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SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent:

Public Member Functions

void SetAudioSource (SCR_AudioSource audioSource)
SCR_AudioSource GetAudioSource ()
void GoToDestroyedStateLoad ()
void CalculateAndStoreVolume ()
override void OnFilteredContact (IEntity owner, IEntity other, Contact contact)
 Contact to deal damage.
override void OnPostInit (IEntity owner)
 Called after all components are initialized.
int GetBuildingId ()
void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent)
void ~SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_DamageManagerComponent
bool IsRplReady ()
 Check if replication loading is completed. Important for join in progress and when streaming entities in.
HitZone GetHitZoneByName (string hitZoneName, bool caseSensitive=false)
 Get the HitZone that matches the provided name.
void GetPhysicalHitZones (out notnull array< HitZone > physicalHitZones)
 Return hit zones with colliders assigned.
void GetRegeneratingHitZones (out notnull array< SCR_RegeneratingHitZone > regeneratingHitZones)
 Return hit zones with passive regeneration enabled.
void RpcDo_SetFireState (int hitZoneIndex, SCR_EBurningState fireState)
 Set fire rate of a flammable hitzone.
override bool FilterContact (IEntity owner, IEntity other, Contact contact)
 No contacts for destroyed entities.
float CalculateMomentum (Contact contact, float ownerMass, float otherMass)
int GetSurroundingHitzones (vector origin, Physics physics, float maxDistance, out array< HitZone > outHitzones)
float GetMinDestroyDamage (EDamageType damageType, array< HitZone > hitzones, int count)
ScriptInvoker GetOnDamage ()
ScriptInvoker GetOnDamageOverTimeAdded ()
ScriptInvoker GetOnDamageOverTimeRemoved ()
ScriptInvoker GetOnDamageStateChanged ()
void ~SCR_DamageManagerComponent ()
int GetHitZonesOfGroup (EHitZoneGroup hitZoneGroup, out notnull array< HitZone > groupHitZones, bool clearArray=true)
 Get a list of all hitzones of specific hitzone group.
int GetHitZonesOfGroups (notnull array< EHitZoneGroup > hitZoneGroups, out notnull array< HitZone > groupHitZones)
 Get a list of all hitzones of specific hitzone group.
float GetGroupDamageOverTime (ECharacterHitZoneGroup hitZoneGroup, EDamageType damageType)
 Get total damage over time of given hitzone group.
void Kill (notnull Instigator instigator)
 Neutralize the entity with a specific damage type, registering the killer entity.
void DamageRandomHitZones (float damage, EDamageType type, notnull Instigator instigator, bool onlyPhysical=true, vector outMat[3]={}, bool damageDefault=false)
 Damage random physical hit zones up to damage amount.
bool CanBeHealed (bool ignoreHealingDOT=true)
 Return true if there is damage that can be repaired.
void FullHeal (bool ignoreHealingDOT=true)
 Fix all the damage.
float HealHitZones (float healthToDistribute, bool sequential=false, float maxHealThresholdScaled=1, array< HitZone > alternativeHitZones=null)
 Partially heal the hitZones of an entity.
void ReduceSmoke ()
 Reduce smoke output based on the total health of hit zones.
float GetHitZonesDamage (float untilThresholdScaled=1, array< HitZone > alternativeHitZones=null)
 Get all damage dealt to hitzones.
float GetHitZonesHealthScaled (array< HitZone > alternativeHitZones=null)
 Get Health scaled of all hitzones.
float GetSingleHitZonesHealthScaled (array< HitZone > alternativeHitZones=null, bool getLowestHealth=true)
 Get single Health scaled from hitzones.
ResourceName GetSecondaryExplosion (float value, SCR_ESecondaryExplosionType explosionType, EResourceType resourceType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES, bool fire=false)
 Determine secondary explosion prefab based on explosion value, type and resource type if defined.
SCR_SecondaryExplosion GetSecondaryExplosionForScale (SCR_ESecondaryExplosionScale scale, SCR_ESecondaryExplosionType explosionType, EResourceType resourceType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES)
 Determine secondary explosion prefab based on explosion scale, type and resource type if defined.
SCR_ESecondaryExplosionScale GetSecondaryExplosionScale (float value, SCR_ESecondaryExplosionType explosionType, EResourceType resourceType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES)
 Determine secondary explosion prefab based on explosion value, type and resource type if defined.
ResourceName GetSecondaryFireParticle (float value, SCR_ESecondaryExplosionType explosionType, EResourceType resourceType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES)
 Determine secondary explosion prefab based on explosion value, type and resource type if defined.
bool IsOnFire (HitZone hitZone=null)
 Determine if provided or any hit zone from this damage manager is on fire.
