Biki Export Scripts
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This page contains all export scripts used to generate data on various pages on this wiki.
Arma 3: CfgFunctions
Author: R3vo
private _export = format ["Last updated: {{GVI|arma3|%1}}",productVersion # 2 / 100] + endl + "{| class=""wikitable sortable"" border=""1"" style=""border-collapse:collapse; font-size:100%;"" cellpadding=""0.5em""
! Group
! Category
! Functions";
{ // Config
private _indexConfig = _forEachIndex;
private _nameConfig = _x # 0;
{ // Tags
private _nameTAG = configName _x;
private _valueTAG = getText (_x >> "tag");
if (_valueTAG == "") then { _valueTag = configName _x };
{ // Categories
private _nameCategory = configName _x;
_export = _export + endl + "|-" + endl + "!" + _nameTAG + endl + "!" + _nameCategory + endl + "|";
private _pathCategory = getText (_x >> "file");
{ // Functions
private _prefix = ["BIS_fnc_", "BIN_fnc_"] select (_nameTAG in ["A3_Enoch", "A3_Contact"]);
_export = _export + endl + ":[[" + _prefix + (configName _x) + "]]";
} forEach ((_nameConfig >> "CfgFunctions" >> _nameTAG >> _nameCategory) call BIS_fnc_returnChildren);
} forEach ((_nameConfig >> "CfgFunctions" >> configName _x) call BIS_fnc_returnChildren);
} forEach ((_nameConfig >> "CfgFunctions") call BIS_fnc_returnChildren);
} foreach [[configFile, "configFile"]];
_export = _export + endl + "|}";
copyToClipboard _export;
Arma 3: CfgMarkers
Author: R3vo
// Marker data to biki table
_classes = ("true" configClasses (ConfigFile >> "CfgMarkers"));
_classes = [_classes, [], {configName _x}, "ASCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy;
_export = "{| class=""wikitable - sortable""
! No. !! Class !! Name !! Icon Path !! Shadow !! Scope !! Added with
_addon = _x call ENH_fnc_getConfigSourceAddon params [["_addonClass", ""]];
if (_addonClass isNotEqualTo "") then {_addonClass = format ["{{Icon|%1|24}}", _addonClass]};
_shadow = ["{{Icon|checked}}", "{{Icon|unchecked}}"] select (getNumber (_x >> "shadow"));
_export = _export + endl + "| " + str (_forEachIndex + 1) + "." + " || " + "{{hl|" + configName _x + "}}" + " || " + getText (_x >> "name") + " || " + "{{hl|" + getText (_x >> "icon") + "}}" + " || " + _shadow + " || " + str getNumber (_x >> "scope") + " || " + _addonClass + endl + "|-"
} forEach _classes;
copyToClipboard ((_export trim ["|-", 2]) + "|}");
// Marker icons screenshot
//Create a solid, grey area marker in the editor first. Set its size to 100000x100000
_startPos = [-33000, 20000, 0];
_classes = ("true" configClasses (ConfigFile >> "CfgMarkers"));
_classes = [_classes, [], {configName _x}, "ASCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy;
if (_startPos # 0 > 30000) then
_startPos set [0, -33000];
_startPos = _startPos vectorAdd [0, -1600, 0];
_marker = createMarker [configName _x , _startPos];
_marker setMarkerType configName _x;
_marker setMarkerText format [" %1.", _forEachIndex + 1];
_startPos = _startPos vectorAdd [3500, 0, 0];
} forEach _classes;
Arma 3: CfgMarkerColors
Author: R3vo
private _output = format ["Last updated: {{GVI|arma3|%1}}", (productVersion select 2) / 100] + endl;
_output = _output + "{| class =""wikitable""" + endl + format ["|-%1! %2 !! %3",endl,"Config Name","RGBA"];
private _colour = getArray (_x >> "color") call BIS_fnc_colorConfigToRGBA;
private _colourName = configName _x;
_output = _output + format ["%1|-%1|%2 || %3",endl,_colourName,_colour];
} forEach configProperties [configFile >> "CfgMarkerColors"];
_output = _output + endl + "|}";
copyToClipboard _output;
Arma 3: CfgMusic
Author: Killzone_kid
_cfgMusic = [];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["Last updated: {{GVI|arma3|%1}}", (productVersion select 2) / 100];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["{| class=""wikitable sortable"" width=""100%1""", "%"];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["! width=""5%1"" |No.", "%"];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["! width=""35%1"" |Title", "%"];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["! width=""30%1"" |Class Name", "%"];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["! width=""15%1"" |Duration", "%"];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["! width=""15%1"" |DLC", "%"];
