BIS fnc diagMacrosMapSize]]
[[BIS fnc diagMacrosMapSize]]
[[BIS fnc diagMacrosNameSound]]
[[BIS fnc diagMacrosSimpleObject]]
[[BIS fnc diagMacrosSimpleObject]]
[[BIS fnc diagMacrosVerify]]
[[BIS fnc diagMissionPositions]]
[[BIS fnc diagMissionWeapons]]
[[BIS fnc diagObjectPerformance]]
[[BIS fnc diagObjectPerformance]]
[[BIS fnc diagPreview]]
[[BIS fnc diagPreviewCycle]]
[[BIS fnc diagPreviewVehicleCrew]]
[[BIS fnc diagRadio]]
[[BIS fnc diagVehicleIcons]]
[[BIS fnc diagWiki]]
[[BIS fnc diaryHints]]
[[BIS fnc diaryHints]]
[[BIS fnc diaryMaps]]
[[BIS fnc diaryMaps]]
[[BIS fnc didJIP]]
[[BIS fnc dirIndicator]]
[[BIS fnc dirtEffect]]
[[BIS fnc dirTo]]
[[BIS fnc disableLoading]]
[[BIS fnc disableRevive]]
[[BIS fnc disableRevive]]
[[BIS fnc disableSaving]]
[[BIS fnc displayClouds]]
[[BIS fnc displayClouds]]
[[BIS fnc displayColorGet]]
[[BIS fnc displayColorSet]]
[[BIS fnc displayControls]]
[[BIS fnc displayControls]]
[[BIS fnc displayLoading]]
[[BIS fnc displayMission]]
[[BIS fnc displayName]]
[[BIS fnc displayResize]]
[[BIS fnc distance2D]]
[[BIS fnc distance2Dsqr]]
[[BIS fnc Door]]
[[BIS fnc DoorClose]]
[[BIS fnc DoorNoHandleClose]]
[[BIS fnc DoorNoHandleOpen]]
[[BIS fnc DoorOpen]]
[[BIS fnc dotProduct]]
[[BIS fnc drawAO]]
[[BIS fnc drawArrow]]
[[BIS fnc drawCuratorDeaths]]
[[BIS fnc drawCuratorLocations]]
[[BIS fnc drawCuratorLocations]]
[[BIS fnc drawCuratorRespawnMarkers]]
[[BIS fnc drawCuratorRespawnMarkers]]
[[BIS fnc drawMinefields]]
[[BIS fnc drawRespawnPositions]]
[[BIS fnc dynamicText]]
[[BIS fnc earthquake]]
[[BIS fnc easeIn]]
[[BIS fnc easeInOut]]
[[BIS fnc easeInOutVector]]
[[BIS fnc easeInVector]]
[[BIS fnc easeOut]]
[[BIS fnc easeOutVector]]
[[BIS fnc effectFired]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredArtillery]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredCruiseMissile]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredCruiseMissile]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredFlares]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredFlares]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredHeliRocket]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredLongSmoke]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredRifle]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredRocket]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredSmokeLauncher]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredSmokeLauncher]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredSmokeLauncher boat]]
[[BIS fnc effectFiredSmokeLauncher boat]]
[[BIS fnc effectKilled]]
[[BIS fnc effectKilledAirDestruction]]
[[BIS fnc effectKilledAirDestructionStage2]]
[[BIS fnc effectKilledSecondaries]]
[[BIS fnc effectKilledSecondaries]]
[[BIS fnc effectPlankton]]
[[BIS fnc EGObjectiveVisualizer]]
[[BIS fnc EGObjectiveVisualizerDraw]]
[[BIS fnc EGSpectator]]
[[BIS fnc EGSpectator]]
[[BIS fnc EGSpectatorCamera]]
[[BIS fnc EGSpectatorCameraPrepareTarget]]
[[BIS fnc EGSpectatorCameraResetTarget]]
[[BIS fnc EGSpectatorCameraSetTarget]]
[[BIS fnc EGSpectatorCameraTick]]
[[BIS fnc EGSpectatorDraw2D]]
[[BIS fnc EGSpectatorDraw3D]]
[[BIS fnc EGSpectatorGetUnitsToDraw]]
[[BIS fnc EjectionSeatRelease]]
[[BIS fnc EjectionSeatRelease]]
[[BIS fnc enableSaving]]
[[BIS fnc encodeFlags]]
[[BIS fnc encodeFlags2]]
[[BIS fnc encodeFlags2]]
[[BIS fnc encodeFlags4]]
[[BIS fnc encodeFlags4]]
[[BIS fnc encodeFlags8]]
[[BIS fnc encodeFlags8]]
[[BIS fnc endLoadingScreen]]
[[BIS fnc endMission]]
[[BIS fnc endMissionServer]]
[[BIS fnc weaponComponents]]
[[BIS fnc enemyDetected]]
[[BIS fnc enemySides]]
[[BIS fnc enemyTargets]]
[[BIS fnc error]]
[[BIS fnc errorMsg]]
[[BIS fnc errorParamsType]]
[[BIS fnc errorParamsType]]
[[BIS fnc establishingShot]]
[[BIS fnc estimatedTimeLeft]]
[[BIS fnc eventTimeline]]
[[BIS fnc eventTimeline]]
[[BIS fnc execFSM]]
[[BIS fnc execRemote]]
[[BIS fnc executeStackedEventHandler]]
[[BIS fnc execVM]]
[[BIS fnc exportCfgGroups]]
[[BIS fnc exportCfgGroups]]
[[BIS fnc exportCfgHints]]
[[BIS fnc exportCfgMagazines]]
[[BIS fnc exportCfgMagazines]]
[[BIS fnc exportCfgPatches]]
[[BIS fnc exportCfgVehicles]]
[[BIS fnc exportCfgVehiclesAssetDB]]
[[BIS fnc exportCfgWeapons]]
[[BIS fnc exportConfigHierarchy]]
[[BIS fnc exportCuratorCostTable]]
[[BIS fnc exportCuratorCostTable]]
[[BIS fnc exportEditorPreviews]]
[[BIS fnc exportFunctionsToWiki]]
[[BIS fnc exportGroupFormations]]
[[BIS fnc exportGUIBaseClasses]]
[[BIS fnc exportInventory]]
[[BIS fnc exportMapToBiTXT]]
[[BIS fnc exportVehicle]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp addTickets]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp balanceGroup]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp balanceGroup]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp checkpoint]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp checkpoint]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp dynamicAISkill]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp getCinematicMode]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp getCinematicMode]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp getPlayersGroup]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp getPlayersGroup]]
Line 469: Line 166:
[[BIS fnc EXP camp initCharacter]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp initCharacter]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp initClasses]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp initClasses]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp initDifficulty]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp lobby]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp lobby]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp lobby clearVars]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp lobby clearVars]]
Line 504: Line 200:
[[BIS fnc EXP camp manager triggerEvent]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp manager triggerEvent]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp playerChecklist]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp playerChecklist]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp playTimelineVideo]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp replaceVehicles]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp setCinematicMode]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp setCinematicMode]]
[[BIS fnc EXP camp setSkill]]
[[BIS fnc fadeEffect]]
[[BIS fnc fatigueEffect]]
[[BIS fnc feedbackInit]]
[[BIS fnc feedbackMain]]
[[BIS fnc ffvUpdate]]
[[BIS fnc filterString]]
[[BIS fnc findAllNestedElements]]
[[BIS fnc findExtreme]]
[[BIS fnc findInPairs]]
[[BIS fnc findInPairs]]
[[BIS fnc findLookAt]]
[[BIS fnc findLookAt]]
[[BIS fnc findNestedElement]]
[[BIS fnc findOverwatch]]
[[BIS fnc findSafePos]]
[[BIS fnc finishCuratorChallenge]]
[[BIS fnc fire]]
[[BIS fnc firedBombDemine]]
[[BIS fnc fireSupport]]
[[BIS fnc fireSupportCluster]]
[[BIS fnc fireSupportVirtual]]
[[BIS fnc fixDate]]
[[BIS fnc flamesEffect]]
[[BIS fnc flies]]
[[BIS fnc forceCuratorInterface]]
[[BIS fnc forceEnd]]
[[BIS fnc formatCuratorChallengeObjects]]
[[BIS fnc fps]]
[[BIS fnc friendlySides]]
[[BIS fnc FTLmanager]]
[[BIS fnc functionMeta]]
[[BIS fnc functionPath]]