bool IsOnFire (notnull array< HitZone > hitZones)
 Determine if any hit zone from this damage manager is on fire.
void SecondaryExplosion (ResourceName prefabName, notnull Instigator instigator, notnull EntitySpawnParams spawnParams)
 Spawn secondary explosion.
SCR_ResourceEncapsulator GetResourceEncapsulator (EResourceType suppliesType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES)
void SupplySecondaryExplosion (notnull Instigator instigator)
 Spawn supply secondary explosion when vehicle becomes destroyed.
vector GetSecondaryExplosionPosition (TypeName hitZoneType, out float totalWeight=0)
 Get weighed average position of explosion for hitzones of specified type.
void FuelSecondaryExplosion (notnull Instigator instigator)
 Spawn fuel secondary explosion when vehicle becomes destroyed.
void UpdateFireDamage (float timeSlice)
void UpdateFireParticles (vector position, out ParticleEffectEntity particles, SCR_ESecondaryExplosionScale state, SCR_ESecondaryExplosionType fireType, EResourceType resourceType=EResourceType.SUPPLIES)
 Update visual effects and store result in particles variable.
override void OnDamageOverTimeAdded (EDamageType dType, float dps, HitZone hz)
 Invoked every time the DoT is added to certain hitzone.
override void OnDamageOverTimeRemoved (EDamageType dType, HitZone hz)
 Invoked when provided damage type is removed from certain hitzone.
override bool HijackDamageHandling (notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext)
- Public Member Functions inherited from DamageManagerComponent
proto external int ComputeStruckHitZones (out notnull array< HitZone > struckHitZones, notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext)
 Clears and fills struckHitZones array with all HZs that should get damaged by this BaseDamageContext.
proto external void EnableDamageHandling (bool enable)
proto external bool IsDamageHandlingEnabled ()
proto external float GetMovementDamage ()
proto external float GetAimingDamage ()
proto external void SetMovementDamage (float damage)
proto external void SetAimingDamage (float damage)
proto external float GetHealthScaled ()
proto external bool SetHealthScaled (float health)
proto external float GetHealth ()
proto external float GetMaxHealth ()
proto external EDamageState GetState ()
proto external bool IsDestroyed ()
proto external void SetInstigatorEntity (IEntity instigator)
proto external void SetInstigator (notnull Instigator instigator)
proto external notnull Instigator GetInstigator ()
proto external int GetAttachedColliderIDs (out notnull array< int > outAttachedColliderIDs)
 Fills colliderIDs with all the colliders attached to hitzones this dmg manager owns.
proto external void HandleDamage (notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext)
proto external bool IsDamagedOverTime (EDamageType dType)
proto external float GetDamageOverTime (EDamageType dType)
proto external void RemoveDamageOverTime (EDamageType dType)
 Removes DOT of provided damageType from all currently affected HitZones.
bool ShouldOverrideInstigator (notnull Instigator currentInstigator, notnull Instigator newInstigator)
 Called whenever an instigator is going to be set.
GameMaterial OverrideHitMaterial (HitZone struckHitzone)
 Not all armors are physical so the surface that gets struck by projectiles will not be the one the armor, but the hitzone.
bool FilterContact (IEntity owner, IEntity other, Contact contact)
 Event when physics engine registered contact with other RigidBody.
bool HijackDamageHandling (notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext)
 Called when this DamageManager is about to handle damage.
bool ShouldCountAsHit (notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext)
 Called after HijackDamageHandling.
- Public Member Functions inherited from HitZoneContainerComponent
proto external IEntity GetOwner ()
proto external HitZone GetDefaultHitZone ()
proto external HitZone GetHitZoneByColliderID (int colliderID)
proto external int GetHitZonesByColliderIDs (out notnull array< HitZone > outHitZones, notnull array< int > colliderIDs)
 Clears and fills the specified outHitZones array with all HZs that are attached to colliderIDs.
proto external HitZone GetHitZone (string colliderName)
proto external int GetAllHitZones (out notnull array< HitZone > outHitZones)
 Clears and fills the specified outHitZones array with all HZs in this entity Returns the count of elements that were filled into the array.
proto external int GetAllHitZonesInHierarchy (out notnull array< HitZone > outHitZones)
 Clears and fills the specified outHitZones array with all HZs in this entity and its children.
proto external HitZoneContainerComponent GetParentHitZoneContainer ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from GameComponent
bool OnTicksOnRemoteProxy ()