_cfgMusic pushBack "";
private _name = getText (_x >> "name");
private _duration = getNumber (_x >> "duration");
_duration = round _duration;
private _minutes = floor (_duration / 60);
private _mod = _duration mod 60;
private _seconds = _mod / 1;
_minutesStr = if (_minutes < 10) then {format ["0%1",_minutes]} else {format ["%1",_minutes]};
_secondsStr = if (_seconds < 10) then {format ["0%1",_seconds]} else {format ["%1",_seconds]};
_duration = format ["%1:%2",_minutesStr,_secondsStr];
private _dlc = if (configSourceMod _x == "") then
"Arma 3";
format ["%1",(modParams [configSourceMod _x,["name"]]) select 0];
//Some work around to make wiki link work
if (_dlc isEqualTo "[[Arma 3 Contact (Platform)]]") then
_dlc = "Arma 3 Contact";
if (_dlc isEqualTo "[[Arma 3 Tac-Ops]]") then
_dlc = "[[Arma 3 Tac-Ops Mission Pack]]";
_cfgMusic pushBack "|-";
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["| %1", _forEachIndex + 1];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["| %1", if (_name == "") then {"N/A"} else {_name}];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["| %1", configName _x];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["| %1", if (_duration == "00:00") then {"N/A"} else {_duration}];
_cfgMusic pushBack format ["| %1", _dlc];
_cfgMusic pushBack "";
} forEach ("isClass _x" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgMusic"));
_cfgMusic pushBack "|}";
copyToClipboard (_cfgMusic joinString toString[10]);
Arma 3: Difficulty Settings
Author: Killzone_kid
"debug_console" callExtension format ["class Difficulties"];
"debug_console" callExtension format ["{"];
_cfg = configFile >> "CfgDifficulties";
_class = configName _x;
"debug_console" callExtension format [" class %1", _class];
"debug_console" callExtension format [" {"];
"debug_console" callExtension format [" class Flags"];
"debug_console" callExtension format [" {"];
_flags = _cfg >> _class >> "Flags";
_flagNames = [];
for "_i" from 0 to count _flags - 1 do {
_flag = _flags select _i;
_flagNames pushBack configName _flag;
_flagNames sort true;
getArray (_flags >> _x) params ["_current", "_canChange"];
if (_canChange == 1) then {
"debug_console" callExtension format [
" %1 = %2;",
_x, _current];
} else {
"debug_console" callExtension format [
" /* %1 = %2; - cannot be changed */",
_x, _current];
} forEach _flagNames;
"debug_console" callExtension format [" };"];
"debug_console" callExtension format [
" %1 = %2;",
_x, getNumber(_cfg >> _class >> _x)];
} foreach [
"debug_console" callExtension format [" };"];
} forEach ("true" configClasses _cfg);
"debug_console" callExtension format ["};"];
Arma 3: Display3DEN IDCs
Author: R3vo
private _controls = "{| class=""wikitable sortable""
! Config Name !! IDC !! Config Path" + endl;
private _fnc_scanConfig =
params ["_config"];
"true" configClasses _config apply
_idc = getNumber (_x >> "idc");
if (_idc > 0) then
_controls = _controls + "|-" + endl + "|" + "{{hl|" + configName _x + "}}" + " || " + str _idc + " || " + "{{ic|" + ([_x, ""] call BIS_fnc_configPath) + "}}" + endl;
_x call _fnc_scanConfig;
[configFile >> "display3DEN"] call _fnc_scanConfig;
copyToClipboard (_controls + endl + "|}");
Arma 3: Hitpoints
Author: R3vo
//If 3den Enhanced is installed, the script will also fill the "Name" column with available translations
[] spawn
startLoadingScreen ["Loading"];
private _hitPoints = [];
_veh = configName _x createVehicle [0, 0, 0];
_hitpoints pushBackUnique _x;
} forEach (getAllHitPointsDamage _veh # 0);
deleteVehicle _veh;
} forEach ("isClass (_x >> 'HitPoints') && getNumber (_x >> 'Scope') >= 1" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles"));
_hitpoints sort true;