[[BIS fnc functionsDebug]]
[[BIS fnc garage3DEN]]
[[BIS fnc GC]]
[[BIS fnc GCinit]]
[[BIS fnc genericSentence]]
[[BIS fnc genericSentenceInit]]
[[BIS fnc geometricMean]]
[[BIS fnc getAngleDelta]]
[[BIS fnc getArea]]
[[BIS fnc getBorderMarkers]]
[[BIS fnc getBorderMarkers]]
[[BIS fnc getCfg]]
[[BIS fnc getCfgData]]
[[BIS fnc getCfgDataArray]]
[[BIS fnc getCfgDataBool]]
[[BIS fnc getCfgDataObject]]
[[BIS fnc getCfgDataObject]]
[[BIS fnc getCfgDataPool]]
[[BIS fnc getCfgDataPool]]
[[BIS fnc getCfgIsClass]]
[[BIS fnc getCfgSubClasses]]
[[BIS fnc getCfgSubClasses]]
[[BIS fnc getCloudletParams]]
[[BIS fnc getFactions]]
[[BIS fnc getFromPairs]]
[[BIS fnc getFromPairs]]
[[BIS fnc getIDC]]
[[BIS fnc getIDD]]
[[BIS fnc getIntersectionsUnderCursor]]
[[BIS fnc getLineDist]]
[[BIS fnc getMarkers]]
[[BIS fnc getMarkers]]
[[BIS fnc getMarkerState]]
[[BIS fnc getMarkerState]]
[[BIS fnc getName]]
[[BIS fnc getNetMode]]
[[BIS fnc getObjectBBD]]
[[BIS fnc getParamValue]]
[[BIS fnc getPitchBank]]
[[BIS fnc getRespawnInventories]]
[[BIS fnc getRespawnInventories]]
[[BIS fnc getRespawnMarkers]]
[[BIS fnc getRespawnPositions]]
[[BIS fnc getServerVariable]]
[[BIS fnc getTurrets]]
[[BIS fnc getUnitByUid]]
[[BIS fnc getUnitInsignia]]
[[BIS fnc getVehicleCustomization]]
[[BIS fnc getVirtualBackpackCargo]]
[[BIS fnc getVirtualItemCargo]]
[[BIS fnc getVirtualMagazineCargo]]
[[BIS fnc getVirtualWeaponCargo]]
[[BIS fnc greatestNum]]
[[BIS fnc gridToPos]]
[[BIS fnc groupFromNetId]]
[[BIS fnc groupIndicator]]
[[BIS fnc groupVehicles]]
[[BIS fnc GUIbackground]]
[[BIS fnc GUIeditor]]
[[BIS fnc guiEffectTiles]]
[[BIS fnc GUIgrid]]
[[BIS fnc GUIgrid]]
[[BIS fnc GUIgridToProfile]]
[[BIS fnc GUIhint]]
[[BIS fnc GUIhint]]
[[BIS fnc guiMessage]]
[[BIS fnc GUInewsfeed]]
[[BIS fnc halo]]
[[BIS fnc dynamicGroups]]
[[BIS fnc halt]]
[[BIS fnc HatchClose]]
[[BIS fnc HatchOpen]]
[[BIS fnc healing]]
[[BIS fnc healthEffects]]
[[BIS fnc helicopterCanFly]]
[[BIS fnc helicopterDamage]]
[[BIS fnc helicopterGetHitpoints]]
[[BIS fnc helicopterSeat]]
[[BIS fnc helicopterSeatMove]]
[[BIS fnc helicopterType]]
[[BIS fnc help]]
[[BIS fnc hermite]]
[[BIS fnc hermiteVector]]
[[BIS fnc HEXtoRGB]]
[[BIS fnc hideMarker]]
[[BIS fnc hideMarker]]
[[BIS fnc hideMarkerArray]]
[[BIS fnc hideMarkerArray]]
[[BIS fnc highlightControl]]
[[BIS fnc holdActionAdd]]
[[BIS fnc HUDLimits]]
[[BIS fnc importImageLinks]]
[[BIS fnc incapacitatedEffect]]
[[BIS fnc indicateBleeding]]
[[BIS fnc infoText]]
[[BIS fnc initAmmoBox]]
[[BIS fnc initCuratorAttribute]]
[[BIS fnc initDisplay]]
[[BIS fnc initExpo]]
[[BIS fnc initInspectable]]
[[BIS fnc initIntelObject]]
[[BIS fnc initLeaflet]]
[[BIS fnc initListNBoxSorting]]
[[BIS fnc initListNBoxSorting]]
[[BIS fnc initModules]]
[[BIS fnc initMultiplayer]]
[[BIS fnc initParams]]
[[BIS fnc initPlayable]]
[[BIS fnc initRespawn]]
[[BIS fnc initRespawnBackpack]]
[[BIS fnc initVehicle]]
[[BIS fnc initVehicleCrew]]
[[BIS fnc initVehicleKart]]
[[BIS fnc initVirtualUnit]]
[[BIS fnc initWorldScene]]
[[BIS fnc initWorldScene]]
[[BIS fnc inString]]
[[BIS fnc InstructorFigure]]
[[BIS fnc InstructorFigure]]
[[BIS fnc interpolate]]
[[BIS fnc interpolate]]
Line 647: Line 223:
[[BIS fnc interpolateVectorConstant]]
[[BIS fnc interpolateVectorConstant]]
[[BIS fnc interpolateWeather]]
[[BIS fnc interpolateWeather]]
[[BIS fnc inTrigger]]
[[BIS fnc inv]]
[[BIS fnc invAdd]]
[[BIS fnc invCodeToArray]]
[[BIS fnc inventoryExists]]
[[BIS fnc inventoryExists]]
[[BIS fnc inverseLerp]]
[[BIS fnc inverseLerp]]
[[BIS fnc invRemove]]
[[BIS fnc invSlots]]
[[BIS fnc invSlotsEmpty]]
[[BIS fnc invSlotType]]
[[BIS fnc invString]]
[[BIS fnc isBuildingEnterable]]
[[BIS fnc isCampaign]]
[[BIS fnc isCurator]]
[[BIS fnc isCuratorEditable]]
[[BIS fnc IsDateTimeNewer]]
[[BIS fnc isDebugConsoleAllowed]]
[[BIS fnc isDebugConsoleAllowed]]
[[BIS fnc isDemo]]
[[BIS fnc isEqualVector]]
[[BIS fnc isEqualVector]]
[[BIS fnc isForcedCuratorInterface]]
[[BIS fnc isInFrontOf]]
[[BIS fnc isInsideArea]]
[[BIS fnc isInZoom]]
[[BIS fnc isLeapYear]]
[[BIS fnc isLoading]]
[[BIS fnc isLocalized]]
[[BIS fnc isPosBlacklisted]]
[[BIS fnc isUnitVirtual]]
[[BIS fnc isThrowable]]
[[BIS fnc itemType]]
[[BIS fnc jukebox]]
[[BIS fnc kbCanSpeak]]
[[BIS fnc kbCreateDummy]]
[[BIS fnc kbIsSpeaking]]
[[BIS fnc kbMenu]]
[[BIS fnc kbMenu]]
[[BIS fnc kbPriority]]
[[BIS fnc kbPriority]]
[[BIS fnc kbSentence]]
[[BIS fnc kbSkip]]
[[BIS fnc kbSkip]]
[[BIS fnc kbTell]]
[[BIS fnc kbTellLocal]]
[[BIS fnc kbTopicConfig]]
[[BIS fnc keyCode]]
[[BIS fnc keyframeAnimation deltaTime]]
[[BIS fnc keyframeAnimation init]]
[[BIS fnc keyHold]]
[[BIS fnc keyHold]]
[[BIS fnc keypointsExport]]
[[BIS fnc keypointsExportFromKML]]
[[BIS fnc keypointsExportFromKML]]
[[BIS fnc key compute]]
[[BIS fnc key compute]]
Line 725: Line 263:
[[BIS fnc key setTime]]
[[BIS fnc key setTime]]
[[BIS fnc key setValue]]
[[BIS fnc key setValue]]
[[BIS fnc KMLimport]]
[[BIS fnc laptopInit]]
[[BIS fnc laptopInit]]
[[BIS fnc laptopPlayVideo]]
[[BIS fnc laptopPlayVideo]]
[[BIS fnc lerp]]
[[BIS fnc lerpVector]]
[[BIS fnc lerpVector]]
[[BIS fnc limitAmmunition]]
[[BIS fnc limitItems]]
[[BIS fnc limitSupport]]
[[BIS fnc limitWeaponItems]]
[[BIS fnc linearConversion]]
[[BIS fnc listCuratorPlayers]]
[[BIS fnc listPlayers]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeed]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeedEffects]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeedModuleEffects]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeedModuleEffects]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeedModuleInit]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeedModuleInit]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeedModuleSetSource]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeedModuleSetSource]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeedModuleSetTarget]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeedModuleSetTarget]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeedSetSource]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeedSetTarget]]
[[BIS fnc liveFeedTerminate]]
[[BIS fnc loadClass]]
[[BIS fnc loadEntry]]
[[BIS fnc loadFunctions]]
[[BIS fnc loadInventory]]
[[BIS fnc loadVehicle]]
[[BIS fnc localize]]
[[BIS fnc locationDescription]]
[[BIS fnc locations]]
[[BIS fnc LockedDoorNoHandleOpen]]
[[BIS fnc LockedDoorOpen]]
[[BIS fnc locWeaponInfo]]
[[BIS fnc log]]
[[BIS fnc logFormat]]
[[BIS fnc logFormatServer]]
[[BIS fnc logFormatServer]]
[[BIS fnc lookAtArray]]
[[BIS fnc lookAtArray]]
[[BIS fnc lookAtArrayEH]]
[[BIS fnc lookAtArrayEH]]
[[BIS fnc loop]]
[[BIS fnc lowestNum]]
[[BIS fnc magazinesEntityType]]
[[BIS fnc magnitude]]
[[BIS fnc magnitudeSqr]]
[[BIS fnc manageCuratorAddons]]
[[BIS fnc manageCuratorChallenges]]
[[BIS fnc mapAnimAdd]]
[[BIS fnc mapAnimAdd]]
[[BIS fnc mapAnimClear]]
[[BIS fnc mapAnimClear]]
[[BIS fnc mapAnimDone]]
[[BIS fnc mapAnimDone]]
[[BIS fnc mapGridSize]]
[[BIS fnc mapSize]]
[[BIS fnc markerCreate]]
[[BIS fnc markerCreate]]
[[BIS fnc markerParams]]
[[BIS fnc markerPath]]
[[BIS fnc markerToTrigger]]
[[BIS fnc markWaypoints]]
[[BIS fnc markWaypoints]]
[[BIS fnc maxDiffArray]]
[[BIS fnc mirrorCuratorSettings]]