Protected Member Functions

SCR_BuildingDestructionData GetData ()
 Returns centrally stored data from building destruction manager.
void FreeData ()
 Frees the data stored in building destruction manager.
float GetSpeedGradualMultiplier ()
float GetRotationTimeRandomizer ()
float GetRotationSpeed ()
float GetRotationTime ()
int GetMaxRotations ()
float GetSpeed ()
vector GetSinkVector ()
float GetDelay ()
bool GetAllowRotationX ()
bool GetAllowRotationY ()
bool GetAllowRotationZ ()
Curve GetCameraShakeCurve ()
array< ref SCR_TimedEffectGetEffects ()
SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration GetSlowDownAudioSourceConfiguration ()
void SetSeed (int seed)
override void OnDamageStateChanged (EDamageState state)
 Called when damage state is changed.
void RPC_GoToDestroyedState (int seed)
 Used to do runtime synchronization of state.
void DestroyInteriorInit (bool immediate)
 Handles destruction of interior by gathering objects using AABB (will probably use OBB) and deleting them according to their type.
void DestroyInterior (bool immediate)
void FinishDestruction ()
 Last method to be called after destruction happens, data is cleared.
bool PerformTrace (notnull TraceParam param, vector start, vector direction, notnull BaseWorld world, float lengthMultiplier=1)
bool IsInside (notnull IEntity entity)
 Checks whether or not an entity is inside of the building, using a trace in each world axis.
bool TraceFilter (notnull IEntity e, vector start="0 0 0", vector dir="0 0 0")
 Filters out unwanted entities.
bool AddEntityCallback (IEntity e)
 Used by Query in DestroyInterior.
void GoToDestroyedState (bool immediate)
 Destroys interior Starts position lerping (Enables frame, activates the entity) Or moves the building to target position immediately if it's JIP.
void SpawnEffects (float percentDone, IEntity owner, bool immediateDestruction)
 Called in Frame (while building is sinking) Spawns effects which are supposed to spawn at this time.
void FinishLerp (IEntity owner, bool immediate)
 Handles the end of building position lerp Disables frame, deactivates the entity Hides the mesh Plays final effects.
void RegenerateNavmesh ()
 Regenerates navmesh using previously stored data.
void StoreNavmeshData ()
 Stores navmesh data to regenerate navmesh later.
void ClampVector (inout vector currentOrigin, vector startOrigin, vector endOrigin)
void LerpRotation (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
void PlaySlowDownSound ()
void OnSlowDown ()
vector LerpAngles (vector start, vector current, vector target, float rotationSpeed, float timeSlice, notnull SCR_BuildingDestructionData data)
void LerpPosition (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
 Handles position lerping Handles calling SpawnEffects, calculates percentDone parameter.
override bool OnRplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer)
 Serializes state over network.
override bool OnRplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader)
 Loads serialized state on client.
override void OnFrame (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
 Handles per-frame operations, only enabled while the building is sinking.
bool IsProxy ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_DamageManagerComponent
override bool OnRplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer)
override bool OnRplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader)
notnull SCR_DamageManagerData GetScriptedDamageManagerData ()
override void OnDamage (notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext)
override bool ShouldOverrideInstigator (notnull Instigator currentInstigator, notnull Instigator newInstigator)
 Called whenever an instigator is going to be set.
float HealHitZonesInSequence (float healthToDistribute, float maxHealThresholdScaled, array< HitZone > targetHitZones)
float HealHitZonesInParallel (float healthToDistribute, float maxHealThresholdScaled, array< HitZone > targetHitZones)
void ConnectToFireDamageSystem ()
void DisconnectFromFireDamageSystem ()
override void OnDamageStateChanged (EDamageState state)
 Invoked when damage state changes.
override void _WB_AfterWorldUpdate (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from DamageManagerComponent
void OnDamageOverTimeAdded (EDamageType dType, float dps, HitZone hz)
 Invoked every time the DoT is added to certain hitzone.
void OnDamageOverTimeRemoved (EDamageType dType, HitZone hz)
 Invoked when provided damage type is removed from certain hitzone.
void OnDamageStateChanged (EDamageState state)
 Called when the damagestate changes.
void OnPostInit (IEntity owner)
 Called after all components are initialized.
void OnInit (IEntity owner)
 Called during EOnInit.
void OnDelete (IEntity owner)
void OnFrame (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
 Called during EOnFrame.
void OnFilteredContact (IEntity owner, IEntity other, Contact contact)
 Only called if FilterContact returned true.
void OnDiag (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
 Called during EOnDiag.
void OnDamage (notnull BaseDamageContext damageContext)
bool OnRplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer)
bool OnRplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader)

