Arma Reforger Script API
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SCR_CharacterControllerComponent_Test Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_CharacterControllerComponent_Test:

Public Member Functions

override void OnPrepareControls (IEntity owner, ActionManager am, float dt, bool player)
void SCR_CharacterControllerComponent_Test (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_CharacterControllerComponent
bool CanInteract ()
 Get the interaction status of the character.
override void OnConsciousnessChanged (bool conscious)
 Will be called when the consciousness of the character changes.
ScriptInvoker GetOnAnimationEvent ()
override void OnGadgetStateChanged (IEntity gadget, bool isInHand, bool isOnGround)
 Will be called when gadget taken/removed from hand.
override void OnGadgetFocusStateChanged (IEntity gadget, bool isFocused)
 Will be called when gadget fully transitioned to or canceled focus mode.
override void OnItemUseBegan (ItemUseParameters itemUseParams)
 Will be called when item use action is started.
override void OnItemUseEnded (ItemUseParameters itemUseParams, bool successful)
 Will be called when item use action is complete.
override void OnMeleeDamage (bool started)
 Handling of melee events. Sends true if melee started, false, when melee ends.
ScriptInvokerVoid GetOnPlayerDeath ()
OnPlayerDeathWithParamInvoker GetOnPlayerDeathWithParam ()
override void OnDeath (IEntity instigatorEntity, notnull Instigator instigator)
 Handling of death. If instigatorEntity is null, you can use instigator.GetInstigatorEntity() if appropiate.
override void OnLifeStateChanged (ECharacterLifeState previousLifeState, ECharacterLifeState newLifeState)
 Will be called when the life state of the character changes.
override bool GetCanMeleeAttack ()
override bool GetCanEquipGadget (IEntity gadget)
override bool OnPerformAction ()
 Override to handle what happens after pressing F button.
override void OnInit (IEntity owner)
 Called during EOnInit.
float GetDrowningTime ()
bool IsCharacterDrowning ()
override bool ShouldAligningAdjustAimingAngles ()
bool IsAligningBeforeLoiter ()
override bool SCR_GetDisableMovementControls ()
override void SCR_OnDisabledJumpAction ()
override void OnPrepareControls (IEntity owner, ActionManager am, float dt, bool player)
void SCR_CharacterControllerComponent (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent)
void ~SCR_CharacterControllerComponent ()
void SetNextSightsFOVInfo (int direction=1, bool allowCycling=false)
 If a weapon with sights is equipped, advances to desired sights FOV info.
void SetNextSights (int direction=1)
 If a weapon with multiple sights is equipped, switch the next or previous sights on the weapon (if any)
SightsFOVInfo GetSightsFOVInfo ()
void ActionNextWeapon (float value=0.0, EActionTrigger trigger=0)
 Alternate between primary weapons.
void ActionUnequipItem (float value=0.0, EActionTrigger trigger=0)
 Put current item away to inventory/back.
void ActionDropItem (float value=0.0, EActionTrigger trigger=0)
 Drop current item on ground.
void ActionWeaponLowReady (float value=0.0, EActionTrigger trigger=0)
void ActionWeaponRaised (float value=0.0, EActionTrigger trigger=0)
void ActionWeaponBipod (float value=0.0, EActionTrigger trigger=0)
SCR_ScriptedCharacterInputContext GetScrInputContext ()
void StartLoitering (int loiteringType, bool holsterWeapon, bool allowRootMotion, bool alignToPosition, vector targetPosition[4]={ "1 0 0", "0 1 0", "0 0 1", "0 0 0" }, bool disableInput=false)
void RPC_StopLoitering_S (bool terminateFast)
void StopLoitering (bool terminateFast)
bool IsLoitering ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from CharacterControllerComponent
proto external CharacterAimingComponent GetAimingComponent ()
proto external CharacterHeadAimingComponent GetHeadAimingComponent ()
proto external CharacterAnimationComponent GetAnimationComponent ()
proto external BaseWeaponManagerComponent GetWeaponManagerComponent ()
proto external CameraHandlerComponent GetCameraHandlerComponent ()
proto external InventoryStorageManagerComponent GetInventoryStorageManager ()
proto external VoNComponent GetVONComponent ()
proto external AIControlComponent GetAIControlComponent ()
proto external EntitySlotInfo GetRightHandPointInfo ()
proto external EntitySlotInfo GetLeftHandPointInfo ()
proto external CharacterInputContext GetInputContext ()
proto external float GetMovementSpeed ()
proto external void SetMovement (float movementSpeed, vector movementDirModel)
 Update animation about state of movement, define speed and direction in local space of character.