[[BIS fnc miscanim]]
[[BIS fnc missileLaunchPositionFix]]
[[BIS fnc missileLaunchPositionFix]]
[[BIS fnc missionConversations]]
[[BIS fnc missionConversations]]
[[BIS fnc missionConversationsLocal]]
[[BIS fnc missionFlow]]
[[BIS fnc missionHandlers]]
[[BIS fnc missionHandlers]]
[[BIS fnc missionRespawnType]]
[[BIS fnc missionSelector]]
[[BIS fnc missionSelector]]
[[BIS fnc missionTasks]]
[[BIS fnc missionTasks]]
[[BIS fnc missionTasksLocal]]
[[BIS fnc missionTimeLeft]]
[[BIS fnc moduleAI]]
[[BIS fnc moduleAmmo]]
[[BIS fnc moduleAnimals]]
[[BIS fnc moduleArsenal]]
[[BIS fnc moduleBleedTickets]]
[[BIS fnc moduleBootcampStage]]
[[BIS fnc moduleBootcampStage]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCAS]]
[[BIS fnc moduleChat]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCivilianPresence]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCivilianPresence]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCivilianPresenceSafeSpot]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCivilianPresenceSafeSpot]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCivilianPresenceUnit]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCivilianPresenceUnit]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCombatGetIn]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCountdown]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCoverMap]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCreateDiaryRecord]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCreateProjectile]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCurator]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorAddAddons]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorAddCameraArea]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorAddEditableObjects]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorAddEditingArea]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorAddEditingAreaPlayers]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorAddIcon]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorAddPoints]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorSetAttributes]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorSetCamera]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorSetCoefs]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorSetCostsDefault]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorSetCostsSide]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorSetCostsVehicleClass]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorSetEditingAreaType]]
[[BIS fnc moduleCuratorSetObjectCost]]
[[BIS fnc moduleDamage]]
[[BIS fnc moduleDate]]
[[BIS fnc moduleDiary]]
[[BIS fnc moduleDoorOpen]]
[[BIS fnc moduleEditTerrainObject]]
[[BIS fnc moduleEditTerrainObject]]
[[BIS fnc moduleEffectsBubbles]]
[[BIS fnc moduleEffectsEmitterCreator]]
[[BIS fnc moduleEffectsEmitterCreator]]
[[BIS fnc moduleEffectsFire]]
[[BIS fnc moduleEffectsPlankton]]
[[BIS fnc moduleEffectsShells]]
[[BIS fnc moduleEffectsSmoke]]
[[BIS fnc moduleEndMission]]
[[BIS fnc moduleExecute]]
[[BIS fnc moduleFDBalloonAirDestruction]]
[[BIS fnc moduleFDBalloonWaterDestruction]]
[[BIS fnc moduleFDCPClear]]
[[BIS fnc moduleFDCPIn]]
[[BIS fnc moduleFDCPOut]]
[[BIS fnc moduleFDFadeMarker]]
[[BIS fnc moduleFDSkeetDestruction]]
[[BIS fnc moduleFDStatsClear]]
[[BIS fnc moduleFiringDrill]]
[[BIS fnc moduleFriendlyFire]]
[[BIS fnc moduleFriendlyFire]]
[[BIS fnc moduleFuel]]
[[BIS fnc moduleGenericRadio]]
[[BIS fnc moduleGrenade]]
[[BIS fnc moduleGroupID]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHandle]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHealth]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHideTerrainObjects]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHideTerrainObjects]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHint]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHint]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHQ]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHQ]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHvtInit]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHvtObjective]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHvtObjective]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHvtObjectives]]
[[BIS fnc moduleHvtObjectivesInstance]]
[[BIS fnc moduleInit]]
[[BIS fnc moduleLightning]]
[[BIS fnc moduleLightning]]
[[BIS fnc moduleMine]]
[[BIS fnc moduleMissionName]]
[[BIS fnc moduleMode]]
[[BIS fnc moduleModules]]
[[BIS fnc moduleMPTypeDefense]]
[[BIS fnc moduleMPTypeGameMaster]]
[[BIS fnc ModuleMPTypeGroundSupport]]
[[BIS fnc ModuleMPTypeGroundSupport]]
[[BIS fnc ModuleMPTypeGroundSupportBase]]
[[BIS fnc moduleMPTypeSectorControl]]
[[BIS fnc moduleMPTypeSeize]]
[[BIS fnc moduleObjective]]
[[BIS fnc moduleObjectiveFind]]
[[BIS fnc moduleObjectiveGetIn]]
[[BIS fnc moduleObjectiveMove]]
[[BIS fnc moduleObjectiveRaceCP]]
[[BIS fnc moduleObjectiveRaceFinish]]
[[BIS fnc moduleObjectiveRaceStart]]
[[BIS fnc moduleObjectiveSector]]
[[BIS fnc moduleObjectiveTarget]]
[[BIS fnc modulePositioning]]
[[BIS fnc modulePoster]]
[[BIS fnc modulePostprocess]]
[[BIS fnc moduleProjectile]]
[[BIS fnc modulePunishment]]
[[BIS fnc modulePunishment]]
[[BIS fnc moduleRadioChannelCreate]]
[[BIS fnc moduleRank]]
[[BIS fnc moduleRating]]
[[BIS fnc moduleRemoteControl]]
[[BIS fnc moduleRespawnInventory]]
[[BIS fnc moduleRespawnInventory]]
[[BIS fnc moduleRespawnPosition]]
[[BIS fnc moduleRespawnTickets]]
[[BIS fnc moduleRespawnVehicle]]
[[BIS fnc moduleRespawnVehicle]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSaveGame]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSector]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSector]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSFX]]
[[BIS fnc moduleShowHide]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSimulationManager]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSimulationManager grab]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSiteInit]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSkill]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSkiptime]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSlingload]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSound]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSpawnAI]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSpawnAI]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSpawnAIOptions]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSpawnAIOptions]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSpawnAIPoint]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSpawnAISectorTactic]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSpawnAISectorTactic]]
[[BIS fnc moduleStrategicMapImage]]
[[BIS fnc moduleStrategicMapInit]]
[[BIS fnc moduleStrategicMapMission]]
[[BIS fnc moduleStrategicMapOpen]]
[[BIS fnc moduleStrategicMapORBAT]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSupportsInitProvider]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSupportsInitProviderVirtual]]
[[BIS fnc moduleSupportsInitRequester]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTaskCreate]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTaskCreate]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTaskSetDescription]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTaskSetDescription]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTaskSetDestination]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTaskSetDestination]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTaskSetState]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTaskSetState]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTimeMultiplier]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTimeTrial]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTracers]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTrident]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTriggers]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTTCPClear]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTTCPIn]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTTCPOut]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTTCPTrigger]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTTCPTriggerBehind]]
[[BIS fnc moduleTTStatsClear]]
[[BIS fnc moduleUnits]]
[[BIS fnc moduleUnlockArea]]
[[BIS fnc moduleUnlockObject]]
[[BIS fnc moduleVanguardFob]]
[[BIS fnc moduleVanguardFob]]
[[BIS fnc moduleVanguardObjective]]
[[BIS fnc moduleVanguardObjective]]
[[BIS fnc moduleVanguardScorePersistence]]
[[BIS fnc moduleVanguardScorePersistence]]
[[BIS fnc moduleVolume]]
[[BIS fnc moduleWeather]]
[[BIS fnc moduleWeather]]
[[BIS fnc moduleZoneProtection]]
[[BIS fnc moduleZoneRestriction]]
[[BIS fnc monthDays]]
[[BIS fnc moveAction]]
[[BIS fnc moveIn]]
[[BIS fnc moveMarker]]
[[BIS fnc moveMarker]]
[[BIS fnc moveToRespawnPosition]]
[[BIS fnc MP]]
[[BIS fnc MPexec]]
[[BIS fnc multiplySquareMatrixByVector]]
[[BIS fnc multiplySquareMatrixByVector]]
[[BIS fnc music]]
[[BIS fnc nearestHelipad]]
[[BIS fnc nearestNum]]
[[BIS fnc nearestPoint]]
[[BIS fnc nearestPosition]]
[[BIS fnc nearestRoad]]
[[BIS fnc netId]]
[[BIS fnc neutralizeUnit]]
[[BIS fnc noFlyZone]]
[[BIS fnc noFlyZonesCreate]]
[[BIS fnc noFlyZonesExport]]
[[BIS fnc numberDigits]]
[[BIS fnc numberText]]
[[BIS fnc objectFromNetId]]
[[BIS fnc objectHeight]]
[[BIS fnc ObjectInventoryAnimatedClose]]
[[BIS fnc ObjectInventoryAnimatedOpen]]
[[BIS fnc objectsGrabber]]
[[BIS fnc objectSide]]
[[BIS fnc objectsMapper]]
[[BIS fnc objectType]]
[[BIS fnc objectVar]]
[[BIS fnc onDiaryChanged]]
[[BIS fnc onDiaryChanged]]
[[BIS fnc onEnd]]
[[BIS fnc onLoad]]
[[BIS fnc onPlayerConnected]]
[[BIS fnc openFieldManual]]
[[BIS fnc ORBATAddGroupOverlay]]
[[BIS fnc ORBATAnimate]]
[[BIS fnc ORBATConfigPreview]]
[[BIS fnc ORBATGetGroupParams]]
[[BIS fnc ORBATOpen]]
[[BIS fnc ORBATRemoveGroupOverlay]]
[[BIS fnc ORBATSetGroupFade]]
[[BIS fnc ORBATSetGroupParams]]
[[BIS fnc ORBATTooltip]]
[[BIS fnc ordinalNumber]]
[[BIS fnc overviewAuthor]]
[[BIS fnc overviewDifficulty]]
[[BIS fnc overviewMission]]
[[BIS fnc overviewMission]]
[[BIS fnc overviewTerrain]]
[[BIS fnc overviewTimeTrial]]
[[BIS fnc packStaticWeapon]]
[[BIS fnc holdActionRemove]]
[[BIS fnc param]]
[[BIS fnc paramCountdown]]
[[BIS fnc paramDaytime]]
[[BIS fnc paramGuerFriendly]]
[[BIS fnc paramIn]]
[[BIS fnc paramRespawnTickets]]
[[BIS fnc paramReviveBleedOutDuration]]
[[BIS fnc paramReviveDuration]]
[[BIS fnc paramReviveForceRespawnDuration]]
[[BIS fnc paramReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier]]
[[BIS fnc paramReviveMode]]
[[BIS fnc paramReviveRequiredItems]]
[[BIS fnc paramReviveRequiredTrait]]
[[BIS fnc paramReviveUnconsciousStateMode]]
[[BIS fnc paramTimeAcceleration]]
[[BIS fnc paramTimeAcceleration]]
[[BIS fnc paramViewDistance]]
[[BIS fnc paramWeather]]
[[BIS fnc parseNumber]]
[[BIS fnc phoneticalWord]]
[[BIS fnc PIP]]
[[BIS fnc PlaneAiEject]]
[[BIS fnc PlaneAiEject]]
[[BIS fnc PlaneEjection]]
[[BIS fnc PlaneEjection]]
[[BIS fnc PlaneEjectionFX]]
[[BIS fnc PlaneEjectionFX]]
[[BIS fnc playEndMusic]]
[[BIS fnc playerName]]
[[BIS fnc playerSideFaction]]
[[BIS fnc playMusic]]
[[BIS fnc playSound]]
[[BIS fnc playVideo]]
[[BIS fnc posDegToUTM]]
[[BIS fnc posDegToWorld]]
[[BIS fnc position]]
[[BIS fnc PosToGrid]]
[[BIS fnc posUTMToDeg]]
[[BIS fnc pow]]
[[BIS fnc preload]]
[[BIS fnc prepareAO]]
[[BIS fnc priorityQueue GetHighestPriority]]
[[BIS fnc priorityQueue GetHighestPriority]]
[[BIS fnc priorityQueue GetLowestPriority]]
[[BIS fnc priorityQueue GetLowestPriority]]
Line 1,038: Line 326:
[[BIS fnc priorityQueue PopItem]]
[[BIS fnc priorityQueue PopItem]]
[[BIS fnc priorityQueue PushItem]]
[[BIS fnc priorityQueue PushItem]]
[[BIS fnc progressLoadingScreen]]
[[BIS fnc pulsate]]
[[BIS fnc pulsate]]
[[BIS fnc quinticIn]]
[[BIS fnc quinticInOut]]
[[BIS fnc quinticInOutVector]]
[[BIS fnc quinticInVector]]
[[BIS fnc quinticOut]]
[[BIS fnc quinticOutVector]]
[[BIS fnc quotations]]
[[BIS fnc quotations]]
[[BIS fnc radialRed]]
[[BIS fnc radialRedOut]]
[[BIS fnc radioSetChannel]]
[[BIS fnc radioSetChannel]]
[[BIS fnc radioSetPlaylist]]
[[BIS fnc radioSetTrack]]
[[BIS fnc radioSetTrack]]
[[BIS fnc randomIndex]]
[[BIS fnc randomInt]]
[[BIS fnc randomNum]]
[[BIS fnc randomPos]]
[[BIS fnc randomPosIntersection]]
[[BIS fnc randomPosIntersection]]
[[BIS fnc randomPosTrigger]]
[[BIS fnc rankParams]]
[[BIS fnc recompile]]
[[BIS fnc reenableRevive]]
[[BIS fnc reenableRevive]]
[[BIS fnc refreshCommMenu]]
[[BIS fnc registerCuratorObject]]
[[BIS fnc relativeDirTo]]
[[BIS fnc relPos]]
[[BIS fnc relPosObject]]
[[BIS fnc relScaledDist]]
[[BIS fnc removeAllScriptedEventHandlers]]
[[BIS fnc removeCommMenuItem]]
[[BIS fnc removeCuratorIcon]]
[[BIS fnc removeDestroyedCuratorEditableObjects]]
[[BIS fnc removeFromPairs]]
[[BIS fnc removeFromPairs]]
[[BIS fnc removeIndex]]
[[BIS fnc removeNestedElement]]
[[BIS fnc removeRespawnInventory]]
[[BIS fnc removeRespawnPosition]]
[[BIS fnc removeScriptedEventHandler]]
[[BIS fnc removeStackedEventHandler]]
[[BIS fnc removeSupportLink]]
[[BIS fnc removeVirtualBackpackCargo]]
[[BIS fnc removeVirtualItemCargo]]
[[BIS fnc removeVirtualMagazineCargo]]
[[BIS fnc removeVirtualWeaponCargo]]
[[BIS fnc resizeMarker]]
[[BIS fnc resizeMarker]]
[[BIS fnc respawnBase]]
[[BIS fnc respawnConfirm]]
[[BIS fnc respawnCounter]]
[[BIS fnc respawnEndMission]]
[[BIS fnc respawnGroup]]
[[BIS fnc respawnInstant]]
[[BIS fnc RespawnManager]]
[[BIS fnc RespawnManager]]
[[BIS fnc respawnMenuInventory]]
[[BIS fnc respawnMenuPosition]]
[[BIS fnc respawnMenuSpectator]]
[[BIS fnc respawnNone]]
[[BIS fnc respawnRounds]]
[[BIS fnc respawnRounds]]
[[BIS fnc respawnSeagull]]
[[BIS fnc respawnSide]]
[[BIS fnc respawnSpectator]]
[[BIS fnc respawnTickets]]
[[BIS fnc respawnTimePenalty]]
[[BIS fnc respawnTimePenalty]]
[[BIS fnc respawnWave]]
[[BIS fnc respect]]
[[BIS fnc returnConfigEntry]]
[[BIS fnc returnGroupComposition]]
[[BIS fnc returnGroupComposition]]
[[BIS fnc returnNestedElement]]
[[BIS fnc returnParents]]
[[BIS fnc returnVehicleTurrets]]
[[BIS fnc reviveAllowed]]
[[BIS fnc reviveAllowed]]
[[BIS fnc reviveBleedOut]]
[[BIS fnc reviveBleedOut]]
[[BIS fnc reviveDamageReset]]
[[BIS fnc reviveDamageReset]]
[[BIS fnc reviveDebug]]
[[BIS fnc reviveEhDammaged]]
[[BIS fnc reviveEhDammaged]]
[[BIS fnc reviveEhHandleDamage]]
[[BIS fnc reviveEhHandleHeal]]