Protected Attributes

bool m_bDestroyed = false
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_DamageManagerComponent
int m_iTimetickInstigator = System.GetTickCount()
int m_iTimeThresholdInstigatorReplacement = 180000
int m_iPlayerId = 0
int m_iDamageManagerDataIndex = -1
bool m_bRplReady

Static Protected Attributes

static const int NO_COLLISION_RESPONSE_INDEX = 11
static const int MAX_CHECKS_PER_FRAME = 20
static const float BUILDING_SIZE = 5000
static const vector TRACE_DIRECTIONS [3] = { vector.Right, vector.Up, vector.Forward }
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_DamageManagerComponent
static const int MIN_MOMENTUM_RESPONSE_INDEX = 1
static const int MAX_MOMENTUM_RESPONSE_INDEX = 5
static ref array< ref SCR_DamageManagerDatas_aDamageManagerData = {}

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_DamageManagerComponent
static SCR_DamageManagerComponent GetDamageManager (notnull IEntity owner)
 Get damage manager from given owner.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SCR_DamageManagerComponent
static const string MAX_DESTRUCTION_RESPONSE_INDEX_NAME = "HugeDestructible"
static const ref array< EDamageTypeHEALING_DAMAGE_TYPES = {EDamageType.HEALING, EDamageType.REGENERATION}
static const float KM_PER_H_TO_M_PER_S = 0.277777

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent ( IEntityComponentSource  src,
IEntity  ent,
IEntity  parent 

◆ ~SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.~SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddEntityCallback()

bool SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.AddEntityCallback ( IEntity  e)

Used by Query in DestroyInterior.


◆ CalculateAndStoreVolume()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.CalculateAndStoreVolume ( )

◆ ClampVector()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.ClampVector ( inout vector  currentOrigin,
vector  startOrigin,
vector  endOrigin 

◆ DestroyInterior()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.DestroyInterior ( bool  immediate)

◆ DestroyInteriorInit()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.DestroyInteriorInit ( bool  immediate)

Handles destruction of interior by gathering objects using AABB (will probably use OBB) and deleting them according to their type.


◆ FinishDestruction()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.FinishDestruction ( )

Last method to be called after destruction happens, data is cleared.

◆ FinishLerp()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.FinishLerp ( IEntity  owner,
bool  immediate 

Handles the end of building position lerp Disables frame, deactivates the entity Hides the mesh Plays final effects.


◆ FreeData()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.FreeData ( )

Frees the data stored in building destruction manager.

◆ GetAllowRotationX()

bool SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetAllowRotationX ( )

◆ GetAllowRotationY()

bool SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetAllowRotationY ( )

◆ GetAllowRotationZ()

bool SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetAllowRotationZ ( )

◆ GetAudioSource()

SCR_AudioSource SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetAudioSource ( )

◆ GetBuildingId()

int SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetBuildingId ( )

◆ GetCameraShakeCurve()

Curve SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetCameraShakeCurve ( )

◆ GetData()

SCR_BuildingDestructionData SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetData ( )

Returns centrally stored data from building destruction manager.

◆ GetDelay()

float SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetDelay ( )
prefab data stored delay

◆ GetEffects()

array< ref SCR_TimedEffect > SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetEffects ( )
pointer to prefab data stored array of effects, do not modify the array!