proto external void SetHeadingAngle (float newHeadingAngle, bool adjustAimingYaw=false)
proto external ECharacterStance GetStance ()
 Returns the current stance of the character.
proto external SCR_ChimeraCharacter GetCharacter ()
 Returns the current controlled character.
proto external void SetFireWeaponWanted (bool val)
 Set wanted input action values.
proto external void SetThrow (bool val, bool cancelThrow)
 Set wanted input action values.
proto external void SetMovementDirWorld (vector movementDirWorld)
 Update simulation state with difference of world position.
proto external vector GetMovementDirWorld ()
proto external void SetWeaponRaised (bool val)
 Set the current weapon-raised state.
proto external void SetWeaponADS (bool val)
 Set the current weapon ADS state.
proto external void SetFreeLook (bool input, bool mouse, bool controller)
proto external bool GetFreeLookInput ()
proto external bool GetFreeLookMouse ()
proto external bool GetFreeLookController ()
proto external void SetForcedFreeLook (bool enabled)
 Force character to stay in freelook.
proto external bool IsFreeLookForced ()
proto external void ResetPersistentStates (bool resetADSState=true, bool resetGadgetState=true)
proto external void SetDynamicSpeed (float value)
 Sets dynamic speed of this character.
proto external float GetDynamicSpeed ()
 Returns dynamic speed value.
proto external void SetShouldApplyDynamicSpeedOverride (bool shouldApply)
proto external void SetDynamicStance (float value)
 Sets dynamic stance of this character.
proto external bool CanSetDynamicStance (float value)
 Returns whether provided dynamic stance can be set for this character.
proto external float GetDynamicStance ()
 Returns current dynamic stance value.
proto external void SetInspect (IEntity targetItem)
 Enables or disables inspection mode.
proto external bool CanInspect (IEntity targetItem)
 Returns whether inspection mode can be set.
proto external bool GetInspect ()
 Returns whether character is in inspection mode.
proto external bool GetInspectCurrentWeapon ()
 Returns whether inspected item (if any) is currently equipped weapon or not.
proto external IEntity GetInspectEntity ()
 Returns entity that is currently inspected or null if none.
proto external void SetInspectState (int state)
 Sets inspection state if inspection is enabled.
proto external int GetInspectState ()
 Returns inspection state if inspection is enabled.
proto external bool GetIsWeaponDeployed ()
 Returns true if weapon is deployed and stabilized.
proto external bool CanDeployWeapon ()
 Returns true if weapon can be deployed and stabilized.
proto external bool GetIsWeaponDeployedBipod ()
 Returns true if weapon is deployed and stabilized using a bipod.
proto external IEntity GetCurrentItemInHands ()
proto external void SetStanceChange (int stance)
proto external bool CanChangeStance (int stance)
proto external void ForceStance (int stance)
proto external void ForceStanceUp (int stance)
proto external void SetRoll (int val)
 2 - right, 1 - left
proto external bool IsRoll ()
proto external bool CanRoll (int val)
proto external bool ShouldHoldInputForRoll ()
proto external void EnableHoldInputForRoll (bool enable)
proto external bool IsPlayerControlled ()
proto external void SetJump (float val)
proto external void SetWantedLeaning (float val)
proto external void SetBanking (float val)
proto external void SetMeleeAttack (bool val)
proto external float GetLeaning ()
 Either character wants to lean.
proto external float GetWantedLeaning ()
proto external bool IsAdjustingLeaning ()
proto external float GetCurrentLeanAmount ()
 Returns current amount of leaning applied.
proto external bool IsLeaning ()
proto external float GetADSTime ()
proto external bool IsWeaponRaised ()
proto external EWeaponObstructedState GetWeaponObstructedState ()
proto external float GetObstructionAlpha ()
proto external bool IsClimbing ()
proto external bool IsSwimming ()
proto external bool IsSprinting ()
proto external bool IsChangingStance ()
proto external bool IsWeaponADS ()
proto external bool IsChangingFireMode ()
proto external bool IsPlayingGesture ()
proto external bool IsFreeLookEnabled ()
proto external bool IsTrackIREnabled ()
proto external bool IsFocusMode ()
proto external bool GetWeaponADSInput ()
proto external bool IsChangingItem ()
proto external bool IsFalling ()
proto external bool IsReloading ()
proto external bool CanFire ()
proto external bool IsDead ()
proto external bool IsUsingItem ()
proto external bool IsMeleeAttack ()
proto external bool CanEngageChangeItem ()
proto external bool SelectWeapon (BaseWeaponComponent newWeapon)
 Set weapon on character with switching animations. If true, the request was successful.
proto external bool SetMuzzle (int index)
proto external bool SetFireMode (int index)
proto external void SetSightsRange (int index)
proto external void SetWeaponADSInput (bool val)
proto external bool SetSafety (bool safety, bool automatic)
 Set the safety of the current weapon.
proto external float GetStamina ()
proto external bool ReloadWeapon ()
 Request weapon reload. If true, request was sucessful.
proto external bool ReloadWeaponWith (IEntity ammunitionEntity, bool bForceDetach=false)
proto external ECharacterLifeState GetLifeState ()
proto external void SetUnconscious (bool enabled)
proto external bool IsUnconscious ()
proto external bool CanReviveCharacter ()
proto external bool CanEnterUnconsciousness ()
proto external void EnableReviveCharacter (bool enabled)
proto external void Ragdoll (bool broadcast=true)
proto external void ForceDeath ()
 Kills the character. Skips invincibility checks.
proto external void TakeGadgetInLeftHand (IEntity gadget, int gadgetType, bool autoFocus=false, bool skipAnimations=false)
proto external bool CanEquipGadget (IEntity gadget)
proto external IEntity GetAttachedGadgetAtLeftHandSlot ()
proto external bool TryUseBandage (IEntity bandage, int bodyPart, float duration=4.0, bool bandageSelf=true)
 Try to use bandage on specified body part for a specific duration.
proto external void RemoveGadgetFromHand (bool skipAnimations=false)
 Remove held gadget.
proto external void RecoverHiddenGadget (bool respectSettings, bool skipAnims)
 Put held gadget on hold.
proto external bool IsGadgetInHands ()
 Returns true if there is a gadget in hands.
proto external bool SetGadgetRaisedModeWanted (bool newRaised)
 Returns true if focus will be changed to requested.
proto external bool IsGadgetRaisedModeWanted ()
 Returns true if character will be (or is) using gadget in raised mode.
proto external bool TryEquipRightHandItem (IEntity item, EEquipItemType type, bool swap=false, BaseUserAction callbackAction=null)
 Generic item Equippes an item in right hand, if swap is true then action performed without animations, accepts optional callback that will be triggered when action is completed.
proto external bool TryRecoverLastRightHandItem (bool swap=false, BaseUserAction callbackAction=null)
proto external IEntity GetRightHandItem ()
 Returns generic item attached to right hand. Returns null if there's none (or if active item is weapon)
proto external bool TryUseItem (IEntity item, bool allowMovementDuringAction=false, bool keepInHandAfterSuccessfulAction=false)
 Try to use equipped item.
proto external bool TryUseItemOverrideParams (notnull ItemUseParameters params)
 Try to use equipped item with custom command and variables.
proto external bool CanUseItem ()
 Returns true if the character can use an item.
proto external bool TryStartCharacterGesture (int gesture, int durationMS=0)
 Starts character gesture with specified duration in milliseconds (if duration <= 0, it will be played until StopCharacterGesture is called)
proto external void StopCharacterGesture ()
proto external bool TryPlayItemGesture (EItemGesture gesture, BaseUserAction callbackAction=null, string confirmEvent="")
 Try to play the specified gesture.
proto external bool IsPlayingItemGesture ()
 Returns true if the character is playing a gesture.
proto external bool CanPlayItemGesture ()
 Returns true if the character can play a gesture.
proto external bool CanUseLadder (IEntity pLadderOwner, int ladderComponentIndex=0, float maxTestDistance=-1.0, float maxEntryAngle=-1.0, bool performTraceCheck=false)
 Returns true if the character can use provided ladder.
proto external bool TryUseLadder (IEntity pLadderOwner, int ladderComponentIndex=0, float maxTestDistance=-1.0, float maxEntryAngle=-1.0)
 Start climbing provided ladder.
proto external void DropWeapon (WeaponSlotComponent weaponSlot)
 Makes character drop weapon from the weapon slot given by parameter.
proto external void DropItemFromLeftHand ()
 Makes character drop item from left hand.
proto external void StopDeployment ()
proto external void RequestActionByID (int actionID, float value)
proto external bool IsPartiallyLowered ()
 Returns true if the character is partially lowered.
proto external bool CanPartialLower ()
 Returns true if the character can partially lower (weapon).
proto external void SetPartialLower (bool state)
 Sets desired partial lower state, if allowed.
proto external vector GetCameraWeaponOffset ()
proto external bool GetDisableMovementControls ()
proto external void SetDisableMovementControls (bool other)
proto external bool GetDisableViewControls ()
proto external void SetDisableViewControls (bool other)
proto external void SetAimingSensitivity (float mouse, float gamepad, float ads)
proto external void GetAimingSensitivity (out float mouse, out float gamepad, out float ads)
proto external void SetStickyGadget (bool enable)
proto external void SetStickyADS (bool enable)
proto external void SetMaxZoomInADS (bool enable)
proto external bool GetMaxZoomInADS ()
proto external void SetMouseControlAircraft (bool enable)
proto external bool GetMouseControlAircraft ()
proto external bool GetDisableWeaponControls ()
proto external void SetDisableWeaponControls (bool other)
proto external vector GetMovementVelocity ()
proto external vector GetMovementInput ()
proto external vector GetVelocity ()
proto external bool GetIsSprintingToggle ()
proto external float GetLastStanceChangeDelay ()
proto external int GetCurrentMovementPhase ()
proto external bool GetCanFireWeapon ()
proto external bool GetCanThrow ()
proto external void SetWeaponNoFireTime (float t)
proto external bool IsInThirdPersonView ()
proto external void SetInThirdPersonView (bool state)
proto external float GetStanceChangeDelayTime ()
proto external float GetJumpSpeed ()
proto external bool GetMeleeAttackInput ()
proto external bool IsFreeLookEnforced ()
 Returns true if freelook is enforced by game logic.
proto external bool GetPositionInView (vector pos, float angMax)
 Returns whether a position is in the character's view.
proto external void GetWeaponModifiers (float baseScale, float moveScale, out vector scaleA, out vector scaleB)
 Returns modifiers for weapon sway/recoil based on movement, stance, etc Fills scaleA and scaleB with following modifier values: scaleA.x - modifier scaleX scaleA.y - modifier scaleY scaleB.x - speed scale scaleB.y - translation scale.
proto external CharacterStaminaComponent GetStaminaComponent ()
 Returns locally cached stamina component or null if none.
proto external bool IsCharacterStationary ()
void OnInspectionModeChanged (bool newState)
void UpdateDrowning (float timeSlice, vector waterLevel)
EHitReactionType ComputeHitReaction (float damageValue, EDamageType damageType)
 When this character gets hit, this function gets called.
bool GetCanMeleeAttack ()
bool GetCanEquipGadget (IEntity gadget)
bool CanGetOutVehicleScript ()
 Override to handle whether character can get out of vehicle via GetOut input action.
bool CanJumpOutVehicleScript ()
 Override to handle whether character can eject from vehicle via JumpOut input action.
float GetInspectTargetLookAt (out vector targetAngles)
 Output target angles vector is used during inspection to adjust look at.
bool ShouldAligningAdjustAimingAngles ()
bool ShouldGadgetBeDropped (IEntity gadget)
bool SCR_GetDisableMovementControls ()
void SCR_OnDisabledJumpAction ()
bool SCR_GetDisableViewControls ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseControllerComponent
proto external IEntity GetOwner ()
 Returns the entity owner of the component.
proto external bool CanMove ()
 Returns state of movement capacity.
proto external void SetCanMove (bool canMove)
 Changes state of movement capacity. Internally verifies if all necessary conditions are met.
bool ValidateCanMove ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from GameComponent
bool OnTicksOnRemoteProxy ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from SCR_CharacterControllerComponent
ref ScriptInvokerVoid m_OnPlayerDeath = new ScriptInvokerVoid()
ref OnPlayerDeathWithParamInvoker m_OnPlayerDeathWithParam = new OnPlayerDeathWithParamInvoker()
ref OnLifeStateChangedInvoker m_OnLifeStateChanged = new OnLifeStateChangedInvoker()
ref OnControlledByPlayerInvoker m_OnControlledByPlayer = new OnControlledByPlayerInvoker()
ref ScriptInvokerFloat2< float > m_OnPlayerDrowning = new ScriptInvokerFloat2()
ref ScriptInvokerVoid m_OnPlayerStopDrowning = new ScriptInvokerVoid()
ref ScriptInvoker< IEntity, bool, bool > m_OnGadgetStateChangedInvoker = new ScriptInvoker<IEntity, bool, bool>()
ref ScriptInvoker< IEntity, bool > m_OnGadgetFocusStateChangedInvoker = new ScriptInvoker<IEntity, bool>()
ref OnItemUseBeganInvoker m_OnItemUseBeganInvoker = new OnItemUseBeganInvoker()
ref OnItemUseEndedInvoker m_OnItemUseEndedInvoker = new OnItemUseEndedInvoker()
ref OnItemUseFinishedInvoker m_OnItemUseFinishedInvoker = new OnItemUseFinishedInvoker()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_CharacterControllerComponent
override void OnAnimationEvent (AnimationEventID animEventType, AnimationEventID animUserString, int intParam, float timeFromStart, float timeToEnd)
override EHitReactionType ComputeHitReaction (float damageValue, EDamageType damageType)
 When this character gets hit, this function gets called.
override void OnApplyControls (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
override void UpdateDrowning (float timeSlice, vector waterLevel)
override void OnControlledByPlayer (IEntity owner, bool controlled)
 Called when a player has been assigned to this controller.
override void OnInspectionModeChanged (bool newState)
override float GetInspectTargetLookAt (out vector targetAngles)
 Output target angles vector is used during inspection to adjust look at.
bool AlignToPositionFromCurrentPosition (vector targetPosition[4], float toleranceXZ=0.01, float toleranceY=0.01)
void Rpc_StartLoitering_S (int loiteringType, bool holsterWeapon, bool allowRootMotion, bool alignToPosition, vector targetPosition[4])
void Rpc_StartLoitering_BCNO (int loiteringType, bool holsterWeapon, bool allowRootMotion, bool alignToPosition, vector targetPosition[4])
bool TryStartLoiteringInternal ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from CharacterControllerComponent
void OnInit (IEntity owner)
 Called during EOnInit.
void OnDiag (IEntity owner, float timeslice)
 Called during EOnDiag.
void OnReloaded (IEntity owner, BaseWeaponComponent weapon)
void OnPrepareControls (IEntity owner, ActionManager am, float dt, bool player)
void OnApplyControls (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
void OnMeleeDamage (bool started)
 Handling of melee events. Sends true if melee started, false, when melee ends.
bool OnPerformAction ()
 Override to handle what happens after pressing F button, return false to use default cpp behavior.
void OnLifeStateChanged (ECharacterLifeState previousLifeState, ECharacterLifeState newLifeState)
 Will be called when the life state of the character changes.
void OnConsciousnessChanged (bool conscious)
 Will be called when the consciousness of the character changes.
void OnDeath (IEntity instigatorEntity, notnull Instigator instigator)
 Handling of death. If instigatorEntity is null, you can use instigator.GetInstigatorEntity() if appropiate.
void OnGadgetStateChanged (IEntity gadget, bool isInHand, bool isOnGround)
 Will be called when gadget taken/removed from hand.
void OnGadgetFocusStateChanged (IEntity gadget, bool isFocused)
 Will be called when gadget fully transitioned to or canceled focus mode.
void OnItemUseBegan (ItemUseParameters itemUseParams)
 Will be called when item use action is started.
void OnItemUseEnded (ItemUseParameters itemUseParams, bool successful)
 Will be called when item use action is complete.
void OnAnimationEvent (AnimationEventID animEventType, AnimationEventID animUserString, int intParam, float timeFromStart, float timeToEnd)
void OnWeaponDropped (IEntity pWeaponEntity, WeaponSlotComponent pWeaponSlot)
 Runs after a weapon is dropped from hands. Returns dropped weapon entity and slot that the weapon was dropped from.
void OnItemDroppedFromLeftHand (IEntity pItemEntity)
 Runs after the left hand item is dropped. Returns dropped item entity.
void OnControlledByPlayer (IEntity owner, bool controlled)
 Called when a player has been assigned to this controller.
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_CharacterControllerComponent
float m_fDrowningDuration
float m_fAnimatedHitReactionThreshold
SCR_CharacterCameraHandlerComponent m_CameraHandler
SCR_MeleeComponent m_MeleeComponent
bool m_bOverrideActions = true
bool m_bInspectionFocus
bool m_bCharacterIsDrowning
float m_fDrowningTime
ref SCR_ScriptedCharacterInputContext m_pScrInputContext
ref ScriptInvoker< AnimationEventID, AnimationEventID, int, float, float > m_OnAnimationEvent
int m_iTargetContext
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_CharacterControllerComponent
static ref array< EDamageTypes_aHitReactionDamageTypes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SCR_CharacterControllerComponent_Test()

void SCR_CharacterControllerComponent_Test.SCR_CharacterControllerComponent_Test ( IEntityComponentSource  src,
IEntity  ent,
IEntity  parent 

Member Function Documentation

◆ OnPrepareControls()

override void SCR_CharacterControllerComponent_Test.OnPrepareControls ( IEntity  owner,
ActionManager  am,
float  dt,
bool  player 

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: