
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Revision as of 11:03, 15 February 2018 by Lou Montana (talk | contribs) (→‎CfgVehicles: Creation)
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The Description.ext file sets the overall mission attributes, and defines some global entities that will be available to other scripts. It is placed in mission's root folder. It uses the same syntax and structure as the Config.cpp file, but supports only a limited number of the full set of Config.cpp classes. Many, such as CfgAmmo, won't work.

In OFP:Elite this file is required for MP missions. If this is not included, a "-1 error" is shown when selecting the mission and the mission won't load.

In 2D Editor, scenario has to be saved or re-loaded before changes to Description.ext takes effect. In Eden Editor, changes are refreshed automatically upon scenario preview.



Intro- duced in Attribute Type Description See Also

Template:Table Config Item


String Displays a message while the mission is loading. Note that a mission that takes very little time to load will only display the message for a short time. Care should be taken to see whether your message is readable in that timeframe.
onLoadMission = "YourMissionName";

The OnLoadMission option is used to present the mission name to the user. In MP this is the name you see when selecting a mission and also the name that is presented to the MultiPlayer browser.

Template:Table Config Item


String Displays a message while the intro is loading.
onLoadIntro = "YourMessage"

Template:Table Config Item


Number Define whether you will see the time and date displayed while the mission loads. 1 means visible, 0 hidden. Default: 1. Effect unkown in Arma 3
onLoadMissionTime = 1;

Template:Table Config Item


Number Define whether you will see the time and date displayed while the intro loads. 1 means visible, 0 hidden. Default: 0
onLoadIntroTime = 1;

Template:Table Config Item


String You can define a picture to be shown while the mission is loaded.

The path is relative to the mission folder.

loadScreen =  "pictures\intro.paa";

Template:Table Config Item


String Mission name displayed in the mission selection menu.

Template:Table Config Item


Class Define mission specific loading texts.

Template:Table Config Item


Number Set minimum score for your mission. Score is related to the star display in the debriefing screen. The score can be influenced during a missions progress by using the addRating command.
minScore = 0;

Values have to follow this formula: minScore < avgScore < maxScore. Any other combinations can lead to game freeze upon mission end.

avgScore, maxScore

Template:Table Config Item


Number Set average score for your mission. Score is related to the star display in the debriefing screen. The score can be influenced during a missions progress by using the addRating command.
avgScore = 1800;

Values have to follow this formula: minScore < avgScore < maxScore. Any other combinations can lead to game freeze upon mission end.

minScore, maxScore

Template:Table Config Item


Number Set maximum score for your mission. Score is related to the star display in the debriefing screen. The score can be influenced during a missions progress by using the addRating command.
maxScore = 75000;

Values have to follow this formula: minScore < avgScore < maxScore. Any other combinations can lead to game freeze upon mission end.

minScore, avgScore

Template:Table Config Item


String or Number Sets respawn type.

Can be one of:

  • 0 or "NONE" - No respawn
  • 1 or "BIRD" - Respawn as a seagull
  • 2 or "INSTANT" - Respawn just where you died.
  • 3 or "BASE" - Respawn in base.
    • Requires a marker named:
      • respawn_west
      • respawn_east
      • respawn_guerrila
      • respawn_civilian
    • Add markers named with the prefix 'respawn_west' with any suffix (eg: respawn_westABC, respawn_west1, respawn_west_2, etc) for multiple random respawn points. Similarly for east, guerrilla and civilian.
    • Vehicle respawn in base requires a marker named:
      • respawn_vehicle_west
      • respawn_vehicle_east
      • respawn_vehicle_guerrila
      • respawn_vehicle_civilian
  • 4 or "GROUP" - Respawn in your group (if there's no AI left, you'll become a seagull).
  • -wrong parameter ("Arma") defined!-1.08 5 or "SIDE" - Respawn into an AI unit on your side (if there's no AI left, you'll become a seagull). With this respawn type, team switch is also available to any AI controlled playable units.
respawnDelay, respawnVehicleDelay, respawnDialog

Template:Table Config Item


Number Enables or disables Team Switch functionality in MP when respawn type is 5 (SIDE). Default is 1.
enableTeamSwitch = 0; //Manual team switch disabled

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Number Enable or disable the respawn button in the menu for INSTANT and BASE respawn types. Default is 1 (enabled).
respawnButton = 0;
respawn, respawnDialog

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Number Set respawn delay in seconds.
respawnDelay = 42;
respawn, respawnVehicleDelay, respawnDialog

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Number Set vehicle respawn delay in seconds.
respawnVehicleDelay = 11;
respawn, respawnDelay, respawnDialog

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Number Show the scoreboard and respawn countdown timer for a player if he is killed with respawnType 3. Default is 1 (true).
respawnDialog = 0;
respawn, respawnDelay, respawnVehicleDelay

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Number 1 to respawn player when he joins the game. Available only for INSTANT and BASE respawn types.
respawnOnStart = 1;//Respawn on start. Run respawn script on start.
respawnOnStart = 0;//Dont respawn on start. Run respawn script on start.
respawnOnStart = -1;//Dont respawn on start. Don't run respawn script on start.
respawn, respawnDelay, respawnVehicleDelay

Template:Table Config Item


Array Respawn templates from CfgRespawnTemplates. You can combine any number of them together.
respawnTemplates[] = {"Counter","Wave"};

Side specific respawn templates can be specified with "respawnTemplatesSIDE[]" where SIDE can be any playable side (e.g. respawnTemplatesEast[]). When such is undefined, general respawnTemplates are used instead.

respawn, respawnDelay, respawnVehicleDelay, Arma 3 Respawn

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Number 0: disabled, 1: enabled, 2: controlled by player attributes
ReviveMode = 1;

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Number 0: basic, 1: advanced, 2: realistic
ReviveUnconsciousStateMode = 0;

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Number 0: none, 1: medic trait is required
ReviveRequiredTrait = 0;

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Number 0: none, 1: medkit, 2: medkit or first aid kit
ReviveRequiredItems = 2;

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Number 0: first aid kit is not consumed upon revive, 1: first aid kit is consumed
ReviveRequiredItemsFakConsumed = 1;

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Number speed multiplier for revive performed by medic
ReviveMedicSpeedMultiplier = 2;

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Number The time it takes to revive an incapacitated unit (default: 6 seconds). Having a Medikit will halve this time.
reviveDelay = 6;

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Number The time it takes for an incapacitated unit to force their respawn (default: 3 seconds).
reviveForceRespawnDelay = 3;

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Number The time it takes for a unit to bleed out (default: 2 minutes).
reviveBleedOutDelay = 120;

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Class Configure custom cameraEffect
class CfgCameraEffects
	class Array
		class External
			type = 0;
			duration = 6; //3 seconds for some reason
			file = ""; //some kind of custom .p3d file for camera
		class AutoTerminate: External
			type = 3; //CamChained
			chain[] = {"External","Terminate"}; //Terminate will trigger after 3 seconds

Example: "AutoTerminate" spawn { showCinemaBorder false; _dur = getNumber (missionConfigFile >> "CfgCameraEffects" >> "Array" >> _this >> "duration"); _cam = "camera" camCreate (player modelToWorld [0, -100, 50]); _cam camSetTarget player; _cam camSetRelPos [0, -0.1, 1.8]; _cam camCommit _dur/2; _cam cameraEffect [_this, "Back"]; waitUntil {camCommitted _cam}; camDestroy _cam; };

Template:Table Config Item


Class General sounds that can be used for dialog, voiceovers in the briefing etc.
class CfgSounds
	sounds[] = {};
	class wolf1
		// how the sound is referred to in the editor (e.g. trigger effects)
		name = "my_wolf_sound";
		// filename, volume, pitch, distance
		sound[] = {"fx\wolf1.ogg", 1, 1, 100};
		// subtitle delay in seconds, subtitle text 
		titles[] = {1, "*wolf growls*"};

Use in missions:

playSound "wolf1";   // use the class name!
player say ["wolf1", 100];

(see tutorial)

NOTE: Since Arma 3 v1.49.131710 it is possible to define AddOn sounds in mission config. In order to make engine look for the sound in AddOn, the sound path must start with @ (instead of \) for example:

class CfgSounds
	sounds[] = {};
	class addonsound1
		name = "sound from addon";
		// start path to sound file in AddOn with @
		sound[] = {"@a3\Ui_F_Curator\Data\Sound\CfgSound\visionMode", 0.8, 1, 100};
		titles[] = {0,""};

The following will play Vision Mode change sound from AddOn:

playSound "addonsound1";
player say "addonsound1";
player say2D "addonsound1";
player say3D "addonsound1";

Template:Table Config Item


Class See CfgSFX for more information.