private _text = "{| class=""wikitable sortable""" + endl +"|-" + endl + "! No. !! Hit Point !! Name";
_text = _text + endl + "|-" + endl + "| " + str (_forEachIndex + 1) + " || " + _x + " || " + localize ("STR_ENH_DAMAGE_" + _x);
} forEach _hitpoints;
copyToClipboard (_text + endl + "|}");
systemChat "Data copied!";
Arma 3: Moves
Author: Lou Montana
private _allAnimConfigs = toString { private _name = configName _x; count _name > 7 && { toLowerANSI (_name select [0,8]) == "cfgmoves" } } configClasses configFile;
private _humanAnimConfigs = _allAnimConfigs select {
private _name = configName _x;
count _name > 11 && { toLowerANSI (_name select [0,12]) == "cfgmovesmale" }
|| { count _name > 12 && { toLowerANSI (_name select [0,13]) == "cfgmoveswomen" } }
private _humanActions = [];
private _humanStates = [];
_humanActions append ("true" configClasses (_x >> "Actions") apply { "* " + configName _x });
_humanStates append ("true" configClasses (_x >> "States") apply { "* " + configName _x });
} forEach _humanAnimConfigs;
private _result = "{{TOC|side||3}}" + endl
+ "== All Human Animations ==" + endl + endl
+ "=== Actions ===" + endl + endl + "{{Columns|2|" + endl + ((_humanActions call BIS_fnc_sortAlphabetically) joinString endl) + endl + "}}" + endl + endl
+ "=== States ===" + endl + endl + "{{Columns|2|" + endl + ((_humanStates call BIS_fnc_sortAlphabetically) joinString endl) + endl + "}}" + endl + endl;
_result = _result + endl + "== All Animations ==" + endl + endl;
if (count (_x >> "Actions") + count (_x >> "States") < 1) then { continue };
_result = _result + format ["=== %1 ===", configName _x];
if (count (_x >> "Actions") > 0) then
_result = _result + endl + endl + "==== Actions ====" + endl + "{{Columns|2|" + endl + ("true" configClasses (_x >> "Actions") apply { "* " + configName _x } call BIS_fnc_sortAlphabetically joinString endl) + endl + "}}";
if (count (_x >> "States") > 0) then
_result = _result + endl + endl + "==== States ====" + endl + "{{Columns|2|" + endl + ("true" configClasses (_x >> "States") apply { "* " + configName _x } call BIS_fnc_sortAlphabetically joinString endl) + endl + "}}";
_result = _result + endl + endl;
} forEach _allAnimConfigs;
_result = _result + endl + "{{Wiki|extractionScript}}" + endl + endl + "[[Category:Moves]]" + endl + "{{GameCategory|arma3|Reference Lists}}"; // categories
copyToClipboard _result;
Arma 3: createVehicle/vehicles
light version (without hitpoints)
Author: Lou Montana
private _result = "";
"if (getNumber (_x >> 'scope') > 0) then
_result = format ['%1* %2\n', _result, configName _x];
}" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");
copyToClipboard _result;
heavy version (with hitpoints)
Author: Killzone_Kid
private _result = "";
"if (getNumber (_x >> 'scope') > 0) then
_result = _result + '* ' + configName _x + ""\n"";
for '_i' from 0 to count (_x >> 'AnimationSources') - 1 do
_animSource = (_x >> 'AnimationSources') select _i;
_source = getText (_animSource >> 'source');
if (_source == 'hit') then { _source = 'hit [' + getText (_animSource >> 'hitpoint') + ']' };
if (_source != '') then { _source = ' => ' + _source };
_result = _result + ('*# ' + configName _animSource + _source) + ""\n"";
}" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");
copyToClipboard _result;
heavy version (with hidden hitpoints)
Author: Lou Montana from the above one
private _result = "";
private _tagName = "spoiler"; // cannot write the whole tag
private _classes = "getNumber (_x >> 'scope') > 0" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");
_classes = [_classes, [], { configName _x }, "ASCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy;
private _currentLetter = "";
private ["_configName", "_letter", "_config", "_animsCount", "_animSource", "_source"];
_configName = configName _x;
_letter = toUpperANSI (_configName select [0,1]);
if (_letter != _currentLetter) then
_result = _result + endl + "=== " + _letter + " ===" + endl + endl;
_currentLetter = _letter;
_result = _result + "* " + _configName;
_config = (_x >> "AnimationSources");
_animsCount = count _config;
if (_animsCount > 0) then
_result = _result + " <" + _tagName + " text= ""Show AnimationSources"">";
for "_i" from 0 to _animsCount - 1 do
_animSource = _config select _i;
_source = getText (_animSource >> "source");
if (_source == "hit") then { _source = "hit [" + getText (_animSource >> "hitpoint") + "]" };
if (_source != "") then { _source = " => " + _source };
_result = _result + endl + ("# " + configName _animSource + _source);
_result = _result + endl + "</" + _tagName + ">";
_result = _result + endl;
} forEach _classes;
_result = trim _result;
copyToClipboard _result;
Arma 3: DLC Restrictions
Author: POLPOX
//Use unicode to prevent export error
forceUnicode 0;
// 0: personal equipments 1: vehicles
private _mode = 0;
// Create hashmap to check looked models
private _lookedModels = createHashMap;
//Get classes
private "_classes";
if (_mode == 0) then {
//Get weapons, equipments, glasses, bags (in CfgVehicles)
_classes = ("
getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2 and
[configName _x] call BIS_fnc_baseWeapon == configName _x and
getNumber (_x >> 'type') != 65536 and
!('UnknownEquipment' in (configName _x call BIS_fnc_itemType))
" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgWeapons")) +
("getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgGlasses")) +
("getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2 and configName _x isKindOf 'Bag_Base'" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles"));
if (_mode == 1) then {
// Get vehicles, except Men
_classes = ("
getNumber (_x >> 'scope') == 2 and
(configName _x isKindOf 'AllVehicles' and
!(configName _x isKindOf 'Man'))
" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles"));
private _data = _classes apply {
private _class = configName _x;
private _model = toLower (call {
//Check if the thing is a uniform
if ((getNumber (_x >> "itemInfo" >> "type")) == 801) exitWith {
getText (_x >> "itemInfo" >> "uniformClass")
//Normalize model path to prevent errors
private _split = (getText (_x >> "model") splitString "\");
if ((count _split >= 2) and {!(".p3d" in toLower (_split#(count _split-1)))}) then {
_split set [count _split -1,(_split#(count _split-1)) + ".p3d"];
(_split joinString "\")
// Get DLC info per items
if (isNil {_lookedModels get _model}) then {
systemChat _class;
// Create a simple object and check the DLC via getObjectDLC
private _obj = createSimpleObject [_model,[0,0,0]];
private _dlc = getObjectDLC _obj;
// And remove the object. bye-bye
deleteVehicle _obj;
// If it is a part of the base game, -1, otherwise DLC id
if (isNil "_dlc") then {
_lookedModels set [_model,-1];
} else {
_lookedModels set [_model,_dlc];
} else {
// Skip the generation if the model is already checked
systemChat ("simple object generate skipped: " + _class);
[_x, _lookedModels get _model]
// Return value preparation
private _return = [
'{| class="wikitable sortable"',
if (_mode == 0) then {
_return pushBack '!Type'
} else {
_return pushBack '!Faction'
_return append [
//Code to convert things to things
private _IDtoDLC = {
switch _this do {
case 275700: {"arma3zeus"};
case 288520: {"arma3karts"};
case 304380: {"arma3helicopters"};
case 332350: {"arma3marksmen"};
case 395180: {"arma3apex"};
case 571710: {"arma3lawsofwar"};
case 601670: {"arma3jets"};
case 612480: {"arma3malden"};
case 744950: {"arma3tacops"};
case 798390: {"arma3tanks"};
case 1021790: {"arma3contact"};
case 1325500: {"arma3artofwar"};
default {""};
private _DLCToName = {
switch _this do {
case "arma3zeus": {"Zeus"};
case "arma3karts": {"Karts"};
case "arma3helicopters": {"Helicopters"};
case "arma3marksmen": {"Marksmen"};
case "arma3apex": {"Apex"};
case "arma3lawsofwar": {"Laws of War"};
case "arma3jets": {"Jets"};
case "arma3malden": {"Malden"};
case "arma3tacops": {"Tac-Ops"};
case "arma3tanks": {"Tanks"};
case "arma3contact": {"Contact"};
case "arma3artofwar": {"Art of War"};
default {""};
private _MODtoDLC = {
switch toLower _this do {
case "curator": {"arma3zeus"};
case "kart": {"arma3karts"};
case "heli": {"arma3helicopters"};
case "mark": {"arma3marksmen"};
case "expansion": {"arma3apex"};
case "orange": {"arma3lawsofwar"};
case "jets": {"arma3jets"};
case "argo": {"arma3malden"};
case "tacops": {"arma3tacops"};
case "tank": {"arma3tanks"};
case "enoch": {"arma3contact"};
case "aow": {"arma3artofwar"};
default {""};
_x params ["_class","_dlc"];
private _dlcName = _dlc call _IDtoDLC;
_return pushBack "|-";
// Make the BG red when is restricted
private _BGCol = (call { if (_dlcName != "") exitWith { "style="background: #EDD; color: #333"|" }; "" });
// Categorize personal equipments
if (_mode == 0) then {
_return pushBack ("|" + _BGCol + call {
if ((configHierarchy (_x#0))#1 == (configFile >> "CfgWeapons")) exitWith {
#define IKO(typeClass) (configName (_x select 0) isKindOf [typeClass,configFile >> "CfgWeapons"])
_type = (configName (_x#0)) call BIS_fnc_itemType;
if (IKO("Rifle")) exitWith {"Rifle"};
if (IKO("Pistol")) exitWith {"Pistol"};
if (IKO("Launcher")) exitWith {"Launcher"};
if (_type#1 == "GPS") exitWith {"Terminal"};
if (_type#1 == "UAVTerminal") exitWith {"Terminal"};
if (_type#1 == "AccessoryMuzzle") exitWith {"Muzzle Attachment"};
if (_type#1 == "AccessorySights") exitWith {"Sight"};
if (_type#1 == "AccessoryPointer") exitWith {"Rail Attachment"};
if (_type#1 == "AccessoryBipod") exitWith {"Bipod"};
if (_type#1 == "LaserDesignator") exitWith {"Binocular"};
if (_type#1 == "NVGoggles") exitWith {"NVGs"};
if (_type#1 == "Radio") exitWith {"Communication"};
if (
_type#1 == "FirstAidKit" or
_type#1 == "Medikit" or
_type#1 == "Toolkit" or
_type#1 == "MineDetector"
) exitWith {"Item"};
if ((configHierarchy (_x#0))#1 == (configFile >> "CfgGlasses")) exitWith {
if ((configHierarchy (_x#0))#1 == (configFile >> "CfgVehicles") and configName (_x#0) isKindOf "Bag_Base") exitWith {
} else {
_return pushBack ("|" + _BGCol + getText (configfile >> "CfgFactionClasses" >> (getText (_class >> "faction")) >> "displayName"));
_return append [
("|" + _BGCol + configName _class),
("|" + _BGCol + getText (_class >> "displayName"))
// DLC Icons
private _MOD = call {
private _return = "";
//Emulate Arsenal icons
if (_mode == 0) then {
private _addon = (configSourceAddonList (_x#0));
private _MOD = configSourceMODList (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> _addon#0);
if (count _MOD > 0) then {
_MOD = _MOD#0
} else {
_MOD = ""
_return = _MOD;
// Emulate Eden Editor icons
if (_mode == 1) then {
private _MOD = (configSourceMODList (_x#0));
if (count _MOD > 0) then {
_MOD = _MOD#0
} else {
_MOD = ""
_return = _MOD;
_return pushBack ("|" + _BGCol + (["",format ["{{Icon|%1|25}}",_MOD call _MODtoDLC]] select (_MOD != "")));
if (_dlcName == "") then {
_return pushBack ("|" + "No");
} else {
_return pushBack ("|" + _BGCol + (_dlcName call _DLCToName));
} forEach _data;
_return pushBack "|}";
// And finally done, use joinString to make line breaks and copy
copyToClipboard (_return joinString endl);
Arma 3: Shooting Targets
Author: R3vo
popUpTargets = "{| class=""wikitable""
! Display Name !! Class !! Animation Sources"
private _anims = "true" configClasses (_x >> "AnimationSources");
if (_anims isNotEqualTo []) then
private _animsStr = "";
_animsStr = _animsStr + "{{hl|" + configName _x + "}}" + "<br>" + endl;
} forEach _anims;
popUpTargets = popUpTargets + endl + "|-" + endl + "| " + getText (_x >> "displayName") + " || " + "{{hl|" + configName _x + "}}" + " || " + endl + _animsStr;
} forEach ("getNumber (_x >> 'scope') > 1 && getText (_x >> 'editorSubcategory') == 'EdSubcat_Targets'" configClasses (configfile >> "CfgVehicles"));
copyToClipboard (popUpTargets + endl + "|}");
Author: Lou Montana
- Arma 2: CfgGroups↑ Back to spoiler's toplocal _result = ""; local _addLine = { _result = _result + _this + (toString [10]); }; local _maxGroupWidth = 5; local _cfgGroups = configFile >> "CfgGroups"; "{{TOC|horizontal}}" call _addLine; for "_sideindex" from 0 to (count _cfgGroups -1) do { // side level local _sideConfig = _cfgGroups select _sideindex; if (isClass _sideConfig) then { if (_sideindex > 0) then { "" call _addLine; }; "" call _addLine; "== " + getText (_sideConfig >> "name") + " ==" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "config: " + configName _sideConfig call _addLine; "" call _addLine; for "_factionindex" from 0 to count _sideConfig -1 do { // faction level local _factionConfig = _sideConfig select _factionindex; if (isClass _factionConfig) then { "=== " + getText (_factionConfig >> "name") + " ===" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "config: " + configName _factionConfig call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "{| class=""wikitable""" call _addLine; for "_grouptypeindex" from 0 to count _factionConfig -1 do { // groupType level local _groupTypeConfig = _factionConfig select _grouptypeindex; if (isClass _groupTypeConfig) then { local _count = 0; for "_cnt" from 0 to count _groupTypeConfig -1 do { if (isClass (_groupTypeConfig select _cnt)) then { _count = _count + 1; }; }; local _groupLines = ceil (_count / _maxGroupWidth); "|- style=""vertical-align: top""" call _addLine; "! style=""vertical-align: middle; white-space: pre""" + (["", format [" rowspan=""%1""", _groupLines]] select (_groupLines > 1)) + " | " + getText (_groupTypeConfig >> "name") call _addLine; "<div style=""font-weight: normal"">config: " + configName _groupTypeConfig + "</div>" call _addLine; local _groupRow = 1; for "_groupindex" from 0 to count _groupTypeConfig -1 do { // group level local _groupConfig = _groupTypeConfig select _groupindex; if (isClass _groupConfig) then { "| <div style=""white-space: pre"">'''" + getText(_groupConfig >> "name") + "'''<br>config: " + configName _groupConfig + "</div>" call _addLine; "Composition:<div style=""" + (["", "columns: 2; "] select (count _groupConfig > 600 /* if needed */)) + "font-size: small"" class=""mw-collapsible mw-collapsed""><div style=""margin-right: 5em; padding-top: 1em"">" call _addLine; for "_unitindex" from 0 to count _groupConfig -1 do { local _unitClass = _groupConfig select _unitindex; if (isClass _unitClass) then { ("# " + getText (_unitClass >> "vehicle")) call _addLine; }; }; "</div></div>" call _addLine; _groupRow = _groupRow + 1; if (_groupRow > _maxGroupWidth) then { "|-" call _addLine; _groupRow = 1; }; }; }; "|-" call _addLine; }; }; "|}" call _addLine; }; }; }; }; "" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "[[Category: CfgGroups]]" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; copyToClipboard _result; _result;
- Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead: CfgGroups↑ Back to spoiler's toplocal _result = ""; local _addLine = { _result = _result + _this + (toString [10]); }; local _maxGroupWidth = 5; local _cfgGroups = configFile >> "CfgGroups"; "{{TOC|horizontal|||y}}" call _addLine; for "_sideindex" from 0 to (count _cfgGroups -1) do { // side level local _sideConfig = _cfgGroups select _sideindex; if (isClass _sideConfig) then { if (_sideindex > 0) then { "" call _addLine; }; "" call _addLine; "== " + getText (_sideConfig >> "name") + " ==" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "config: " + configName _sideConfig call _addLine; "" call _addLine; for "_factionindex" from 0 to count _sideConfig -1 do { // faction level local _factionConfig = _sideConfig select _factionindex; if (isClass _factionConfig) then { "=== " + getText (_factionConfig >> "name") + " ===" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "config: " + configName _factionConfig call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "{| class=""wikitable""" call _addLine; for "_grouptypeindex" from 0 to count _factionConfig -1 do { // groupType level local _groupTypeConfig = _factionConfig select _grouptypeindex; if (isClass _groupTypeConfig) then { local _count = 0; for "_cnt" from 0 to count _groupTypeConfig -1 do { if (isClass (_groupTypeConfig select _cnt)) then { _count = _count + 1; }; }; local _groupLines = ceil (_count / _maxGroupWidth); "|- style=""vertical-align: top""" call _addLine; "! style=""vertical-align: middle; white-space: pre""" + (["", format [" rowspan=""%1""", _groupLines]] select (_groupLines > 1)) + " | " + getText (_groupTypeConfig >> "name") call _addLine; "<div style=""font-weight: normal"">config: " + configName _groupTypeConfig + "</div>" call _addLine; local _groupRow = 1; for "_groupindex" from 0 to count _groupTypeConfig -1 do { // group level local _groupConfig = _groupTypeConfig select _groupindex; if (isClass _groupConfig) then { "| <div style=""white-space: pre"">'''" + getText(_groupConfig >> "name") + "'''<br>config: " + configName _groupConfig + "</div>" call _addLine; "Composition:<div style=""" + (["", "columns: 2; "] select (count _groupConfig > 600 /* if needed */)) + "font-size: small"" class=""mw-collapsible mw-collapsed""><div style=""margin-right: 5em; padding-top: 1em"">" call _addLine; for "_unitindex" from 0 to count _groupConfig -1 do { local _unitClass = _groupConfig select _unitindex; if (isClass _unitClass) then { ("# " + getText (_unitClass >> "vehicle")) call _addLine; }; }; "</div></div>" call _addLine; _groupRow = _groupRow + 1; if (_groupRow > _maxGroupWidth) then { "|-" call _addLine; _groupRow = 1; }; }; }; "|-" call _addLine; }; }; "|}" call _addLine; }; }; }; }; "" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; "[[Category: CfgGroups]]" call _addLine; "" call _addLine; copyToClipboard _result; _result;
- Arma 3: CfgGroups↑ Back to spoiler's topprivate _lines = []; private _maxGroupWidth = 5; private _groupSides = "true" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgGroups"); // _lines pushBack "" + (_groupSides apply { format ["%1", getText (_x >> "name")] } joinString "") + ""; _lines pushBack "{{TOC|horizontal|||y}}"; { // side level if (_forEachIndex > 0) then { _lines pushBack ""; }; _lines pushBack ""; _lines pushBack "== " + getText (_x >> "name") + " =="; _lines pushBack ""; _lines pushBack "config: " + configName _x; _lines pushBack ""; private _factions = "true" configClasses _x; { // faction level _lines pushBack "=== " + getText (_x >> "name") + " ==="; _lines pushBack ""; _lines pushBack "config: " + configName _x; _lines pushBack ""; _lines pushBack "{| class=""wikitable"""; private _groupTypes = "true" configClasses _x; { // groupType level private _groups = "true" configClasses _x; private _groupLines = ceil (count _groups / _maxGroupWidth); _lines pushBack "|- style=""vertical-align: top"""; _lines pushBack "! style=""vertical-align: middle; white-space: pre""" + (["", format [" rowspan=""%1""", _groupLines]] select (_groupLines > 1)) + " | " + getText (_x >> "name"); _lines pushBack "<div style=""font-weight: normal"">config: " + configName _x + "</div>"; private _groupRow = 1; { // group level _lines pushBack "| <div style=""white-space: pre"">'''" + getText(_x >> "name") + "'''<br>config: " + configName _x + "</div>"; private _units = "true" configClasses _x; _lines pushBack "Composition:<div style=""" + (["", "columns: 2; "] select (count _units > 600 /* if needed */)) + "font-size: small"" class=""mw-collapsible mw-collapsed""><div style=""margin-right: 5em; padding-top: 1em"">"; { _lines pushBack ("# " + getText (_x >> "vehicle")); } forEach _units; _lines pushBack "</div></div>"; _groupRow = _groupRow + 1; if (_groupRow > _maxGroupWidth) then { _lines pushBack "|-"; _groupRow = 1; } } forEach _groups; _lines pushBack "|-"; } forEach _groupTypes; _lines pushBack "|}"; } forEach _factions; } forEach _groupSides; _lines pushBack ""; _lines pushBack ""; _lines pushBack "[[Category: CfgGroups]]"; _lines pushBack ""; private _result = _lines joinString endl; copyToClipboard _result; _result;
Author: Killzone Kid
"if ((configName _x) select [0, 5] == 'group') then
