Scripting Commands – Operation Flashpoint Category
From Bohemia Interactive Community
(Redirected from Category:Scripting Commands CWA)
- Version 1.75 and greater are considered Operation Flashpoint: Resistance
- Version 1.99 is the Arma - Cold War Assault update
This category has only the following subcategory.
Pages in category "Operation Flashpoint: Scripting Commands"
The following 402 pages are in this category, out of 402 total.
- ! a
- +
- -
- a != b
- a % b
- a && b
- a * b
- a / b
- a = b
- a == b
- a greater b
- a greater= b
- a less b
- a less= b
- a or b
- a ^ b
- abs
- accTime
- acos
- action
- addAction
- addEventHandler
- addMagazine
- addMagazineCargo
- addMagazinePool
- addRating
- addScore
- addWeapon
- addWeaponCargo
- addWeaponPool
- alive
- allowDammage
- allowFleeing
- allowGetIn
- ammo
- and
- animate
- animationPhase
- asin
- assignAsCargo
- assignAsCommander
- assignAsDriver
- assignAsGunner
- atan
- atan2
- atg
- behaviour
- benchmark
- buildingPos
- buttonAction
- buttonSetAction
- cadetMode
- call
- camCommand
- camCommit
- camCommitted
- camCreate
- camDestroy
- cameraEffect
- camSetBank
- camSetDir
- camSetDive
- camSetFov
- camSetFovRange
- camSetPos
- camSetRelPos
- camSetTarget
- canFire
- canMove
- canStand
- captive
- cheatsEnabled
- civilian
- clearMagazineCargo
- clearMagazinePool
- clearWeaponCargo
- clearWeaponPool
- closeDialog
- combatMode
- commander
- commandFire
- commandFollow
- commandMove
- commandStop
- commandTarget
- commandWatch
- comment
- cos
- count
- countEnemy
- countFriendly
- countSide
- countType
- countUnknown
- createDialog
- createUnit
- createVehicle
- crew
- ctrlEnable
- ctrlEnabled
- ctrlSetText
- ctrlSetTextColorSecondary
- ctrlSetTextSecondary
- ctrlShow
- ctrlText
- ctrlTextSecondary
- ctrlVisible
- cutObj
- cutRsc
- cutText
- damage
- dayTime
- debugLog
- deg
- deleteIdentity
- deleteStatus
- deleteVehicle
- dialog
- direction
- disableAI
- disableUserInput
- distance
- do
- doFire
- doFollow
- doMove
- doStop
- doTarget
- doWatch
- driver
- drop
- east
- else
- enableEndDialog
- enableRadio
- enemy
- engineOn
- estimatedTimeLeft
- exec
- exit
- exp
- fadeMusic
- fadeRadio
- fadeSound
- false
- fillWeaponsFromPool
- find
- fire
- flag
- flagOwner
- fleeing
- flyInHeight
- forceEnd
- forceMap
- forEach
- format
- formation
- formLeader
- friendly
- fuel
- getDammage
- getDir
- getMarkerColor
- getMarkerPos
- getMarkerSize
- getMarkerType
- getPos
- getPosASL
- getWorld
- getWPPos
- globalChat
- globalRadio
- goto
- group
- groupChat
- groupRadio
- grpNull
- gunner
- handsHit
- hasWeapon
- hint
- hintC
- hintCadet
- if
- in
- inflame
- inflamed
- isEngineOn
- isNull
- isServer
- join
- knowsAbout
- land
- lbAdd
- lbClear
- lbColor
- lbColorRight
- lbCurSel
- lbData
- lbDelete
- lbPicture
- lbPictureRight
- lbSetColor
- lbSetColorRight
- lbSetCurSel
- lbSetData
- lbSetPicture
- lbSetPictureRight
- lbSetText
- lbSetTextRight
- lbSetValue
- lbSize
- lbText
- lbTextRight
- lbValue
- leader
- lightIsOn
- list
- ln
- loadFile
- loadIdentity
- loadStatus
- local
- localize
- lock
- locked
- lockWP
- log
- magazines
- mapAnimAdd
- mapAnimClear
- mapAnimCommit
- mapAnimDone
- markerColor
- markerPos
- markerSize
- markerType
- missionName
- missionStart
- mod
- move
- moveInCargo
- moveInCommander
- moveInDriver
- moveInGunner
- musicVolume
- name
- nearestBuilding
- nearestObject
- nil
- not
- object
- objNull
- objStatus
- onBriefingGear
- onBriefingGroup
- onBriefingNotes
- onBriefingPlan
- onMapSingleClick
- or
- orderGetIn
- pi
- pickWeaponPool
- player
- playersNumber
- playMove
- playMusic
- playSound
- position
- preprocessFile
- primaryWeapon
- private
- publicVariable
- putWeaponPool
- queryMagazinePool
- queryWeaponPool
- rad
- random
- rating
- removeAction
- removeAllEventHandlers
- removeAllWeapons
- removeEventHandler
- removeMagazine
- removeMagazines
- removeWeapon
- requiredVersion
- resistance
- resize
- reveal
- saveGame
- saveIdentity
- saveStatus
- saveVar
- say
- score
- scudState
- secondaryWeapon
- select
- selectWeapon
- set
- setAccTime
- setAmmoCargo
- setBehaviour
- setCaptive
- setCombatMode
- setDamage
- setDammage
- setDir
- setFace
- setFaceAnimation
- setFlagOwner
- setFlagSide
- setFlagTexture
- setFog
- setFormation
- setFormDir
- setFuel
- setFuelCargo
- setGroupId
- setIdentity
- setMarkerColor
- setMarkerPos
- setMarkerSize
- setMarkerType
- setMimic
- setObjectTexture
- setOvercast
- setPos
- setPosASL
- setRadioMsg
- setRain
- setRepairCargo
- setSkill
- setSpeedMode
- setTerrainGrid
- setUnitPos
- setVelocity
- setViewDistance
- setWPPos
- showCinemaBorder
- showCompass
- showGPS
- showMap
- shownCompass
- shownGPS
- shownMap
- shownPad
- shownRadio
- shownWarrant
- shownWatch
- showPad
- showRadio
- showWarrant
- showWatch
- side
- sideChat
- sideEnemy
- sideFriendly
- sideLogic
- sideRadio
- sin
- skill
- skipTime
- sliderPosition
- sliderRange
- sliderSetPosition
- sliderSetRange
- sliderSetSpeed
- sliderSpeed
- someAmmo
- soundVolume
- speed
- speedMode
- sqrt
- stop
- stopped
- switchCamera
- switchLight
- switchMove
- tan
- textLog
- tg
- then
- time
- titleCut
- titleObj
- titleRsc
- titleText
- true
- typeOf
- unassignVehicle
- unitReady
- units
- vehicle
- vehicleChat
- vehicleRadio
- velocity
- waypointPosition
- weapons
- west
- while