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Loads the given file as a Config, allowing easy processing of the config file contents using commands such as configClasses, configProperties, >>, etc. It can load .rvmat, .bisurf, .cpp, .bin, .sqm, and description.ext files (both binarized and unbinarized configs are supported).
  • Config loading can be very slow; the config should only be loaded once and cached, e.g in a HashMap of File Path → Config pairs (see Example 3).
  • It is advised to store the generated config in a variable, otherwise it will get destroyed if it is not being referenced directly (see Example 2).


loadConfig path
path: String - path to the file, which should be in a valid config format.
Return Value:
Config - loaded config. Returns configNull if the file doesn't exist.


Example 1:
private _cfg = loadConfig "a3\data_f\default_super.rvmat"; // note: very slow! ~0.1200 ms on tested system getText (_cfg >> "Stage2" >> "uvSource");
Example 2:
// INCORRECT - the config is destroyed after the first operator >> accesses it getNumber (loadConfig "mission.sqm" >> "ScenarioData" >> "respawnDelay"); // CORRECT - the config is destroyed only when the variable _cfg is destroyed _cfg = loadConfig "mission.sqm"; getNumber (_cfg >> "ScenarioData" >> "respawnDelay");
Example 3:
// using a hashmap to cache loaded configs, since loading configs is very slow and should be done once. private _fnc_loadConfig = { params ["_path"]; // initialize cache if not initialized yet if (isNil "TAG_configCache") then { TAG_configCache = createHashMap; }; private _cfg = TAG_configCache getOrDefault [_path, configNull]; // if path doesn't exist in the cache or cfg is null, load the config if (isNull _cfg) then { _cfg = loadConfig _path; TAG_configCache set [_path, _cfg]; }; _cfg; }; // the first call will be slow (~0.1200 ms), but subsequent calls are fast (~0.0050 ms) ["a3\data_f\default_super.rvmat"] call _fnc_loadConfig;
Example 4:
// converting a config into hashmap private _fnc_convertClass = { params ["_cfgClass"]; private _result = createHashMap; private _props = configProperties [_cfgClass, "true", true]; // note: Hashmaps are case-sensitive so configName cases have to be consistent (e.g. all lowercase) { if (isNumber _x) then { _result set [toLowerANSI configName _x, getNumber _x]; continue; }; if (isText _x) then { _result set [toLowerANSI configName _x, getText _x]; continue; }; if (isArray _x) then { _result set [toLowerANSI configName _x, getArray _x]; continue; }; } forEach _props; private _classes = "true" configClasses _cfgClass; { _result set [toLowerANSI configName _x, _x call _fnc_convertClass]; } forEach _classes; _result; }; private _cfg = loadConfig "mission.sqm"; private _cfgMap = _cfg call _fnc_convertClass; // the following expression is similar to getNumber(_cfg >> "EditorData" >> "moveGridStep") // note that all strings are lowercase (which is how they were stored in hashmap) _cfgMap get "editordata" get "movegridstep";

Additional Information

See also:
loadFile >> configFile configClasses isText isNumber isArray isClass configName getText getNumber getArray


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
Dedmen - c
Posted on Mar 22, 2022 - 09:14 (UTC)
When trying to load a terrain surface name, like you get from Ammo Eventhandlers when you hit the terrain, you can simply use
private _config = configFile >> "CfgSurfaces" >> _surfaceName;
You can recognize surface names by them not having any \ path separators in them, they usually start with gdt, for example "gdtvrsurface01".