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Adds icon to a group leader. Returns icon ID, Control icons visibility with setGroupIconsVisible.
The icons will be hidden again after switching to a different unit via teamSwitch. Execute csetGroupIconsVisible [true, false]; setGroupIconsSelectable true; to make them visible again.
High Command


group addGroupIcon [iconClass, offset]
group: Group - group to which add the icon
iconClass: String - class name of an icon from CfgGroupIcons
offset: Array of Numbers - (Optional, default [0,0]) X and Y offsets of the icon in format [offsetX, offsetY]
Return Value:
Number - icon ID


Example 1:
groupName addGroupIcon ["b_inf", [offsetX, offsetY]];
Example 2:

// enable icons in 2D and 3D setGroupIconsVisible [true, true]; setGroupIconsSelectable true; // add the icon for all existing groups allGroups apply { private _icon = ["o_inf", "b_inf", "n_inf", "c_unknown"] select (side _x call BIS_fnc_sideID); private _color = [side _x, false] call BIS_fnc_sideColor; _x addGroupIcon [_icon, [0, 0]]; _x setGroupIconParams [_color, groupID _x, linearConversion [1, 15, count units _x, 0.5, 3, false], true]; }; // add group event handler to all existing groups to handle to icon sizing allGroups apply { _x addEventHandler ["UnitLeft", { params ["_group"]; getGroupIconParams group player params ["_color", "_text", "_scale", "_visibility"]; _group setGroupIconParams [_color, _text, linearConversion [1, 15, count units _group, 0.5, 2, true], _visibility]; }]; }; // add the icons whenever a group gets created addMissionEventHandler ["GroupCreated", { params ["_group"]; _group spawn { params ["_group"]; private _start = diag_tickTime; waitUntil {sleep 1; units _group isNotEqualTo [] || diag_tickTime - _start > 5}; if (units _group isEqualTo []) exitWith {}; private _icon = ["o_inf", "b_inf", "n_inf", "c_unknown"] select (side _group call BIS_fnc_sideID); private _color = [side _group, false] call BIS_fnc_sideColor; _group addGroupIcon [_icon, [0, 0]]; // scale icon depending on group size _group setGroupIconParams [_color, groupID _group, linearConversion [1, 15, count units _group, 0.5, 2, true], true]; _group addEventHandler ["UnitLeft", { params ["_group"]; getGroupIconParams group player params ["_color", "_text", "_scale", "_visibility"]; _group setGroupIconParams [_color, _text, linearConversion [1, 15, count units _group, 0.5, 2, true], _visibility]; }]; }; }]; // show group info when hovering over an icon (2D/3D) addMissionEventHandler ["GroupIconOverEnter", { params [ "_is3D", "_group", "_waypointId", "_posX", "_posY", "_shift", "_control", "_alt" ]; hintSilent parseText format [ "<t align='left' font='EtelkaMonospacePro'><br/><t size='1.2'>General Information:</t><br/>Callsign: %1<br/>Leader: %2<br/>No. of Units: %3<br/>Delete when Empty: %4<br/><br/><t size='1.2'>Group Status:</t><br/>Health: %5<br/>Fleeing: %6<br/>Attack Enabled: %7<br/>Combat Behaviour: %8<br/>Combat Mode: %9<br/>Formation: %10<br/>Speed: %11<br/><br/><t size='1.2'>Waypoints:</t><br/>No. of Waypoints: %12<br/>Current Waypoint: %13<br/>Speed: %14</t>", format ["%1 (%2)",groupID _group, if (vehicle leader _group isNotEqualTo leader _group) then {[configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf vehicle leader _group] call BIS_fnc_displayName} else {"-"}], name leader _group, count units _group, isGroupDeletedWhenEmpty _group, units _group apply {str round ((1 - damage _x)* 100) + " %"}, fleeing leader _x, attackEnabled _group, combatBehaviour _group, combatMode _group, formation _group, speedMode _group, count waypoints _group, waypointType [_group, currentWaypoint _group], units _group apply {str round speed _x + " km/h"} ]; if !(_group getVariable ["IconEnlarged", false]) then { _group setVariable ["IconEnlarged", true]; getGroupIconParams _group params ["_color", "_text", "_scale", "_visibility"]; _group setGroupIconParams [_color, _text, _scale * 1.25, _visibility]; }; }]; // remove the hint whenever the mouse is leaving the icon area (2D/3D) addMissionEventHandler ["GroupIconOverLeave", { params [ "_is3D", "_group", "_waypointId", "_posX", "_posY", "_shift", "_control", "_alt" ]; hintSilent ""; if (_group getVariable ["IconEnlarged", false]) then { _group setVariable ["IconEnlarged", false]; getGroupIconParams _group params ["_color", "_text", "_scale", "_visibility"]; _group setGroupIconParams [_color, _text, linearConversion [1, 15, count units _group, 0.5, 2, true], _visibility]; }; }]; // delete group and its units when clicking on the icon addMissionEventHandler ["GroupIconClick", { params [ "_is3D", "_group", "_waypointId", "_mouseButton", "_posX", "_posY", "_shift", "_control", "_alt" ]; if (!_shift && _control && !_alt) then { units _group apply {deleteVehicle _x}; deleteGroup _group; }; }];

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Additional Information

See also:
clearGroupIcons getGroupIcon getGroupIcons getGroupIconParams groupIconSelectable groupIconsVisible onGroupIconClick removeGroupIcon setGroupIcon setGroupIconParams setGroupIconsSelectable setGroupIconsVisible


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