Scripting Commands by Functionality – Category
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Command Group | Description | Examples | Only for | #Commands / #Subcategories |
Animations | Commands used to work with animations. | moveTime, animateSource | 28 | |
Argo | Commands exclusive to Argo. | onOfficialServer, kickPlayer | Argo | 18 |
Arrays | Commands used to manipulate arrays. | append, select | 36 | |
Artillery | All commands related to artilleries. | commandArtilleryFire, getArtilleryAmmo | Arma 3 | 8 |
AI Behaviour | Commands used to modify the behaviour of the AI. | setSkill, behaviour | 22 | |
Briefing | Objectives, tasks and notes. | createSimpleTask, createDiaryRecord | 63 | |
Broken Commands | Commands that don't work as intended or are not implemented at all. | echo, textLog | 37 | |
Camera Control | Commands to manipulate the camera for intros, outros and cut-scenes. See also Camera Tutorial. Commands related to Eden Editor and Zeus camera are not listed here. See Command Group: Eden Editor and Command Group: Curator. | camCreate, camSetDir | 67 | |
Config | Commands for working with configs. | configFile, >> | 28 | |
Containers | Commands related to containers like backpacks and vests. | vest, canAdd | 46 | |
Conversations | bikb, topics, etc. | kbTell, kbWasSaid. | 8 | |
Custom Panels | Commands to handle custom panels. | infoPanel, setInfoPanel | Arma 3 | 8 |
Custom Radio and Chat | Commands used to create or work with custom channels. | radioChannelCreate, setCurrentChannel | Take On Helicopters and Arma 3 | 8 |
Diagnostic (Diag) | Commands helpful for diagnosing issues. | diag_log, diag_fpsMin | 52 | |
Difficulty | Commands to change the difficulty of the game. | disableMapIndicators, difficultyOption | 11 | |
DLC | DLC related commands. | getDLCs, isDLCAvailable | Arma 3 | 11 |
Dynamic Simulation | Commands related to Arma 3: Dynamic Simulation. | enableDynamicSimulationSystem, setDynamicSimulationDistance | Arma 3 | 12 |
Eden Editor | Commands to work with Eden Editor. | get3DENCamera, get3DENSelected | Arma 3 | 56 |
Environment | Commands to manipulate the weather, time, date or traffic. | setFog, date | 66 | |
Event Handlers | Set, define and use Event Handlers. | addEventHandler, displayAddEventHandler | 48 | |
Flags | Commands that are used to work with flags. | setFlagOwner, flagOwner | 11 | |
Game 2 Editor | Commands related to the Game 2 Editor. | updateObjectTree, fromEditor | N/A | 57 |
Groups | Read and set group properties. | formation, group | 50 | |
GUI Control | Customize the look of dialogs and menus in the game. | buttonAction, ctrlCreate | 126 / 10 | |
GUI Control - Controls Table | Commands to manipulate CT_CONTROLS_TABLE controls. | ctAddRow, ctClear | Arma 3 | 19 |
GUI Control - Event Handlers | Commands used to add Event Handlers to GUIs. For a full list of available event handlers see User Interface Event Handlers. | displayAddEventHandler, displayRemoveAllEventHandlers | Arma 3 | 9 |
GUI Control - HTML | Commands to specifically change font settings of CT_HTML controls. | ctrlSetFontH1, ctrlSetFontH2 | 22 | |
GUI Control - ListNBox | Commands to manipulate CT_LISTNBOX controls. | lnbAddArray, lnbSetText | 38 | |
GUI Control - ListBox | Commands to manipulate CT_LISTBOX controls. | lbAdd, lbDelete | 40 | |
GUI Control - Map | Commands to manipulate CT_MAP and CT_MAP_MAIN controls. | drawArrow, ctrlMapAnimClear | 23 | |
GUI Control - Menu | Commands to manipulate CT_MENU_STRIP, CT_MENU, CT_CONTEXT_MENU controls. | menuAdd, menuAction | Arma 3 | 27 |
GUI Control - Object | Commands to manipulate CT_OBJECT, CT_OBJECT_ZOOM, CT_OBJECT_CONTAINER, CT_OBJECT_CONT_ANIM controls. | ctrlModel, ctrlSetModel | Arma 3 | 9 |
GUI Control - Positioning | Commands to position controls. | safeZoneH, ctrlSetPosition | 28 | |
GUI Control - Tree View | Commands to manipulate CT_TREE controls. | tvAdd, tvCollapse | Arma 3 | 37 |
HashMap | Commands related to HashMaps. | createHashMapFromArray, getOrDefault | Arma 3 | 19 |
High Command | Commands for high command. | hcAllGroups, onHCGroupSelectionChanged | 27 | |
Interaction | On-screen messages, dialogs, menus. | hint, showGPS | 65 | |
Leaderboards | Leader board related scripting commands. | leaderboardDeInit, leaderboardInit | Arma 3 | 9 |
Lights | Create, enable light sources on vehicles, terrain objects or lightpoints. | setLightColor, enableGunLights | 30 | |
Localization | Commands to work with localized text. | isLocalized, diag_localized | 5 | |
Locations | Create, define, use and manipulate locations. | nearestLocation, setSize | 31 | |
Map | Commands to work with the map. | forceMap, mapGridPosition | 14 | |
Markers | Set, define and use markers. | createMarker, getMarkerType | 49 | |
Math | General math related commands. Also see Command Group: Math - Geometry and Command Group: Math - Vectors. | abs, + | 40 / 2 | |
Math - Geometry | Commands closely related to geometry. | intersect, distance | 24 | |
Math - Vectors | Commands which work with vectors. | vectorAdd, vectorUpVisual | 28 | |
Mines | Commands to create, get and interact with mines. | allMines, createMine | 10 | |
Mission Information | Read and set parameters for the current mission. | addRating, score | 41 | |
Mods and Addons | Commands that are used to get information about mods and addons. | configSourceModList, configSourceMod | 11 | |
Multiplayer | Commands that are specific to Multiplayer games. | remoteExec, didJIP | 79 | |
Namespaces | Commands related to Namespaces. | missionNamespace, uiNamespace, setVariable | 16 | |
Object Detection | Commands used to find certain objects. | allUnits, nearestObjects | 42 | |
Object Manipulation | Get or set various different properties of units, vehicles and other objects. | createVehicle, setDamage | 273 | |
Particles | Commands for working with particles. | drop, particlesQuality | 8 | |
Performance Profiling | Commands used to debug performance such as finding slow scripts. | diag_captureFrame, logEntities | 8 | |
Pilot Camera | Commands used to control a vehicles' pilotCamera. | getPilotCameraTarget, hasPilotCamera | Arma 3 | 10 |
Positions | All commands which work with positions and heights. | getPos, setPos | 49 | |
Program Flow | Commands to define loops, conditions, and jumps inside scripts. | forEach, execVM | 49 | |
Radio and Chat | Control radio availability, chat messages and subtitles. | enableRadio, systemChat | 42 | |
Remote Control | Manipulate and connect to UAVs or remote control units. | connectTerminalToUAV, remoteControl | 21 | |
Render Time Scope | These scripting commands work in render time scope rather than simulation time scope. | getDirVisual, visiblePosition | 17 | |
Roads and Airports | All commands related to roads and airports. | allAirports, roadAt | 10 | |
Ropes and Sling Loading | Attach and detach ropes to objects, slingload and drop them. | enableRopeAttach, ropes | Arma 3, Take On Helicopters | 23 |
RTD | Commands related to the Arma 3: Advanced Helicopter Flight Model. | collectiveRTD, throttleRTD | Arma 3, Take On Helicopters | 46 |
Sensors | Commands to work with Arma 3: Sensors | setVehicleReceiveRemoteTargets, vehicleReportRemoteTargets | Arma 3 | 18 |
Sides | Read and set unit affiliations. | side, friendly | 38 | |
Sounds | Control in-game sounds. | fadeMusic, say | 63 | |
Stamina System | Commands related to units stamina and fatigue. See Arma 3: Stamina. | getStamina, setStamina | Only Arma 3 except for forceWalk and isForcedWalk. |
21 |
Strings | Commands to work with strings. | in, toLower | 43 / 1 | |
Strings - Regular Expression | Regular Expression (Regex) commands to manupilate strings. | regexMatch, regexFind | 3 | |
Structured Text | Commands which work with structured text. | text, parseText | 11 | |
System | Commands that deal with the game as a whole. | benchmark, loadGame | 87 | |
Team Switch | Everything to do with the Team Switch feature. | enableTeamSwitch, onTeamSwitch | 8 | |
Teams | Commands used to work with teams and team members. | createTeam, members | 22 | |
Time | Commands related to in-game time or system time. | systemTimeUTC, timeMultiplier | 15 | |