[[BIS fnc reviveEhKilled]]
[[BIS fnc reviveEhRespawn]]
[[BIS fnc reviveEnabled]]
[[BIS fnc reviveEnabled]]
[[BIS fnc reviveGet3dIcons]]
[[BIS fnc reviveGet3dIcons]]
Line 1,168: Line 393:
[[BIS fnc richCurve setKeys]]
[[BIS fnc richCurve setKeys]]
[[BIS fnc richCurve setOrientationMode]]
[[BIS fnc richCurve setOrientationMode]]
[[BIS fnc romanNumeral]]
[[BIS fnc rotateMarker]]
[[BIS fnc rotateMarker]]
[[BIS fnc rotateVector2D]]
[[BIS fnc rotateVector3D]]
[[BIS fnc rotateVector3D]]
[[BIS fnc roundDir]]
[[BIS fnc roundNum]]
[[BIS fnc rscLayer]]
[[BIS fnc runLater]]
[[BIS fnc sandstorm]]
[[BIS fnc saveGame]]
[[BIS fnc saveInventory]]
[[BIS fnc saveVehicle]]
[[BIS fnc sayMessage]]
[[BIS fnc scaleAndTranslate]]
[[BIS fnc scaleAndTranslate]]
[[BIS fnc sceneAreaClearance]]
[[BIS fnc sceneCheckWeapons]]
[[BIS fnc sceneCheckWeapons]]
[[BIS fnc sceneCreateSceneTrigger]]
[[BIS fnc sceneCreateSceneTrigger]]
[[BIS fnc sceneCreateSoundEntities]]
[[BIS fnc sceneCreateSoundEntities]]
[[BIS fnc sceneGetObjects]]
[[BIS fnc sceneGetParticipants]]
[[BIS fnc sceneGetPositionByAngle]]
[[BIS fnc sceneGetPositionByAngle]]
[[BIS fnc sceneIntruderDetector]]
[[BIS fnc sceneIntruderDetector]]
[[BIS fnc sceneMiscStuff]]
[[BIS fnc sceneMiscStuff]]
[[BIS fnc sceneRotate]]
[[BIS fnc sceneRotate]]
[[BIS fnc sceneSetAnimationsForGroup]]
[[BIS fnc sceneSetBehaviour]]
[[BIS fnc sceneSetObjects]]
[[BIS fnc sceneSetPosFormation]]
[[BIS fnc scriptedMove]]
[[BIS fnc scriptedWaypointType]]
[[BIS fnc secondsToString]]
[[BIS fnc selectCrew]]
[[BIS fnc selectDiarySubject]]
[[BIS fnc selectRandom]]
[[BIS fnc selectRandomWeighted]]
[[BIS fnc selectRespawnTemplate]]
[[BIS fnc setCuratorAttributes]]
[[BIS fnc setCuratorAttributes]]
[[BIS fnc setCuratorCamera]]
[[BIS fnc setCuratorVisionModes]]
[[BIS fnc setDate]]
[[BIS fnc setFog]]
[[BIS fnc setHeight]]
[[BIS fnc setHitPointDamage]]
[[BIS fnc setIDCStreamFriendly]]
[[BIS fnc setIdentity]]
[[BIS fnc setMissionStatusSlot]]
[[BIS fnc setNestedElement]]
[[BIS fnc setObjectRotation]]
[[BIS fnc setObjectShotParents]]
[[BIS fnc setObjectTexture]]
[[BIS fnc setOvercast]]
[[BIS fnc setPitchBank]]
[[BIS fnc setPPeffectTemplate]]
[[BIS fnc setRank]]
[[BIS fnc setRespawnDelay]]
[[BIS fnc setRespawnDelay]]
[[BIS fnc setRespawnInventory]]
[[BIS fnc setServerVariable]]
[[BIS fnc setTask]]
[[BIS fnc setTaskLocal]]
[[BIS fnc setToPairs]]
[[BIS fnc setToPairs]]
[[BIS fnc setUnitInsignia]]
[[BIS fnc setVehicleMass]]
[[BIS fnc shakeCuratorCamera]]
[[BIS fnc shakeGauges]]
[[BIS fnc shakeGauges]]
[[BIS fnc shakeMap]]
[[BIS fnc shakeMap]]
[[BIS fnc shakeMapEH]]
[[BIS fnc shakeMapEH]]
[[BIS fnc sharedObjectives]]
[[BIS fnc showAANArticle]]
[[BIS fnc showCuratorAttributes]]
[[BIS fnc showCuratorFeedbackMessage]]
[[BIS fnc showMarker]]
[[BIS fnc showMarker]]
[[BIS fnc showMarkerArray]]
[[BIS fnc showMarkerArray]]
[[BIS fnc showMarkers]]
[[BIS fnc showMissionStatus]]
[[BIS fnc showNotification]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenu]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuDisableItemCheck]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuDisableItemDraw]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuHeader]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuInventory]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuInventoryDetails]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuInventoryItems]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuInventoryLimit]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuInventoryLimitRefresh]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuInventoryLimitRespawn]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuInventoryList]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuInventoryLoadout]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuInventoryMetadata]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuPosition]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuPositionList]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuPositionMap]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuPositionMapDraw]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuPositionMapHandle]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuPositionMetadata]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuPositionName]]
[[BIS fnc showRespawnMenuPositionRefresh]]
[[BIS fnc showTime]]
[[BIS fnc showUnitInfo]]
[[BIS fnc showWelcomeScreen]]
[[BIS fnc shutdown]]
[[BIS fnc sideID]]
[[BIS fnc sideIsEnemy]]
[[BIS fnc sideIsFriendly]]
[[BIS fnc sideName]]
[[BIS fnc sideNameUnlocalized]]
[[BIS fnc sideType]]
[[BIS fnc simpleMoveMarker]]
[[BIS fnc simpleMoveMarker]]
[[BIS fnc singleMissionConfig]]
[[BIS fnc singleMissionKeys]]
[[BIS fnc singleMissionName]]
[[BIS fnc SingleWingSlideDoorClose]]
[[BIS fnc SingleWingSlideDoorOpen]]
[[BIS fnc skirmishTrigger]]
[[BIS fnc slerp]]
[[BIS fnc slerp]]
[[BIS fnc smoothStep]]
[[BIS fnc sortAlphabetically]]
[[BIS fnc sortBy]]
[[BIS fnc sortNum]]
[[BIS fnc spawn]]
[[BIS fnc spawnCrew]]
[[BIS fnc spawnEnemy]]
[[BIS fnc spawnGroup]]
[[BIS fnc spawnObjects]]
[[BIS fnc spawnVehicle]]
[[BIS fnc splitString]]
[[BIS fnc spotter]]
[[BIS fnc stalk]]
[[BIS fnc startLoadingScreen]]
[[BIS fnc storeParamsValues]]
[[BIS fnc StrategicMapAnimate]]
[[BIS fnc StrategicMapMouseButtonClick]]
[[BIS fnc StrategicMapOpen]]
[[BIS fnc subClasses]]
[[BIS fnc subSelect]]
[[BIS fnc sunriseSunsetTime]]
[[BIS fnc supplydrop]]
[[BIS fnc supplydropService]]
[[BIS fnc supplydropService]]
[[BIS fnc swapVars]]
[[BIS fnc synchronizedObjects]]
[[BIS fnc synchronizedObjectsQueue]]
[[BIS fnc synchronizedObjectsQueue]]
[[BIS fnc target]]
[[BIS fnc taskAlwaysVisible]]
[[BIS fnc taskAttack]]
[[BIS fnc taskChildren]]
[[BIS fnc taskCompleted]]
[[BIS fnc taskCreate]]
[[BIS fnc taskCurrent]]
[[BIS fnc taskDefend]]
[[BIS fnc taskDescription]]
[[BIS fnc taskDestination]]
[[BIS fnc taskExists]]
[[BIS fnc taskHandler]]
[[BIS fnc taskHandler]]
[[BIS fnc taskHint]]
[[BIS fnc taskParent]]
[[BIS fnc taskPatrol]]
[[BIS fnc taskReal]]
[[BIS fnc taskSetAlwaysVisible]]
[[BIS fnc taskSetCurrent]]
[[BIS fnc taskSetDescription]]
[[BIS fnc taskSetDestination]]
[[BIS fnc taskSetState]]
[[BIS fnc taskSetType]]
[[BIS fnc taskState]]
[[BIS fnc tasksUnit]]
[[BIS fnc taskType]]
[[BIS fnc taskTypeIcon]]
[[BIS fnc taskVar]]
[[BIS fnc teamColor]]
[[BIS fnc terrainGradAngle]]
[[BIS fnc textTiles]]
[[BIS fnc textureMarker]]
[[BIS fnc textureVehicleIcon]]
[[BIS fnc threat]]
[[BIS fnc timeline cleanup]]
[[BIS fnc timeline cleanup]]
[[BIS fnc timeline deleted]]
[[BIS fnc timeline deleted]]
Line 1,378: Line 453:
[[BIS fnc timeline stop]]
[[BIS fnc timeline stop]]
[[BIS fnc timeline tick]]
[[BIS fnc timeline tick]]
[[BIS fnc titlecard]]
[[BIS fnc titleText]]
[[BIS fnc toggleCuratorVisionMode]]
[[BIS fnc toUpperDisplayTexts]]
[[BIS fnc toUpperDisplayTexts]]
[[BIS fnc traceBullets]]
[[BIS fnc trackMissionTime]]
[[BIS fnc transportService]]
[[BIS fnc transportService]]
[[BIS fnc tridentClient]]
[[BIS fnc tridentExecute]]
[[BIS fnc tridentGetRelationship]]
[[BIS fnc tridentHandleDamage]]
[[BIS fnc tridentSetRelationship]]
[[BIS fnc triggerToMarker]]
[[BIS fnc trimString]]
[[BIS fnc TwoWingDoorNoHandleClose]]
