Arma Reforger Script API
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAABGridMapRepresent a grid map
 CAchievementsScripted API to access platform's achievements
 CActionDisplayDataData container
 CActionMenuFailReasonTemp class until localization is done
 CADSCameraDataHolds data for ADS camera which can be reused for different solving methods
 CAICombatPropertiesComponentThis component holds magazine properties for AI weapon selection
 CArmaReforgerScriptedMain game instance
 CAvailableActionLayoutBehaviorVariables that should be applied on available actions layout whenever given HUD is active
 CBaseChatComponentThis component takes care of sending chat messages
 CBaseContainerCustomCheckIntTitleFieldAttribute for setting a custom format if the given checkVar is equal to checkVarEqual
 CBaseContainerCustomCheckIntWithFlagTitleFieldAttribute for setting a custom format if the given checkVar is equal to checkVarEqual with showing flags (%1 in the condition format)
 CBaseContainerCustomDoubleCheckIntResourceNameTitleFieldAttribute for setting a custom format if the given checkVar is equal to checkVarEqual
 CBaseContainerCustomDoubleCheckTitleFieldAttribute for setting a custom format if the given checkVar is equal to checkVarEqual
 CBaseContainerCustomDoubleTitleFieldAttribute for setting two string property as custom title
 CBaseContainerCustomEnumWithValueAttribute for setting any enum property as custom title with an aditional varriable
 CBaseContainerCustomStringTitleFieldAttribute for setting a custom string as title
 CBaseGridMapRepresent a grid map
 CBaseInteractionHandlerComponentBase class for interaction handler
 CBaseTimeAndWeatherManagerEntityManager entity responsible for managing in-game time and weather, providing the script and gamecode with usable in-game API
 CBaseZeroingGeneratorBaseZeroingGenerator is an object used for generating zeroing information in Workbench
 CButtonActionComponentComponent to execute action when the button or its shortcut is pressed
 CCharacterCommandClimbCommand itself
 CCharacterCommandClimbResultResult from static test
 CCharacterCommandClimbSettingsClimb test settings
 CCharacterCommandSwimCharacterCommandSwim - swimming implementation
 CCharacterCommandSwimSettingsSwim settings
 CCharacterIdentityComponentComponent that takes care of identity of characters
 CCharacterMovementStateHumanMovementState - movement state, command, stance, movement, human.GetMovementState(movementState)
 CCharacterWeaponManagerComponentUses CharacterHandWeaponSlotComponent, and switch weapon to this slot when taken into hand
 CChimeraAIControlComponentGame version of AIControlComponent. Takes care of disabling of character when in high LOD
 CChimeraMenuBaseConstant variables used in various menus
 CCircleGridMapRepresent a grid map
 CContactSurfaceSurface properties that influence wheel traction etc
 CContentBrowserUIThe super menu class for WORKSHOP content browser
 CCustomStringTableItemCustom string table item for the game
 CEditorMenuBaseBase class for editor menus and dialogs
 CEndGameActionTerminates the game once target score is met
 CEntitySlotInfoAdds ability to attach an object to a slot
 CEquipmentStorageComponentCurrent storage variant uses equipment storage slots to attach equipment to different item variants (eg Flashlight attached to Jacket) supports automatic repositioning at runtime based on parent's active mesh variant (rigged and static) dynamic scaling of slots is not supported, which means that available storage slots should be configured ahead on target prefab
 CExtBaseInteractionHandlerComponentCollects interactions by performing a sphere cast initially and then a sphere query at the end
 CFilteredServerParamsServer search filtering
 CForestGeneratorCapsuleStartAttributeUsed to annotate a vector which signifies the first point of a capsule segment If a member with the ForestGeneratorCapsuleEndAttribute is not specified, this is used as an offset i.e
 CForestGeneratorClusterThis class defines forest generator clusters - which trees with which density should be present in this cluster
 CForestGeneratorDistaceAttributeDo not change this unless you change c++ as well
 CForestGeneratorEntityA Forest Generator uses the following data:
 CFuzeSlotInfoSlot that is meant to be used for excplosive charge fuze
 CGameStatsApiStatistical Api - Analytics
 CGraphIt is used to represent any kind of graph
 CGraphEdgeUsed to represent any kind of edge inside of a graph
 CGraphNodeUsed to represent any kind of node inside of a graph
 CInteractionHandlerComponentCollects interactions by performing a sphere cast initially and then a sphere query at the end
 CItemUseParametersSet of parameters used by TryUseItemOverrideParams
 CLocalizedStringType definition for texts that ought to be localized
 CLocParserRuleLocalisation rule controlled by LocParserManager
 CMagazineUIInfoForward declaration of UIInfo Serves as a container of data to be displayed on player UI
 CMapLineMap line
 CMenuRootBaseScripted menu base class
 CMenuRootComponentWidget component which can tap to MenuRootBase events
 CMenuRootSubComponentWidget component which is linked to menu it's part of
 CMissionHeaderBase class for interaction with mission headers
 CMuzzleUIInfoForward declaration of UIInfo Serves as a container of data to be displayed on player UI
 CNotificationsSystemTODO: When systems can be replicated, just move overything from SCR_NotificationsComponent
 CNwkMovementComponentBase class for entity replication - e.g. vehicles, characters, animals
 COnDirectJoinCallbackCallback for searching servers dirrecly
 COnJoinRoomSBCallback for joining
 CPointGridMapRepresent a grid map
 CPowerlineEntityRepresents a single segment of power line grid between two power poles
 CRegisteringComponentSlotInfoAdds ability to register managers to parent entity
 CRespawnComponentRespawn component is a component attached to PlayerController serving as interface for communication between the authority and remote clients in respawn system context
 CRespawnSystemComponentRespawnSystemComponent should be attached to a gamemode to handle player spawning and respawning
 CRoomJoinDataParameters for joining server
 CRplComponentBase class for entity replication - e.g. vehicles, characters, animals
 CSCR_2DOpticsComponentBase class for 2D optics Unifiying binoculars and optic sight
 CSCR_AABBAxis-Aligned Bounding Box Used by generators
 CSCR_AccessKeysEditorComponentManager of editor access keys
 CSCR_ActionsRadialMenuEditorComponentResponsible for controlling and managing radial menus used within GameMaster
 CSCR_ActiveVoNActionConditionReturns true if VoN UI is active
 CSCR_AddonLineBaseComponentClass for addon line button base
 CSCR_AddonListDialogShows a list of addons and some text
 CSCR_AddonsPresetsSubMenuComponentComponent for addons presets submenu behavior
 CSCR_AddonsToolDialogDialog with multiple addons tool for addons manager
 CSCR_AddonUpdateConfirmationDialogOverride downlad confirm dialog for handling addons update Always targets latest versions
 CSCR_AIAgentDebugPanelClass which represents debug panel which can be shown for each AI unit or group
 CSCR_AIClustersCompositeActionComposite parallel action for holding activities for target clusters
 CSCR_AICombatMoveLogic_AttackCombat movement node for attack behavior, which is aimed at BaseTarget
 CSCR_AICombatMoveLogic_SuppressiveCombat move logic when doing suppressive fire
 CSCR_AICombatMoveLogicBaseBase class for combat movement
 CSCR_AICombatTargetGetterTaskBase class for tasks which return some target from combat component
 CSCR_AICoverLockHolds data about a cover point
 CSCR_AIDebugGame core which persists through whole game and stores various data for AI debugging
 CSCR_AIDebugVisualizationEntity which performs various AI debugging visualizations
 CSCR_AIEvaluateExpectedWeaponEvaluates an expected weapon at Weapon&Target selector and returns the weapon, magazine and muzzle
 CSCR_AIEvaluateSuppressionWeaponEvaluates a weapon useful for suppressive fire at Weapon&Target selector and returns the weapon, magazine and muzzle
 CSCR_AIFindFirePositionBehaviorBehavior which makes AI walk around a position while keeping beyond some minimal distance
 CSCR_AIFireteamsActivityBase class for all group activities which are related to fireteams
 CSCR_AIFireteamsClusterActivityClass for activities which are assigned for some fireteams to do something with target cluster
 CSCR_AIFollowEntityPathTask that takes group and uses it path to move
 CSCR_AIGetActionParametersBase class of node which outputs action parameters to Behavior Tree variables
 CSCR_AIGetEntityPositionReturns a position of entity with local space offset
 CSCR_AIGroupFactionEditorAttributeGroup Faction Attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_AIGroupFireteamFireteam base class Fireteam is like a collection of agents in a group
 CSCR_AIGroupFireteamVehicleBaseBase class for fireteams dedicated to vehicle This class must not be instantiated! It's base class for other classes
 CSCR_AIGroupFireteamVehicleCargoFireteam for vehicle cargo
 CSCR_AIGroupFireteamVehicleCrewFireteam for vehicle crew
 CSCR_AIGroupVehicleThis class is used for keeping track of vehicles assigned to group
 CSCR_AIHealWaitBehaviorBehavior for waiting until AI is healed by someone else
 CSCR_AIInfoBaseComponentBase class for AIInfoComponent and AIGroupInfoComponent
 CSCR_AIMoveFromDangerBehaviorBehavior for short-lived fast reactions to get away from some danger source
 CSCR_AIObserveUnknownFireBehaviorBehavior to observe supposed location of where gunshot came from
 CSCR_AIPilotMoveFromIncomingVehicleBehaviorSpecial behavior for pilot when he's about to collide with another vehicle
 CSCR_AIProvideAmmoBehaviorBehavior for one soldier to provide ammunition to another one
 CSCR_AISendMessageBaseBase class for nodes sending message
 CSCR_AISendMessageDebugUIThis debug menu lets us send various messages between selected AIs
 CSCR_AISendMessageGenericClass for generic nodes with extra input ports which send messages
 CSCR_AISetActionParametersBase class of node which gets action parameters from a BT node
 CSCR_AISuppressBehaviorBehavior for AI suppressing an area
 CSCR_AITargetReaction_SelectedTargetChangedPerforms reporting of selected target if it changes
 CSCR_AITargetReaction_SelectedTargetChangedBaseThis reaction is called every time selected target changes from anything to anything, including null
 CSCR_AIVehicleCombatActivityActivity which handles combat of a group if it has vehicles
 CSCR_AIVehicleUsageComponentThis component should be attached to root entity of all vehicles and static turrets which are usable by AI
 CSCR_AIWaitForNewCombatComponentWeaponWaits for a change in combat component's selected or expected weapon value
 CSCR_AIWaypointStateThis class represents group's processing of a waypoint
 CSCR_AIWeaponHandlingBaseBase class for nodes which handle magazine switching
 CSCR_AmbientSoundToggleEditorAttributeToggle Ambient Sound Attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_AnalogGaugeMultiSignalGauge showing the sum of more than one signal
 CSCR_ANDConditionChecks all sub conditions and returns true if all conditions return true, false otherwise
 CSCR_AnyInvalidSpawnPointRequestResultInfoUsed as a catch all for when players cannot spawn at spawn point and all other checks were invalid
 CSCR_AreaGeneratorBaseEntitySCR_AreaGeneratorBaseEntity responsibilities:
 CSCR_AreaPropsConfigConfiguration of area props
 CSCR_AreaTypePropsConfiguration of visibility in layers per descriptor type
 CSCR_AreaViewTitleCustom names for defined zones to make config setup easier
 CSCR_ArrayHelperTT being the array ITEM class, not the full array<item> In the case of references, simply use SCR_ArrayHelperT<OtherClass>, not SCR_ArrayHelperT<ref OtherClass> Some methods may seem duplicated but they are actually variants for <T> and <ref T>
 CSCR_ArsenalFactionEditorAttributeArsenal Faction Attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_ArsenalItemStandaloneArsenal Item to be added in the configs outside of The faction Catalog
 CSCR_ArsenalSaveTypeAttributeDynamicDescriptionDynamic description for arsenal save types. What they mean when they are set
 CSCR_ATLManualCameraComponentMovement above terrain surface
 CSCR_AttachItemFromInventoryActionEquip weapon attachment
 CSCR_AttributesManagerEditorComponentManager ofeditor attributes
 CSCR_AvailableActionConditionA single available action condition representation
 CSCR_AvailableActionsConditionDataTo prevent fetching data for each condition multiple times within a single frame, we use this container instead to pass around data where needed
 CSCR_AvailableActionsGroupConditionBase for any condition containing multiple sub-conditions
 CSCR_BackendCallbackScripted backend callback class unifying backend response
 CSCR_BackendImageComponentThis component implements basic image and loading overlay handling m_sImageWidgetName must be an Image Widget m_sLoadingOverlayName must have an SCR_LoadingOverlay component attached
 CSCR_BackendServiceDisplayPresetsClass for a .conf file with multiple service display presets
 CSCR_BannedAddonsDetectedDialogDialog which lists names of all banned addons
 CSCR_BanSettingsSettings item
 CSCR_BaseAttributeDynamicDescriptionHolds logic when a dynamic description should be shown when attributes are hovered over
 CSCR_BaseAudioScriptedUserActionA scripted action class having optional logic for playing audio as well as checking if the faction is valid
 CSCR_BaseButtonAttributeDynamicDescriptionHolds logic when a dynamic description should be shown when attributes are hovered over
 CSCR_BaseCameraComponentBase component for SCR_CameraBase
 CSCR_BaseCameraShakeProgressInterface for simulating individual camera shake(s)
 CSCR_BaseContainerCustomTitleEnumAttribute for setting any enum property as custom title
 CSCR_BaseContainerCustomTitleFieldAttribute for setting any string property as custom title
 CSCR_BaseContainerCustomTitleFieldsAllow to define multiple fields - up to 9 elements
 CSCR_BaseContainerCustomTitleFlagsAttribute for setting any flags enum property as custom title
 CSCR_BaseContainerCustomTitleObjectAttribute for setting any object classname property as custom title
 CSCR_BaseContainerCustomTitleResourceNameAttribute for setting any ResourceName path property as custom title
 CSCR_BaseContainerCustomTitleUIInfoAttribute for setting UIInfo's name property as (Localized) custom title
 CSCR_BaseContainerLocalizedTitleFieldAttribute to manually set a LOCALIZED (translated) title
 CSCR_BaseContainerLocalizedTitleFieldsAllow to define multiple fields - up to 9 elements
 CSCR_BaseContainerResourceTitleFieldAttribute to use a ResourceName filename
 CSCR_BaseContainerStaticTitleFieldAttribute to manually set a static title
 CSCR_BaseContextActionBase container class for editor context actions
 CSCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationActionAllows healing of action owner (not user)
 CSCR_BaseDeployableInventoryItemComponentBase class which all deployable inventory items inherit from
 CSCR_BaseDeployableSpawnPointComponentBase class which all deployable spawn points / radios inherit from
 CSCR_BaseDuplicatableEditorAttributeAttributes that never communicate can inharent from SCR_BaseDuplicatableEditorAttribute else an error will be thrown
 CSCR_BaseEditableEntityFilterBase class for a manager of editable entities of specific state
 CSCR_BaseEditableEntityUIComponentComponent to manage visualisation of individual entity widget
 CSCR_BaseEditorActionBase container class for all editor action types (ContextActions, WaypointActions, AbiliityActions)
 CSCR_BaseEditorAttributeBase Attribute Script for other attributes to inherent from to get and set varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_BaseEditorComponentBase class for editor components
 CSCR_BaseEditorEffectBase class for audio-visual effects
 CSCR_BaseEffectParticleHelicopterRotorControlActionSpecific action which controls the particles from the rotor wash
 CSCR_BaseEntityCatalogDataBase Class for Entity catalog data
 CSCR_BaseFactionEditableAttributeGroup Faction Attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_BaseFactionManagerComponentBase class for components attached to SCR_FactionManager
 CSCR_BaseFloatValueHolderEditorAttributeAttribute base for Name, icon and float value for other attributes to inherent from
 CSCR_BaseGameModeComponentInterface for game mode extending components
 CSCR_BaseGameModeStateComponentBase component for handling game mode states
 CSCR_BaseGroupAn abstract class to be implemented by the user to provide the WeaponSwitchingGroupManager with a valid means of communication with the game world for the purpose of weapon switching
 CSCR_BaseGroupEntryAn abstract wrapper to provide common interface for items that can be stored in a BaseGroup
 CSCR_BaseInteractionDisplayBase class for displaying interactions in the UI
 CSCR_BaseLightDataLight parameters
 CSCR_BasePlayerBudgetEditorAttributeModes and Budget attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_BasePrefabCategoryBase class for Prefab Spawning
 CSCR_BasePresetsEditorAttributeAttribute base for Name, icon and float value for other attributes to inherent from
 CSCR_BasePreviewEntityGeneric preview entity used to represent another entity is simplified form
 CSCR_BaseScoringSystemComponentThis component serves as a base and interface for game mode scoring system
 CSCR_BaseSelectionMenuScripted base radial menu implementation
 CSCR_BaseTaskA base class for tasks
 CSCR_BaseTriggerEntityBasic scripted trigger which offers external invoekrs for major events like activation or deactivation
 CSCR_BaseValueListEditorAttributeAttribute base for slider values for other attributes to inherent from
 CSCR_BaseVehicleInfoBase class for all vehicle UI state and damage indicators
 CSCR_BasicCodeFormatterForcedPluginForce Basic Code Formatter - use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+K to trigger
 CSCR_BasicCodeFormatterPluginA Basic Code Formatter - use Ctrl+Shift+K to trigger
 CSCR_BasicCodeFormatterPluginFileReportBasic Code Formatter file report - databag
 CSCR_BasicDisabledAttributeDynamicDescriptionShows the dynamic description if the attribute is disabled
 CSCR_BatchPrefabsOperationsToolWorkbench tool for generation of windows & glass prefabs
 CSCR_BatchPrefabTitleCustom title for BatchPrefabTemplates config parameters
 CSCR_BitMaskArraySCR_BitMaskArray Class
 CSCR_BloodEditorAttributeEntity Health Attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_BoolAttributeDynamicDescriptionShows dynamic description if bool meets the condition
 CSCR_BreadCrumbsElementComponentBreacrumb element component for quick manipulation of breadcrunb Layout Has icon and label
 CSCR_BriefingMenuConfigBriefing config root
 CSCR_BTParamParameter with data of specific type
 CSCR_BTParamAssignableSame as SCR_BTParam<T>, but can be assigned or not (from script side)
 CSCR_BTParamBaseBase BT parameter class to be used in SCR_AIActionParams
 CSCR_BudgetUIComponentComponent to display budget progress
 CSCR_BuildingPropsConfigConfiguration of building props
 CSCR_BuildingTypePropsConfiguration of visibility in layers per descriptor type
 CSCR_BuildingViewTitleCustom names for defined buildings to make config setup easier
 CSCR_ButtonBaseComponentBase class for any button, regardless its own content
 CSCR_ButtonComponentDeprecated button component. Still used in many prefabs, so it works, it's just stripped of most of the functionality
 CSCR_ButtonEffectBaseBase class for modular button effects
 CSCR_ButtonEffectColorEffect which colorizes a widget with given name
 CSCR_ButtonEffectImageThis effect modifies texture of an image
 CSCR_ButtonEffectOpacityEffect which animated opacity of the target widget
 CSCR_ButtonEffectPaddingEffect which changes all padding values of a target widget
 CSCR_ButtonEffectSlaveButtonEffect which passes all subscribed events to another modular button
 CSCR_ButtonEffectSoundPlays a sound
 CSCR_ButtonEffectTextEffect which changes text of a text or rich text widget
 CSCR_ButtonEffectTitleAttributeClass for custom title for effects
 CSCR_ButtonEffectVisibilityEffect which sets a widget visible (SetVisible)
 CSCR_ButtonEffectWidgetBaseButton effect which does something with a specific widget
 CSCR_ButtonSplitComponentFinal Reforger button
 CSCR_CallsignBaseComponentComponent of assigning and storing squad names
 CSCR_CallsignCharacterComponentComponent of assigning and storing squad names
 CSCR_CallsignCompanyDataFor each company, holds availible platoons, which in turn holds availible squads
 CSCR_CallsignGroupComponentComponent of assigning and storing squad names
 CSCR_CallsignInfoCallsign Info
 CSCR_CallsignManagerComponentClassManages available callsigns for each faction
 CSCR_CallsignPlatoonDataFor each platoon, holds availible squads
 CSCR_CameraBaseBase class for scripted cameras
 CSCR_CameraFilterEditorAttributeCamera filter Attribute for photomode for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_CameraLimitedEditorComponentLimited version of camera manager
 CSCR_CameraParticleEditorAttributeCamera particle Attribute for photomode for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_CameraShakeManagerComponentThis manager allows adding camera shake that is updated automatically and can be applied to any transform via provided API
 CSCR_CampaignBaseTaskThis class is meant to be inherited
 CSCR_CampaignBuildingLimitCylinderManualCameraComponentFree roam building camera
 CSCR_CampaignBuildingManagerComponentInterface for game mode extending components
 CSCR_CampaignBuildingObstructionExceptionComponentClassPrefab with this component will be skipped by Campaign Building obstruction system when evaluating blocking entities
 CSCR_CampaignClientDataUsed for storing client data to be reapplied for reconnecting clients
 CSCR_CampaignLoadSuppliesUserActionAction to unload supplies from a Supply truck in Campaign
 CSCR_CampaignMilitaryBaseManagerCreated in SCR_GameModeCampaign
 CSCR_CampaignNetworkComponentTakes care of Campaign-specific server <> client communication and requests
 CSCR_CampaignReconfigureHQRadioUserActionAction to reconfigure relays in Campaign
 CSCR_CampaignReconfigureRelayUserActionAction to reconfigure relays in Campaign
 CSCR_CampaignRelayAlternativeSpotCampaign relays have randomized placement on the map, this entity serves as a potential location
 CSCR_CampaignSuppliesComponentMakes a vehicle able to carry Conflict resources
 CSCR_CampaignUnloadSuppliesUserActionAction to unload supplies from a Supply truck in Campaign
 CSCR_CancelDownloadConfirmationDialogDialog to cancel downloads
 CSCR_CancelMyReportDialogDialog which sends a request to delete user's report
 CSCR_CanCharacterLeaveLadderConditionReturns true if character can control action and it's not obstructed by: Falling, swimming, vehicle
 CSCR_CaptureAreaCapture area is a trigger entity that provides callback and API in regards to characters entering and/or leaving the area
 CSCR_CarControllerComponentClass responsible for game car
 CSCR_CarControllerComponent_BClass responsible for game car
 CSCR_CatalogEntitySpawnerComponentComponent allowing user to request spawning entities using asset catalogs Requires ActionManager with enough SCR_CatalogSpawnerUserAction attached to it (they cannot be generated through script) and SCR_EntitySlotComponents in hiearchy or vicinity of owner
 CSCR_CatalogSpawnerUserActionAction to spawn entities using the ActionsManagerComponent
 CSCR_ChangeableComponentBaseBase class for all widgets that can change their internal state as editbox or spinbox
 CSCR_CharacterAimingSightsDownConditionReturns true if character is in ADS
 CSCR_CharacterBleedingConditionReturns true if character is bleeding for ceratain time
 CSCR_CharacterBloodAttributeDynamicDescriptionHolds logic when a dynamic description to show a description if value is set above or below the Unconscious level
 CSCR_CharacterBloodHitZoneBlood - does not receive damage directly, only via scripted events
 CSCR_CharacterCanGetOutConditionReturns true if character is in a vehicle
 CSCR_CharacterFocusModeConditionReturns true IF camera focus mode is meeting current conditions
 CSCR_CharacterFreelookConditionReturns true if character is freelooking with specified conditions
 CSCR_CharacterHasConsumableItemEquippedConditionReturns true if character has provided gadget in their inventory Set m_eConsumableType to filter for a specific item
 CSCR_CharacterHasGadgetConditionReturns true if character has provided gadget in their inventory if m_bEquipped true is only returned if the gadget is currently held
 CSCR_CharacterHasLongRadioConditionReturns true if character is transmiting with radio
 CSCR_CharacterHasWeaponConditionReturns true if character has weapon equipped
 CSCR_CharacterHealthHitZoneHealth hitzone - Receives damage from physical hitzones
 CSCR_CharacterIsFallingConditionReturns true if character is swimming
 CSCR_CharacterIsGettingInConditionReturns true if character is in a vehicle
 CSCR_CharacterIsGettingOutConditionReturns true if character is in a vehicle
 CSCR_CharacterIsInGadgetADSConditionReturns true if character has gadget in ads
 CSCR_CharacterIsInVehicleConditionReturns true if character is in a vehicle
 CSCR_CharacterIsSwimmingConditionReturns true if character is swimming
 CSCR_CharacterIsUsingItemReturns true if character has provided gadget in their inventory Set m_eConsumableType to filter for a specific item
 CSCR_CharacterRadioCountCondition! Returns true if character has radios of some count
 CSCR_CharacterResilienceHitZoneResilience - incapacitation or death, depending on game mode settings
 CSCR_CharacterSprintingConditionReturns true if character is sprinting
 CSCR_CharacterStanceConditionReturns true if character is in desired stance
 CSCR_CharacterWeaponTypeConditionReturns true if character is using weapon of given type
 CSCR_ChatHudThis is a Chat Info Display / Chat HUD
 CSCR_ChatMessageClasses for chat messages
 CSCR_ChatMessageGeneralGeneric messages, used by players: they originate from someone, sometimes directed to someone, and use some game channel Adds a channel, sender id, sender name
 CSCR_ChatMessagePrivatePrivate message Adds a specific receiver ID
 CSCR_ChatPanelComponent which must be attached to chat layout
 CSCR_ChatPanelManagerSingleton object to which SCR_ChatPanels get registered/unregistered
 CSCR_CheckboxComponentThis is refactored checkbox preserving its own class and API for compatability purposes
 CSCR_ColorComponentMinimalist progress bar
 CSCR_CombinedDSConfigScript class aggregating all dedicated server config part together
 CSCR_CommandActionsEditorComponentManager of command actions, i.e., waypoint for AI groups or objectives for factions
 CSCR_CommonDialogsClasses for dialogs which can be used in any context
 CSCR_CompareLocalizePropertySort by localized property labels
 CSCR_ComparerGeneric comparer using SCR_ComparerOperator
 CSCR_CompassComponentCompass component
 CSCR_CompassComponentClassPrefab data class for compass component
 CSCR_CompassUIComponentSimple radial compass which will rotate based on current camera position
 CSCR_CompatibleAttachmentPredicateSearches for attachments of the defined atttachmentType
 CSCR_ConfigListComponentCompomenent with simple configuratino that will create list of given widgets
 CSCR_ConfigurableDialogUiButtonPresetConfiguration for a button
 CSCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPresetConfiguration for a dialog
 CSCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPresetsClass for a .conf file with multiple presets
 CSCR_ConfigurableDialogUiProxyIt is here to expose the Menu API to the configurable dialog instance
 CSCR_ConnectionStateButtonComponentComponent for core menu header button that shows connection state based on comm test, but also needs to show a warning for low bandwidth Uses the parent's icon & label attributes for Low Bandwidth state and considers it the default, as it is outside of the comm test results
 CSCR_ConsumableBandageBandage effect
 CSCR_ConsumableEffectBaseEffect assigned to the consumable gadget
 CSCR_ConsumableMorphineMorphine effect
 CSCR_ConsumableSalineBagSaline bag effect
 CSCR_ConsumableTourniquetTourniquet effect
 CSCR_ContainerBudgetManagerUtility class that aids on budgeting or batching the processing of a specified container of CONTAINER_TYPE that holds items of ITEM_TYPE type
 CSCR_ContentBrowser_AddonsTooltipComponentComponent which must be attached to tooltip which lists dependencies or dependent mods
 CSCR_ContentBrowserEditorComponentManagement of placeable entities
 CSCR_ContentBrowserEditorUIComponentThe Content Browser Window in the Content Browser Dialog
 CSCR_ContentBrowserTileComponentComponent for a tile in the content browser You must call SetWorkshopItem() after tile creation to activate it
 CSCR_ContentEntryComponentBase component for widgets displaying content data
 CSCR_ContextActionsEditorComponentComponent to hold all context actions for each editor mode and filter out actions depending on context
 CSCR_ContourPropsConfigConfiguration of contour props
 CSCR_CoreMenuHeaderButtonComponentHelper component for core menu header button prefabs
 CSCR_CoverageRadioComponentDeterminates if the owner entity is covered by the radio signal eminating from the component marked as Source with the same encryption key
 CSCR_CursorCustomScripted map cursor visualization for cases where the gamecode provided one is not sufficient
 CSCR_CursorStateTitleCustom names for cursor visual states
 CSCR_CursorVisualStateCursor visual state config
 CSCR_CustomMaterialAnimatorEntityClass~~~~~~~~~~~ Guide how to set up the emat to use this animation script
 CSCR_DamageIntensityHolderHolds the localization strings as well as the logic to get the damage severity strings and enums
 CSCR_DamagePhaseDataMulti-Phase destruction phase
 CSCR_DateAttributeDynamicDescriptionDynamic description for SCR_DateEditorAttribute to show sunrise, sunset and moonphase
 CSCR_DayDurationAttributeDynamicDescriptionDynamic description for daytime duration to display to compare the ingame time with realife time
 CSCR_DayDurationEditorAttributeDay duration Attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_DayTimeCurveDefUsed to define a random positional sound behaviour base on time of the day
 CSCR_DayTimeCurveDefConfigArray size has to have the same count as EDayTimeCurve
 CSCR_DaytimeEditorAttributeDaytime Attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_DebriefingScreenBigImageContentClass handling big image content
 CSCR_DebriefingScreenComponentDebriefing screen component intended to be added to the GameMode
 CSCR_DebriefingScreenFinishedObjectivesContentClass handling finished mission objectives content
 CSCR_DebriefingScreenStatisticBaseClassBase class that holds and handles information about statistic
 CSCR_DebriefingScreenStatisticDeathsClass that holds information and handles information about deaths
 CSCR_DebriefingScreenStatisticDistanceDrivenClass that holds information and handles information about distance driven
 CSCR_DebriefingScreenStatisticDistanceWalkedClass that holds information and handles information about distance walked
 CSCR_DebriefingScreenStatisticKillsClass that holds information and handles information about kills
 CSCR_DebriefingScreenStatisticsContentClass handling Statistics retrieved from the DataCollector
 CSCR_DebriefingScreenStatisticShotsFiredClass that holds information and handles information about shots fired
 CSCR_DebriefingScreenSummaryContentClass handling summary content
 CSCR_DebriefingScreenUnevenFourTilesClass handling layout for UnevenFourTiles
 CSCR_DebrisSmallEntityEntity used to represent small debris in the world
 CSCR_DebugCameraEntityDebug camera spawned on given position
 CSCR_DebugEditorComponentComponent to handle various debug modes for the editor
 CSCR_DefenderSpawnerComponentService providing group of defenders defined in faction. Requires SCR_EnableDefenderAction on ActionManager for players to manage its functionality
 CSCR_DelegateFactionManagerComponentManager of faction delegates - entities representing available factions
 CSCR_DeleteAddonDependentAddonsDetectedThis dialog is shown when we want to delete an addon but some other downloaded addons depend on it
 CSCR_DeleteAddonDialogConfirmation dialog for unsubscribing an addon
 CSCR_DeployableInventoryItemReplacementComponentHolds Position of where the deployable item will be attached to
 CSCR_DeployButtonComponent that handles the request respawn button
 CSCR_DeployMenuBaseBase deploy menu class
 CSCR_DeployMenuBaseScreenComponentBase class for Deploy menu components
 CSCR_DeployMenuBaseScreenLayoutBase class for Deploy menu layouts
 CSCR_DeployMenuHandlerThis component serves as a config for deploy menu elements
 CSCR_DeployMenuMainMain deploy menu with the map present
 CSCR_DescriptorDefaultsBaseConfiguration of descriptor defaults
 CSCR_DescriptorDefIconDescriptor icon type defaults
 CSCR_DescriptorDefIconTextDescriptor icon with text type defaults
 CSCR_DescriptorDefInvisibleDescriptor invisible type, for cursor interaction logic support while UI is handled by another system
 CSCR_DescriptorDefTextDescriptor text type defaults
 CSCR_DescriptorViewLayerConfiguration of visibility in layers per descriptor type
 CSCR_DescriptorViewTitleCustom names for defined zones to make config setup easier
 CSCR_DestroyedEditableEntityFilterEntities which are killed or destroyed
 CSCR_DestructibleBuildingEntityBuilding switches between undamaged/damaged/destroyed states based on damage to regions and destruction If a region is only partially damaged, its damage is stored in a map (m_RegionDamage) that stores index and damage If a region is destroyed, it is stored in a bitmask array (m_RegionMask) If the entire building is destroyed, only a single bool is set (m_bDestroyed) This ensures a minimal amount of data is stored per building to handle destruction
 CSCR_DestructibleTreeV2Encapsulates the functionality of a destructible tree entity in the world
 CSCR_DestructionBaseHandlerBase destruction handler, destruction handler types extend from this TODO: Move this to damage manager instead Ported from SCR_DestructionDamageManagerComponent
 CSCR_DestructionCommonClass containing common functions between destructible classes
 CSCR_DestructionDamageManagerComponentBase destruction component, destruction types extend from this
 CSCR_DestructionFractalComponentFractal destruction component. For objects that should shatter/splinter etc
 CSCR_DestructionHitInfoClass to temporarily store information about the last hit that caused destruction
 CSCR_DestructionMultiPhaseComponentMulti-Phase destruction component, for objects that go through several destruction states
 CSCR_DestructionTireComponentTire destruction component, for destruction and deformation of tires
 CSCR_DisableDependentAddonsDialogDialog which is used when an addon is disabled but some dependent addons depend on it
 CSCR_DoorUserActionUser action that ought to be attached to an entity with door component
 CSCR_DownloadConfirmationDialogDialog for confirming multiple downloads in workshop
 CSCR_DownloadFailDialogDialog displayed when downloading fails
 CSCR_DownloadManager_AddonDownloadLineComponent for a line which indicates addon download state in the download manager
 CSCR_DownloadManager_CircularIndicatorComponentComponent which visualizes state of download manager with the small circular indicator
 CSCR_DownloadManager_EntryHelper class to store current downloads and their attributes
 CSCR_DownloadManager_MiniDialogA mini download manager dialog
 CSCR_DownloadManager_OpenDownloadManagerComponentComponent which opens download manager when button is activated
 CSCR_DownloadManager_ProgressIndicatorComponentComponent which visualizes state of download manager: progress bar, progress text
 CSCR_DownloadManagerListComponentDownload manager list that can group download entries into various sections
 CSCR_DrainFuelUserActionAllows players to drain an entity with a fuel manager. Use with care as it might create a lot of grieving opertunity
 CSCR_DrawingPropsConfigConfiguration of drawing props
 CSCR_DSConfigScripted DS config to store server config from script
 CSCR_DSSessionCallbackCallback for easy handling of world saving and loading
 CSCR_DummyEditableEntityFilterDummy mentities manager
 CSCR_DummyTargetEntityProcedural box entity
 CSCR_DynamicSimulationEditorComponentSystem to force streaming of all editable entities to client who has opened editor
 CSCR_EasingInput value between 0 and 1, returns value adjusted by easing, no automatic clamping of input(do your own !!)
 CSCR_EditableDecalComponentComponent for managing editable decal entities
 CSCR_EditableEntityBaseChildComponentBase class for child editable entity component
 CSCR_EditableEntityBaseSlotUIComponentSlot for icons representing editable entity
 CSCR_EditableEntityComponentComponent defining editable entity
 CSCR_EditableEntityCoreCore component to manage SCR_EditableEntityComponent
 CSCR_EditableEntityStructSaved data for editable entity
 CSCR_EditableEntityUIConfigConfig which defines visual representation of editable entities based on various rules
 CSCR_EditableEntityUIRuleTrackerTracks specific SCR_EntitiesEditorUIRule
 CSCR_EditablePlayerDelegateComponentEditable entity representing a player
 CSCR_EditablePreviewEntityPreview entity created from existing editable entities
 CSCR_EditboxDialogUiConfigurable editbox dialog base
 CSCR_EditedEditableEntityFilterEntities which are currently being transformed
 CSCR_EditorActionSelectionMenuEntryA wrapper class utilized by SCR_ActionsRadialMenuEditorComponent for creating a specialized Entry (SCR_SelectionMenuEntry) class to be utilized by the Editor
 CSCR_EditorAttributeCategoryVisual description of attribute category
 CSCR_EditorAttributeStructSaved data for editor attribute
 CSCR_EditorAttributeUIInfoUIInfo used by editor attribute system
 CSCR_EditorBaseEntityBase editor entity which provides overridable functions
 CSCR_EditorCameraDefaultsComponentStarting camera positions for the editor
 CSCR_EditorCanEnterLayerActionConditionReturns true if any hovered entity has children (returns false if not hovered entity)
 CSCR_EditorContentBrowserDisplayConfigConfig that allows the editor content browser to only show specific labels and groups
 CSCR_EditorContentBrowserSaveStateDataEditor Content browser State data (Eg: Saved active filters, Search string and pagination) as well as tab UI info of content browser states
 CSCR_EditorContentBrowserSaveStateDataUIEditor Content browser State data that includes UI data for tabs
 CSCR_EditorContentBrowserSaveStateDataUIHQEditor Content browser State data that includes UI data for tabs, with specific condition for HQ
 CSCR_EditorCountOrMoreEntitiesSelectedActionConditionReturns true if count or more is selected
 CSCR_EditorFilterActionConditionReturns true if given editor entity filter is not empty
 CSCR_EditorHasLastNotificationLocationActionConditionReturns true if has last notification location and time was less then given var
 CSCR_EditorHoveredEntityIsSelectedActionConditionReturns true if a entity is hovered and that entity is selected
 CSCR_EditorImagePositionCharacterPoseDefines what anim should be used for character posiotion Defines weapon holding anim Can be faction specific
 CSCR_EditorIsStateActionConditionReturns true when editor state is the given state
 CSCR_EditorLessThenCountWaypointsActionConditionReturns true if all selected entities have less or equal to waypoint count
 CSCR_EditorLinkComponentLink which creates replicated entity
 CSCR_EditorManagerEntityThe entity which enables all editor functionality for the player
 CSCR_EditorMetaStructSaved data for editor-specific information, e.g., camera position
 CSCR_EditorModeActiveActionConditionReturns true when the editor is opened
 CSCR_EditorModeEntityEditor mode entity
 CSCR_EditorOpenedActionConditionReturns true when the editor is opened
 CSCR_EditorPersistentDataUsed to store persistent data for Editor
 CSCR_EditorPingEntityEditor ping representation
 CSCR_EditorPingInfoDisplayCommunication with game master
 CSCR_EditorSettingsEntityEditor settings to override default values in SCR_EditorManagerCore
 CSCR_EditorStructClass which carries saved data for the editor
 CSCR_EditorVONControllerComponentManages interaction with Voice Over Network IEntityComponentSource
 CSCR_EnableSpawnPointEditorAttributeAllows to enable and disable spawnpoints
 CSCR_EntitiesEditorUIRuleConfiguration of entity icons for given states
 CSCR_EntitiesManagerEditorComponentManager of editable entities in the editor
 CSCR_EntityCatalogCatalog that holds faction entity lists of a specific entity type
 CSCR_EntityCatalogEditorDataInfo for which editor modes the entity is added to
 CSCR_EntityCatalogEntryEntity Entry within the SCR_EntityCatalog
 CSCR_EntityCatalogEntryCustomInfoEntity Entry within the SCR_EntityCatalog
 CSCR_EntityCatalogEntryNonEditableEntity Entry within the SCR_EntityCatalog
 CSCR_EntityCatalogInventoryItemEntity Entry within the SCR_EntityCatalog
 CSCR_EntityCatalogLoadoutDataInfo for Player Loadout
 CSCR_EntityCatalogManagerComponentClassManager for non-faction specific entity catalogs as well as getters for faction specific catalogs
 CSCR_EntityCatalogMultiListMultilist catalog for ease of use for developers
 CSCR_EntityCatalogSpawnerDataInfo for Entity Spawner
 CSCR_EntityEditorEffectSpawned entity effect
 CSCR_EntityFactionEditorAttributeA Generic entity faction changer
 CSCR_EntityFlagsManagerPluginPlugin that allows to reset all/selected entities' desired flags to Prefab's default WARNING: can take up to serveral minutes depending on what is selected!
 CSCR_EntitySpawnerCharacterSlotComponentSpecifies slot to be used with nearby Entity Spawner Components
 CSCR_EntitySpawnerSlotComponentSpecifies slot to be used with nearby Entity Spawner Components
 CSCR_EquipClothActionModded version for to be used with the inventory 2.0
 CSCR_EquipGadgetActionModded version for to be used with the inventory 2.0
 CSCR_EquipmentStorageComponentEquipment storage are slots which are part of their parent entity but not taking up the standard cargo space, such as slot for flashlight in the form of a strap on the vest or belt
 CSCR_EquipWeaponActionEquip weapon
 CSCR_EquipWeaponAttachmentEquip weapon attachment
 CSCR_EquipWeaponHolsterActionPickup weapon to holster position, without equipping it
 CSCR_EventHandlerComponentComponent for handling common events other scripts need to listen Feel free to add any event in the list
 CSCR_ExplosiveFuzeArmingAttributeExplosive trigger attribute for manipulating the arming state
 CSCR_ExplosiveFuzeTimerAttributeExplosive trigger attribute for manipulating the time that remains until the detonation
 CSCR_ExportGeoJSONToolExports selected entity as a GeoJSON or SVG file
 CSCR_FactionCallsignDataFor each faction, holds available companies, which in turn hold available platoons, which in turn hold available squads
 CSCR_FactionCallsignInfoStores the Callsign information data for the faction
 CSCR_FactionColorDefaultsConfiguration of descriptor defaults
 CSCR_FactionRequestUIComponentComponent responsible for displaying list of available factions and handling faction assign requests Fills m_wFactionList with m_sFactionButton widgets
 CSCR_FactionUIInfoForward declaration of UIInfo Serves as a container of data to be displayed on player UI
 CSCR_FactionViewTitleCustom names for defined zones to make config setup easier
 CSCR_FactionWarningManagerEditorComponentManager of warnings of factions such as spawnpoints and Tasks
 CSCR_FadeInOutAnimatorThis class helps with managing fade in and fade out animations properly: You can call FadeIn() once and it will fade in Then it will stay for a fixed amount of time in this state Later it will start the fade out animation and stay in this state Or you can call ForceVisible(true/false) periodically and it will handle the transitions itself ! Remember to call Update() yourself ! It won't get called automatically
 CSCR_FilterCategoryClass for filter category Each category has its own name, it is an array of individual filter entries
 CSCR_FilterEntryBase class for one filter entry If you need extra functionality from it, you can inherit from this class
 CSCR_FilterEntryTitleSet filter title in config by internal name for better readability
 CSCR_FilterPanelComponentFilter panel component which is commonly found in content browser, scenarios menu, and other places
 CSCR_FilterSetConfig class for whole filter set
 CSCR_FilterSetStorageStorage of one filter set
 CSCR_FragmentEntityAn entity used to represent fragments of destructible objects such as glass shards or wood splinters
 CSCR_FriendlyEditableEntityFilterFilter entities which are friendly to player
 CSCR_FuelEditorAttributeEntity Fuel Attribute for getting and setting variables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_FuelProviderEditorAttributeShows fuel of fuel providers
 CSCR_GadgetComponentGadget base class
 CSCR_GadgetInvokersInitStateControls invoker resgistration for gadget manager
 CSCR_GameCoresManagerManager of SCR_GameCoreBase classes, operated from class Game
 CSCR_GameErrorMessageWrapper for error messages
 CSCR_GameModeEndDataSerializable end game date replicated to all users
 CSCR_GameModeHUDComponentDeathmatch HUD component. Expects to be attached onto SCR_GameModeDeathmatch entity
 CSCR_GameModeSectorControlEncapsulates the team sector control game mode functionality
 CSCR_GameOverScreenManagerComponentClassHandles the showing of end screen and has a config with gameover screens
 CSCR_GameOverTypeAttributeDynamicDescriptionA description that shows extra information for the player regarding the selected gameover type
 CSCR_GamepadRemovalUIDialog displayed when the gamepad is removed
 CSCR_GamepadScrollComponentA component with some functions related to scrolling with gamepad
 CSCR_GarbageSystemScript entry for garbage system modding
 CSCR_GeneralContextActionBase container class for general editor context actions, not related to a hovered/selected entity
 CSCR_GenerateLayoutClassPluginThis plugin generates a scripted class with variables for widgets and code to find widgets by their name
 CSCR_GenerateWindowsPrefabsToolWorkbench plugin for generation of windows & glass prefabs
 CSCR_GeneratorBaseEntitySCR_GeneratorBaseEntity responsibilities:
 CSCR_GenericBoxEntityProcedural box entity
 CSCR_GenericCameraShakeProgressThis object implements generic way of applying camera shake, but does not implement any shaking by itself
 CSCR_GenericPreviewEntityPreview entity created from existing entities
 CSCR_GetLinkedStorageChildrenThis will add all children as linked storages. Use SCR_SetLinkedStorageToParent if you know the exact storage and storage is SCR_UniversalInventoryStorageComponent
 CSCR_GetRoomsIdsOverrided GetRoomsIds class to manipulation in script
 CSCR_GlobalSCR_Global Class
 CSCR_GlobalFuelConsumptionScaleEditorAttributeAttribute to set gloval Fuel consumption scale
 CSCR_GridPropsConfigConfiguration of grid props
 CSCR_GridSpawnerEntityEach object is represented by a key on the alphanumeric keyboard (0-9 above QWERTY) Pressing that particular key will spawn a grid filled with the template / model
 CSCR_GroupButtonComponent attached to the group button
 CSCR_GroupRequestUIComponentComponent responsible for handling group requests and visualization in deploy menu
 CSCR_GroupWeaponEntryImplementation of base group for switching that can be created via passing in a list of WeaponSlotComponents When selection is set weapon is selected via the character controller component
 CSCR_HasFactionEditableEntityFilterFilter non-playable entities which have a faction defined
 CSCR_HealthEditorAttributeEntity Health Attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_HelicopterAutohoverConditionReturns true if autohover is on
 CSCR_HelicopterControllerComponentClass responsible for game helicopter
 CSCR_HelicopterWheelBrakesConditionReturns true if persistent wheel brakes are available and are enabled
 CSCR_HighlightedEditorComponentManager of current layer
 CSCR_HighlightedEditorUIComponentIs an highlighted icon which, if animated pulsates
 CSCR_HillPropsConfigConfiguration of hill props
 CSCR_HintInfoDisplayHandles SCR_HintUIComponent when using InfoDisplay and HudManager slotting
 CSCR_HitInfoClass to temporarily store information about the last hit that dealt damage
 CSCR_HitZoneGroupNameHolderHolds the name data to show which parts of the vehicle or character the player is healing
 CSCR_HorizontalScrollAnimationComponentThis component is meant for cases when content (expecially text) is too long horisontally and doesn't fit into UI
 CSCR_HostButtonComponentComponent for handling server creation action
 CSCR_HybridPhysicsComponentComponent that automatically handles switching of between static and dynamic physics of the object
 CSCR_HybridPhysicsInfoClass for storing physics setup info for SCR_HybridPhysicsComponent
 CSCR_ImageFrameAnimationComponentThis component implements animation by switching textures, like in a movie
 CSCR_IngameClockUIComponentGets the Ingame time and displays it on a UI text element
 CSCR_InputLayoutEditorComponentManage GUI for visualizing user input for accessing the editor
 CSCR_InteractionHandlerComponentThis component allows the player to interact with their environment
 CSCR_InventoryActionModded version for to be used with the inventory 2.0
 CSCR_InventoryButtonUI Script Inventory button for various UI storages operations
 CSCR_InventoryDamageInfoUIUI Script Inventory Slot UI Layout
 CSCR_InventoryInspectionUIUI Script Inventory Item Inspection UI Layout
 CSCR_InventoryItemInfoUIUI Script Inventory Slot UI Layout
 CSCR_InventoryMenuUIUI Script Inventory Menu UI Layout
 CSCR_InventoryNavigationButtonBackInteractive non-focus button showing hint, and triggering actions
 CSCR_InventorySlotGadgetUIUI Script Inventory Slot UI Layout
 CSCR_InventorySlotLBSUIUI Script Inventory Slot UI Layout
 CSCR_InventorySlotQuickSlotUIUI Script Inventory Slot UI Layout
 CSCR_InventorySlotStorageEmbeddedUIUI Script Inventory Slot UI Layout
 CSCR_InventorySlotStorageUIUI Script Inventory Slot UI Layout
 CSCR_InventorySlotUIUI Script Inventory Slot UI Layout
 CSCR_InventorySlotWeaponSlotsUIUI Script Inventory Slot UI Layout
 CSCR_InventorySlotWeaponUIUI Script Inventory Slot UI Layout
 CSCR_InventoryStorageBackpackUIUI Script Inventory Storage UI Layout
 CSCR_InventoryStorageBaseUIUI Script Inventory of type: non-uniform grid storage
 CSCR_InventoryStorageGadgetsUIUI Script Inventory Storage UI Layout
 CSCR_InventoryStorageLBSUIUI Script Inventory Storage UI Layout
 CSCR_InventoryStorageLootUIUI Script Inventory Storage UI Layout
 CSCR_InventoryStorageQuickSlotsUIUI Script Inventory slots for the Quick Bar ( Item/Weapon switching )
 CSCR_InventoryStoragesListUIUI Script Inventory Storage UI Layout - Shows the storages slots on player ( backpack, ALICE, vest, etc )
 CSCR_InventoryStorageVestUIUI Script Inventory Storage UI Layout
 CSCR_InventoryStorageWeaponsUIUI Script Inventory Storage UI Layout
 CSCR_InventoryWeaponSlotsUIUI Script Inventory Storage UI Layout - Shows the storages slots on player ( backpack, ALICE, vest, etc )
 CSCR_IsCharacterInControlConditionReturns true if character can control action and it's not obstructed by: Falling, swimming, vehicle
 CSCR_IsCharacterUsingLRRConditionReturns true if character is transmitting over long range radio
 CSCR_IsCharacterUsingRadioConditionReturns true if character is transmiting with radio
 CSCR_Joint6DOFEntitySCR_Joint6DOFEntity Class
 CSCR_JointBaseEntitySCR_JointBaseEntity Class
 CSCR_JointConeTwistEntitySCR_JointConeTwistEntity Class
 CSCR_JointDummyHolderEntitySCR_JointDummyHolderEntity Class
 CSCR_JointFixedEntitySCR_JointFixedEntity Class
 CSCR_JointHingeEntitySCR_JointHingeEntity Class
 CSCR_JointSliderEntitySCR_JointSliderEntity Class
 CSCR_JsonApiStructBase struct for use in SCR_DSSessionCallback
 CSCR_JsonApiStructHandlerScripted DS config to link all server config part together Override for all DS config part to scripted behvaior
 CSCR_KickDialogUiPresetServer kick message specific dialog
 CSCR_LayerEditableEntityFilterEntities under the current layer, or recursively under on of its child layers
 CSCR_LayersEditorComponentManager of current layer
 CSCR_LayersEditorUIComponentCreates the elements for the layer Ui menu If a Layer is selected this menu will show which layer is selected, which layers are before the selected layer and if the selected layer has any children
 CSCR_LegendPropsConfigConfiguration of legend props
 CSCR_LensFlareEditorAttributeLense flare control
 CSCR_LifetimeComponentDelete entity after given duration
 CSCR_LightningComponentInform the weather manager a lightning has been spawned. Weather Manager will handle light changes
 CSCR_ListBoxComponentListbox component which supports multi selection, custom element layouts
 CSCR_ListBoxElementComponentElement of a listbox
 CSCR_ListTooltipComponentComponent for tooltips that display a list of strings (e.g
 CSCR_LoadingOverlayDialogLoading overlay wrapped into a dialog
 CSCR_LoadingOverlayHelperComponentThis component is attached to the target widget and holds a reference to the overlay targeted at this widget
 CSCR_LoadoutRequestUIComponentComponent responsible for requesting and visualization of available loadouts in deploy menu
 CSCR_LoadoutSavingBlackListAttributeDynamicDescriptionDynamic description for SCR_LoadoutSavingBlackListEditorAttribute to show when player saved loadouts are cleared or not cleared
 CSCR_LoadoutSavingClearOnChangeEditorAttributeThis is a attribute that is never set anywhere and reset when attribute dialog is opened and used by SCR_LoadoutSavingBlackListEditorAttribute to clear player loadouts if the loadout changed
 CSCR_LoadoutStatisticsComponentClass for switching and displaying stats for different loadouts
 CSCR_LocalizedPropertyVariable that is using localized label
 CSCR_LocalizedPropertyExtendedLocalied property with extra array info
 CSCR_LocalizedPropertyTitleDisplays label and value name for variable with localization
 CSCR_LoopedPositionalSoundsHandles looped sounds such as leaves rustles, or crickets played on entities close to camera
 CSCR_MagazinePredicateSearches for magazines with certain mag well
 CSCR_MainMenuEntityClassMain menu entity
 CSCR_ManualCameraEntity for managing manual camera and its components
 CSCR_MapCompassUICompass in map UI
 CSCR_MapConfigMap config root
 CSCR_MapConfigComponentAttached to BaseGameMode, used for map config selection
 CSCR_MapCursorInfoCursor data
 CSCR_MapCursorModuleMap cursor behavior and mode setup
 CSCR_MapDescriptorDefaultsConfig for default values set per descriptor type
 CSCR_MapDescriptorVisibilityBaseDescriptor visibility config root
 CSCR_MapDrawingUITemporary drawing substitute so the protractor can be utilized properly
 CSCR_MapEditorComponentManager of editable entities which players control (i.e., their avatars)
 CSCR_MapElementMoveComponentAttach this component to a widget in a map layout to configure interactions
 CSCR_MapEntityMap entity
 CSCR_MapGadgetComponentMap gadget component
 CSCR_MapLayersBaseLayer config root
 CSCR_MapLightUIMap light effects
 CSCR_MapMarkerBaseMap marker object base class Created through SCR_MapMarkerManagerComponent API
 CSCR_MapMarkerConfigMap marker config root
 CSCR_MapMarkerDynamicWComponentAttached to root of marker dynamic base layout
 CSCR_MapMarkerEntityDynamic map marker entity base class Spawned by marker manager when creating a dynamic marker -> see marker config for customization
 CSCR_MapMarkerEntryConfigBase entry config
 CSCR_MapMarkerEntryDynamicMarker dynamic entry base
 CSCR_MapMarkerEntryDynamicExampleMarker dynamic entry example Utilizes marker system to display player positions to everyone in the session -> to see this work, configure it within MapMarkerConfig.conf
 CSCR_MapMarkerEntryImageTextBasic image & text entry
 CSCR_MapMarkerEntryMilitaryMarker military symbol entry
 CSCR_MapMarkerEntryPlacedMarker entry which can be placed through map
 CSCR_MapMarkerEntrySquadLeaderSquad leader marker entry
 CSCR_MapMarkerManagerComponentMap marker manager, keeps array of markers and takes care of synchronization Attached to GameMode entity
 CSCR_MapMarkerMenuCategoryBase category entry for marker selection menu
 CSCR_MapMarkerMenuEntryBase entry for marker selection menu
 CSCR_MapMarkerSquadLeaderDynamic map marker -> squad leader
 CSCR_MapMarkersUIMarkers UI map component
 CSCR_MapMarkerSyncComponentUsed for Client->Server RPC ask methods for spawn and removal of static version of networked markers Attached to PlayerController
 CSCR_MapMarkerWidgetComponentMap marker layout component Attached to root of marker base layout
 CSCR_MapMenuUIFullscreen map menu
 CSCR_MapModuleBaseMap module base class
 CSCR_MapPropsBaseMap props root
 CSCR_MapPropsConfigProperty type base
 CSCR_MapRadialDisplayInfo display within hud manager of player controller
 CSCR_MapRadialUI2D map radial menu UI
 CSCR_MapRTWBaseUIBase map UI component for map tools which are using RenderTargetWidget to display
 CSCR_MapToolEntryMap tool menu entry data class
 CSCR_MapToolInteractionUIComponent for interacting with map tools
 CSCR_MapToolMenuUIMap tool menu
 CSCR_MarkerColorEntryPlaced marker color entry
 CSCR_MarkerIconCategoryPlaced marker icon category
 CSCR_MarkerIconEntryPlaced marker icon entry
 CSCR_MarkerMilitaryDimensionMarker military dimension
 CSCR_MarkerMilitaryFactionEntryClass container which holds faction specific predefined marker entries
 CSCR_MarkerMilitaryTypeMarker military type
 CSCR_MarkerSimpleConfigPlaced marker color entry
 CSCR_Math2DSCR_Math2D Class
 CSCR_Math3DContains various scripted 3D math functions
 CSCR_MedicalItemsCountConditionReturns true if count of medical items matches the condition
 CSCR_MenuActionPresetConfiguration for an action
 CSCR_MenuOverlaysEditorComponentManager of menu overlays
 CSCR_MenuToolsLibClass for centralized features that should simplify using menus from script
 CSCR_MessageDialogContentStore message dialog content
 CSCR_MirrorLinkStorageToParentThis will try and find it's parent and add itself as a linked storage to the SCR_UniversalInventoryStorageComponent of parent and will link the parent to itself This means if either storages is opened it will also open the linked storage
 CSCR_MissionStructBase struct for use in SCR_MissionStruct
 CSCR_ModesEditorAttributeModes and Budget attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_ModHandlerLibSCR_ModHandlerLib Class
 CSCR_ModularButtonComponentModular button implements all logic of a button
 CSCR_MultipleStatesButtonComponentMultiple states button
 CSCR_MuzzleTypeConditionReturns true if current muzzle's type matches specified type
 CSCR_NameTagCollectorBaseBase class for nametag entity data collection
 CSCR_NameTagCollectorGroupGroup nametag collector
 CSCR_NameTagConfigNametag zone config root
 CSCR_NametagConfigComponentAttached to BaseGameMode, used for nametag config selection
 CSCR_NameTagDataNametag data
 CSCR_NameTagDisplayNametag UI Attached to SCR_HUDManagerComponent which is a component of SCR_PlayerController
 CSCR_NameTagElementTitleCustom names nametag element config
 CSCR_NameTagRulesetBaseBase class for nametag visiblity ruleset - single tag displayed continuously
 CSCR_NameTagStateTitleCustom names for nametag entity states
 CSCR_NameTagZoneNametag zone config setup
 CSCR_NameTagZoneTitleCustom names for defined zones to make config setup easier
 CSCR_NavigationBarUIUI Script Inventory navigation bar handler
 CSCR_NoisyCameraShakeProgressThis object implements a pseudorandom camera shake
 CSCR_NonArsenalItemCostCatalogDataBase Used for items and attachments which should not be shown in the arsenal but should have a cost to them so any weapon in arsenal with that attachment will get a supply cost increase as well as being able to sell the item in the arsenal
 CSCR_NotEnoughStorageDialogThere is not enough storage on your hard drive. The space required is at least %1
 CSCR_NotificationAproxNumberNotification aprox number Displays a specific text if the given number is between given min and max SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 to m_iParam6 number to return the string in the m_aApproxDisplayContainers that passes the approx text
 CSCR_NotificationCharacterNameNotification to get character names Displays a notification: %1 FirstName, %2 Alias, %3 Surname, %4 formatting SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = editibleEntityID
 CSCR_NotificationDataSaves data related to the notification system
 CSCR_NotificationDisplayColorClass that saves the color data for specific ENotificationColor enums for the notification system
 CSCR_NotificationDisplayDataUsed to get the display information for each notification
 CSCR_NotificationEditableEntityNotification Editable Entity Display info Displays a notification: %1 = EditableEntity name SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = editibleEntityID
 CSCR_NotificationEditableEntityAndNumberNotification Player and number Displays a notification: %1 = Editable Entity name, %2 = given int converted to float devided by m_iNumberDivider SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = editibleEntityID SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam2 = number
 CSCR_NotificationEditableEntityEditableEntityTargetNotification Editable Entity with target Editable Entity Display info Displays a notification: %1 = EditableEntity name, %2 = target EditableEntity name SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = editibleEntityID, m_iParam2 = TargetEditibleEntityID Can be used for AI (m_iParam1) Killing other AI (m_iParam2)
 CSCR_NotificationEditableEntityTargetPlayerNotification Editable Entity with target Editable Entity Display info Displays a notification: %1 = EditableEntity name, %2 = target EditableEntity name SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = editibleEntityID, m_iParam2 = targetPlayerID Can be used for AI (m_iParam1) killing player Character (m_iParam2)
 CSCR_NotificationEntityCallsignNotification Entity (group or character) callsign Displays a notification: %1 = Formated Callsign of entity SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = rplId to get callsign of (Can be the same or diffrent from player)
 CSCR_NotificationFactionNotification Faction Displays a notification: %1 = PlayerID name SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) requests something Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) dies (ENotificationSetPositionData = AUTO_SET_POSITION_ONCE) Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) pings at position(ENotificationSetPositionData = NEVER_AUTO_SET_POSITION, SCR_NotificationData.SetPosition() to ping location)
 CSCR_NotificationGroupNameNotification Custom group name Displays a notification: %1 = Custom Group name (Will fall back to callsign if not group name assigned) SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = Group ID
 CSCR_NotificationInventoryItemNameNotification which allows for displaying the name of an inventory item Displays a notification: %1 = item name SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = itemRplId
 CSCR_NotificationKillfeedreceiveTypeNameClass to get Killfeed receive type name
 CSCR_NotificationKillfeedTypeNameClass to get Killfeed type name
 CSCR_NotificationNumberNotification nr Displays a notification: %1 = given int converted to float devided by SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 to m_iParam2 number to show in notification The m_iNumberDivider allows for floats as this system only works with ints
 CSCR_NotificationOnKillfeedChangedNotification Player Displays a notification: %1 = PlayerID name Displays a notification: %2 = Killfeed type or Killfeed receive type SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam2 = EKillFeedType or EKillFeedReceiveType SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam3 = bool If Kill Feed Receive type then true else it is the Killfeed type
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerNotification Player Displays a notification: %1 = PlayerID name SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) requests something Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) dies (ENotificationSetPositionData = AUTO_SET_POSITION_ONCE) Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) pings at position(ENotificationSetPositionData = NEVER_AUTO_SET_POSITION, SCR_NotificationData.SetPosition() to ping location)
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerAndAproxNumberNotification Player name and aprox number Displays a specific text if the given number is between given min and max SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerId, m_iParam2 to m_iParam6 number to return the string in the m_aApproxDisplayContainers that passes the approx text
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerAndEntityCallsignNotification Player and entity (group or character) callsign Displays a notification: %1 = PlayerID name, %2 = Formated Callsign of entity SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID, m_iParam2 = rplId to get callsign of (Can be the same or diffrent from player)
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerAndFactionNotification Player and Faction of that player Displays a notification: %1 = PlayerID name, %2 = Faction Name of assigned faction SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) joined faction 'factionName'
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerAndGroupNameNotification Player and group name Displays a notification: %1 = PlayerID name, %2 = Custom Group name (Will fall back to callsign if not group name assigned) SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID, m_iParam2 = Group ID
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerAndLocationNotification Player, distance and location Displays a notification: %1 = PlayerID name, %2 = distance SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam2 = distance
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerAndNumberNotification Player and number Displays a notification: %1 = PlayerID name, %2 = given int converted to float devided by m_iNumberDivider SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam2 = Number Can be used for: GM (m_iParam1) set respawn time to (m_iParam2)
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerBannedNotification Player banned Displays a notification: %1 = PlayerID name, %2 = days, %3 = hours, %4 = minutes, %5 = seconds SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID, m_iParam2 = duration
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerBuildServiceNotification Player when the service is build
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerKickedNotification Player kicked or banned SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID, m_iParam2 = kick reason, m_iParam3 = duration
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerTargetEditableEntityNotification Player with target Editable Entity Display info Displays a notification: %1 = Player name, %2 = EditableEntity name SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID, m_iParam2 = editibleEntityID Can also be used for Player pinging a target entity (m_iParam1 pinging playerID, m_iParam2 = target entityID)
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerTargetFactionNotification Player with target Faction that is seperate from player Displays a notification: %1 = Player name, %2 = faction name SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID, m_iParam2 = FactionIndex Sets the position to player ID if enabled
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerTargetPlayerNotification Player to Player target Displays a notification: %1 = PlayerID name, %2 targetPlayerID SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID, m_iParam2 = targetPlayerID Can be used for: GM (m_iParam1) gives player (m_iParam2) photomode rights
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerTargetTwoEditableEntityNotification Player with target Editable Entity Display info Displays a notification: %1 = Player name, %2 = First EditableEntity name, %3 = Second EditableEntity name SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID, m_iParam2 = firstEditibleEntityID, m_iParam3 = secondEditibleEntityID Will set notification target position to first enity only
 CSCR_NotificationPlayerTargetTwoFactionsNotification Player with target two Factions that are seperate from player Displays a notification: %1 = Player name, %2 = First faction name, %3 = Second faction name SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID, m_iParam2 = firstFactionIndex, m_iParam3 = secondFactionIndex Sets the position to player ID if enabled
 CSCR_NotificationRankNotification Rank Displays a notification: %1 = Player rank SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = player rank Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) requests something
 CSCR_NotificationsComponentFramework for sending notifications to players
 CSCR_NotificationsLogComponentNotification UI that displays the Notification Entires Holds general functions such as scroll history and Init SCR_NotificationEntityUIComponent Holds general data such as Notification Color
 CSCR_NotificationSupportStationHitZoneGroupUsed to display which hitzone groups are healed when using support station Param1: userRpl ID of who healed/Repaired, param2: EVehicleHitZoneGroup or ECharacterHitZoneGroup, param3: percentage or other number, set int.MIN to ignore!
 CSCR_NotificationWeatherChangedNotification Player Displays a notification: %1 = PlayerID name SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) requests something Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) dies (ENotificationSetPositionData = AUTO_SET_POSITION_ONCE) Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) pings at position(ENotificationSetPositionData = NEVER_AUTO_SET_POSITION, SCR_NotificationData.SetPosition() to ping location)
 CSCR_NotificationWindChangedNotification Player Displays a notification: %1 = PlayerID name SCR_NotificationData: m_iParam1 = PlayerID Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) requests something Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) dies (ENotificationSetPositionData = AUTO_SET_POSITION_ONCE) Can be used for: Player (m_iParam1) pings at position(ENotificationSetPositionData = NEVER_AUTO_SET_POSITION, SCR_NotificationData.SetPosition() to ping location)
 CSCR_NTElementBaseNametag zone element base class, not for setup
 CSCR_NTIconBaseBase zone element widget for icons/images
 CSCR_NTIconStateZone element for state icon
 CSCR_NTNameNametag element for name text
 CSCR_NTStateConfigBaseNametag element state config
 CSCR_NTStateIconNametag icon element state config
 CSCR_NTStateTextNametag text element state config
 CSCR_NTTextBaseBase nametag element for text
 CSCR_NTTextDebugNametag element for distance debug text
 CSCR_ObjectPositionalInsectsHandles looped ambient effects around specific entities
 CSCR_ObstacleDetectorObstacle detector class used for example by SCR_GeneratorBaseEntity and ObjectBrushTool Refreshing Obstacles grabs all the possible obstacles HasObstacle checks depending on Avoid* settings Refreshing Obstacles -then- setting AvoidX is possible as first all obstacles are stored then used or not in the detection
 CSCR_OnFocusUIComponentDeprecated component - for this functionality, use eventHandlerComponent If focused will send out event
 CSCR_OpenStorageActionModded version for to be used with the inventory 2.0
 CSCR_ORConditionChecks all sub conditions and returns true if at least one condition returns true, false otherwise
 CSCR_OverridableUIInfoUI info class with setter functions
 CSCR_OverrideCharacterMedicalEditorAttributeMedical attribute if it should override certain medical values
 CSCR_ParticleEditorEffectParticle UI effect
 CSCR_PhysicsHelperSCR_Physics Class
 CSCR_PickUpItemActionModded version for to be used with the inventory 2.0
 CSCR_PingEditorComponentPlayer <> Game Master communication
 CSCR_PlaceableEntitiesMetaMeta header representing placeable entity
 CSCR_PlaceableEntitiesRegistryList of entities that will be available for placing in the content browser
 CSCR_PlaceableEntitiesRegistryFromCatalogAllows Content browser to take entities from the catalog
 CSCR_PlayableFactionKillingAttributeDynamicDescriptionDynamic description for SCR_PlayableFactionEditorAttribute and SCR_PlayableFactionsEditorAttribute to show how many players are killed
 CSCR_PlayerBudgetAIEditorAttributeModes and Budget attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_PlayerBudgetPropEditorAttributeModes and Budget attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_PlayerBudgetSystemEditorAttributeModes and Budget attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_PlayerBudgetVehicleEditorAttributeModes and Budget attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_PlayerCallsignDataCallsign Info
 CSCR_PlayerCommandingMenuActionsSetupCommanding menus config to setup different menus to different keybinds
 CSCR_PlayerCommandingMenuBaseElementCommanding menu base element class
 CSCR_PlayerCommandingMenuCategoryElementCommanding menu base element class
 CSCR_PlayerCommandingMenuCommandCommanding menu commanding element class
 CSCR_PlayerCommandingMenuConfigCommanding menu config root
 CSCR_PlayerCommandsConfigCommands config root
 CSCR_PlayerDelegateEditorComponentManager of player delegate - entity representing the player (works even when controlled entity doesn't exist, e.g., when player is waiting for respawn)
 CSCR_PlayerDeployMenuHandlerComponentComponent responsible for deploy menu management
 CSCR_PlayerFactionAffiliationComponentThis component should be attached to a PlayerController
 CSCR_PlayerLoadoutComponentThis component should be attached to a PlayerController
 CSCR_PlayerScoreInfoFiringRangeHolds scoring data of players
 CSCR_PlayersManagerEditorComponentManager of editable entities which players control (i.e., their avatars)
 CSCR_PlayerXPHandlerComponentTakes care of player-specific XP handling Should be hooked on PlayerController
 CSCR_PooledServerListComponentPooled scrollable list with server entries handling
 CSCR_PopUpNotificationTakes care of dynamic and static onscreen popups
 CSCR_PositionalAmbientLeafParticlesHandles insects that are supposed to be spawned trees
 CSCR_PositionalGenericInsectHandles insects that are supposed to be spawned around selected prefabs defined in prefab names array
 CSCR_PositionalInsectTypeBase class that handles different insects based on their type
 CSCR_PositionalLightSourceInsectHandles insects that are supposed to be spawned around light sources defined in prefab names array
 CSCR_PostGameGameModeStateComponentGame mode component that handles the post-game period
 CSCR_PostProcessCameraComponentPost-process effect of scripted camera
 CSCR_PowerlineGeneratorEntityNEW SLOT SYSTEM:
 CSCR_PowerlinePropsConfigConfiguration of powerline props
 CSCR_PowerlineTypePropsConfiguration of visibility in layers per descriptor type
 CSCR_PowerlineViewTitleCustom names for defined zones to make config setup easier
 CSCR_PrefabCategoryPrefab to be spawned by SCR_PrefabsSpawnerManager
 CSCR_PrefabDataPredicateSearches for items with same prefab data (prefer this to prefab name if you have prefab data already)
 CSCR_PrefabNamePredicateSearches for items with same prefab name
 CSCR_PrefabPreviewEntityPreview entity created from entity prefab
 CSCR_PrefabsCacheEditorComponentCache of editable entity prefabs and their ancestors
 CSCR_PrefabsCategoryCategories of prefabs and/or nested categories of prefabs
 CSCR_PrefabSpawnPointPrefab Spawn Point Entity defines position where prefab can be spawned
 CSCR_PrefabsSpawnerBase class for Prefabs Spawning
 CSCR_PrefabsSpawnerManagerManager for spawning prefabs in the mission
 CSCR_PreGameGameModeStateComponentGame mode component that handles the pre-game period
 CSCR_PreviewEntityAn entity used for previews
 CSCR_PreviewEntityEditorComponentManager of 'ghost' preview shown while transforming or placing
 CSCR_ProfaneFilterHandles filtering profanities in texts
 CSCR_ProgressBarColorsUIComponentComponent to color progress bar based on its value
 CSCR_QuickslotBaseContainerSCR_QuickslotBaseContainer is intended to be used for quickslots, to allow quickslotting of non-item and custom things
 CSCR_RadialMenuRadial menu class specifing behavior and interaction for circular interface Can distrubute and select entries in set angle in distace Can be interacted with mouse or gamepad thumbsticks
 CSCR_RadialMenuActiveActionConditionReturns true if VoN UI is active
 CSCR_RadialMenuControllerClass created for quick application of radial menu into components It finds global menu, holds controller settings and data required for menu
 CSCR_RadialMenuDisplayRadial menu class for handling HUD part of menu
 CSCR_RadialMenuInputsConfigurable radial menu inputs extending controls specifically for radial interface
 CSCR_RadialMenuNumberHintComponentComponent for visual behavior of radil menu number hint Can display current slot number and change color
 CSCR_RadialMenuPairContainer or SCR_RadialMenu, keeps entry and widget pair Both widget and entry can be null Value type should most likely inherit from any Widget class
 CSCR_RadialMenuSegmentComponentRadial menu segment handling visualization
 CSCR_RadialMenuTypeActiveActionConditionReturns true if VoN UI is active
 CSCR_RadialMenuWidgetPairListWrapper around list of radial menu pairs (entry, widget) to provide easy way of handling entry-widget linking in the radial menu ValueType should inherit from Widget EntryType should inherit from BaseSelectionMenuEntry
 CSCR_RadioProcAnimCtxRadio procedural animation context
 CSCR_RandomPositionalInsectsSpawns Insect particles around camera based on define behaviour
 CSCR_RandomPositionalSoundsSpawns sounds arround camera based on define behaviour Basic building blocks are: SCR_SoundGroup defines a group of sounds
 CSCR_RecoilCameraShakeProgressThis object allows advancing and simulating individual camera shake(s)
 CSCR_ReconnectComponentTakes care of managing player reconnects in case of involuntary disconnect Authority-only component attached to gamemode prefab
 CSCR_ReconnectDataData class for reconnecting players
 CSCR_ReconnectSynchronizationComponentSynchronises reconnect state in order to create a client side informational dialog Attached to SCR_PlayerController prefab
 CSCR_RefPreviewEntityReference entity used to position edited entities according to preview
 CSCR_ReportedAddonsDialogShow list of reported mods and provide option to cancel reports
 CSCR_ResourceComponentComponent used to activate the sandbox resources functionality on an entity
 CSCR_ResourceComponentClassComponent class with the container configuration on it in order to avoid duplication of data in the container prefabs and the entity catalogs for the container-to-container interaction
 CSCR_ResourceContainerStoreActionTODO MARIO: Rework this class to work with multiple containers!!
 CSCR_RespawnComponentDummy communicator for RespawnSystem
 CSCR_RespawnEnabledEditorAttributeRespawn attribute to enable/disable respawn and respawn time, for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_RespawnSystemComponentScripted implementation that handles spawning and respawning of players
 CSCR_RespawnTimeEditorAttributeRespawn attribute to enable/disable respawn and respawn time, for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_RespawnTimerComponentMust be attached to a GameMode
 CSCR_RestrictedDeployableSpawnPointBasically SCR_SpawnPoint with the ability to limit respawn amount
 CSCR_RestrictedDeployableSpawnPointComponentDeployable spawn point with configurable conditions
 CSCR_RestrictionZoneWarningInfoClass that holds RestrictionZone Warning UIInfos
 CSCR_RoadPropsConfigConfiguration of road props
 CSCR_RoadTypePropsConfiguration of visibility in layers per descriptor type
 CSCR_RoadViewTitleCustom names for defined zones to make config setup easier
 CSCR_RoleSelectionMenuRole selection menu for setting up player faction, group and loadout
 CSCR_RoomCallbackScripted room callback specific for single room
 CSCR_RoomModsManagerThis class will take care of handling all room mods & dependencies Receiveing, sorting, downloading
 CSCR_RoomPasswordVerificationSolve joining to password protected room
 CSCR_SaveLoadComponentGame mode-specific settings for session saving
 CSCR_SaveManagerCoreManager of external session save files
 CSCR_ScenarioBackendImageComponentSame as SCR_BackendImageComponent, but implements default image based on scenario
 CSCR_ScenarioDialogsClasses for Scenario dialogs
 CSCR_ScenarioFrameworkAreaClass is managing the area including the Slots (prefab
 CSCR_ScenarioFrameworkConversionPlugin_Phase1This plugin converts old scenarios using Scenario Framework from 1.0.0 to the new 1.1.0 format
 CSCR_ScenarioFrameworkConversionPlugin_Phase2This plugin converts old scenarios using Scenario Framework from 1.0.0 to the new 1.1.0 format
 CSCR_ScenarioSourcesStores scenario with scenario source
 CSCR_ScoreInfoHolds data used in game mode score system
 CSCR_ScoringSystemComponentThis component implements logic of handling certain score limits
 CSCR_ScriptedUserActionA scripted action class having optional logic to check if vehicle is valid
 CSCR_ScriptedWidgetTooltipPresetConfiguration for a Tooltip
 CSCR_ScriptedWidgetTooltipPresetsClass for a .conf file with multiple Tooltip presets
 CSCR_ScrollBarComponentScripte WLib scroll bar Can be controlled indivualy and be used for multiple purporse
 CSCR_SelectableButtonComponentSelectable button
 CSCR_SelectedEntitiesContainsTypeActionComponentReturns true if any selected entities is a group
 CSCR_SelectedEntitiesContextActionBase container class for editor context actions which apply to selected entities
 CSCR_SelectionMenuScripted base for selection menu used in HUD
 CSCR_SelectionMenuCategoryEntryScripted selection menu category, that can contain multiple entries
 CSCR_SelectionMenuControllerInputsConfigurable menu controls for controlling entity This controls are defined at controlling entity - e.g
 CSCR_SelectionMenuDataConfigurable selection menu entries list
 CSCR_SelectionMenuDisplayRadial menu class for handling HUD part of menu
 CSCR_SelectionMenuEntryScripted selection menu entry based on UI info for storing data into SCR_SelectionMenu
 CSCR_SelectionMenuEntryComponentBase widget component for selection menu entries Handles mainly mouse interaction with the entry layout
 CSCR_SelectionMenuInputsConfigurable selection menu inputs for separating menu controls actions
 CSCR_SelectionMenuPreviewAttributesCustom seletion menu preview class for indentification Goal is to specify fov and setup icon size
 CSCR_ServerBrowserDialogManagerClass for handling server browser dialogs
 CSCR_ServerBrowserEntryComponentThis component handles server entry and visiualization of server data
 CSCR_ServerConfigListComponentScript component for handling server config editing UI
 CSCR_ServerDetailsDialogDetails with mod list to display all server mods
 CSCR_ServerHostingSettingsSubMenuWrapper sub menu clas for server hosting setting tab
 CSCR_ServerJoinDownloadsConfirmationDialogDialog to cancel downloads during to server joining
 CSCR_SessionDurationUIComponentDisplays current session duration of the gamemode
 CSCR_SetLinkedStorageToParentThis will try and find it's parent and add itself as a linked storage to the SCR_UniversalInventoryStorageComponent of parent
 CSCR_ShapeAnalyserThe Shape Analyser provides "points" (Rays/Transforms) with absolute position and vectorDir (vectorUp is not filled) if the shape is closed, the first point is added as the last point FOR THE POLYLINE ONLY (the engine already does it for the spline)
 CSCR_ShowHideInEditorComponentClassUsed to hide Entities that are not editable entities but should still listen to the Editor functionality
 CSCR_SHPPrefabDataListSee it as an array<Tuple2<int, ResourceName>> id = SHP ID ResourceName = corresponding prefab
 CSCR_SimpleEntryComponentSimple entry for display nointeractive items with left and right text
 CSCR_SimpleEntryListDialogDialog displaying list of names
 CSCR_SiteSlotEntityA slot is a suggested area for placing entities and compositions
 CSCR_SlotServiceComponentService with basic slot handling functionalities
 CSCR_SlotUIComponentScripted slot configuration
 CSCR_SnapYPositionEditorAttributeAn local attribute that dictates if position that is set is snapped to ground
 CSCR_SortElementComponentSort element must be placed on a widget inside a sort header
 CSCR_SortHeaderComponentSort header manages multiple sort element components
 CSCR_SoundEditorEffectSound UI effect
 CSCR_SoundManagerEntitySCR_SoundManagerEntity is created for playing simple one-shot sounds without need of SoundComponent on given entity
 CSCR_SpawnAreaSpawn area is a trigger entity that provides callback and API in regards to enemy characters entering and/or leaving the area
 CSCR_SpawnAtPlayersEditorAttributeRespawn attribute to enable/disable respawn and respawn time, for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_SpawnDataThe most basic payload that can be derived and sent via SCR_SpawnRequestComponent to be handled by SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent on the authority
 CSCR_SpawnerRequestComponentUsed for handling entity spawning requests for SCR_CatalogEntitySpawnerComponent and inherited classes, attached to SCR_PlayerController
 CSCR_SpawnerSlotManagerClass used for managing changes and removals of slots present in world
 CSCR_SpawnerVariantDataVariant Spawnder prefab data
 CSCR_SpawnHandlerComponentSCR_SpawnRequestComponent <-> SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent
 CSCR_SpawnLockComponentThis components allows to lock SCR_SpawnRequestComponent(s) from issuing any more requests until the issued one has been processed by the authority and a response has been received
 CSCR_SpawnPointSpawn point entity defines positions on which players can possibly spawn
 CSCR_SpawnRequestComponentSCR_SpawnRequestComponent <-> SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent
 CSCR_SpinningWidgetAnimationTemplated animation which can be applied to different widget types. Not all widgets support SetRotation
 CSCR_SpinningWidgetAnimationAbstractAbstract class of a spinning animation
 CSCR_SpinningWidgetComponentSpins the widget at constant speed when enabled
 CSCR_StartScenarioWhileDownloadingDialogDialog which is shown when user wants to start a scenario while there are still downloads in progress
 CSCR_StatesEditorComponentManager of unique editor states
 CSCR_SuperMenuComponentHandles tab menus
 CSCR_SystemClockUIComponentGets the System time of the player's pc and displays it on an UI text element
 CSCR_TabDialogClass for tab dialogs, relies on a SCR_SuperMenuComponent placed on content layout root widget Do your tab related stuff in a child of SCR_SuperMenuComponent! Leave this for calling necessary events on it, and for global menu necessities
 CSCR_TaskAssignmentDataUsed for caching task assignments
 CSCR_TaskNetworkComponentTakes care of tasks-specific server <> client communication and requests
 CSCR_TerrainDefConfigArray has to have the same size as ESoundType count
 CSCR_TerrainMeshEntityMiniature terrain mesh
 CSCR_TimeAdvancementEditorAttributeWeather attribute if it should enable/disable day Advancement
 CSCR_TimePresetsEditorAttributeDaytime Attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_ToolbarContextBrowserBuildingUIComponentLoad a proper config file for player faction and open an asset browser
 CSCR_TransformingEditorComponentManager of basic entity transformation in all axes, e.g., translation or rotation
 CSCR_UIDescriptionClass used to hold UI name and description
 CSCR_UIEditorEffectEditor UI effect
 CSCR_UIInfoClass used to hold UI information
 CSCR_UINameClass used to hold UI name
 CSCR_UINotificationInfoUIInfo used by the Notifications system
 CSCR_UniversalInventoryStorageComponentCurrent storage variant allows dynamic scaling of slots and handles Move/Insert/Remove operations it will accept any entity for insertion and will remove/add it's visibility flag when inserted/removed from storage
 CSCR_ValueAttributeDynamicDescriptionShows dynamic description if value meets the condition
 CSCR_VehicleAltitudeAGLConditionReturns true if current vehicle speed matches the condition
 CSCR_VehicleBrakeConditionReturns true if vehicle's brakes are at least at specified threshold
 CSCR_VehicleCameraAimpointDefines a curve that represents different translations at different vehicle speeds
 CSCR_VehicleCameraAlignmentEnables vehicle camera automatic default-direction alignment
 CSCR_VehicleClutchConditionReturns true if vehicle's clutch is at least at specified threshold
 CSCR_VehicleControllerTypeConditionReturns true if character is in a vehicle
 CSCR_VehicleDrivingAssistanceConditionReturns true if character is in a vehicle
 CSCR_VehicleEngineOnConditionReturns true if current vehicle engine is on
 CSCR_VehicleFuelConditionReturns true if current vehicle fuel volume matches the condition
 CSCR_VehicleGearConditionReturns true if character is in a vehicle
 CSCR_VehicleHasAnyGroundContactConditionReturns true if vehicle is colliding with ground
 CSCR_VehicleLightsConditionReturns true if current vehicle lights are enabled
 CSCR_VehiclePersistentBrakeEngagedConditionReturns true if character is in a vehicle
 CSCR_VehicleSpeedConditionReturns true if current vehicle speed matches the condition
 CSCR_VehicleThrottleConditionReturns true if vehicle's throttle is over specified threshold
 CSCR_VehicleTurboConditionSet minmum time to more than zero to track temporary turbo only, set it to -1 to track persistent turbo only
 CSCR_VehicleWeaponAmmoConditionReturns true if ammo of current vehicle weapon matches the condition
 CSCR_VersionMismatchTooltipComponentComponent to handle version mismatch tooltips
 CSCR_VONControllerScripted VON input and control, attached to SCR_PlayerController
 CSCR_VonDisplayVON display of active outgoing and incoming transmissions
 CSCR_VONEntryVoice over network entry data class, used for management of communication methods
 CSCR_VONEntryRadioVONEntry class for radio entries
 CSCR_VONMenuActiveActionConditionReturns true if VON Menu is active
 CSCR_VONPreviewAttributesRender widget preview attributes for VON menu
 CSCR_VONRadialDisplayInfo display within hud manager of player controller
 CSCR_VotingBaseBase class for voting types
 CSCR_VotingElectionElection of specific type
 CSCR_VotingReferendumReferendum about specific outcome
 CSCR_WallGeneratorPointWall Generator point metadata that is being operated on with the generator after the data gets extracted from raw polyline/spline data
 CSCR_WallGroupCollection of wall pair data objects into a single wall group
 CSCR_WallGroupContainerData container that holds the individual wall asset related information
 CSCR_WaterBodyPropsConfigConfiguration of water body props
 CSCR_WaveRespawnTimerComponentMust be attached to a GameMode
 CSCR_WaypointSetThis will remain here for a while until we switch all the waypoints to the SCR_ScenarioFrameworkWaypointSet
 CSCR_WeaponAmmoCountConditionReturns true if ammo of current weapon matches the condition
 CSCR_WeaponBipodConditionReturns true if weapon has loaded magazine
 CSCR_WeaponFiremodeCountConditionReturns true if current weapon's number of firemodes matches current condition
 CSCR_WeaponHasMagazineConditionReturns true if weapon has loaded magazine
 CSCR_WeaponLibSCR_WeaponLib Class
 CSCR_WeaponMagazineCountConditionReturns true if the count of additional magazines in character's inventory matches current condition
 CSCR_WeatherInstantEditorAttributeWeather Attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_WeatherInstantTransitionTimeEditorAttributeRespawn attribute to enable/disable respawn and respawn time, for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_WelcomeScreenBaseContentBase class for screen contents
 CSCR_WelcomeScreenComponentWelcome screen component intended to be added to the GameMode
 CSCR_WelcomeScreenDynamicObjectivesContentClass handling mission objectives that are dynamically created during the mission
 CSCR_WelcomeScreenDynamicTaskFactionClass that holds information about dynamic tasks assigned to faction
 CSCR_WelcomeScreenFactionContentClass handling Factions that are present in the game
 CSCR_WelcomeScreenFocusWidgetComponentClass that handles focusing of widgets for the Welcome and Debriefing screens
 CSCR_WelcomeScreenIntroductionClass that holds information about Introduction
 CSCR_WelcomeScreenIntroductionContentClass handling introduction content
 CSCR_WelcomeScreenMenuClass that handles Welcome screen menu
 CSCR_WelcomeScreenMissionObjectivesClass that holds information about mission objective
 CSCR_WelcomeScreenMissionObjectivesContentClass handling mission objectives content
 CSCR_WelcomeScreenThreeHorizontalColumnsClass handling layout for ThreeHorizontalColumns
 CSCR_WidgetEditFormatClasses for handling limits of configurable widget entries
 CSCR_WidgetEditFormatIPFormat for ip
 CSCR_WidgetEditFormatNameFormat for name with specific messages and variable limitations
 CSCR_WidgetEditFormatNumberRangeIs string of count
 CSCR_WidgetEditFormatRangeIs string of count
 CSCR_WidgetExportRuleThis class provides extra rules for the "Generate class from layout" plugin (check GenerateLayoutClassPlugin.c) \
 CSCR_WidgetExportRuleRoot! This export rule helps you store export parameters for this file which do not change between exports
 CSCR_WidgetListEntryConfigurable class for widget
 CSCR_WidgetListEntryCheckBoxConfigurable widget list entry for boolean values - yes/no
 CSCR_WidgetListEntryCustomTitleClasses used for simply configurable widget from and to config files
 CSCR_WidgetListEntryEditBoxConfigurable widget list entry for various value that can be typed - numbers, strings, references
 CSCR_WidgetListEntryEditBoxIPIP specific entry
 CSCR_WidgetListEntryLabelConfigurable widget list entry for list label
 CSCR_WidgetListEntrySelectionConfigurable widget list entry list selection
 CSCR_WidgetListEntrySliderConfigurable widget list entry for slider with ranged values
 CSCR_WidgetListEntrySpinBoxConfigurable widget list entry selection specific for spinbox
 CSCR_WindAutomaticEditorAttributeWeather attribute if it should override certain weather values
 CSCR_WindCurveDefConfigArray has to have the same size as EWindCurve count
 CSCR_WindDirectionEditorAttributeWind direction Attribute for getting and setting varriables in Editor Attribute window
 CSCR_WindOverrideEditorAttributeWeather attribute if it should override certain weather values
 CSCR_WLibComponentBaseBase class for all final Reforger interactive elements
 CSCR_WLibProgressBarComponentMinimalist progress bar
 CSCR_WorkbenchSearchResourcesCallbackArrayGeneral Workbench functions
 CSCR_WorkshopAddonPresetPreset of addons
 CSCR_WorkshopAddonPresetAddonMetaMeta data of one addon
 CSCR_WorkshopDownloadSequenceExtended download sequence for workshop downloading Instead of just dependencies main m_Item is used for downloading single item
 CSCR_WorkshopItemActionAddAuthorBlockAction for blocking author
 CSCR_WorkshopItemActionCancelReportAction for canceling report of an item
 CSCR_WorkshopItemActionCompositeComposite action which includes multiple subactions
 CSCR_WorkshopItemActionDownloadDependenciesLatestAction for downloading latest dependencies. Doesn't download this addon, but only downloads dependencies
 CSCR_WorkshopItemActionRemoveAuthorBlockAction for removing author mod content blocking
 CSCR_WorkshopItemActionReportAction for reporting an item
 CSCR_WorkshopItemActionReportBaseAction for reporting an item
 CSCR_WorkshopItemBackendImageComponentSame as SCR_BackendImageComponent, but implements default image based on tag of Workshop Item
 CSCR_WorldEntityDelegateEditorComponentManager of world entity representation
 CSCR_WorldMapExportToolExports data of the current map based on selected type
 CSCR_WorldSetupPlugin_GenericWorldEntityThis Plugin is experimental because it directly writes in the layer file, expecting a certain directory structure and file format
 CSCR_XPRewardInfoConfig template for XP rewards
 CScriptedSignalUserActionThis action will take care of the synchronization of the signal value
 CServerBrowserCallbackBase server browser callback
 CServerFilterEntryChild button data class
 CServerFilterGroupClass for grouping filter
 CSightsFOVInfoSights FOV info is a declare object that defines individual sights magnification levels and their properties
 CTimeAndWeatherManagerEntityManager entity responsible for managing in-game time and weather, providing the script and gamecode with usable in-game API
 CTimeContainerSimple container holding in-game time data in hours, minutes, seconds format
 CTransmissionDataData class for transmissions
 CUIInfoUIInfo - declare object, allows to define UI elements
 CUserActionContextObject that can be placed in ActionsManagerComponent to define a contextual collection of BaseUserActions
 CVehicleControllerComponentClass responsible for base game vehicle
 CVehicleDustVehicle dust per wheel data;
 CVoNComponentComponent responsible for recording and playback of voice over network
 CWallWeightPairProperties exposed in the wall generator property grid after adding a new wall length group
 CWeaponAimModifierContextObject that is passed into AimModifier(s) to influence their behavior by providing situational context
 CWeaponUIInfoForward declaration of UIInfo Serves as a container of data to be displayed on player UI
 CZeroingGeneratedDataTemporary dummy container for generated data