Triggers | Set, define and use Triggers and Event Handlers. | createTrigger, triggerType | 33 | |
Turrets | Commands which work with turrets. | turretLocal, addWeaponTurret | 31 | |
Uncategorised | Commands which have no defined category. | should always be empty | 0 | |
Unit Control | Controls the behaviour of your troops. | action, setHideBehind | 81 | |
Unit Identity | Commands used to change a unit's identity such as rank, voice and name. | setFace, setUnitRank | 20 | |
Unit Inventory | Commands related to an unit's inventory. For working with weapons and magazines, also see Command Group Weapons. | assignItem, addGoggles | 127 | |
Variables | Commands to handle variables. For example comparing two variables or retrieving all variables from a namespace. | setVariable, isNull | 62 | |
Vehicle in Vehicle Transport | Commands related to Arma 3: Vehicle in Vehicle Transport. | canVehicleCargo, vehicleCargoEnabled | Arma 3 | 6 |
Vehicle Inventory | Commands used to manipulate a vehicle's (or ammo box) inventory. Not to be confused with Command Group: Vehicle Loadouts. | getWeaponCargo, getFuelCargo | Arma 3 | 38 |
Vehicle Loadouts | Arma 3: Vehicle Loadouts related commands. | getCompatiblePylonMagazines, getPylonMagazines | Arma 3 | 9 |
Waypoints | Commands to handle waypoints. | addWaypoint, deleteWaypoint | 63 | |
Weapon Pool | The Weapon Pool enables the player to use weapons from one mission in others. | addMagazinePool, queryMagazinePool | 14 | |
Weapons | Commands used to manipulate weapons. For example fire at a target or check if weapon is lowered. In order to retrieve a unit's or vehicle's weapon see Command Group: Unit Inventory and Command Group: Vehicle Inventory. | addMagazine, weapons | 52 | |
Zeus (Curator) | Setting up Zeus rules and interface. | allCurators, curatorAddons | Arma 3 | 44 |
This category has the following 73 subcategories, out of 73 total.
- Command Group: AI Behaviour (22 P)
- Command Group: Animations (28 P)
- Command Group: Argo (18 P)
- Command Group: Arrays (36 P)
- Command Group: Artillery (8 P)
- Command Group: Briefing (63 P)
- Command Group: Broken Commands (37 P)
- Command Group: Camera Control (67 P)
- Command Group: Config (28 P)
- Command Group: Containers (46 P)
- Command Group: Conversations (8 P)
- Command Group: Curator (44 P)
- Command Group: Custom Panels (8 P)
- Command Group: Diagnostic (52 P)
- Command Group: Difficulty (11 P)
- Command Group: Eden Editor (56 P)
- Command Group: Environment (66 P)
- Command Group: Event Handlers (48 P)
- Command Group: Flags (11 P)
- Command Group: Game 2 Editor (57 P)
- Command Group: Groups (50 P)
- Command Group: HashMap (19 P)
- Command Group: High Command (27 P)
- Command Group: Interaction (65 P)
- Command Group: Leaderboards (9 P)
- Command Group: Lights (30 P)
- Command Group: Localization (5 P)
- Command Group: Locations (31 P)
- Command Group: Map (14 P)
- Command Group: Markers (49 P)
- Command Group: Mines (10 P)
- Command Group: Mods and Addons (11 P)
- Command Group: Multiplayer (79 P)
- Command Group: Namespaces (16 P)
- Command Group: Object Detection (42 P)
- Command Group: Object Manipulation (273 P)
- Command Group: Particles (8 P)
- Command Group: Pilot Camera (10 P)
- Command Group: Positions (49 P)
- Command Group: Program Flow (49 P)
- Command Group: Remote Control (21 P)
- Command Group: Render Time Scope (17 P)
- Command Group: RTD (46 P)
- Command Group: Sensors (18 P)
- Command Group: Sides (38 P)
- Command Group: Sounds (63 P)
- Command Group: Stamina System (21 P)
- Command Group: Structured Text (11 P)
- Command Group: System (87 P)
- Command Group: Team Switch (8 P)
- Command Group: Teams (22 P)
- Command Group: Time (15 P)
- Command Group: Triggers (33 P)
- Command Group: Turrets (31 P)
- Command Group: Uncategorised (empty)
- Command Group: Unit Control (81 P)
- Command Group: Unit Identity (20 P)
- Command Group: Unit Inventory (127 P)
- Command Group: Variables (62 P)
- Command Group: Vehicle Inventory (38 P)
- Command Group: Waypoints (63 P)
- Command Group: Weapon Pool (14 P)
- Command Group: Weapons (52 P)