[[BIS fnc TwoWingDoorNoHandleOpen]]
[[BIS fnc TwoWingDoorOneHandleClose]]
[[BIS fnc TwoWingDoorOneHandleOpen]]
[[BIS fnc TwoWingDoorTwoHandleClose]]
[[BIS fnc TwoWingDoorTwoHandleOpen]]
[[BIS fnc TwoWingSlideDoorClose]]
[[BIS fnc TwoWingSlideDoorOpen]]
[[BIS fnc typeText]]
[[BIS fnc typeText2]]
[[BIS fnc uniqueClasses]]
[[BIS fnc uniqueClasses]]
[[BIS fnc unitAddon]]
[[BIS fnc UnitCapture]]
[[BIS fnc UnitCaptureFiring]]
[[BIS fnc UnitCaptureSimple]]
[[BIS fnc unitHeadgear]]
[[BIS fnc UnitPlay]]
[[BIS fnc UnitPlayFiring]]
[[BIS fnc UnitPlaySimple]]
[[BIS fnc unitVector]]
[[BIS fnc unitVector]]
[[BIS fnc unpackStaticWeapon]]
[[BIS fnc updatePlayerArray]]
[[BIS fnc validateParametersOO]]
[[BIS fnc variableSpaceAdd]]
[[BIS fnc variableSpaceRemove]]
[[BIS fnc vectorAdd]]
[[BIS fnc vectorDiff]]
[[BIS fnc vectorDivide]]
[[BIS fnc vectorDivide]]
[[BIS fnc vectorFromXToY]]
[[BIS fnc vectorMultiply]]
[[BIS fnc vehicleRoles]]
[[BIS fnc version]]
[[BIS fnc versionInfo]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseBallistics1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseBallistics2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseBallistics3]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseBallistics4]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseCommandingActions1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseCommandingActions2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseCommandingActions3]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseCommandingBehaviour1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseCommandingBehaviour2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseCommandingBehaviour3]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseCommandingMovement1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseCommandingMovement2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseCommandingVehicles1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseCommandingVehicles2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseCommandingVehicles3]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliAdvanced1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliAdvanced2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliAdvanced3]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliAdvanced4]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliAdvanced5]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliAdvanced6]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliBasics1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliBasics2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliBasics3]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliSlingload1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliWeapons1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliWeapons2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliWeapons3]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseHeliWeapons4]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseLaunchers1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseLaunchers2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseLaunchers3]]
[[BIS fnc VRCoursePlaceables1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCoursePlaceables2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCoursePlaceables3]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseTargetDesignation1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseTargetDesignation2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseTargetDesignation3]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseWeaponHandlingA1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseWeaponHandlingA2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseWeaponHandlingA3]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseWeaponHandlingB1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseWeaponHandlingB2]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseWeaponHandlingB3]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseWeaponHandlingC1]]
[[BIS fnc VRCourseWeaponHandlingC2]]
[[BIS fnc VRDrawBorder]]
[[BIS fnc VRDrawGrid]]
[[BIS fnc VREffectKilled]]
[[BIS fnc VRFadeIn]]
[[BIS fnc VRFadeOut]]
[[BIS fnc VRHitpart]]
[[BIS fnc VRSpawnEffect]]
[[BIS fnc VRSpawnSelector]]
[[BIS fnc VRTimer]]
[[BIS fnc weaponsEntityType]]
[[BIS fnc WLAICore]]
[[BIS fnc WLAIPathSegmentation]]
[[BIS fnc WLAIPathSegmentation]]
[[BIS fnc WLAIPurchases]]
[[BIS fnc WLAircraftArrival]]
[[BIS fnc WLAircraftArrival]]
[[BIS fnc WLAirdrop]]
[[BIS fnc WLAirdrop]]
Line 1,494: Line 469:
[[BIS fnc WLDropPurchase]]
[[BIS fnc WLDropPurchase]]
[[BIS fnc WLFundsInfo]]
[[BIS fnc WLFundsInfo]]
[[BIS fnc WLGarrisonRetreat]]
[[BIS fnc WLInit]]
[[BIS fnc WLInit]]
[[BIS fnc WLInSectorArea]]
[[BIS fnc WLInSectorArea]]
Line 1,516: Line 490:
[[BIS fnc WLRequestSectorScan]]
[[BIS fnc WLRequestSectorScan]]
[[BIS fnc WLRequestVotingReset]]
[[BIS fnc WLRequestVotingReset]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorFundsPayoff]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorHandle]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorHandleServer]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorIconUpdate]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorIconUpdate]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorInit]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorInit]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorListing]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorListing]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorPopulate]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorPopulate]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorScanHandle]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorsCommonInit]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorsCommonInit]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorSelectionEnd]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorSelectionEnd]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorSelectionHandle]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorSelectionHandleServer]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorSelectionStart]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorSelectionStart]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorsSetup]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorsSetup]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorTaskHandle]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorUpdate]]
[[BIS fnc WLSectorUpdate]]
[[BIS fnc WLSeizingBarHandle]]
[[BIS fnc WLSeizingBarHandle]]
Line 1,538: Line 505:
[[BIS fnc WLSmoothText]]
[[BIS fnc WLSmoothText]]
[[BIS fnc WLSoundMsg]]
[[BIS fnc WLSoundMsg]]
[[BIS fnc WLSubroutine purchaseMenuAssetAvailability]]
[[BIS fnc WLSubroutine purchaseMenuGetUIScale]]
[[BIS fnc WLSubroutine purchaseMenuHandleDLC]]
[[BIS fnc WLSubroutine purchaseMenuRefresh]]
[[BIS fnc WLSubroutine purchaseMenuSetAssetDetails]]
[[BIS fnc WLSubroutine purchaseMenuSetItemsList]]
[[BIS fnc WLSyncTime]]
[[BIS fnc WLSyncTime]]
[[BIS fnc WLUpdateAO]]
[[BIS fnc WLUpdateAO]]
Line 1,549: Line 510:
[[BIS fnc WLVehicleHandle]]
[[BIS fnc WLVehicleHandle]]