Template:Table Config Item


Class This class can only be used to create sound sources, since Arma 3 v1.69.141183
class CfgVehicles
   class MyOwlSound // class name to be used with createSoundSource
      sound = "MyOwl"; // reference to CfgSFX class
CfgSFX, createSoundSource

Template:Table Config Item


Class Radio sentences
class CfgRadio
	sounds[] = {};
	class RadioMsg1
		name = "";
		sound[] = {"\sound\filename1.ogg", db-100, 1.0};
		title = "I am ready for your orders.";
	class RadioMsg2
		name = "";
		sound[] = {"\sound\filename2", db-100, 1.0}; // .wss implied
		title = {$STR_RADIO_2};

Note that the location of the sound file is relative to the mission.

Use in missions:

unit sideRadio "RadioMsg2";

Template:Table Config Item


class CfgMusic
class MarsIntro { name = ""; sound[] = {"\music\filename.ogg", db+0, 1.0}; }; class Ludwig9 { name = ""; sound[] = {"\music\filename.ogg", db+10, 1.0}; }; };

Name can be left blank as in the examples above. Only specify a name if you wish to access these sounds via the environment options of a trigger.

Title is the text string that will be displayed on the screen when the sound file is played. See also Stringtable.csv

Setting volume (db) of music far from zero will disable fadeMusic command. Optimal values are from -10 to 10.

Use in missions:

playMusic  "MarsIntro"

Template:Table Config Item


Class Define the identities of individual units, you can specify the face, type of glasses worn, voice, tone of voice and name of an identity. You then give a specific unit this identity by using the command setIdentity in the mission. Note: nameSound is only valid for Arma 3.
class CfgIdentities
	class MyLittleSoldier
                nameSound = "Givens"; // Arma 3 only!

See Category:CfgIdentities for valid options for: face, glasses, speaker etc.


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Class Define functions for your mission. See Functions Library for detailed info. Functions Library

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Class Define leaflets for your missions. See Arma 3 Leaflets for more information. Functions Library

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Class Define commands available for remote execution with BIS_fnc_MP. See CfgRemoteExecCommands for more info.
class CfgRemoteExecCommands {}; //disable remote execution of all commands

Template:Table Config Item


Class Define custom unit insignia (shoulder patches).
class CfgUnitInsignia
	class 111thID
		displayName = "111th Infantry Division"; // Name displayed in Arsenal
		author = "Bohemia Interactive"; // Author displayed in Arsenal
		texture = "\a3\UI_F_Bootcamp\Data\CfgUnitInsignia\B_111thID_texture_ca.paa"; // Image path
		textureVehicle = ""; // Does nothing currently, reserved for future use
Arma 3 Unit Insignia

Template:Table Config Item


Array List of keys (needed for keysLimit)
keys[] = {"key1","key2","key3"};

Note that unlike other 'text' items $STR_ variables (in the stringtable.csv for the mission) cannot be used

keysLimit, doneKeys

Template:Table Config Item


Number Number of keys from the keys list needed for unlock a mission.
keysLimit = 2;
keys, doneKeys

Template:Table Config Item


Array Name of key(s) needed for mark a mission in SP missions list as completed.
doneKeys[] = {"key4"};

Note that unlike other 'text' items $STR_ variables (in the stringtable.csv for the mission) cannot be used

Keys can be activated using activateKey and checked by isKeyActive.

keys, keysLimit

Template:Table Config Item


Number When 1, removes all playable units which do not have a human player. When 0, a logging out player will have AI take control of his character. Default value is 0. (MP)
disabledAI = 1;

Disabling all the AI units will prevent JIP into playable units.

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Number Enables scorelist for AI players
aiKills = 1;

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Number Skip briefing screen for SP missions. If no briefing.html is present, it is skipped anyway.
briefing = 0;

Briefing will still be displayed until all clients are connected and done loading.