diag_log ('%' + configName _x);
for '_i' from 0 to count _x - 1 do {
diag_log ('* ""' + configName (_x select _i) + '"" &rarr; ' + getText ((_x select _i) >> "name"));
}; false" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgWorlds");
Author: POLPOX
_r = [];
_r pushBack [getText (_x >> "name"),[]];
_index = _forEachIndex;
private _actionName = actionName _x;
(_r#_index#1) pushBack [_x,_actionName];
} forEach getArray (_x >> "group");
} forEach ("true" configClasses (configFile >> "UserActionGroups"));
_rFinal = [
'{| class="sortable wikitable"'
_presets = ("configName _x != 'Empty'" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgDefaultKeysPresets"));
_str = '! Type !! actionName !! Name';
_str = _str + " !! " + getText (_x >> "displayName");
if (getNumber (_x >> "default") == 1) then {
_str = _str + "<br/>(Default)";
} forEach _presets;
_rFinal pushBack format ['! colspan="3"| Action information !! colspan="%1"| Presets',count _presets];
_rFinal pushBack "|-";
_rFinal pushBack _str;
_type = _x#0;
_rFinal pushBack "|-";
_x params ["_actionName","_name"/*,"_tooltip"*/];
if (_name isEqualTo "") then {
_name = "{{n/a}}";
_str = format ["| %1 || {{hl|%2}} || %3 ",_type,_actionName,_name];
_keys = getArray (_x >> "Mappings" >> _actionName);
if (count _keys != 0) then {
_keys = _keys apply {
call {
if (typeName _x == "STRING") exitWith {
keyName call compile _x;
if (typeName _x == "ARRAY") exitWith {
_r = [];
if (typeName _x == "STRING") then {
_r pushBack ((keyName call compile _x) splitString """")#0;
_r pushBack ((keyName _x) splitString """")#0;
} forEach _x;
_r = (_r joinString "+");
keyName _x
_str = _str + format ["|| %1 ", (_keys joinString ", " splitString """")#0];
} else {
_str = _str + "|| ";
} forEach _presets;
_rFinal pushBack _str;
} forEach (_x#1);
} forEach _r;
_rFinal pushBack "|}";
copyToClipboard (_rFinal joinString endl);
Author: R3vo
private _version = format ["Last updated: {{GVI|arma3|%1}}", productVersion # 2 / 100];
private _counter = 0;
private _export = _version + endl + "{| class=""wikitable""" + endl + "! Module Name !! Category !! Addon !! Function !! Description" + endl + "|-" + endl;
private _modules = "(configName inheritsFrom _x) == 'Module_F'" configClasses (configFile >> "CfgVehicles");
if ((getNumber (_x >> "scope") > 1)) then
private _name = getText (_x >> "displayName");
private _cat = getText (_x >> "category");
private _mod = configSourceMod _x;
private _fnc = getText (_x >> "function");
if !(_fnc isEqualTo "") then
_fnc = _fnc select [7];
_fnc = "[[BIS_fnc" + _fnc + "]]";
private _desc = getText (_x >> "ModuleDescription" >> "Description");
if (_desc isEqualTo "") then {_desc = ""};
if (_mod == "") then {_mod = "A3"};
private _modName = modParams [_mod,["name"]];
_modName = _modName select 0;
_cat = getText (configFile >> "CfgFactionClasses" >> _cat >> "displayName");
if (_cat isEqualTo "") then {_cat = "Others"};
_export = _export + "| " + _name + endl + "|| " + _cat + endl + "|| " + _modName + endl + "|| " + _fnc + endl + "|| " + _desc + endl + "|-" + endl;
_counter = _counter + 1;
} forEach _modules;
_export = _export + "|}" + endl + format ["Total number of modules: %1", _counter];
copyToClipboard _export;
Author: R3vo
[] spawn
_types sort true;
private _counts = [];
private _countTypes = count _types;
["R3vo_GetNearestTerrainObjects",""] call BIS_fnc_startLoadingScreen;
private _terrainObjects = nearestTerrainObjects [
[worldSize / 2, worldSize / 2],
if (count _terrainObjects > 0) then
_counts pushBack [_x,count _terrainObjects];
((_forEachIndex + 1) / _countTypes) call BIS_fnc_progressLoadingScreen;
} forEach _types;
"R3vo_GetNearestTerrainObjects" call BIS_fnc_endLoadingScreen;
private _export = "<big>[[" + getText (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "description") + "]]</big>" + endl + "{{Columns|5|";
_export = _export + endl + "* " + (_x # 0) + ": " + (str (_x # 1));
} forEach _counts;
_export = _export + endl + "}}";
copyToClipboard _export;