[[BIS fnc WLVotingBarHandle]]
[[BIS fnc WLVotingBarHandle]]
[[BIS fnc worldArea]]
[[BIS fnc wpArtillery]]
[[BIS fnc wpDemine]]
[[BIS fnc wpLand TKOH]]
[[BIS fnc wpPatrol]]
[[BIS fnc wpRelax]]
[[BIS fnc wpSuppress]]
[[BIS fnc zoomLock]]
[[BIS fnc zoomLock]]
[[BIS fnc zoomLockEH]]
[[BIS fnc zoomLockEH]]

Revision as of 02:30, 2 April 2019

BIS fnc 3DENAttributeDoorStates BIS fnc 3den init BIS fnc 3den onKeyDown BIS fnc 3den onKeyUp BIS fnc 3den onMissionLoad BIS fnc 3den onMissionNew BIS fnc 3den onMissionPreviewEnd BIS fnc 3den onSelectionChange BIS fnc addCuratorChallenge BIS fnc addEvidence BIS fnc addToPairs BIS fnc AircraftCatapultLaunch BIS fnc AircraftFoldingWings BIS fnc AircraftSystemsInit BIS fnc AircraftTailhook BIS fnc AircraftWingStateCheck BIS fnc ambientBlacklist BIS fnc ambientBlacklistAdd BIS fnc animatedBriefing BIS fnc animatedOpening BIS fnc animatedScreen BIS fnc animatePicture BIS fnc blinkMarker BIS fnc BoatRack01ActionAdd BIS fnc BoatRack01ActionRemove BIS fnc BoatRack01AdjustZOffset BIS fnc BoatRack01CanExetuteAction BIS fnc BoatRack01CanProgressAction BIS fnc BoatRack01Init BIS fnc BoatRack01InitAdjustZOffsets BIS fnc boundingBoxCorner BIS fnc CalculateDateTime BIS fnc camera deleted BIS fnc camera edenAttributesChanged BIS fnc camera edenConnectionChanged BIS fnc camera edenDeleted BIS fnc camera edenInit BIS fnc camera edenIsSelected BIS fnc camera edenReset BIS fnc camera edenSelectionChanged BIS fnc camera edenUnregisteredFromWorld BIS fnc camera getCam BIS fnc camera getCinemaBordersEnabled BIS fnc camera getFocus BIS fnc camera getFOV BIS fnc camera getHUDEnabled BIS fnc camera getVisionMode BIS fnc camera init BIS fnc camera setCam BIS fnc camera setCinemaBordersEnabled BIS fnc camera setFocus BIS fnc camera setFOV BIS fnc camera setHUDEnabled BIS fnc camera setVisionMode BIS fnc camera tick BIS fnc cancelMarker BIS fnc Carrier01AnimateDeflectors BIS fnc Carrier01EdenDelete BIS fnc Carrier01EdenInit BIS fnc Carrier01PosUpdate BIS fnc changeColorMarker BIS fnc changeSupportRadioChannel BIS fnc clamp BIS fnc clampVector BIS fnc clerp BIS fnc colorMarker BIS fnc commsMenuToggleAvailability BIS fnc commsMenuToggleVisibility BIS fnc controlPoint compute BIS fnc controlPoint computeOwnerKey BIS fnc controlPoint edenAttributesChanged BIS fnc controlPoint edenConnectionChanged BIS fnc controlPoint edenDragged BIS fnc controlPoint edenIsSelected BIS fnc controlPoint edenRegisteredToWorld BIS fnc controlPoint edenUnregisteredFromWorld BIS fnc controlPoint getOwnerKey BIS fnc controlPoint isArrive BIS fnc controlPoint setIsArrive BIS fnc counter BIS fnc CPFindEmptyPosition BIS fnc CPInit BIS fnc CPLog BIS fnc CPPickSafeDir BIS fnc CPSafeAzimuths BIS fnc CPSendReinforcements BIS fnc CPSpawnGarrisonGrp BIS fnc CPWaitUntil BIS fnc createmenu BIS fnc createTooltip BIS fnc credits movie BIS fnc credits movieConfig BIS fnc credits movieSupport BIS fnc curatorAttributes BIS fnc dbClassCheck BIS fnc dbClassId BIS fnc dbClassIndex BIS fnc dbClassList BIS fnc dbClassRemove BIS fnc dbClassReturn BIS fnc dbClassSet BIS fnc dbImportConfig BIS fnc dbisClass BIS fnc dbisValue BIS fnc dbPrint BIS fnc dbValueCheck BIS fnc dbValueId BIS fnc dbValueIndex BIS fnc dbValueList BIS fnc dbValueRemove BIS fnc dbValueReturn BIS fnc dbValueSet BIS fnc debugConsoleExec BIS fnc debugProfile BIS fnc decodeFlags2 BIS fnc decodeFlags4 BIS fnc decodeFlags8 BIS fnc deleteCounter BIS fnc deltaTime BIS fnc Destroyer01AnimateHangarDoors BIS fnc Destroyer01EdenDelete BIS fnc Destroyer01EdenInit BIS fnc Destroyer01GetShipPart BIS fnc Destroyer01HandleDamage BIS fnc Destroyer01Init BIS fnc Destroyer01InitHullNumbers BIS fnc Destroyer01OperateHangarDoors BIS fnc Destroyer01PlayHangarDoorSound BIS fnc Destroyer01PosUpdate BIS fnc diagConfig BIS fnc diagKeyLayout BIS fnc diagKnownAsTarget BIS fnc diagMacros BIS fnc diagMacrosMapSize BIS fnc diagMacrosSimpleObject BIS fnc diagObjectPerformance BIS fnc diaryHints BIS fnc diaryMaps BIS fnc disableRevive BIS fnc displayClouds BIS fnc displayControls BIS fnc drawCuratorLocations BIS fnc drawCuratorRespawnMarkers BIS fnc effectFiredCruiseMissile BIS fnc effectFiredFlares BIS fnc effectFiredSmokeLauncher BIS fnc effectFiredSmokeLauncher boat BIS fnc effectKilledSecondaries BIS fnc EGSpectator BIS fnc EjectionSeatRelease BIS fnc encodeFlags2 BIS fnc encodeFlags4 BIS fnc encodeFlags8 BIS fnc errorParamsType BIS fnc eventTimeline BIS fnc exportCfgGroups BIS fnc exportCfgMagazines BIS fnc exportCuratorCostTable BIS fnc EXP camp balanceGroup BIS fnc EXP camp checkpoint BIS fnc EXP camp getCinematicMode BIS fnc EXP camp getPlayersGroup BIS fnc EXP camp guidedProjectile BIS fnc EXP camp hasMissionStarted BIS fnc EXP camp IFF BIS fnc EXP camp initCharacter BIS fnc EXP camp initClasses BIS fnc EXP camp lobby BIS fnc EXP camp lobby clearVars BIS fnc EXP camp lobby ctrlSetColor BIS fnc EXP camp lobby findHost BIS fnc EXP camp lobby getHostSettings BIS fnc EXP camp lobby getPlayerSquadName BIS fnc EXP camp lobby go BIS fnc EXP camp lobby intro BIS fnc EXP camp lobby launch BIS fnc EXP camp lobby loop BIS fnc EXP camp lobby missionCountdown BIS fnc EXP camp lobby onLoad BIS fnc EXP camp lobby onUnLoad BIS fnc EXP camp lobby playMissionVideo BIS fnc EXP camp lobby serverPing BIS fnc EXP camp lobby serverUpdate BIS fnc EXP camp lobby structuredText BIS fnc EXP camp lobby UIMilitaryManager BIS fnc EXP camp lobby UIMissionCountdown BIS fnc EXP camp lobby UIMissionManager BIS fnc EXP camp lobby UIOverlayManager BIS fnc EXP camp lobby UIProgressManager BIS fnc EXP camp lobby UISettingsManager BIS fnc EXP camp lobby updateHostSettings BIS fnc EXP camp lobby updateIntel BIS fnc EXP camp lobby updateMilitaryEfficiency BIS fnc EXP camp lobby updatePlayers BIS fnc EXP camp lobby updatePlayerStatus BIS fnc EXP camp manager BIS fnc EXP camp manager getState BIS fnc EXP camp manager onPlayerRegistered BIS fnc EXP camp manager setState BIS fnc EXP camp manager triggerEvent BIS fnc EXP camp playerChecklist BIS fnc EXP camp setCinematicMode BIS fnc findInPairs BIS fnc findLookAt BIS fnc getBorderMarkers BIS fnc getCfgDataObject BIS fnc getCfgDataPool BIS fnc getCfgSubClasses BIS fnc getFromPairs BIS fnc getMarkers BIS fnc getMarkerState BIS fnc getRespawnInventories BIS fnc GUIgrid BIS fnc GUIhint BIS fnc hideMarker BIS fnc hideMarkerArray BIS fnc initListNBoxSorting BIS fnc initWorldScene BIS fnc InstructorFigure BIS fnc interpolate BIS fnc interpolateConstant BIS fnc interpolateVector BIS fnc interpolateVectorConstant BIS fnc interpolateWeather BIS fnc inventoryExists BIS fnc inverseLerp BIS fnc isDebugConsoleAllowed BIS fnc isEqualVector BIS fnc kbMenu BIS fnc kbPriority BIS fnc kbSkip BIS fnc keyHold BIS fnc keypointsExportFromKML BIS fnc key compute BIS fnc key computeOwnerCurve BIS fnc key computeTime BIS fnc key edenAreControlPointsLocked BIS fnc key edenAttributesChanged BIS fnc key edenConnectionChanged BIS fnc key edenDragged BIS fnc key edenIsSelected BIS fnc key edenRegisteredToWorld BIS fnc key edenUnregisteredFromWorld BIS fnc key getArriveControlPoint BIS fnc key getArriveTangent BIS fnc key getArriveTangentWeight BIS fnc key getConfigTime BIS fnc key getFOV