◆ GetMaxRotations()

int SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetMaxRotations ( )

◆ GetRotationSpeed()

float SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetRotationSpeed ( )

◆ GetRotationTime()

float SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetRotationTime ( )

◆ GetRotationTimeRandomizer()

float SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetRotationTimeRandomizer ( )

◆ GetSinkVector()

vector SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetSinkVector ( )

◆ GetSlowDownAudioSourceConfiguration()

SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetSlowDownAudioSourceConfiguration ( )

◆ GetSpeed()

float SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetSpeed ( )
prefab data stored speed

◆ GetSpeedGradualMultiplier()

float SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GetSpeedGradualMultiplier ( )
prefab data stored speed gradual multiplier

◆ GoToDestroyedState()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GoToDestroyedState ( bool  immediate)

Destroys interior Starts position lerping (Enables frame, activates the entity) Or moves the building to target position immediately if it's JIP.


◆ GoToDestroyedStateLoad()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.GoToDestroyedStateLoad ( )

◆ IsInside()

bool SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.IsInside ( notnull IEntity  entity)

Checks whether or not an entity is inside of the building, using a trace in each world axis.


◆ IsProxy()

bool SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.IsProxy ( )
true if local instance is proxy (not the authority)

◆ LerpAngles()

vector SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.LerpAngles ( vector  start,
vector  current,
vector  target,
float  rotationSpeed,
float  timeSlice,
notnull SCR_BuildingDestructionData  data 

◆ LerpPosition()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.LerpPosition ( IEntity  owner,
float  timeSlice 

Handles position lerping Handles calling SpawnEffects, calculates percentDone parameter.


◆ LerpRotation()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.LerpRotation ( IEntity  owner,
float  timeSlice 

◆ OnDamageStateChanged()

override void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.OnDamageStateChanged ( EDamageState  state)

Called when damage state is changed.


Implements SCR_DamageManagerComponent.

◆ OnFilteredContact()

override void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.OnFilteredContact ( IEntity  owner,
IEntity  other,
Contact  contact 

Contact to deal damage.


Implements DamageManagerComponent.

◆ OnFrame()

override void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.OnFrame ( IEntity  owner,
float  timeSlice 

Handles per-frame operations, only enabled while the building is sinking.


Implements DamageManagerComponent.

◆ OnPostInit()

override void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.OnPostInit ( IEntity  owner)

Called after all components are initialized.

ownerEntity this component is attached to.

Implements DamageManagerComponent.

◆ OnRplLoad()

override bool SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.OnRplLoad ( ScriptBitReader  reader)

Loads serialized state on client.


Implements SCR_DamageManagerComponent.

◆ OnRplSave()

override bool SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.OnRplSave ( ScriptBitWriter  writer)

Serializes state over network.


Implements SCR_DamageManagerComponent.

◆ OnSlowDown()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.OnSlowDown ( )

◆ PerformTrace()

bool SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.PerformTrace ( notnull TraceParam  param,
vector  start,
vector  direction,
notnull BaseWorld  world,
float  lengthMultiplier = 1 

◆ PlaySlowDownSound()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.PlaySlowDownSound ( )

◆ RegenerateNavmesh()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.RegenerateNavmesh ( )

Regenerates navmesh using previously stored data.

◆ RPC_GoToDestroyedState()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.RPC_GoToDestroyedState ( int  seed)

Used to do runtime synchronization of state.


◆ SetAudioSource()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.SetAudioSource ( SCR_AudioSource  audioSource)

◆ SetSeed()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.SetSeed ( int  seed)

◆ SpawnEffects()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.SpawnEffects ( float  percentDone,
IEntity  owner,
bool  immediateDestruction 

Called in Frame (while building is sinking) Spawns effects which are supposed to spawn at this time.

[in]immediateDestructionfrom JIP, e.g only spawn effects that remain after destruction - like ruins prefabs

◆ StoreNavmeshData()

void SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.StoreNavmeshData ( )

Stores navmesh data to regenerate navmesh later.

◆ TraceFilter()

bool SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.TraceFilter ( notnull IEntity  e,
vector  start = "0 0 0",
vector  dir = "0 0 0" 

Filters out unwanted entities.


Member Data Documentation


const float SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.BUILDING_SIZE = 5000

◆ m_bDestroyed

bool SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.m_bDestroyed = false


const int SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.MAX_CHECKS_PER_FRAME = 20


const int SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.NO_COLLISION_RESPONSE_INDEX = 11


const vector SCR_DestructibleBuildingComponent.TRACE_DIRECTIONS[3] = { vector.Right, vector.Up, vector.Forward }

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: