New Scripting Commands – ArmA: Armed Assault Category

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[[Category:Scripting Commands ArmA|New Scripting Commands List]]
List of all new commands in {{arma1}}.

This is not a complete list of commands available in [[:Category:Armed Assault|Armed Assault]] (see [[:Category:Scripting_Commands_ArmA|Scripting commands Armed Assault]] for a full list) but only contains the <u>newly</u> added commands, so that people familiar with OFP scripting can easily indentify the differences.
{{GameCategory|arma1|Scripting Commands}}
{{Compact TOC}}
[[config/name]] <br>
[[config name]] <br>
<span id="A" />
[[actionKeys]] <br>
[[actionKeysImages]] <br>
[[actionKeysNames]] <br>
[[activateAddons]] <br>
[[activateKey]] <br>
[[addSwitchableUnit]] <br>
[[addWaypoint]] <br>
[[animationState]] <br>
[[assert]] <br>
[[assignTeam]] <br>
<span id="B" />
[[boundingBox]] <br>
[[breakOut]] <br>
[[breakTo]] <br>
[[buttonAction control]] <br>
[[buttonSetAction control]] <br>
<span id="C" />
[[cameraInterest]] <br>
[[cameraOn]] <br>
[[campaignConfigFile]] <br>
[[camSetFocus]] <br>
[[camUseNVG]] <br>
[[case]] <br>
[[catch]] <br>
[[ceil]] <br>
[[cheatsEnabled]] <br>
[[clearRadio]] <br>
[[closeDisplay]] <br>
[[commandFSM]] <br>
[[commandGetOut]] <br>
[[count config]] <br>
[[createAgent]] <br>
[[createCenter]] <br>
[[createDialog]] <br>
[[createDisplay]] <br>
[[createGroup]] <br>
[[createGuardedPoint]] <br>
[[createMarker]] <br>
[[createMine]] <br>
[[createSoundSource]] <br>
[[createTrigger]] <br>
[[createUnit group]] <br>
[[createVehicle array]] <br>
[[createVehicleLocal]] <br>
[[ctrlActivate]] <br>
[[ctrlCommit]] <br>
[[ctrlCommitted]] <br>
[[ctrlEnable control]] <br>
[[ctrlEnabled control]] <br>
[[ctrlFade]] <br>
[[ctrlMapAnimAdd]] <br>
[[ctrlMapAnimClear]] <br>
[[ctrlMapAnimCommit]] <br>
[[ctrlMapAnimDone]] <br>
[[ctrlParent]] <br>
[[ctrlPosition]] <br>
[[ctrlScale]] <br>
[[ctrlSetActiveColor]] <br>
[[ctrlSetBackgroundColor]] <br>
[[ctrlSetEventHandler]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFade]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFocus]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFont]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontH1]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontH1B]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontH2]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontH2B]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontH3]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontH3B]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontH4]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontH4B]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontH5]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontH5B]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontH6]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontH6B]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontHeight]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontHeightH1]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontHeightH2]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontHeightH3]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontHeightH4]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontHeightH5]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontHeightH6]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontP height]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontP name]] <br>
[[ctrlSetFontPB]] <br>
[[ctrlSetForegroundColor]] <br>
[[ctrlSetPosition]] <br>
[[ctrlSetScale]] <br>
[[ctrlSetStructuredText]] <br>
[[ctrlSetText control]] <br>
[[ctrlSetTextColor]] <br>
[[ctrlSetTooltip]] <br>
[[ctrlSetTooltipColorBox]] <br>
[[ctrlSetTooltipColorShade]] <br>
[[ctrlSetTooltipColorText]] <br>
[[ctrlShow control]] <br>
[[ctrlShown]] <br>
[[ctrlText control]] <br>
[[ctrlType]] <br>
[[currentCommand]] <br>
<span id="D" />
[[date]] <br>
[[deleteCenter]] <br>
[[deleteCollection object]] <br>
[[deleteGroup]] <br>
[[deleteMarker]] <br>
[[deleteWaypoint]] <br>
[[displayCtrl]] <br>
[[displayNull]] <br>
[[displaySetEventHandler]] <br>
[[dissolveTeam]] <br>
[[do command]] <br>
[[do switch]] <br>
[[doFSM]] <br>
[[doGetOut]] <br>
[[drawArrow]] <br>
[[drawEllipse]] <br>
[[drawIcon]] <br>
[[drawLine]] <br>
[[drawRectangle]] <br>
<span id="E" />
[[echo]] <br>
[[effectiveCommander]] <br>
[[emptyPositions]] <br>
[[enableAI]] <br>
[[enableReload]] <br>
[[enableTeamSwitch]] <br>
[[engineOn]] <br>
[[execVM]] <br>
[[execVM filename]] <br>
[[exitWith]] <br>
[[expectedDestination]] <br>
<span id="F" />
[[fadeRadio]] <br>
[[find]] <br>
[[findCover]] <br>
[[findDisplay]] <br>
[[findNearestEnemy]] <br>
[[finishMissionInit]] <br>
[[finite]] <br>
[[floor]] <br>
[[fog]] <br>
[[fogForecast]] <br>
[[for forspec]] <br>
[[for var]] <br>
[[forceSpeed]] <br>
[[formationDirection]] <br>
[[formationLeader]] <br>
[[formationMembers]] <br>
[[formationPosition]] <br>
[[formationTask]] <br>
[[formatText]] <br>
[[from]] <br>
<span id="G" />
[[getArray]] <br>
[[getHideFrom]] <br>
[[getNumber]] <br>
[[getPosASL]] <br>
[[getSpeed]] <br>
[[getText config]] <br>
[[getVariable]] <br>
[[glanceAt]] <br>
<span id="H" />
[[halt]] <br>
[[hideBehindScripted]] <br>
[[hideBody]] <br>
[[hierarchyObjectsCount]] <br>
[[hintCarray]] <br>
[[hintCstructuredText]] <br>
[[hintCtext]] <br>
[[htmlLoad]] <br>
<span id="I" />
[[inGameUISetEventHandler]] <br>
[[inheritsFrom]] <br>
[[initAmbientLife]] <br>
[[intersect]] <br>
[[isArray config]] <br>
[[isClass config]] <br>
[[isEngineOn]] <br>
[[isFormationLeader]] <br>
[[isHidden]] <br>
[[isHideBehindScripted]] <br>
[[isKeyActive]] <br>
[[isKindOf]] <br>
[[isMarkedForCollection]] <br>
[[isnil]] <br>
[[isNull control]] <br>
[[isNull display]] <br>
[[isNumber config]] <br>
[[isPlayer]] <br>
[[isText config]] <br>
<span id="J" />
<span id="K" />
<span id="L" />
[[lbAdd text]] <br>
[[lbClear control]] <br>
[[lbColor index]] <br>
[[lbCurSel control]] <br>
[[lbData index]] <br>
[[lbDelete index]] <br>
[[lbIsSelected]] <br>
[[lbPicture index]] <br>
[[lbSelection]] <br>
[[lbSetColor control]] <br>
[[lbSetCurSel index]] <br>
[[lbSetData index]] <br>
[[lbSetPicture]] <br>
[[lbSetPicture index]] <br>
[[lbSetSelected index]] <br>
[[lbSetValue index]] <br>
[[lbSize control]] <br>
[[lbText index]] <br>
[[lbValue index]] <br>
[[lightAttachObject]] <br>
[[lightDetachObject]] <br>
[[limitSpeed]] <br>
[[lineBreak]] <br>
[[lookAt]] <br>
<span id="M" />
[[max]] <br>
<span id="N" />
[[nearestObject id]] <br>
[[nearestObject type]] <br>
[[nearestObjects]] <br>
[[nearObjects]] <br>
[[needReload]] <br>
[[nextWeatherChange]] <br>
<span id="O" />
[[onPlayerConnected]] <br>
[[onPlayerDisconnected]] <br>
[[overcast]] <br>
[[overcastForecast]] <br>
<span id="P" />
[[parseText]] <br>
[[playerSide]] <br>
[[posScreenToWorld]] <br>
[[positionCameraToWorld]] <br>
[[posWorldToScreen]] <br>
[[precision]] <br>
[[preloadCamera]] <br>
[[preloadObject]] <br>
[[preloadSound]] <br>
[[preloadTitleObj]] <br>
[[preloadTitleRsc]] <br>
[[processInitCommands]] <br>
<span id="Q" />
<span id="R" />
[[radioVolume]] <br>
[[rain]] <br>
[[rank]] <br>
[[reload]] <br>
[[reloadEnabled]] <br>
[[removeSwitchableUnit]] <br>
[[respawnVehicle]] <br>
[[round]] <br>
[[runInitScript]] <br>
<span id="S" />
[[scopeName]] <br>
[[scriptDone]] <br>
[[select config]] <br>
[[selectionPosition]] <br>
[[selectLeader]] <br>
[[selectPlayer]] <br>
[[sendSimpleCommand]] <br>
[[setAperture]] <br>
[[setAttributes]] <br>
[[setCameraEffect]] <br>
[[setCameraInterest]] <br>
[[setDate]] <br>
[[setDestination]] <br>
[[setDropInterval]] <br>
[[setEffectCondition]] <br>
[[setFormationTask]] <br>
[[setFriend]] <br>
[[setHideBehind]] <br>
[[setLightAmbient]] <br>
[[setLightBrightness]] <br>
[[setLightColor]] <br>
[[setMarkerBrush]] <br>
[[setMarkerDir]] <br>
[[setMarkerShape]] <br>
[[setMarkerText]] <br>
[[setMousePosition]] <br>
[[setMusicEffect]] <br>
[[setParticleCircle]] <br>
[[setParticleParams]] <br>
[[setParticleRandom]] <br>
[[setPlayable]] <br>
[[setPosASL]] <br>
[[setRank]] <br>
[[setSkill array]] <br>
[[setSoundEffect]] <br>
[[setTargetAge]] <br>
[[setTitleEffect]] <br>
[[setTriggerActivation]] <br>
[[setTriggerArea]] <br>
[[setTriggerStatements]] <br>
[[setTriggerText]] <br>
[[setTriggerTimeout]] <br>
[[setTriggerType]] <br>
[[setUnitAbility]] <br>
[[setUnitRank]] <br>
[[setVariable]] <br>
[[setVectorDir]] <br>
[[setVectorUp]] <br>
[[setVehicleAmmo]] <br>
[[setVehicleArmor]] <br>
[[setVehicleId]] <br>
[[setVehicleInit]] <br>
[[setVehicleLock]] <br>
[[setVehiclePosition]] <br>
[[setVehicleVarName]] <br>
[[setWaypointBehaviour]] <br>
[[setWaypointCombatMode]] <br>
[[setWaypointDescription]] <br>
[[setWaypointFormation]] <br>
[[setWaypointHousePosition]] <br>
[[setWaypointPosition]] <br>
[[setWaypointScript]] <br>
[[setWaypointSpeed]] <br>
[[setWaypointStatements]] <br>
[[setWaypointTimeout]] <br>
[[setWaypointType]] <br>
[[showWaypoint]] <br>
[[sideEnemy]] <br>
[[sideFriendly]] <br>
[[sideLogic]] <br>
[[skill vehicle]] <br>
[[sleep]] <br>
[[sliderPosition control]] <br>
[[sliderRange control]] <br>
[[sliderSetPosition control]] <br>
[[sliderSetRange control]] <br>
[[sliderSetSpeed control]] <br>
[[sliderSpeed control]] <br>
[[spawn]] <br>
[[spawn args]] <br>
[[step]] <br>
[[str]] <br>
[[supportInfo]] <br>
[[surfaceIsWater]] <br>
[[surfaceType]] <br>
[[switch]] <br>
[[switchableUnits]] <br>
[[synchronizeWaypoint]] <br>
[[synchronizeWaypoint trigger]] <br>
<span id="T" />
[[teamSwitch]] <br>
[[teamSwitchEnabled]] <br>
[[terminate]] <br>
[[text]] <br>
[[throw]] <br>
[[to]] <br>
[[triggerAttachObject]] <br>
[[triggerAttachVehicle]] <br>
[[try]] <br>
[[typeName]] <br>
<span id="U" />
[[unassignTeam]] <br>
[[unitPos]] <br>
<span id="V" />
[[vectorDir]] <br>
[[vectorUp]] <br>
[[vehicles]] <br>
[[vehicleVarName]] <br>
[[verifySignature]] <br>
<span id="W" />
[[waitUntil]] <br>
[[waypointAttachObject]] <br>
[[waypointAttachVehicle]] <br>
[[weaponDirection]] <br>
[[wind]] <br>
[[worldToModel]] <br>
<span id="X" />
<span id="Y" />
<span id="Z" />

Latest revision as of 01:07, 7 January 2021

List of all new commands in Armed Assault.

Pages in category "ArmA: Armed Assault: New Scripting Commands"

The following 294 pages are in this category, out of 294 total.