Template:Table Config Item


Number Defines if the debriefing is shown or not at the end of the mission.
debriefing = 0;

Template:Table Config Item


Class Define custom mission endings or override the default endings (found under CfgDebriefing in the game's config file).

class CfgDebriefing { // Used when all players die in MP class endDeath { title = "Both teams have died."; description = "Everyone was killed by the bomb."; picture = "KIA"; }; };


Template:Table Config Item


Class Define custom sections to be displayed on the debriefing screen. Useful for custom scoring systems or displaying player achievements.

class CfgDebriefingSections { class bPoints { title = "Blufor Points"; variable = "BLU_P"; }; class oPoints { title = "Opfor Points"; variable = "OPF_P"; }; };


Template:Table Config Item


Number or Array Enables/Disables the following IGUI elements:
  • Vehicle and Unit Info
  • Radar and Tactical Display
  • Vehicle Compass
  • Tank Direction Indicator
  • Commanding Menu
  • Group Info Bar
showHUD = 0;

The effect of using the above showHUD param is different from the effects of showHUD scripting command, both methods are rather complementary to each other.
As of Arma 3 v1.49.131879 showHUD param could be an array to allow control over separate HUD elements, for example:

showHUD[] = {
	true,	// Scripted HUD (same as showHUD command)
	true,	// Vehicle + soldier info
	false,	// Vehicle radar [HIDDEN]
	false,	// Vehicle compass [HIDDEN]
	true,	// Tank direction indicator
	true,	// Commanding menu
	true,	// Group Bar
	true,	// HUD Weapon Cursors
	true	// Vehicle display panels

NOTE: adding new showHUD[] array param to description.ext will also disable scripted command showHUD entirely.

showHUD, shownHUD

Template:Table Config Item


Number Enables/Disables the GPS
showGPS = 0;

In ArmA 1.04 toggle this option to disable the mini map attached to the GPS.

showGPS, shownGPS, visibleGPS

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Number Defines if the compass is visible.
showCompass = 0;
showCompass, shownCompass, visibleCompass

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Number Defines if the map is shown after the mission starts.
showMap = 0;
showMap, shownMap

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Number In ArmA, defines if the NotePad is shown after the mission starts.
showNotePad = 0;

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Number Defines if the NotePad is shown after the mission starts. (Not in ArmA)
showPad = 0;
showPad, shownPad

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Number Defines if the watch is visible.
showWatch = 0;
showWatch, shownWatch, visibleWatch

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Number Enables/Disables the UAV Feed. Default: 1.
showUAVFeed = 0;
showUAVFeed, shownUAVFeed

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Number Defines if the Squad Radar is visible.
showSquadRadar = 0;

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Number When scripted player is enabled, game no longer shows "No player select" error message upon mission start when no player unit is present.
scriptedPlayer = 1;

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Class Defines custom UI displays.

To show such displays, use cutRsc or titleRsc.

Template:Table Config Item


Class Set weapons available to players during the briefing.
class Weapons 
	class AK74 {count = 8;};
	class RPG7V {count = 2;};
	class Binocular {count = 2;};
magazines, backpacks

Template:Table Config Item


Class Set magazines available to players during the briefing.
class Magazines 
	class 30Rnd_545x39_AK {count = 32;};
	class PG7V {count = 6;};
	class HandGrenade {count = 16;};
weapons, backpacks

Template:Table Config Item


Class Set backpacks available to players during the briefing.
class Backpacks 
 	class US_Patrol_Pack_EP1 {count = 4;};
 	class US_Assault_Pack_EP1 {count = 4;};
weapons, magazines

Template:Table Config Item


Number Allows equipment transferred from one campaign mission to the next to be available during the briefing in the gear menu.
weaponPool = 1;

See also Command Group: Weapon Pool.

Template:Table Config Item


Number Allows subordinates (i.e., not leaders) to equip items defined in weapons, magazines and backpacks.
allowSubordinatesTakeWeapons= 1;

Template:Table Config Item


String titleParam1 and titleParam2 (% in title is replaced either by 1 or 2) are multiplayer options. These options are seen in the lobby of a multiplayer game. These options can be useful for setting time limits and score limits in such games as Capture the Flag and Death Matches. Other popular uses include accelerate time, setting the mission difficulty or switching the intro on/off.

In the mission param1 and param2 have the values of the chosen options. Many people will assign a variable in the init.sqs file to param1 for simplicity, an example of this would be to assign variable timelimit = param1.

titleParam1 = "Time limit:";
valuesParam1[] = {0, 300, 600, 900};
defValueParam1 = 900;
textsParam1[] = {"Unlimited", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min"};
titleParam2 = "Score to win:";
valuesParam2[] = {10000, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30};
defValueParam2 = 5;
textsParam2[] = {"Unlimited", 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30};

Template:Table Config Item


Array See titleParam% titleParam%

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Number See titleParam% titleParam%

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Array See titleParam% titleParam%

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Class See Arma 3 Mission Parameters

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Class See Multiplayer Game Types

Template:Table Config Item


Array Disable global, side, command and system chat. MOTD and admin say have exception and will show in global. Introduced in BETA 1.60.93398.
disableChannels[] = { <channelID>, <channelID> … }; // old syntax
Example:  disableChannels[] = {0,1,2};
disableChannels[] = { {<channelID>, <disableChat>, <disableVoice>}, … }; // new syntax
Example:  disableChannels[]={{0,true,true},{1,true,false}, … };
  • channelID number correspondence:
    • 0 = Global
    • 1 = Side
    • 2 = Command
    • 3 = Group
    • 4 = Vehicle
    • 5 = Direct
    • 6 = System

Template:Table Config Item


Number Disable dropping items while swimming. Introduced in BETA 1.60.93965.
enableItemsDropping = 0;

0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Template:Table Config Item


Executes a custom .sqf script or function in scheduled environment (execVM) when player brings up Game Pause screen (presses 'Esc' button). Display parameter of the resulting dialog is available via (_this select 0) inside the script.
onPauseScript = "myOnPauseScript.sqf";
onPauseScript[] = {myOnPauseFunction1,myOnPauseFunction2};//(Arma 3)

NOTE: The script or function executes in its own namespace, so in order to pass external global variable to the script you need to explicitly indicate namespace passed variable defined in. For example, while expression like myVar = "123"; defined elsewhere usually is treated as if myVar belongs to missionNamespace, inside onPauseScript you have to be explicit about it:

hint str myVar; //Undefined variable myVar error!
hint str (missionNamespace getVariable "myVar"); //123 

The above is also true if defining global variable inside onPauseScript for use elsewhere:

myVar2 = "345"; //incorrect!
missionNamespace setVariable ["myVar2", "345"]; //correct!

Template:Table Config Item


String Executes custom statement when player enters GETALLGEAR cheat (see: GETALLGEAR).
onCheat = "hint str _this";

Template:Table Config Item


String String (usually mission name) shown during mission loading. The string is shown in a slightly larger font above the loadScreen. For example:
OnLoadName = "Point Insertion";
OnLoadMission = "A group of NATO soldiers is tasked with sabotaging a coastal defense.";
loadScreen = "images\loadScreen.paa";

This produces the pictured result. The onLoadMission text is placed below the load screen and the header gameType determines the game time on top of the box.

Loading Screens

Template:Table Config Item


String Author of the mission. The default loading screen shows this string below the onLoadName in a smaller font prefixed by "by ". Loading Screens

Template:Table Config Item


String Path to image which will be displayed when the mission is highlighted on the mission selection screen. Image should be .paa format and in 2:1 aspect ratio – ideally 1024x512 (Arma 3). Mission Overview

Template:Table Config Item


String Text to be displayed below the overviewPicture on the mission selection screen when the mission is available to play. Mission Overview

Template:Table Config Item


String Text to be displayed below the overviewPicture on the mission selection screen when the mission is locked from play. Mission Overview

Template:Table Config Item


Number By default a new player is not auto assigned a free playable slot in the mission lobby in Multiplayer. Set it to 0/false to make him auto assigned to the side with least players.
joinUnassigned = 0;//false;

0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Default value: 1

Template:Table Config Item


Number When enabled, joining player will join the mission bypassing role selection screen. The joinUnassigned param will be set to 1 automatically, so that player receives 1st available role from mission template. When leaving such mission, player will go straight back to server browser.
skipLobby = 1; //enabled

Default value: 0

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Number Allows functions to log to the RPT file. Set it to 1/true to allow RPT logging.
allowFunctionsLog = 1;//true