BIS fnc key getInterpMode BIS fnc key getLeaveControlPoint BIS fnc key getLeaveTangent BIS fnc key getLeaveTangentWeight BIS fnc key getOwnerCurve BIS fnc key getTime BIS fnc key getValue BIS fnc key isFloat BIS fnc key isVector BIS fnc key setArriveTangent BIS fnc key setArriveTangentWeight BIS fnc key setInterpMode BIS fnc key setLeaveTangent BIS fnc key setLeaveTangentWeight BIS fnc key setTime BIS fnc key setValue BIS fnc laptopInit BIS fnc laptopPlayVideo BIS fnc lerpVector BIS fnc liveFeedModuleEffects BIS fnc liveFeedModuleInit BIS fnc liveFeedModuleSetSource BIS fnc liveFeedModuleSetTarget BIS fnc logFormatServer BIS fnc lookAtArray BIS fnc lookAtArrayEH BIS fnc mapAnimAdd BIS fnc mapAnimClear BIS fnc mapAnimDone BIS fnc markerCreate BIS fnc markWaypoints BIS fnc missileLaunchPositionFix BIS fnc missionConversations BIS fnc missionHandlers BIS fnc missionSelector BIS fnc missionTasks BIS fnc moduleBootcampStage BIS fnc moduleCivilianPresence BIS fnc moduleCivilianPresenceSafeSpot BIS fnc moduleCivilianPresenceUnit BIS fnc moduleEditTerrainObject BIS fnc moduleEffectsEmitterCreator BIS fnc moduleFriendlyFire BIS fnc moduleHideTerrainObjects BIS fnc moduleHint BIS fnc moduleHQ BIS fnc moduleHvtObjective BIS fnc moduleLightning BIS fnc ModuleMPTypeGroundSupport BIS fnc modulePunishment BIS fnc moduleRespawnInventory BIS fnc moduleRespawnVehicle BIS fnc moduleSector BIS fnc moduleSpawnAI BIS fnc moduleSpawnAIOptions BIS fnc moduleSpawnAISectorTactic BIS fnc moduleTaskCreate BIS fnc moduleTaskSetDescription BIS fnc moduleTaskSetDestination BIS fnc moduleTaskSetState BIS fnc moduleVanguardFob BIS fnc moduleVanguardObjective BIS fnc moduleVanguardScorePersistence BIS fnc moduleWeather BIS fnc moveMarker BIS fnc multiplySquareMatrixByVector BIS fnc onDiaryChanged BIS fnc overviewMission BIS fnc paramTimeAcceleration BIS fnc PlaneAiEject BIS fnc PlaneEjection BIS fnc PlaneEjectionFX BIS fnc priorityQueue GetHighestPriority BIS fnc priorityQueue GetLowestPriority BIS fnc priorityQueue Init BIS fnc priorityQueue IsEmpty BIS fnc priorityQueue IsFull BIS fnc priorityQueue PopItem BIS fnc priorityQueue PushItem BIS fnc pulsate BIS fnc quotations BIS fnc radioSetChannel BIS fnc radioSetTrack BIS fnc randomPosIntersection BIS fnc reenableRevive BIS fnc removeFromPairs BIS fnc resizeMarker BIS fnc RespawnManager BIS fnc respawnRounds BIS fnc respawnTimePenalty BIS fnc returnGroupComposition BIS fnc reviveAllowed BIS fnc reviveBleedOut BIS fnc reviveDamageReset BIS fnc reviveEhDammaged BIS fnc reviveEnabled BIS fnc reviveGet3dIcons BIS fnc reviveGetActionIcon BIS fnc reviveIconControl BIS fnc reviveInit BIS fnc reviveIsValid BIS fnc reviveIsValidSecure BIS fnc reviveOnBeingRevived BIS fnc reviveOnForcingRespawn BIS fnc reviveOnState BIS fnc reviveOnStateJIP BIS fnc reviveSecureUnit BIS fnc richCurve compute BIS fnc richCurve computeCurveArcLength BIS fnc richCurve computeKeys BIS fnc richCurve computeOwnerTimeline BIS fnc richCurve computeSimulatedObjects BIS fnc richCurve edenAttributesChanged BIS fnc richCurve edenBakeCurve3D BIS fnc richCurve edenComputeNearestSegment BIS fnc richCurve edenConnectionChanged BIS fnc richCurve edenDragged BIS fnc richCurve edenDrawControlPoints3D BIS fnc richCurve edenDrawCurve3D BIS fnc richCurve edenIsSelected BIS fnc richCurve edenMarkStateDirty BIS fnc richCurve edenTick BIS fnc richCurve getCurveLength BIS fnc richCurve getCurvePoints BIS fnc richCurve getCurveValueFloat BIS fnc richCurve getCurveValueVector BIS fnc richCurve getFirstKey BIS fnc richCurve getKeyFromIndex BIS fnc richCurve getKeyIndex BIS fnc richCurve getKeys BIS fnc richCurve getKeysAtTime BIS fnc richCurve getKeyTime BIS fnc richCurve getLastKey BIS fnc richCurve getLookAtPosition BIS fnc richCurve getNextKey BIS fnc richCurve getOrientationMode BIS fnc richCurve getOwnerTimeline BIS fnc richCurve getPreviousKey BIS fnc richCurve getSimulatedObjects BIS fnc richCurve getTimeRange BIS fnc richCurve isTimeInSeconds BIS fnc richCurve numKeys BIS fnc richCurve reset BIS fnc richCurve resetKeysEventState BIS fnc richCurve setKeys BIS fnc richCurve setOrientationMode BIS fnc rotateMarker BIS fnc rotateVector3D BIS fnc scaleAndTranslate BIS fnc sceneCheckWeapons BIS fnc sceneCreateSceneTrigger BIS fnc sceneCreateSoundEntities BIS fnc sceneGetPositionByAngle BIS fnc sceneIntruderDetector BIS fnc sceneMiscStuff BIS fnc sceneRotate BIS fnc setCuratorAttributes BIS fnc setRespawnDelay BIS fnc setToPairs BIS fnc shakeGauges BIS fnc shakeMap BIS fnc shakeMapEH BIS fnc showMarker BIS fnc showMarkerArray BIS fnc simpleMoveMarker BIS fnc slerp BIS fnc supplydropService BIS fnc synchronizedObjectsQueue BIS fnc taskHandler BIS fnc timeline cleanup BIS fnc timeline deleted BIS fnc timeline edenAttributesChanged BIS fnc timeline edenConnectionChanged BIS fnc timeline edenDeleted BIS fnc timeline edenDragged BIS fnc timeline edenInit BIS fnc timeline edenIsSelected BIS fnc timeline finish BIS fnc timeline getAlpha BIS fnc timeline getCurrentTime BIS fnc timeline getInterpMode BIS fnc timeline getLength BIS fnc timeline getPlayFromStart BIS fnc timeline getPlayRate BIS fnc timeline getPlayTime BIS fnc timeline getPosition BIS fnc timeline getSimulatedCurves BIS fnc timeline getStopTime BIS fnc timeline getTimeLeft BIS fnc timeline init BIS fnc timeline isFinished BIS fnc timeline isLooping BIS fnc timeline isPaused BIS fnc timeline isPlaying BIS fnc timeline isReverse BIS fnc timeline play BIS fnc timeline setInterpMode BIS fnc timeline setLength BIS fnc timeline setLoop BIS fnc timeline setPause BIS fnc timeline setPlayRate BIS fnc timeline setPosition BIS fnc timeline setReverse BIS fnc timeline simulateCurves BIS fnc timeline stop BIS fnc timeline tick BIS fnc toUpperDisplayTexts BIS fnc transportService BIS fnc uniqueClasses BIS fnc unitVector BIS fnc vectorDivide BIS fnc WLAIPathSegmentation BIS fnc WLAircraftArrival BIS fnc WLAirdrop BIS fnc WLAISectorScan BIS fnc WLCalculateIncome BIS fnc WLCalculateSectorConnections BIS fnc WLClientInit BIS fnc WLDebug BIS fnc WLDefenceSetup BIS fnc WLDropPurchase BIS fnc WLFundsInfo BIS fnc WLInit BIS fnc WLInSectorArea BIS fnc WLLoadoutApply BIS fnc WLLoadoutGrab BIS fnc WLMostVotedSector BIS fnc WLNavalArrival BIS fnc WLOpenArsenal BIS fnc WLOSD BIS fnc WLOutlineIcons BIS fnc WLPlayersTracking BIS fnc WLPlayersTrackingServer BIS fnc WLPurchaseMenu BIS fnc WLRandomPosRect BIS fnc WLRecalculateServices BIS fnc WLRemovalHandle BIS fnc WLReputation BIS fnc WLRequestFastTravel BIS fnc WLRequestFundsTransfer BIS fnc WLRequestPurchase BIS fnc WLRequestSectorScan BIS fnc WLRequestVotingReset BIS fnc WLSectorIconUpdate BIS fnc WLSectorInit BIS fnc WLSectorListing BIS fnc WLSectorPopulate BIS fnc WLSectorsCommonInit BIS fnc WLSectorSelectionEnd BIS fnc WLSectorSelectionStart BIS fnc WLSectorsSetup BIS fnc WLSectorUpdate BIS fnc WLSeizingBarHandle BIS fnc WLSendResponseTeam BIS fnc WLShowInfo BIS fnc WLSideToFaction BIS fnc WLSmoothText BIS fnc WLSoundMsg BIS fnc WLSyncTime BIS fnc WLUpdateAO BIS fnc WLVarsInit BIS fnc WLVehicleHandle BIS fnc WLVotingBarHandle BIS fnc zoomLock BIS fnc zoomLockEH BIS fnc zoomOnArea BIS fnc zoomUnlock BIS fnc zzRotate