0 = Disable
1 = Enable


Template:Table Config Item


Number or Array Allows access to the Debug Console outside of the editor during normal gameplay
enableDebugConsole = 2; //dangerous in MP

0 = Default behavior, available only in editor
1 = Available in SP and for hosts / logged in admins
2 = Available for everyone

Alternative since 1.72

// player with the UID and admin has access
enableDebugConsole[] = {"76561198XXXXXXXXX"};

Template:Table Config Item


Number Sets the mode for corpse removal manager.
corpseManagerMode = 0;

0 = None - None of the units are managed by the manager
1 = All - All units are managed by the manager
2 = None_But_Respawned - Only units that can respawn are managed by the manager
3 = All_But_Respawned - All units are managed by the manager with exception of respawned (opposite to mode 2)
Default value: 0 for SP, 2 for MP

wreckManagerMode, addToRemainsCollector, isInRemainsCollector, removeFromRemainsCollector

Template:Table Config Item


Number Corpse limit before which ( <= ) corpseRemovalMaxTime applies and after which ( > ) corpseRemovalMinTime applies (see below).
corpseLimit = 1;

Default value: 15


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Number Remove all bodies that have been dead longer than corpseRemovalMinTime when corpseLimit is breached.
corpseRemovalMinTime = 60; //seconds

Default value: 10


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Number Maximum time a corpse can remain on the ground if total number of corpses is equal or under corpseLimit.
corpseRemovalMaxTime = 1200; //seconds

Default value: 3600


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Number Sets the mode for wreck removal manager.
wreckManagerMode = 0;

0 = None - None of the vehicles are managed by the manager
1 = All - All vehicles are managed by the manager
2 = None_But_Respawned - Only vehicles that can respawn are managed by the manager
3 = All_But_Respawned - All vehicles are managed by the manager with exception of respawned (opposite to mode 2)
Default value: 0 for SP, 2 for MP

corpseManagerMode, addToRemainsCollector, isInRemainsCollector, removeFromRemainsCollector

Template:Table Config Item


Number Vehicle wreck limit before which ( <= ) wreckRemovalMaxTime applies and after which ( > ) wreckRemovalMinTime applies (see below).
wreckLimit = 1;

Default value: 15


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Number Remove all wrecks that have existed longer than wreckRemovalMinTime when wreckLimit is breached.
wreckRemovalMinTime = 60; //seconds

Default value: 10


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Number Maximum time a wreck can remain on the ground if total number of wrecks is equal or under wreckLimit.
wreckRemovalMaxTime = 1200; //seconds

Default value: 36000 (10 hrs)


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Number The minimum distance between corpse or wreck and nearest player before the corpse or wreck is allowed to be removed by the garbage collector.
minPlayerDistance = 50; //meters

Default value: 0


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Number Force enable or disable RotorLib.
forceRotorLibSimulation = 1; //force enable

Default value: 0 - options based; 1 - force enable; 2 - force disable

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Class Disables certain script commands. See CfgDisabledCommands for detailed info. CfgDisabledCommands

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Number Toggle saving.
saving = 0; // disable saving

Default value: 1

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Array of strings Set weapons corresponding side players will receive upon respawn. Its corresponding respawnMagazinesX has to be defined as well.
respawnWeaponsGuer[] = { "arifle_Katiba_GL_F" };

Template:Table Config Item





Array of strings Set magazines corresponding side players will receive upon respawn. Its corresponding respawnWeaponsX has to be defined as well.
respawnMagazinesGuer[] = { "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green", "30Rnd_65x39_caseless_green" };

Template:Table Config Item


Number 0: do not use new 2D markers (default), 1: replace task markers with new 2D markers
taskManagement_markers2D = 1;
Shared Objectives

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Number 0: do not use new 3D markers (default), 1: replace task waypoints with new 3D markers
taskManagement_markers3D = 1;
Shared Objectives

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Number 0: do not propagate (default), 1: propagate shared tasks to subordinates
taskManagement_propagate = 1;
Shared Objectives

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Number 3d marker draw distance in meters (default: 2000). within this range, unassigned tasks are drawn on screen.
taskManagement_drawDist = 2500;
Shared Objectives

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Array Disables randomization on certain objects, object types or object kinds in the mission.
disableRandomization[] = {"All", "AllVehicles", "B_G_Offroad_01_F", "myCar", "MyUnitName", "B_Soldier_F"};

Template:Table Config Item


Class This class is used to create vehicle templates used by the Vehicle Customization system
class CfgVehicleTemplates
	class BIS_Offroad_01_default
		displayName = "Default"; 
		author = "Bohemia Interactive"; 
		textureList[] =
			"guerilla_01", 1,
			"guerilla_02", 1
		animationList[] =
			"HideBumper1", 1, 
			"HideBumper2", 1
Vehicle_Customization (VhC)

Template:Table Config Item


Class This class is used to create units templates. For now, this is only used with the function BIS_fnc_unitHeadgear
class CfgUnitTemplates
	// Classic selectRandom
	// [cursorTarget, "MyFirstTemplate"] call bis_fnc_unitHeadgear;
	class MyFirstTemplate: Default
		headgearList[] =
		facewearList[] =
	// the probabilities will be considered, weighted random
	// [cursorTarget, "MySecondTemplate"] call bis_fnc_unitHeadgear;
	class MySecondTemplate: Default
		headgearList[] =
		facewearList[] =

Template:Table Config Item


Number When set to 1, changes default GPS mini map into a radar like display that indicates group members relative position to the player
showGroupIndicator = 1; Has no effect since custom panels were introduced in Arma 3

Template:Table Config Item


Class Define remoteExec restrictions.
class CfgRemoteExec
   // List of script functions allowed to be sent from client via remoteExec
   class Functions
      // RemoteExec modes: 
      // 0-turned off
      // 1-turned on, taking whitelist into account
      // 2-turned on, ignoring whitelist (default, because of backward compatibility)
      mode = 2;
      // Ability to send jip messages: 0-disabled, 1-enabled (default)
      jip = 1;
      // your functions here
      class BIS_fnc_aFunction
         allowedTargets = 0; // can target anyone (default)
         jip = 0;            // sending jip messages is disabled for this function
                             // (overrides settings in the Functions class)
      class YourFunctionOne { allowedTargets = 1; }; // can target only clients
      class YourFunctionTwo { allowedTargets = 2; }; // can target only the server

   // List of script commands allowed to be sent from client via remoteExec
   class Commands
      // your commands here
      class setDir
         allowedTargets = 2;   // can target only the server
         jip = 0;              // sending jip is turned off
                               // (overrides settings in the Commands class)
CfgRemoteExec, remoteExec, remoteExecCall

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Number As a security measure, functions are by default protected against rewriting during the mission. This restriction does not apply in missions previewed from the editor and in missions with the following attribute in Description.ext
allowFunctionsRecompile = 1;

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Class Define Task types and their icons
class CfgTaskTypes
   class Attack
       icon     = \A3\UI_F_MP_Mark\Data\Tasks\Types\Attack_ca.paa;
       icon3D   = \A3\UI_F_MP_Mark\Data\Tasks\Types3D\Attack_ca.paa;
   class Defend
       icon     = \A3\UI_F_MP_Mark\Data\Tasks\Types\Defend_ca.paa;
       icon3D   = \A3\UI_F_MP_Mark\Data\Tasks\Types3D\Defend_ca.paa;
Arma 3 Tasks Overhaul

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Class Define Task titles and descriptions
class CfgTaskDescriptions
    class myTask1
        title = "myTaskTitle";
        description = "myTaskDescription";
        marker = "myTaskDestinationMarker";
    class myTask2
        title = $STR_myTask2Title;
        description = $STR_myTask2Description;
        marker = $STR_myTask2Marker;
Arma 3 Tasks Overhaul

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Class Define custom notifications to be shown with BIS_fnc_showNotification
class CfgNotifications
   class Default
      // NOTE: title, iconPicture, iconText and description
      //       are filled by BIS_fnc_showNotification arguments

      title = "";          // Title displayed as text on black background
      iconPicture = "";    // Small icon displayed in left part
      iconText = "";       // Short text displayed over the icon
      description = "";    // Brief description displayed as structured text
      color[] = {1,1,1,1}; // Icon and description color
      duration = 5;        // How many seconds will the notification be displayed
      priority = 0;        // Priority; higher number = more important
      difficulty[] = {};   // Required difficulty settings - all difficulty settings have to be enabled

   class AnotherNotification
BIS_fnc_showNotification, Notification